Electrical Engineering

1300 S. W. Mudd, MC 4712

Contemporary is a broad discipline that encompasses a wide range of activities. A common theme is the use of electrical and electromagnetic signals for the generation, transmission, processing, storage, conversion, and control of information and energy. An equally important aspect is the human interface and the role of individuals as the sources and recipients of information. The rates at which information is transmitted today range from megabits per second to gigabits per second and in some cases, as high as terabits per second. The range of frequencies over which these processes are studied extends from direct current (i.e., zero frequency), to microwave and optical frequencies.

The need for increasingly faster and more sophisticated methods of handling information poses a major challenge to the electrical engineer. New materials, devices, systems, and network concepts are needed to build the advanced communications and information handling systems of the future. Innovations in electrical engineering have had a dramatic impact on the way in which we work and live: the transistor, integrated circuits, computers, radio and television, satellite transmission systems, lasers, fiber optic transmission systems, and medical electronics.

The faculty of the Electrical Engineering Department at Columbia University is dedicated to the continued development of further innovations through its program of academic instruction and research. Our undergraduate program in electrical engineering is designed to prepare students for a career in industry, research, or business by providing them with a thorough foundation of the fundamental concepts and analytical tools of contemporary electrical engineering. A wide range of elective courses permits the student to emphasize specific disciplines such as communications, devices, circuits, or signal processing.

Undergraduates have an opportunity to learn firsthand about current research activities by participating in a program of undergraduate research projects with the faculty.

A master’s level program in electrical engineering permits graduate students to further specialize their knowledge and skills within a wide range of disciplines. For those who are interested in pursuing a career in teaching, research, or advanced development, our Ph.D. program offers the opportunity to conduct research under faculty supervision at the leading edge of technology and applied science. Seminars are offered in all research areas.

The Electrical Engineering Department, along with the Computer Science Department, also offers B.S. and M.S. programs in computer engineering. Details on those programs can be found in the Computer Engineering section in this bulletin.

Research Activities

The research interests of the faculty encompass a number of rapidly growing areas, vital to the development of future technology, that will affect almost every aspect of society: signals, information, and data; networking and communications; nanoscale structures nd integrated solid-state devices; nanoelectronics and nanophotonics; integrated circuits and systems; systems biology; neuroengineering; and smart electric energy. Details on all of these areas can be found at ee.columbia.edu/research.

The Signals, Information and Data area concerns the representation, processing, analysis, and communication of information embedded in signals and datasets arising in a wide range of application areas, including audio, video, images, communications, and biology. Research interests include the development of models, algorithms and analyses for sensing, detection and estimation, statistical and machine learning, and the recognition, organization, and understanding of the information content of signals and data.

The Networking and Communications area focuses on the design and performance evaluation of communication systems and data networks of all kinds, including wireless/cellular, optical, ultra-low power, vehicular, mobile, wearable, data center networks, cyber physical systems, and the internet. Methods range from analyzing and refining existing approaches to the development of new and evolving networking techniques and systems.

The Systems Biology and Neuroengineering area aims to understand and analyze biological systems within the living cell and in the brain. Examples of related tasks are biomolecular data analysis for medical applications, synthetic biology, establishing the principles of neuroinformation processing in the brain for developing robust sensory processing and motor control algorithms, accelerating the clinical translation of devices that make contact with neurons, and building massively parallel brain-computer interfaces.

The Integrated Circuits and Systems area focuses on the integration of circuits and systems on semiconductor platforms. Research spans the analysis, design, simulation, and validation of analog, mixed-mode, (sub) mm-wave, RF, power, and digital circuits, and their applications from computation and sensing to cyber-physical and implantable biomedical systems.

The area of Nanoscale Structures and Integrated Devices applies fundamental physical principles to develop revolutionary new electronic, photonic, and optical devices made from conventional and emerging materials, including graphene, 2D semiconductors, and organic semiconductors. Research includes nanofabrication, characterization, and electromagnetic design of quantum device structures and complex silicon photonic circuits that impact numerous fields from Lidar and optogenetics to low-energy computation and flexible electronics.

The smart electric energy area focuses on the optimization of the generation, conversion, distribution, and consumption of electric energy as well as the electrification of energy systems. Research spans the analysis, design, and control of power electronics, motor drive, and energy storage systems, grid resilience and security, and Internet-of-Things. Applications include transportation electrification, smart grid, renewable energy, and smart building systems.

Laboratory Facilities

Current research activities are fully supported by more than a dozen well-equipped research laboratories run by the department faculty. In addition, faculty and students have access to a clean room for micro- and nanofabrication, a materials-characterization facility, and an electron-microscopy facility, managed by the Columbia Nano Initiative. Faculty laboratories include Digital Video and Multimedia Networking Laboratory, Wireless and Mobile Networking Laboratory, Network Algorithms Laboratory, Genomic Information Systems Laboratory, Structure-Function Imaging Laboratory, Neural Acoustic Processing Laboratory, Signal Processing and Communication Laboratory, Translational Neuroelectronics Laboratory, Bionet Laboratory, Molecular Beam Epitaxy Laboratory, Surface Analysis Laboratory, Laboratory for Unconventional Electronics, Advanced Semiconductor Device Laboratory, Motor Drives and Power Electronics Laboratory, Intelligent and Connected Systems Laboratory, Columbia Integrated Systems Laboratory (CISL), Analog & RF IC Design Laboratory, VLSI Design Laboratory, High Speed and mmWave IC Laboratory, Analog and Mixed Signal IC Laboratory, Bioelectronics Laboratory, Lightwave Laboratory, and Nano Photonics Laboratory.

Laboratory instruction is provided in a suite of newly-renovated facilities on the twelfth floor of the S. W. Mudd Building. These teaching laboratories are used for circuit prototyping, device measurement, VLSI design, embedded systems design, as well as computer engineering and Internet-of-Things experiments.


Gil Zussman

Vice Chair


Director of Finance and Administration

1303 S. W. Mudd


Dimitris Anastassiou
Keren Bergman
Shih-Fu Chang
Alexander Gaeta, Applied Physics and Materials Science
Predrag Jelenkovic
Peter Kinget
Harish Krishnaswamy
Ioannis (John) Kymissis
Aurel A. Lazar
Michal Lipson
Paul Sajda, Biomedical Engineering
Henning G. Schulzrinne, Computer Science
Kenneth L. Shepard
Yannis P. Tsividis
Wen I. Wang
Xiaodang Wang
Charles A. Zukowski
Gil Zussman

Associate Professors

Javad Ghaderi Dehkordi
Christine P. Hendon
Xiaofan Fred Jiang
Ethan Katz-Bassett
Nima Mesgarani
John W. Paisley
Matthias Preindl
Mingoo Seok
John N. Wright

Assistant Professors

James Anderson
Asaf Cidon
Savannah Eisner
Micah Isaac Goldblum
Tanvir Ahmed Khan

Professor of Professional Practice

Zoran Kostic
Xiang Meng

Senior Lecturer

David Vallancourt

Adjunct Professors

Alexei Ashikhmin
Yves Baeyens
Silverio Bolognani
Doru Calin
Timothy Dickson
Hubertus Franke
Jin Hui
Irving Kalet
Ching-yung Lin
Jacob Sharony
Sindhu Suresh
Deepak Turaga
Anwar Walid
Thomas Woo
Xin Zhang

Adjunct Associate Professors

Ilija Hadzic
Tanbir Haque
Chong Li
Michael Adebayo Omidiora
Damian Sciano
Jacob Trevino
Tai-Hsien Ou Yang

Adjunct Assistant Professors

Guido Jajamovich
Mohamed K. Kamaludeen
Emily Naviasky
Chonggang Wang

Senior Research Scientists

Debasis Mitra
Alan E. Willner

Associate Research Scientists

Jose Bahamode
Jason Fabri
Andreas Hartel
Bjoern Hellenkamp
Nusrat Jahan
Yaaqoub Malallah
Ilke Uguz

Postdoctoral Research Scientists

Moitreya Adhikary
Nikita Batra
Rajinder Deol
Onuralp Karatum
Simon Khuvis
Taeju Lee
Seunghyun Moon
Sourabh Pal
Jaehan Park
Hyung Joon Shim
Mehmet Turkcan
Guoyi Xu
Heyu Yin
Mingyang Zhou
Hassan Zivari Fard

Staff Associates

Tiffany B. Nguyen
Ding Tong
Zixi Wang

Course Descriptions


Lect: 3.

Prerequisites: (BMEB W4020) or (BMEE E4030) or (ECBM E4090) or (EECS E4750) or (COMS W4771) or BMEB W4020 OR BMEE E4030 OR ECBM E4090 OR EECS E4750 OR COMS W4771; or equivalent.
Developing features - internal representations of the world, artificial neural networks, classifying handwritten digits with logistics regression, feedforward deep networks, back propagation in multilayer perceptrons, regularization of deep or distributed models, optimization for training deep models, convolutional neural networks, recurrent and recursive neural networks, deep learning in speech and object recognition

Fall 2024: ECBM E4040
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
ECBM 4040 001/11297 F 10:10am - 12:40pm
207 Mathematics Building
Zoran Kostic 3.00 114/152
Spring 2025: ECBM E4040
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
ECBM 4040 001/13609 T Th 10:10am - 11:25am
Cin Alfred Lerner Hall
Micah Goldblum 3.00 80/80


Lect: 3.

Introduction to computational biology with emphasis on genomic data science tools and methodologies for analyzing data, such as genomic sequences, gene expression measurements and the presence of mutations. Applications of machine learning and exploratory data analysis for predicting drug response and disease progression. Latest technologies related to genomic information, such as single-cell sequencing and CRISPR, and the contributions of genomic data science to the drug development process

Fall 2024: ECBM E4060
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
ECBM 4060 001/11298 M 7:00pm - 9:30pm
602 Hamilton Hall
Tai-Hsien Ou Yang 3.00 40/80

ECBM E4070 Computing with Brain Circuits of Model Organisms. 3.00 points.

