Unauthorized Recording Policy

Unauthorized Recording Policy

The unauthorized recording, including surreptitious recording, of attendees in University classes, including SIPA classes, is prohibited.

Recording Classes Subject to Restrictions: Faculty members may record class, lectures, recitations, review sessions and other course content after providing notice to students in advance (for example, by notice on the syllabus, on CourseWorks, or at the first class). Students may not record class or other course content, such as lectures, recitations, discussions, presentations, critiques, performances, or office hours, whether in-person or via phone, videoconference or other modality, without advance written permission from the instructor or, in the case of a request for a reasonable accommodation for a disability, from Disability Services. If permission is granted, the recording must not be shared beyond the class members without the written consent of all attendees who were recorded. Recordings that include the voice, image, or other identifying characteristic of any student(s) may not be shared outside the course by either the instructor(s) or student(s) without the written consent of the recorded student(s) prior to any dissemination.

Prohibition on Surreptitious Recordings: Attendees at University classes may not make surreptitious recordings under any circumstances, including in-person or via phone, videoconference or other modality. Certain federal, state and local laws may also prohibit such recordings. When recording is authorized, recording devices may only be used in an overt and conspicuous manner so that it is readily apparent to all attendees that a recording is being made.

Policy Violations: Violations of this policy may be referred, as appropriate, to Dean’s Discipline through Standards and Disciplinee. Notwithstanding any language to the contrary, it is not a violation of this policy for an attendee to make a recording in class where the attendee believes they are recording conduct that violates another University policy for the sole purpose of reporting that conduct to the appropriate University office and the recording is not further disseminated by the attendee.

Go here for the University’s Policy: https://universitypolicies.columbia.edu/content/unauthorized-recording-policy.