Prerequisites: BIOL W3004 AND ELEN E3801; and Python programming experience, or instructor's permission.
Building the functional map of the fruit fly brain. Molecular transduction and spatio-temporal encoding in the early visual system. Predictive coding in the Drosophila retina. Canonical circuits in motion detection. Canonical navigation circuits in the central complex. Molecular transduction and combinatorial encoding in the early olfactory system. Predictive coding in the antennal lobe. The functional role of the mushroom body and the lateral horn. Canonical circuits for associative learning and innate memory. Projects in Python


Lect: 2. Lab: 3.

Prerequisites: (ELEN E3801) ELEN E3801
Hands-on experience with basic neural interface technologies. Recording EEG (electroencephalogram) signals using data acquisition systems (non-invasive, scalp recordings). Real-time analysis and monitoring of brain responses. Analysis of intention and perception of external visual and audio signals

Fall 2024: ECBM E4090
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
ECBM 4090 001/11299 T 10:10am - 12:40pm
1205 Seeley W. Mudd Building
Nima Mesgarani 3.00 21/21
ECBM 4090 002/21335 Th 3:00pm - 5:40pm
1205 Seeley W. Mudd Building
Nima Mesgarani 3.00 19/21


ECBM E6040 NEUR NET & DEEP LEAR RSRCH. 3.00 points.

Lect: 3.

Prerequisites: (ECBM E4040) or ECBM E4040; or equivalent.
Regularized autoencoders, sparse coding and predictive sparse decomposition, denoising autoencoders, representation learning, manifold perspective on representation learning, structured probabilistic models for deep learning, Monte Carlo methods, training and evaluating models with intractable partition functions, restricted Boltzmann machines, approximate inference, deep belief networks, deep learning in speech and object recognition

ECBM E6070 TPC NEUROSCI & DEEP LEARN. 3.00 points.

Lect: 2. Not offered during 2023-2024 academic year.

Prerequisites: Instructor's permission.
Selected advanced topics in neuroscience and deep learning. Content varies from year to year, and different topics rotate through the course numbers 6070 to 6079


Lect: 3.Not offered during 2023-2024 academic year.

Prerequisites: (BMEB W4020) BMEB W4020; or instructor's permission.
Formal methods in computational neuroscience including methods of signal processing, communications theory, information theory, systems and control, system identification and machine learning. Molecular models of transduction pathways. Robust adaptation and integral feedback. Stimulus representation and groups. Stochastic and dynamical systems models of spike generation. Neural diversity and ensemble encoding. Time encoding machines and neural codes. Stimulus recovery with time decoding machines. MIMO models of neural computation. Synaptic plasticity and learning algorithms. Major project(s) in MATLAB


Lect: 2.

Prerequisites: Instructor's permission.
Selected advanced topics in computational neuroscience and neuroengineering. Content varies from year to year, and different topics rotate through the course numbers 6090-6099


Lect: 2.

Prerequisites: Instructor's permission.
Selected advanced topics in computational neuroscience and neuroengineering. Content varies from year to year, and different topics rotate through the course numbers 6090-6099. Topic: Devices and Analysis for Neural Circuits


Not offered during 2023-2024 academic year.

Prerequisites: Instructor's permission.
Selected advanced topics in computational neuroscience and neuroengineering. Content varies from year to year, and different topics rotate through the course numbers 6090 to 6099


Selected advanced topics in computational neuroscience and neuroengineering. Content varies from year to year, and different topics rotate through the course numbers 6090 to 6099


Selected advanced topics in computational neuroscience and neuroengineering. Content varies from year to year, and different topics rotate through the course numbers 6090 to 6099


Prerequisites: Instructor's permission.
Selected advanced topics in computational neuroscience and neuroengineering. Content varies from year to year, and different topics rotate through the course numbers 6090 to 6099


Selected advanced topics in computational neuroscience and neuroengineering. Content varies from year to year, and different topics rotate through the course numbers 6090 to 6099


Selected advanced topics in computational neuroscience and neuroengineering. Content varies from year to year, and different topics rotate through the course numbers 6090 to 6099


Selected advanced topics in computational neuroscience and neuroengineering. Content varies from year to year, and different topics rotate through the course numbers 6090 to 6099


Lect: 2.

Prerequisites: Instructor's permission.
Selected advanced topics in computational neurscience and neuroengineering. Content varies from year to year, and different topics rotate through the course numbers 6090-6099


Lect: 3.

Prerequisites: (BMEB W4020) or Open to doctoral candidates and qualified M.S. candidates with instructor’s permission.
Study of recent developments in computational neuroscience and neuroengineering


Lect: 3.

Prerequisites: Recommended preparation: ELEN E3106, ELEN E3331, and CSEE W3827.
Design and analysis of high speed logic and memory. Digital CMOS and BiCMOS device modeling. Integrated circuit fabrication and layout. Interconnect and parasitic elements. Static and dynamic techniques. Worst-case design. Heat removal and I/O. Yield and circuit reliability. Logic gates, pass logic, latches, PLAs, ROMs, RAMs, receivers, drivers, repeaters, sense amplifiers

Fall 2024: EECS E4321
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
EECS 4321 001/11300 T Th 1:10pm - 2:25pm
428 Pupin Laboratories
Kenneth Shepard 3.00 101/140

EECS W4340 Computer hardware design. 3 points.

Lect: 2. Lab: 3.

Prerequisites: (ELEN E3331) and (CSEE W3827)

Practical aspects of computer hardware design through the implementation, simulation, and prototyping of a PDP-8 processor. High-level and assembly languages, I/O, interrupts, datapath and control design, piplelining, busses, memory architecture. Programmable logic and hardware prototyping with FPGAs. Fundamentals of VHDL for register-transfer level design. Testing and validation of hardware. Hands-on use of industry CAD tools for simulation and synthesis.


Lect: 2.

Prerequisites: (ELEN E3331) and (CSEE W3827) CSEE W3827 AND ELEN E3331
Practical aspects of computer hardware design through the implementation, simulation, and prototyping of a PDP-8 processor. High-level and assembly languages, I/O, interrupts, datapath and control design, pipelining, busses, memory architecture. Programmable logic and hardware prototyping with FPGAs. Fundamentals of VHDL for register-transfer level design. Testing and validation of hardware. Hands-on use of industry CAD tools for simulation and synthesis

EECS E4750 Heterogeneous Computing for Signal and Data Processing. 3.00 points.

Lect: 2. Lab: 3.

Prerequisites: (ELEN E3801) and (COMS W3134) or ELEN E3801 AND COMS W3134
Methods for deploying signal and data processing algorithms on contemporary general purpose graphics processing units (GPGPUs) and heterogeneous computing infrastructures. Using programming languages such as OpenCL and CUDA for computational speedup in audio, image and video processing and computational data analysis. Significant design project

Fall 2024: EECS E4750
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
EECS 4750 001/11301 Th 1:10pm - 3:40pm
829 Seeley W. Mudd Building
Zoran Kostic 3.00 39/40

EECS E4764 IoT - INTELLIG & CONNECTED SYS. 3.00 points.

Prerequisites: Knowledge of programming or instructor's permission. Suggested preparation: ELEN E4703, CSEE W4119, CSEE W4840, or related courses.
Cyber-physical systems and Internet of Things. Various sensors and actuators, communication with devices through serial protocols and buses, embedded hardware, wired and wireless networks, embedded platforms such as Arduino and smartphones, web services on end devices and in the cloud, visualization and analytics on sensor data, end-to-end IoT applications. Group projects to create working CPS/IoT system

Fall 2024: EECS E4764
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
EECS 4764 001/11302 M W 2:40pm - 3:55pm
326 Uris Hall
Xiaofan Jiang 3.00 58/69

EECS E6321 Advanced digital electronic circuits. 4.5 points.

Lect: 3.

Prerequisites: (EECS E4321) EECS E4321

Advanced topics in the design of digital integrated circuits. Clocked and non-clocked combinational logic styles. Timing circuits: latches and flip-flops, phase-locked loops, delay-locked loops. SRAM and DRAM memory circuits. Modeling and analysis of on-chip interconnect. Power distribution and power-supply noise. Clocking, timing, and synchronization issues. Circuits for chip-to-chip electrical communication. Advanced technology issues that affect circuit design. The class may include a team circuit design project.


Lect: 2.Not offered during 2023-2024 academic year.

Prerequisites: Instructor's permission.
Selected advanced topics in data-driven analysis and computation. Content varies from year to year, and different topics rotate through the course numbers 6690 to 6699

Fall 2024: EECS E6690
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
EECS 6690 001/11303 T 4:10pm - 6:40pm
633 Seeley W. Mudd Building
Predrag Jelenkovic 3.00 26/70


Prerequisites: Instructor's permission.
Selected advanced topics in data-driven analysis and computation. Content varies from year to year, and different topics rotate through the course numbers 6690 to 6699

Spring 2025: EECS E6691
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
EECS 6691 001/13693 W 10:10am - 12:40pm
420 Pupin Laboratories
Zoran Kostic 3.00 30/50


Prerequisites: Instructor's permission.
Selected advanced topics in data-driven analysis and computation. Content varies from year to year, and different topics rotate through the course numbers 6690 to 6699

Spring 2025: EECS E6692
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
EECS 6692 001/13694 W 1:10pm - 3:40pm
507 Hamilton Hall
Zoran Kostic 3.00 0/25


Prerequisites: Instructor's permission.
Selected advanced topics in data-driven analysis and computation. Content varies from year to year, and different topics rotate through the course numbers 6690 to 6699

Fall 2024: EECS E6693
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
EECS 6693 001/11304 M 1:10pm - 3:40pm
627 Seeley W. Mudd Building
Matthew Ziegler 3.00 13/50


Prerequisites: Instructor's permission.
Selected advanced topics in data-driven analysis and computation. Content varies from year to year, and different topics rotate through the course numbers 6690 to 6699

Fall 2024: EECS E6694
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
EECS 6694 001/17696 M W 10:10am - 11:25am
214 Pupin Laboratories
Micah Goldblum 3.00 40/42


Selected advanced topics in data-driven analysis and computation. Content varies from year to year, and different topics rotate through the course numbers 6690 to 6699


Selected advanced topics in data-driven analysis and computation. Content varies from year to year, and different topics rotate through the course numbers 6690 to 6699


Selected advanced topics in data-driven analysis and computation. Content varies from year to year, and different topics rotate through the course numbers 6690 to 6699


Selected advanced topics in data-driven analysis and computation. Content varies from year to year, and different topics rotate through the course numbers 6690 to 6699


Prerequisites: Instructor's permission.
Selected advanced topics in data-driven analysis and computation. Content varies from year to year, and different topics rotate through the course numbers 6690 to 6699

Spring 2025: EECS E6699
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
EECS 6699 001/17204 T 4:10pm - 6:40pm
209 Havemeyer Hall
Predrag Jelenkovic 3.00 78/90


Lect: 3.

Prerequisites: Basic calculus, linear algebra, probability, and programming.
Basic statistics and machine learning strongly recommended. Bayesian approaches to machine learning. Topics include mixed-membership models, latent factor models, Bayesian nonparametric methods, probit classification, hidden Markov models, Gaussian mixture models, model learning with mean-field variational inference, scalable inference for Big Data. Applications include image processing, topic modeling, collaborative filtering and recommendation systems


EECS E6765 IoT - SYS &PHY DATA ANALYTICS. 3.00 points.

Lect: 3.

Prerequisites: (ELEN E4703) or (CSEE W4119) or ELEN E4703 OR CSEE W4119; or equivalent, or instructor's permission; knowledge of programming.
Internet of Things from the point of view of data. Methods for data analytics to understand tradeoffs and partitioning between cloud-based data-analytics and physical-device data-analytics. Two-way interaction between data and physical devices to support a truly ubiquitous, networked and autonomous cyber-physical ecosystem. System-focused design of architectures, algorithms, networks, protocols, communications, power, security and standards. Focus on a significant design project


Lect: 3.

Prerequisites: Basic probability and statistics.
Theory and practice of contemporary automatic speech recognition. Gaussian mixture distributions, hidden Markov models, pronunciation modeling, decision trees, finite-state transducers, and language modeling. Selected advanced topics will be covered in more depth

EECS E6890 Topics in information processing. 3 points.

Lect.: 2.

Advanced topics spanning Electrical Engineering and Computer Science such as speech processing and recognition, image and multimedia content analysis, and other areas drawing on signal processing, information theory, machine learning, pattern recognition, and related topics. Content varies from year to year, and different topics rotate through the course numbers 6890 to 6899. 


Advanced topics spanning electrical engineering and computer science such as speech processing and recognition, image and multimedia content analysis, and other areas drawing on signal processing, information theory, machine learning, pattern recognition, and related topics. Content varies from year to year, and different topics rotate through the course numbers 6890 to 6899

Fall 2024: EECS E6891
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
EECS 6891 001/11312 M 1:10pm - 3:40pm
227 Seeley W. Mudd Building
Hubertus Franke 3.00 5/45
Spring 2025: EECS E6891
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
EECS 6891 001/13695 M 1:10pm - 3:40pm
227 Seeley W. Mudd Building
Hubertus Franke 3.00 11/45


Advanced topics spanning electrical engineering and computer science such as speech processing and recognition, image and multimedia content analysis, and other areas drawing on signal processing, information theory, machine learning, pattern recognition, and related topics. Content varies from year to year, and different topics rotate through the course numbers 6890 to 6899

Spring 2025: EECS E6892
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
EECS 6892 001/13696 T 1:10pm - 3:40pm
141 Uris Hall
Javad Ghaderi 3.00 51/65
EECS 6892 V01/18842  
Javad Ghaderi 3.00 4/5


Advanced topics spanning electrical engineering and computer science such as speech processing and recognition, image and multimedia content analysis, and other areas drawing on signal processing, information theory, machine learning, pattern recognition, and related topics. Content varies from year to year, and different topics rotate through the course numbers 6890 to 6899. Topic: Big Data Analytics

Fall 2024: EECS E6893
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
EECS 6893 001/11305 F 7:00pm - 9:30pm
833 Seeley W. Mudd Building
Ching-yung Lin 3.00 68/150
EECS 6893 V01/17553  
Ching-yung Lin 3.00 3/99


Advanced topics spanning electrical engineering and computer science such as speech processing and recognition, image and multimedia content analysis, and other areas drawing on signal processing, information theory, machine learning, pattern recognition, and related topics. Content varies from year to year, and different topics rotate through the course numbers 6890 to 6899

Fall 2024: EECS E6894
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
EECS 6894 001/13771 T Th 8:40am - 9:55am
141 Uris Hall
Tanvir Ahmed Khan 3.00 30/60


Advanced topics spanning Electrical Engineering and Computer Science such as speech processing and recognition, image and multimedia content analysis, and other areas drawing on signal processing, information theory, machine learning, pattern recognition, and related topics. Content varies from year to year, and different topics rotate through the course numbers 6890 to 6899. Topic: Advanced Big Data Analytics

Spring 2025: EECS E6895
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
EECS 6895 001/17205 T 7:00pm - 9:30pm
303 Uris Hall
Ching-yung Lin 3.00 59/60


Advanced topics spanning electrical engineering and computer science such as speech processing and recognition, image and multimedia content analysis, and other areas drawing on signal processing, information theory, machine learning, pattern recognition, and related topics. Content varies from year to year, and different topics rotate through the course numbers 6890 to 6899. Topic: Quantum Computing and Communication

Fall 2024: EECS E6896
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
EECS 6896 001/11306 M 4:10pm - 6:40pm
420 Pupin Laboratories
Alexei Ashikhmin 3.00 14/50

EECS E6897 Topics in Information Processing. 3.00 points.

Advanced topics spanning electrical engineering and computer science such as speech processing and recognition, image and multimedia content analysis, and other areas drawing on signal processing, information theory, machine learning, pattern recognition, and related topics. Content varies from year to year, and different topics rotate through the course numbers 6890 to 6899


Advanced topics spanning electrical engineering and computer science such as speech processing and recognition, image and multimedia content analysis, and other areas drawing on signal processing, information theory, machine learning, pattern recognition, and related topics. Content varies from year to year, and different topics rotate through the course numbers 6890 to 6899

EECS E6899 Topics-Information Processing. 3.00 points.

Advanced topics spanning electrical engineering and computer science such as speech processing and recognition, image and multimedia content analysis, and other areas drawing on signal processing, information theory, machine learning, pattern recognition, and related topics. Content varies from year to year, and different topics rotate through the course numbers 6890 to 6899

EECS E9601 Seminar in Data-Driven Analysis and Computation. 3.00 points.

Lect.: 2.Not offered during 2023-2024 academic year.

Prerequisites: Open to doctoral candidates and qualified M.S. candidates with the instructor's permission.
Advanced topics and recent developments in mathematical techniques and computational tools for data science and engineering problems


Lect: 3.

Prerequisites: (MATH UN2030) MATH V2030
Analysis and design of feedback control systems. Transfer functions; block diagrams; proportional, rate, and integral controllers; hardware, implementation. Routh stability criterion, root locus, Bode and Nyquist plots, compensation techniques

Spring 2025: EEME E3601
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
EEME 3601 001/13876 T 4:10pm - 6:40pm
413 Kent Hall
Homayoon Beigi 3.00 75/75


Lect: 3.

Prerequisites: (EEME E3601) or (ELEN E3201) EEME E3601 OR ELEN E3201
Real-time control using digital computers. Solving scalar and state-space difference equations. Discrete equivalents of continuous systems fed by holds. Z-transer functions. Creating closed-loop difference equation models by Z-transform and state variable approaches. The Nyquist frequency and sample rate selection. Classical and modern based digital control laws. Digital system identification

Spring 2025: EEME E4601
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
EEME 4601 001/17179 W 4:10pm - 6:40pm
1127 Seeley W. Mudd Building
Homayoon Beigi 3.00 27/50
EEME 4601 V01/18124  
Homayoon Beigi 3.00 1/99


Lect: 3.

Prerequisites: (MATH UN2030) MATH V2030
A graduate-level introduction to classical and modern feedback control that does not presume an undergraduate background in control. Scalar and matrix differential equation models and solutions in terms of state transition matrices. Transfer functions and transfer function matrices, block diagram manipulations, closed loop response. Proportional, rate, and integral controllers, and compensators. Design by root locus and frequency response. Controllability and observability. Luenberger observers, pole placement, and linear-quadratic cost controllers

Fall 2024: EEME E6601
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
EEME 6601 001/13779 Th 7:00pm - 9:30pm
833 Seeley W. Mudd Building
Nicolas Chbat 3.00 89/150
EEME 6601 V01/19367  
Nicolas Chbat 3.00 7/99


Lect: 3.Not offered during 2023-2024 academic year.

Prerequisites: (EEME E6601) or (EEME E4601) or (ELEN E6201) or EEME E6601 or EEME E4601 or ELEN E6201, or the instructor's permission.

Singular value decomposition. ARX model and state space model system identification. Recursive least squares filters and Kalman filters. LQR, H∞, linear robust control, predictive control, adaptive control. Liapunov and Popov stability. Nonlinear adaptive control, nonlinear robust control, sliding mode control.

Spring 2025: EEME E6602
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
EEME 6602 001/17538 T Th 10:10am - 11:25am
310 Fayerweather
James Anderson 3.00 34/80
EEME 6602 V01/18915  
James Anderson 3.00 4/99


Lect: 3.Not offered during 2023-2024 academic year.

Prerequisites: (EEME E6601) and (EEME E4601) or EEME E4601 AND EEME E6601; EEME E6601 and EEME E4601 or instructor’s permission.
May be taken more than once, since the content changes from year to year, electing different topics from control theory such as learning and repetitive control, adaptive control, system identification, Kalman filtering, etc

Fall 2024: EEME E8601
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
EEME 8601 001/14009 Th 4:10pm - 6:40pm
233 Seeley W. Mudd Building
Ilija Hadzic 3.00 7/40


Lect: 3.

Prerequisites: (ELEN E3801) or ELEN E3801; or instructor's permission.
Theory of convex optimization; numerical algorithms; applications in circuits, communications, control, signal processing and power systems


Lect: 2.5.

Prerequisites: (IEOR E6613) and (EEOR E4650) EEOR E4650 AND IEOR E6613
Convex sets and functions, and operations preserving convexity. Convex optimization problems. Convex duality. Applications of convex optimization problems ranging from signal processing and information theory to revenue management. Convex optimization in Banach spaces. Algorithms for solving constrained convex optimization problems

Spring 2025: EEOR E6616
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
EEOR 6616 001/14593 F 10:10am - 12:40pm
627 Seeley W. Mudd Building
Cedric Josz 3.00 35/40


CC/GS: Partial Fulfillment of Science Requirement
Lect: 3.

An introduction to information transmission and storage, including technological issues. Binary numbers; elementary computer logic; digital speech and image coding; basics of compact disks, telephones, modems, faxes, UPC bar codes, and the World Wide Web. Projects include implementing simple digital logic systems and Web pages. Intended primarily for students outside the School of Engineering and Applied Science. The only prerequisite is a working knowledge of elementary algebra

Fall 2024: ELEN E1101
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
ELEN 1101 001/11260 T Th 11:40am - 12:55pm
833 Seeley W. Mudd Building
David Vallancourt 3.00 14/120


Lect: 3. Lab:1.

Prerequisites: (MATH UN1101) MATH V1101
Basic concepts of electrical engineering. Exploration of selected topics and their application. Electrical variables, circuit laws, nonlinear and linear elements, ideal and real sources, transducers, operational amplifiers in simple circuits, external behavior of diodes and transistors, first order RC and RL circuits. Digital representation of a signal, digital logic gates, flipflops. A lab is an integral part of the course. Required of electrical engineering and computer engineering majors

Fall 2024: ELEN E1201
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
ELEN 1201 001/11262 T Th 4:10pm - 5:25pm
207 Mathematics Building
David Vallancourt 3.50 99/120
Spring 2025: ELEN E1201
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
ELEN 1201 001/13594 M W 4:10pm - 5:25pm
402 Chandler
David Vallancourt 3.50 120/120



Lect: 1. Lab: 6.

Prerequisites: (ELEN E3106) and (ELEN E3401) ELEN E3106 AND ELEN E3401
Optical electronics and communications. Microwave circuits. Physical electronics

Fall 2024: ELEN E3043
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
ELEN 3043 001/15005 W 4:10pm - 6:40pm
1205 Seeley W. Mudd Building
Wen Wang 3.00 28/50

ELEN E3044 DESIGN LABORATORY. 3.00 points.


Lab: 3.

Prerequisites: (ELEN E1201) or ELEN E1201; ELEN E3201; or equivalent.
Corequisites: ELEN E3201
Companion lab course for ELEN E3201. Experiments cover such topics as: use of measurement instruments; HSPICE simulation; basic network theorems; linearization of nonlinear circuits using negative feedback; op-amp circuits; integrators; second order RLC circuits. The lab generally meets on alternate weeks

Fall 2024: ELEN E3081
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
ELEN 3081 001/19003 M 2:40pm - 5:10pm
1206 Seeley W. Mudd Building
Jose Bahamonde 1.00 24/24
ELEN 3081 002/14038 Th 10:10am - 12:40pm
1206 Seeley W. Mudd Building
Jose Bahamonde 1.00 20/24
ELEN 3081 003/14039 F 10:10am - 12:40pm
1206 Seeley W. Mudd Building
Jose Bahamonde 1.00 26/24
ELEN 3081 004/21234 F 8:00am - 10:30am
1206 Seeley W. Mudd Building
Jose Bahamonde 1.00 5/24


Lab: 3.

Prerequisites: CSEE W3827; Recommended preparation: ELEN E1201 or equivalent.
Corequisites: CSEE W3827
Companion lab course for CSEE W3827. Experiments cover such topics as logic gates; flip-flops; shift registers; counters; combinational logic circuits; sequential logic circuits; programmable logic devices. The lab generally meets on alternate weeks

Spring 2025: ELEN E3082
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
ELEN 3082 001/13790 M 4:10pm - 6:40pm
1205 Seeley W. Mudd Building
Kenneth Shepard 1.00 32/32
ELEN 3082 002/13824 T 4:10pm - 6:40pm
1205 Seeley W. Mudd Building
Kenneth Shepard 1.00 32/32
ELEN 3082 003/13838 F 1:10pm - 3:40pm
1205 Seeley W. Mudd Building
Kenneth Shepard 1.00 22/32


Lab: 3.

Prerequisites: (ELEN E3081) ELEN E3081; ELEN E3331
Corequisites: ELEN E3331
Companion lab course for ELEN E3331. Experiments cover such topics as macromodeling of nonidealities of opamps using SPICE; Schmitt triggers and astable multivibrations using op-amps and diodes; logic inverters and amplifiers using bipolar junction transistors; logic inverters and ring oscillators using MOSFETs; filter design using opamps. The lab generally meets on alternate weeks

Spring 2025: ELEN E3083
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
ELEN 3083 001/13791 M 4:10pm - 6:40pm
1205 Seeley W. Mudd Building
David Vallancourt 1.00 25/24
ELEN 3083 002/13823 T 4:10pm - 6:40pm
1205 Seeley W. Mudd Building
David Vallancourt 1.00 24/24
ELEN 3083 003/13843 F 1:10pm - 3:40pm
1205 Seeley W. Mudd Building
David Vallancourt 1.00 23/24


Lab: 3.

Prerequisites: ELEN E3801
Corequisites: ELEN E3801
Companion lab course for ELEN E3801. Experiments cover topics such as: introduction and use of MATLAB for numerical and symbolic calculations; linearity and time invariance; continuous-time convolution; Fourier-series expansion and signal reconstruction; impulse response and transfer function; forced response. The lab generally meets on alternate weeks

Fall 2024: ELEN E3084
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
ELEN 3084 001/13774 M 6:10pm - 8:40pm
1235 Seeley W. Mudd Building
Xiaodong Wang 1.00 26/24
ELEN 3084 002/13775 Th 4:10pm - 6:40pm
1235 Seeley W. Mudd Building
Xiaodong Wang 1.00 24/24
ELEN 3084 003/14037 F 1:10pm - 3:40pm
1235 Seeley W. Mudd Building
Xiaodong Wang 1.00 23/24


Lect: 3. Recit: 1.

Prerequisites: (MATH UN1201) or (APMA E2000) or MATH V1201 OR APMA E2000; PHYS W1403 OR PHYS C2601; or equivalent.
Corequisites: PHYS UN1403,PHYS UN2601
Crystal structure and energy band theory of solids. Carrier concentration and transport in semiconductors. P-n junction and junction transistors. Semiconductor surface and MOS transistors. Optical effects and optoelectronic devices. Fabrication of devices and the effect of process variation and distribution statistics on device and circuit performance

Fall 2024: ELEN E3106
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
ELEN 3106 001/11266 T Th 11:40am - 12:55pm
703 Hamilton Hall
Savannah Eisner 3.50 25/35

ELEN E3201 CIRCUIT ANALYSIS. 3.50 points.

Lect: 3. Recit: 1.

Prerequisites: (ELEN E1201) or ELEN W1201; MATH V1201 OR APMA E2000 OR ELEN E3081; or equivalent.
Corequisites: MATH UN1201,APMA E2000
A course on analysis of linear and nonlinear circuits and their applications. Formulation of circuit equations. Network theorems. Transient response of first and second order circuits. Sinusoidal steady state-analysis. Frequency response of linear circuits. Poles and zeros. Bode plots. Two-port networks

Fall 2024: ELEN E3201
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
ELEN 3201 001/11270 M W 11:40am - 12:55pm
717 Hamilton Hall
Yannis Tsividis 3.50 74/80



Lect: 3.

Prerequisites: (ELEN E3201) ELEN E3201
Operational amplifier circuits. Diodes and diode circuits. MOS and bipolar junction transistors. Biasing techniques. Small-signal models. Single-stage transistor amplifiers. Analysis and design of CMOS logic gates. A/D and D/A converters

Spring 2025: ELEN E3331
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
ELEN 3331 001/13596 M W 11:40am - 12:55pm
717 Hamilton Hall
David Vallancourt 3.00 76/80


Prerequisites: (ELEN E3399) and ELEN E3399; and completion of most other required EE courses.
Students work in teams to specify, design, implement and test an engineering prototype. Involves technical as well as non-technical considerations, such as manufacturability, impact on the environment, economics, adherence to engineering standards, and other real-world constraints. Projects are presented publicly by each design team in a school-wide expo

Spring 2025: ELEN E3390
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
ELEN 3390 001/13599 T Th 11:40am - 12:55pm
829 Seeley W. Mudd Building
David Vallancourt 3.00 3/40
ELEN 3390 002/13600 F 6:00pm - 7:00pm
644 Seeley W. Mudd Building
David Vallancourt 3.00 25/40


Design project planning, written and oral technical communication, the origin and role of standards, engineering ethics, and practical aspects of engineering as a profession, such as career development and societal and environmental impact. Generally taken fall of senior year just before ELEN E3390

Fall 2024: ELEN E3399
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
ELEN 3399 001/11273 M 11:40am - 12:55pm
1206 Seeley W. Mudd Building
David Vallancourt 1.00 12/50
ELEN 3399 002/11274 F 6:00pm - 7:00pm
1206 Seeley W. Mudd Building
David Vallancourt 1.00 19/50


Lect: 3.

Prerequisites: (MATH UN1201) and (PHYS UN1402) or (PHYS UN1602) or (APMA E2000) or equivalents.
Basic field concepts. Interaction of time-varying electromagnetic fields. Field calculation of lumped circuit parameters. Transition from electrostatic to quasistatic and electromagnetic regimes. Transmission lines. Energy transfer, dissipation, and storage. Waveguides. Radiation

Spring 2025: ELEN E3401
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
ELEN 3401 001/13602 M W 2:40pm - 3:55pm
829 Seeley W. Mudd Building
Keren Bergman 4.00 36/40


Lect: 3.

Prerequisites: (ELEN E3801) ELEN E3801; IEOR E3658
Corequisites: IEOR E3658.
A basic course in communication theory, stressing modern digital communication systems. Nyquist sampling, PAM and PCM/DPCM systems, time division multipliexing, high frequency digital (ASK, OOK, FSK, PSK) systems, and AM and FM systems. An introduction to noise processes, detecting signals in the presence of noise, Shannons theorem on channel capacity, and elements of coding theory

Spring 2025: ELEN E3701
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
ELEN 3701 001/13607 T Th 2:40pm - 3:55pm
627 Seeley W. Mudd Building
Irving Kalet 3.00 37/50

ELEN E3801 SIGNALS AND SYSTEMS. 3.50 points.

Lect: 3.

Prerequisites: APMA E2000 AND MATH V1201
Corequisites: MATH UN1201,APMA E2000
Modeling, description, and classification of signals and systems. Continuous-time systems. Time domain analysis, convolution. Frequency domain analysis, transfer functions. Fourier series. Fourier and Laplace transforms. Discrete-time systems and the Z transform

Fall 2024: ELEN E3801
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
ELEN 3801 001/11276 T Th 7:10pm - 8:25pm
702 Hamilton Hall
Xiaodong Wang 3.50 77/80

ELEN E3899 Research Training. 0.00 points.

Research training course. Recommended in preparation for laboratory related research

ELEN E3990 FIELDWORK. 1.00-2.00 points.

Not offered during 2023-2024 academic year.

Prerequisites: Obtained internship and approval from a faculty adviser.
May be repeated for credit, but no more than 3 total points may be used for degree credit. Only for Electrical Engineering and Computer Engineering undergraduate students who include relevant off-campus work experience as part of their approved program of study. Final report and letter of evaluation required. May not be used as technical or nontechnical electives or to satisfy any other Electrical Engineering or Computer Engineering major requirements. May not be taken for pass/fail credit or audited

Fall 2024: ELEN E3990
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
ELEN 3990 001/18949  
Xiaodong Wang 1.00-2.00 1/99
Spring 2025: ELEN E3990
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
ELEN 3990 001/17432  
Xiaodong Wang 1.00-2.00 0/99


0 to 3 pts.

Prerequisites: Requires approval by a faculty member who agrees to supervise the work.
May be repeated for credit, but no more than 3 total points may be used for degree credit. Independent project involving laboratory work, computer programming, analytical investigation, or engineering design

Fall 2024: ELEN E3998
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
ELEN 3998 001/14040  
Dimitris Anastassiou 0.00-3.00 0/50
ELEN 3998 002/14041  
Keren Bergman 0.00-3.00 0/50
ELEN 3998 003/14042  
Shih-Fu Chang 0.00-3.00 0/50
ELEN 3998 004/14066  
Javad Ghaderi 0.00-3.00 0/50
ELEN 3998 005/14067  
Christine Hendon 0.00-3.00 0/50
ELEN 3998 006/14068  
Predrag Jelenkovic 0.00-3.00 0/50
ELEN 3998 007/14065  
Xiaofan Jiang 0.00-3.00 0/50
ELEN 3998 008/15627  
Ethan Katz-Bassett 0.00-3.00 0/50
ELEN 3998 009/14064  
Dion Khodagholy Araghy 0.00-3.00 0/50
ELEN 3998 010/14063  
Peter Kinget 0.00-3.00 0/50
ELEN 3998 011/14062  
Zoran Kostic 0.00-3.00 0/50
ELEN 3998 012/14061  
Harish Krishnaswamy 0.00-3.00 0/50
ELEN 3998 013/14060  
Ioannis Kymissis 0.00-3.00 0/50
ELEN 3998 014/14059  
Aurel Lazar 0.00-3.00 0/50
ELEN 3998 015/14058  
Michal Lipson 0.00-3.00 0/50
ELEN 3998 016/14057  
Nima Mesgarani 0.00-3.00 0/50
ELEN 3998 017/14056  
Debasis Mitra 0.00-3.00 0/50
ELEN 3998 018/14055  
John Paisley 0.00-3.00 0/50
ELEN 3998 019/14051  
Matthias Preindl 0.00-3.00 0/50
ELEN 3998 020/14050  
Mingoo Seok 0.00-3.00 0/50
ELEN 3998 021/14052  
Kenneth Shepard 0.00-3.00 0/50
ELEN 3998 022/14053  
Tanvir Ahmed Khan 0.00-3.00 1/50
ELEN 3998 023/14054  
Yannis Tsividis 0.00-3.00 0/50
ELEN 3998 024/14049  
David Vallancourt 0.00-3.00 0/50
ELEN 3998 025/14048  
Wen Wang 0.00-3.00 0/50
ELEN 3998 026/14047  
Xiaodong Wang 0.00-3.00 0/50
ELEN 3998 027/14046  
John Wright 0.00-3.00 0/50
ELEN 3998 028/14045  
Charles Zukowski 0.00-3.00 0/50
ELEN 3998 029/14044  
Gil Zussman 0.00-3.00 0/50
ELEN 3998 032/14043  
James Anderson 0.00-3.00 0/50
ELEN 3998 034/21321  
Xiang Meng 0.00-3.00 1/50
Spring 2025: ELEN E3998
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
ELEN 3998 001/17433  
Dimitris Anastassiou 0.00-3.00 0/90
ELEN 3998 002/17434  
Keren Bergman 0.00-3.00 0/90
ELEN 3998 003/17435  
Shih-Fu Chang 0.00-3.00 0/90
ELEN 3998 004/17436  
Javad Ghaderi 0.00-3.00 0/90
ELEN 3998 005/17437  
Christine Hendon 0.00-3.00 0/90
ELEN 3998 006/17439  
Predrag Jelenkovic 0.00-3.00 0/90
ELEN 3998 007/17440  
Xiaofan Jiang 0.00-3.00 0/90
ELEN 3998 008/17441  
Ethan Katz-Bassett 0.00-3.00 0/90
ELEN 3998 009/17442  
Dion Khodagholy Araghy 0.00-3.00 0/90
ELEN 3998 010/17443  
Peter Kinget 0.00-3.00 0/90
ELEN 3998 011/17463  
Zoran Kostic 0.00-3.00 0/90
ELEN 3998 012/17462  
Harish Krishnaswamy 0.00-3.00 0/90
ELEN 3998 013/17461  
Ioannis Kymissis 0.00-3.00 0/90
ELEN 3998 014/17460  
Aurel Lazar 0.00-3.00 0/90
ELEN 3998 015/17458  
Michal Lipson 0.00-3.00 0/90
ELEN 3998 016/17457  
Nima Mesgarani 0.00-3.00 0/90
ELEN 3998 017/17456  
Debasis Mitra 0.00-3.00 0/90
ELEN 3998 018/17455  
John Paisley 0.00-3.00 0/90
ELEN 3998 019/17454  
Matthias Preindl 0.00-3.00 0/90
ELEN 3998 020/17453  
Mingoo Seok 0.00-3.00 0/90
ELEN 3998 021/17452  
Kenneth Shepard 0.00-3.00 0/90
ELEN 3998 022/17451  
Tanvir Ahmed Khan 0.00-3.00 0/90
ELEN 3998 023/17450  
Yannis Tsividis 0.00-3.00 0/90
ELEN 3998 024/17449  
David Vallancourt 0.00-3.00 0/90
ELEN 3998 025/17447  
Wen Wang 0.00-3.00 0/90
ELEN 3998 026/17448  
Xiaodong Wang 0.00-3.00 0/90
ELEN 3998 027/17446  
John Wright 0.00-3.00 0/90
ELEN 3998 028/17445  
Charles Zukowski 0.00-3.00 0/90
ELEN 3998 029/17444  
Gil Zussman 0.00-3.00 0/90


Prerequisites: Approval by a faculty member who agrees to supervise the work.
May be repeated for credit, but no more than 3 total points may be used for degree credit. Short-term design project organized as a faculty-led team competition. Particular design targets are set that vary by semester. A set of hardware and software constraints is specified. The project takes place over an advertised subset of the semester, beginning around the third week

ELEN E4106 Advanced Solid State Devices and Materials. 3.00 points.

Prerequisites: APMA E2000 AND MATH V1201; PHYS W1403 AND PHYS C2601
Crystal structure and energy band theory of solids. Carrier concentration and transport in semiconductors. P-n junction and junction transistors. Semiconductor surface and MOS transistors. Optical effects and optoelectronic devices. Fabrication of devices and the effect of process variation and distribution statistics on device and circuit performance. Course shares lectures with ELEN E3106, but the work requirements differ. Undergraduate students are not eligible to register

Fall 2024: ELEN E4106
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
ELEN 4106 001/14069 T Th 11:40am - 12:55pm
703 Hamilton Hall
Savannah Eisner 3.00 19/27
ELEN 4106 V01/19368  
Savannah Eisner 3.00 1/99


Lect: 3.

Prerequisites: Linear algebra, differential equations, and basic semiconductor physics.
Introduction to modern display systems in an engineering context. The basis for visual perception, image representation, color space, metrics of illumination. Physics of luminescence, propagation and manipulation of light in anisotropic media, emissive displays, and spatial light modulators. Fundamentals of display addressing, the Alt-Pleshko theorem, multiple line addressing. Large area electronics, fabrication, and device integration of commercially important display types. A series of short laboratories will reinforce material from the lectures. Enrollment may be limited

Fall 2024: ELEN E4193
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
ELEN 4193 001/18796 Th 1:10pm - 3:40pm
505 Lewisohn Hall
Ioannis Kymissis 3.00 13/20
ELEN 4193 R01/18797 M 4:10pm - 5:25pm
Room TBA
Ioannis Kymissis 3.00 0/40


Lect: 3.

Prerequisites: (ELEN E3201) and (ELEN E3801) or ELEN E3201 AND ELEN E3801; or equivalent.
Approximation techniques for magnitude, phase, and delay specifications, transfer function realization sensitivity, passive LC filters, active RC filters, MOSFET-C filters, Gm-C filters, switched-capacitor filters, automatic tuning techniques for integrated filters. Filter noise. A design project is an integral part of the course

Fall 2024: ELEN E4215
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
ELEN 4215 001/11278 T 7:00pm - 9:30pm
545 Seeley W. Mudd Building
Timothy Dickson 3.00 33/40
ELEN 4215 V01/19370  
Timothy Dickson 3.00 1/99


Lect: 3.

Prerequisites: (ELEN E3331) and (ELEN E3801) ELEN E3331 AND ELEN E3801
Differential and multistage amplifiers; small-signal analysis; biasing techniques; frequency response; negative feedback; stability criteria; frequency compensation techniques. Analog layout techniques. An extensive design project is an integral part of the course

Fall 2024: ELEN E4312
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
ELEN 4312 001/11280 M W 11:40am - 12:55pm
702 Hamilton Hall
Peter Kinget 3.00 90/86
ELEN 4312 V01/18731  
Peter Kinget 3.00 2/99


Lect: 3.

Prerequisites: (ELEN E4312) ELEN E4312
Principles of electronic circuits used in the generation, transmission, and reception of signal waveforms, as used in analog and digital communication systems. Nonlinearity and distortion; power amplifiers; tuned amplifiers; oscillators; multipliers and mixers; modulators and demodulators; phase-locked loops. An extensive design project is an integral part of the course

Spring 2025: ELEN E4314
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
ELEN 4314 001/17196 Th 4:10pm - 6:40pm
413 Kent Hall
Emily Naviasky 3.00 41/60


Design and analysis of high speed logic and memory. Digital CMOS and BiCMOS device modeling. Integrated circuit fabrication and layout. Interconnect and parasitic elements. Static and dynamic techniques. Worst?case design. Heat removal and I/O. Yield and circuit reliability. Logic gates, pass logic, latches, PLAs, ROMs, RAMs, receivers, drivers, repeaters, sense amplifiers

ELEN E4350 VLSI design laboratory. 3 points.

Lab: 3.

Prerequisites: (EECS E4321) and (ELEN E4312) or ELEN E4321 and E4312, or the instructor's permission.

Design of a CMOS mixed-signal integrated circuit. The class divides up into teams to work on mixed-signal integrated circuit designs. The chips are fabricated to be tested the following term. Lectures cover use of computer-aided design tools, design issues specific to the projects, and chip integration issues. This course shares lectures with E6350 but the complexity requirements of integrated circuits are lower.

ELEN E4361 POWER ELECTRONICS. 3.00 points.

Lect: 3.

Prerequisites: (ELEN E3331) and (ELEN E3801) ELEN E3331 AND ELEN E3801
Introduction to power electronics; power semiconductor devices: power diodes, thyristors, commutation techniques, power transistors, power MOSFETs, Triac, IGBTs, etc. and switch selection; non-sinusoidal power definitions and computations, modeling, and simulation; half-wave rectifiers; single-phase, full-wave rectifiers; three-phase rectifiers; AC voltage controllers; DC/DC buck, boost, and buck-boost converters; discontinuous conduction mode of operation; DC power supplies: Flyback, Forward converter; DC/AC inverters, PWM techniques; three-phase inverters

Spring 2025: ELEN E4361
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
ELEN 4361 001/18846 M 7:00pm - 9:30pm
142 Uris Hall
Matthias Preindl 3.00 8/80


Lect: 3.

Prerequisites: (ELEN E3401) or ELEN E3401; or equivalent.
Waves and Maxwell’s equations. Field energetics, dispersion, complex power. Waves in dielectrics and in conductors. Reflection and refraction. Oblique incidence and total internal reflection. Transmission lines and conducting waveguides. Planar and circular dielectric waveguides; integrated optics and optical fibers. Hybrid and LP modes. Graded-index fibers. Mode coupling; wave launching


Lect: 3.

Prerequisites: (ELEN E3401) or ELEN E3401; or equivalent.
Planar resonators. Photons and photon streams. Photons and atoms: energy levels and band structure; interactions of photons with matter; absorption, stimulated and spontaneous emission; thermal light, luminescence light. Laser amplifiers: gain, saturation, and phase shift; rate equations; pumping. Lasers: theory of oscillation; laser output characteristics. Photons in semiconductors: generation, recombination, and injection; heterostructures; absorption and gain coefficients. Semiconductor photon sources: LEDs; semiconductor optical amplifiers; homojunction and heterojunction laser diodes. Semiconductor photon detectors: p-n, p-i-n, and heterostructure photo diodes; avalanche photodiodes

Fall 2024: ELEN E4411
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
ELEN 4411 001/15927 W 4:10pm - 6:40pm
331 Uris Hall
Michal Lipson 3.00 35/50

ELEN E4488 OPTICAL SYSTEMS. 3.00 points.

Lect: 3.

Prerequisites: (ELEN E3401) ELEN E3401; or equivalent.
Introduction to optical systems based on physical design and engineering principles. Fundamental geometrical and wave optics with specific emphasis on developing analytical and numerical tools used in optical engineering design. Focus on applications that employ optical systems and networks, including examples in holographic imaging, tomography, Fourier imaging, confocal microscopy, optical signal processing, fiber optic communication systems, optical interconnects and networks

Fall 2024: ELEN E4488
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
ELEN 4488 001/11281 Th 10:10am - 12:40pm
524 Seeley W. Mudd Building
Christine Hendon 3.00 15/50
ELEN 4488 V01/17530  
Christine Hendon 3.00 2/99


Lect: 3.

Prerequisites: Background in circuits.

Inorganic solar cell semiconductor physics. Single and tandem junction design. Measures of spectral and energy efficiency.  Introduction to organic solar cells and thin film inorganic cells. Batteries and other energy storage systems. Introduction to legacy power networks: Single phase equivalents to three-phase networks. Reactive and real power.  Equivalent circuits of synchronous machines, transformers, and transmission lines. Smart grid technology: Control and management of distributed solar energy and other intermittent renewable power sources connected to legacy power networks. Microgrid concept. "Small world" networks and fault management. Communication over power lines. Smart metering.

Spring 2025: ELEN E4510
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
ELEN 4510 001/17197 Th 4:10pm - 6:40pm
702 Hamilton Hall
Mohamed Kamaludeen 3.00 35/35


Lect: 3.

Prerequisites: (ELEN E3201) and (ELEN E3401) or ELEN E3201 AND ELEN E3401; or equivalents, or instructor's permission.
Modeling of power networks, steady-state and transient behaviors, control and optimization, electricity market, and smart grid

Fall 2024: ELEN E4511
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
ELEN 4511 001/14072 W 7:00pm - 9:30pm
825 Seeley W. Mudd Building
Damian Sciano 3.00 36/50

ELEN E4620 Numerical Methods for Data Analysis. 3.00 points.

An introduction to the mathematical and computational foundations of data analysis with linear models. Develops theoretical and computational understanding of numerical linear algebra algorithms for problems including data fitting, data classification, clustering, and data reduction. Focus includes vector spaces, matrix factorization, least squares methods, and singular value decompositions. Illustrations on a variety of engineering applications, including power networks, autonomous and electric vehicles, quantum computing, medical imaging, and systems biology


Prerequisites: ELEN E3801; or instructor's permission.
Theory of convex optimization; numerical algorithms; applications in circuits, communications, control, signal processing and power systems


Lect: 3.

Prerequisites: (ELEN E3701) or ELEN E3701; or equivalent.
Digital communications for both point-to-point and switched applications is further developed. Optimum receiver structures and transmitter signal shaping for both binary and M-ary signal transmission. An introduction to block codes and convolutional codes, with application to space communications

Spring 2025: ELEN E4702
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
ELEN 4702 001/13620 W 7:00pm - 9:30pm
627 Seeley W. Mudd Building
Alexei Ashikhmin 3.00 7/50


Lect: 3.

Prerequisites: (ELEN E3701) or ELEN E3701; or equivalent.
Wireless communication systems. System design fundamentals. Trunking theory. Mobile radio propagation. Reflection of radio waves. Fading and multipath. Modulation techniques; signal space; probability of error, spread spectrum. Diversity. Multiple access

ELEN E4720 Machine Learning for Signals, Information and Data. 3.00 points.

Fall 2024: ELEN E4720
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
ELEN 4720 001/13776 W 4:10pm - 6:40pm
141 Uris Hall
John Paisley 3.00 40/60

ELEN E4730 Quantum Optimization and Machine Learning. 3.00 points.

Prerequisites: probability theory, linear algebra
An introduction to the recent development in quantum optimization and quantum machine learning using gate-based Noisy Intermediate Scale Quantum (NISQ) computers. IBM’s quantum programming framework Qiskit is utilized. Qbits, quantum gates and quantum measurements, quantum algorithms (Grover’s search, Simon’s algorithm, quantum Fourier transform, quantum phase estimation) quantum optimization (quantum annealing, QAOA, variational quantum eigensolver), quantum machine learning (quantum support vector machine, quantum neural networks)


Lect: 3.

Prerequisites: (ELEN E3801) ELEN E3801
Digital filtering in time and frequency domain, including properties of discrete-time signals and systems, sampling theory, transform analysis, system structures, IIR and FIR filter design techniques, the discrete Fourier transform, fast Fourier transforms

Fall 2024: ELEN E4810
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
ELEN 4810 001/11285 M 4:10pm - 6:40pm
833 Seeley W. Mudd Building
John Wright 3.00 79/120
ELEN 4810 V01/17531  
John Wright 3.00 5/99

ELEN E4815 RANDOM SIGNALS & NOISE. 3.00 points.

Lect: 3.

Prerequisites: (IEOR E3658) or IEOR E3658; or equivalent.
Characterization of stochastic processes as models of signals and noise; stationarity, ergodicity, correlation functions, and power spectra. Gaussian processes as models of noise in linear and nonlinear systems; linear and nonlinear transformations of random processes; orthogonal series representations. Applications to circuits and devices, to communication, control, filtering, and prediction

Spring 2025: ELEN E4815
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
ELEN 4815 001/13625 T Th 11:40am - 12:55pm
633 Seeley W. Mudd Building
Irving Kalet 3.00 33/60
ELEN 4815 V01/18094  
Irving Kalet 3.00 1/99


Lect: 3.

Introduction to the mathematical tools and algorithmic implementation for representation and processing of digital pictures, videos, and visual sensory data. Image representation, filtering, transform, quality enhancement, restoration, feature extraction, object segmentation, motion analysis, classification, and coding for data compression. A series of programming assignments reinforces material from the lectures

Spring 2025: ELEN E4830
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
ELEN 4830 001/13665 W 10:10am - 12:40pm
633 Seeley W. Mudd Building
Christine Hendon 3.00 32/60
ELEN 4830 V01/18120  
Christine Hendon 3.00 2/99


Prerequisites: or equivalents, or instructor's permission.
Introduces numerical tools for adaptive processing of signals. Signal representations, sparsity in overcomplete bases. Techniques for sparse recovery, applications to inpainting and denoising. Adaptive representations: principal component analysis, clustering and vector quantization, dictionary learning. Source separation: independent component analysis and matrix factorizations. Signal classification: support vector machines and boosting, learning with invariances. Hashing and signal retrieval. Case studies from image processing, audio, multimedia


Lect: 3.

Prerequisites: (ELEN E3801) and (ELEN E4810) or ELEN E3801 AND ELEN E4810; or equivalent.
An investigation of the applications of signal processing to music audio, spanning the synthesis of musical sounds (including frequency modulation [FM], additive sinusoidal synthesis, and linear predictive coding [LPC]), the modification of real and synthetic sounds (including reverberation and time/pitch scaling), and the analysis of music audio to extract musical information (including pitch tracking, chord transcription, and music matching). Emphasis on practical, hands-on experimentation, with a wide range of software implementations introduced and modified within the class

ELEN E4899 Research Training. 0.00 points.

Research training course. Recommended in preparation for laboratory related research

ELEN E4900 Topics in electrical and computer engineering. 3 points.

Lect: 3.

Prerequisites: The instructor's permission.

Selected topics in electrical and computer engineering. Content varies from year to year, and different topics rotate through the course numbers 4900 to 4909.

ELEN E4901 TOPICS IN EE & CE. 3.00 points.

Prerequisites: Instructor's permission.
Selected topics in electrical and computer engineering. Content varies from year to year, and different topics rotate through the course numbers 4900 to 4909

Spring 2025: ELEN E4901
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
ELEN 4901 001/17738 T 4:10pm - 6:40pm
410 International Affairs Bldg
Vasilis Fthenakis 3.00 12/50

ELEN E4902 TOPICS IN EE & CE. 3.00 points.

Prerequisites: Instructor's permission.
Selected topics in electrical and computer engineering. Content varies from year to year, and different topics rotate through the course numbers 4900 to 4909

ELEN E4903 TOPICS IN EE & CE. 3.00 points.

Prerequisites: Instructor's permission.
Selected topics in electrical and computer engineering. Content varies from year to year, and different topics rotate through the course numbers 4900 to 4909

ELEN E4904 TOPICS IN EE & CE. 3.00 points.

Prerequisites: Instructor’s permission.
Selected topics in electrical and computer engineering. Content varies from year to year, and different topics rotate through the course numbers 4900 to 4909

Spring 2025: ELEN E4904
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
ELEN 4904 001/13683 T 1:10pm - 3:40pm
717 Hamilton Hall
Hui Jin 3.00 23/80

ELEN E4905 TOPICS IN EE & CE. 3.00 points.

Selected topics in electrical and computer engineering. Content varies from year to year, and different topics rotate through the course numbers 4900 to 4909

ELEN E4906 TOPICS IN EE & CE. 3.00 points.

Prerequisites: Instructor's permission.
Selected topics in electrical and computer engineering. Content varies from year to year, and different topics rotate through the course numbers 4900 to 4909

ELEN E4907 TOPICS IN EE & CE. 3.00 points.

Selected topics in electrical and computer engineering. Content varies from year to year, and different topics rotate through the course numbers 4900 to 4909

ELEN E4908 TOPICS IN EE & CE. 3.00 points.

Selected topics in electrical and computer engineering. Content varies from year to year, and different topics rotate through the course numbers 4900 to 4909

ELEN E4909 TOPICS IN EE & CE. 3.00 points.

Selected topics in electrical and computer engineering. Content varies from year to year, and different topics rotate through the course numbers 4900 to 4909


Lect: 3.

Science and technology of conventional and advanced microfabrication techniques for electronics, integrated and discrete components. Topics include diffusion; ion implantation, thin-film growth including oxides and metals, molecular beam and liquid-phase epitaxy; optical and advanced lithography; and plasma and wet etching

Fall 2024: ELEN E4944
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
ELEN 4944 001/17620 T 4:10pm - 6:40pm
331 Uris Hall
Jacob Trevino 3.00 35/50

ELEN E4998 INTERMEDIATE PROJECTS. 0.00-3.00 points.

0 to 3 pts.

Prerequisites: Requires approval by a faculty member who agrees to supervise the work.
May be repeated for credit, but no more than 3 total points may be used for degree credit. Substantial independent project involving laboratory work, computer programming, analytical investigation, or engineering design

Fall 2024: ELEN E4998
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
ELEN 4998 001/14073  
Dimitris Anastassiou 0.00-3.00 0/50
ELEN 4998 002/14074  
Keren Bergman 0.00-3.00 0/50
ELEN 4998 003/14087  
Shih-Fu Chang 0.00-3.00 0/50
ELEN 4998 004/14078  
Javad Ghaderi 0.00-3.00 0/50
ELEN 4998 005/14077  
Christine Hendon 0.00-3.00 0/50
ELEN 4998 006/14076  
Predrag Jelenkovic 0.00-3.00 0/50
ELEN 4998 007/14075  
Xiaofan Jiang 0.00-3.00 0/50
ELEN 4998 008/14086  
Ethan Katz-Bassett 0.00-3.00 0/50
ELEN 4998 009/14085  
Dion Khodagholy Araghy 0.00-3.00 0/50
ELEN 4998 010/14084  
Peter Kinget 0.00-3.00 0/50
ELEN 4998 011/14083  
Zoran Kostic 0.00-3.00 0/50
ELEN 4998 012/14082  
Harish Krishnaswamy 0.00-3.00 0/50
ELEN 4998 013/14081  
Ioannis Kymissis 0.00-3.00 0/50
ELEN 4998 014/14080  
Aurel Lazar 0.00-3.00 0/50
ELEN 4998 015/14079  
Michal Lipson 0.00-3.00 0/50
ELEN 4998 016/14088  
Nima Mesgarani 0.00-3.00 0/50
ELEN 4998 017/14091  
Debasis Mitra 0.00-3.00 0/50
ELEN 4998 018/14092  
John Paisley 0.00-3.00 0/50
ELEN 4998 019/14093  
Matthias Preindl 0.00-3.00 0/50
ELEN 4998 020/14094  
Mingoo Seok 0.00-3.00 0/50
ELEN 4998 021/14095  
Kenneth Shepard 0.00-3.00 0/50
ELEN 4998 022/14096  
Tanvir Ahmed Khan 0.00-3.00 0/50
ELEN 4998 023/14102  
Yannis Tsividis 0.00-3.00 0/50
ELEN 4998 024/14101  
David Vallancourt 0.00-3.00 0/50
ELEN 4998 025/14100  
Wen Wang 0.00-3.00 0/50
ELEN 4998 026/14097  
Xiaodong Wang 0.00-3.00 0/50
ELEN 4998 027/14099  
John Wright 0.00-3.00 0/50
ELEN 4998 028/14098  
Charles Zukowski 0.00-3.00 0/50
ELEN 4998 029/14090  
Gil Zussman 0.00-3.00 0/50
ELEN 4998 032/14089  
James Anderson 0.00-3.00 0/50
ELEN 4998 034/21322  
Xiang Meng 0.00-3.00 0/50
Spring 2025: ELEN E4998
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
ELEN 4998 001/17465  
Dimitris Anastassiou 0.00-3.00 0/90
ELEN 4998 002/17466  
Keren Bergman 0.00-3.00 0/90
ELEN 4998 003/17470  
Shih-Fu Chang 0.00-3.00 0/90
ELEN 4998 004/17469  
Javad Ghaderi 0.00-3.00 0/90
ELEN 4998 005/17468  
Christine Hendon 0.00-3.00 0/90
ELEN 4998 006/17467  
Predrag Jelenkovic 0.00-3.00 0/90
ELEN 4998 007/17471  
Xiaofan Jiang 0.00-3.00 0/90
ELEN 4998 008/17474  
Ethan Katz-Bassett 0.00-3.00 0/90
ELEN 4998 009/17473  
Dion Khodagholy Araghy 0.00-3.00 0/90
ELEN 4998 010/17472  
Peter Kinget 0.00-3.00 0/90
ELEN 4998 011/17480  
Zoran Kostic 0.00-3.00 0/90
ELEN 4998 012/17479  
Harish Krishnaswamy 0.00-3.00 0/90
ELEN 4998 013/17478  
Ioannis Kymissis 0.00-3.00 0/90
ELEN 4998 014/17476  
Aurel Lazar 0.00-3.00 0/90
ELEN 4998 015/17475  
Michal Lipson 0.00-3.00 0/90
ELEN 4998 016/17481  
Nima Mesgarani 0.00-3.00 0/90
ELEN 4998 017/17495  
Debasis Mitra 0.00-3.00 0/90
ELEN 4998 018/17494  
John Paisley 0.00-3.00 0/90
ELEN 4998 019/17493  
Matthias Preindl 0.00-3.00 0/90
ELEN 4998 020/17492  
Mingoo Seok 0.00-3.00 0/90
ELEN 4998 021/17491  
Kenneth Shepard 0.00-3.00 0/90
ELEN 4998 022/17490  
Tanvir Ahmed Khan 0.00-3.00 1/90
ELEN 4998 023/17488  
Yannis Tsividis 0.00-3.00 0/90
ELEN 4998 024/17487  
David Vallancourt 0.00-3.00 0/90
ELEN 4998 025/17486  
Wen Wang 0.00-3.00 0/90
ELEN 4998 026/17485  
Xiaodong Wang 0.00-3.00 0/90
ELEN 4998 027/17484  
John Wright 0.00-3.00 0/90
ELEN 4998 028/17483  
Charles Zukowski 0.00-3.00 0/90
ELEN 4998 029/17482  
Gil Zussman 0.00-3.00 1/90

ELEN E6001 ADVANCED PROJECTS. 1.00-4.00 points.

Prerequisites: Requires approval by a faculty member who agrees to supervise the work.
May be repeated for up to 6 points of credit. Graduate-level projects in various areas of electrical engineering and computer science. In consultation with an instructor, each student designs his or her project depending on the students previous training and experience. Students should consult with a professor in their area for detailed arrangements no later than the last day of registration

Fall 2024: ELEN E6001
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
ELEN 6001 001/14103  
Dimitris Anastassiou 1.00-4.00 0/50
ELEN 6001 002/14104  
Keren Bergman 1.00-4.00 1/50
ELEN 6001 003/14105  
Shih-Fu Chang 1.00-4.00 0/50
ELEN 6001 004/14121  
Javad Ghaderi 1.00-4.00 0/50
ELEN 6001 005/14122  
Christine Hendon 1.00-4.00 0/50
ELEN 6001 006/14123  
Predrag Jelenkovic 1.00-4.00 0/50
ELEN 6001 007/14124  
Xiaofan Jiang 1.00-4.00 2/50
ELEN 6001 008/14125  
Ethan Katz-Bassett 1.00-4.00 0/50
ELEN 6001 009/14126  
Dion Khodagholy Araghy 1.00-4.00 0/50
ELEN 6001 010/14127  
Peter Kinget 1.00-4.00 2/50
ELEN 6001 011/14128  
Zoran Kostic 1.00-4.00 1/50
ELEN 6001 012/14131  
Harish Krishnaswamy 1.00-4.00 0/50
ELEN 6001 013/14130  
Ioannis Kymissis 1.00-4.00 3/50
ELEN 6001 014/14129  
Aurel Lazar 1.00-4.00 0/50
ELEN 6001 015/14135  
Michal Lipson 1.00-4.00 0/50
ELEN 6001 016/14134  
Nima Mesgarani 1.00-4.00 4/50
ELEN 6001 017/14133  
Debasis Mitra 1.00-4.00 0/50
ELEN 6001 018/14132  
John Paisley 1.00-4.00 0/50
ELEN 6001 019/14120  
Matthias Preindl 1.00-4.00 7/50
ELEN 6001 020/14119  
Mingoo Seok 1.00-4.00 1/50
ELEN 6001 021/14118  
Kenneth Shepard 1.00-4.00 5/50
ELEN 6001 022/14117  
Tanvir Ahmed Khan 1.00-4.00 2/50
ELEN 6001 023/14116  
Yannis Tsividis 1.00-4.00 0/50
ELEN 6001 024/14115  
David Vallancourt 1.00-4.00 0/50
ELEN 6001 025/14114  
Wen Wang 1.00-4.00 0/50
ELEN 6001 026/14113  
Xiaodong Wang 1.00-4.00 2/50
ELEN 6001 027/14112  
John Wright 1.00-4.00 2/50
ELEN 6001 028/14111  
Charles Zukowski 1.00-4.00 0/50
ELEN 6001 029/14110  
Gil Zussman 1.00-4.00 4/50
ELEN 6001 030/14109  
Alexander Gaeta 1.00-4.00 0/50
ELEN 6001 031/14108  
Savannah Eisner 1.00-4.00 1/50
ELEN 6001 032/14107  
James Anderson 1.00-4.00 4/50
ELEN 6001 033/14106  
Asaf Cidon 1.00-4.00 0/50
ELEN 6001 034/18960  
Xiang Meng 1.00-4.00 1/50
ELEN 6001 035/19322  
Micah Goldblum 1.00-4.00 4/50

ELEN E6002 ADVANCED PROJECTS. 1.00-4.00 points.

Prerequisites: Requires approval by a faculty member who agrees to supervise the work.
May be repeated for up to 6 points of credit. Graduate-level projects in various areas of electrical engineering and computer science. In consultation with an instructor, each student designs his or her project depending on the students previous training and experience. Students should consult with a professor in their area for detailed arrangements no later than the last day of registration

Spring 2025: ELEN E6002
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
ELEN 6002 001/17496  
Dimitris Anastassiou 1.00-4.00 0/90
ELEN 6002 002/17497  
Keren Bergman 1.00-4.00 1/90
ELEN 6002 003/17498  
Shih-Fu Chang 1.00-4.00 0/90
ELEN 6002 004/17499  
Javad Ghaderi 1.00-4.00 1/90
ELEN 6002 005/17500  
Christine Hendon 1.00-4.00 0/90
ELEN 6002 006/17502  
Predrag Jelenkovic 1.00-4.00 0/90
ELEN 6002 007/17503  
Xiaofan Jiang 1.00-4.00 1/90
ELEN 6002 008/17525  
Ethan Katz-Bassett 1.00-4.00 0/90
ELEN 6002 009/17526  
Dion Khodagholy Araghy 1.00-4.00 0/90
ELEN 6002 010/17527  
Peter Kinget 1.00-4.00 0/90
ELEN 6002 011/17529  
Zoran Kostic 1.00-4.00 0/90
ELEN 6002 012/17530  
Harish Krishnaswamy 1.00-4.00 0/90
ELEN 6002 013/17524  
Ioannis Kymissis 1.00-4.00 0/90
ELEN 6002 014/17523  
Aurel Lazar 1.00-4.00 0/90
ELEN 6002 015/17520  
Michal Lipson 1.00-4.00 0/90
ELEN 6002 016/17517  
Nima Mesgarani 1.00-4.00 2/90
ELEN 6002 017/17516  
Debasis Mitra 1.00-4.00 0/90
ELEN 6002 018/17518  
John Paisley 1.00-4.00 0/90
ELEN 6002 019/17519  
Matthias Preindl 1.00-4.00 1/90
ELEN 6002 020/17521  
Mingoo Seok 1.00-4.00 2/90
ELEN 6002 021/17522  
Kenneth Shepard 1.00-4.00 2/90
ELEN 6002 022/17515  
Tanvir Ahmed Khan 1.00-4.00 2/90
ELEN 6002 023/17514  
Yannis Tsividis 1.00-4.00 0/90
ELEN 6002 024/17513  
David Vallancourt 1.00-4.00 0/90
ELEN 6002 025/17511  
Wen Wang 1.00-4.00 0/90
ELEN 6002 026/17510  
Xiaodong Wang 1.00-4.00 0/90
ELEN 6002 027/17509  
John Wright 1.00-4.00 0/90
ELEN 6002 028/17508  
Charles Zukowski 1.00-4.00 0/90
ELEN 6002 029/17507  
Gil Zussman 1.00-4.00 1/90
ELEN 6002 030/17506  
Alexander Gaeta 1.00-4.00 0/90
ELEN 6002 031/17505  
Savannah Eisner 1.00-4.00 1/90
ELEN 6002 032/17504  
James Anderson 1.00-4.00 0/90
ELEN 6002 033/17948  
Asaf Cidon 1.00-4.00 0/99
ELEN 6002 034/17949  
Xiang Meng 1.00-4.00 2/99
ELEN 6002 035/17950  
Micah Goldblum 1.00-4.00 2/99

ELEN E6003 MASTER'S THESIS. 3.00 points.

Prerequisites: ELEN E6001 OR ELEN E6002; A minimum of 3 points of credit in ELEN E6001 or ELEN E6002 advanced projects with the same instructor, the instructor’s permission, and completion of at least 12 points of credit in the MS program with a GPA of at least 3.5.
Research in an area of Electrical Engineering culminating in a verbal presentation and a written thesis document approved by the thesis instructor. Must obtain permission from a thesis instructor to enroll. Thesis projects span at least two terms: an ELEN E6001 or E6002 Advanced Project followed by the E6003 Master’s Thesis with the same instructor. Students must use a department recommended format for thesis writing. Counts towards the amount of research credit in the MS program


Lect: 3.

Prerequisites: (ECBM E4060) or ECBM E4060; or instructor's permission.
Beyond bioinformatics, cells as systems. Metabolic networks, transcription regulatory networks, signaling networks. Deterministic and stochastic kinetics. Mathematical representation of reconstructed networks. Network motifs. Signal transduction and neuronal networks. Robustness. Bacterial chemotaxis and patterning in fruit fly development. Kinetic proofreading. Optimal gene circuit design. Rules for gene regulation. Random networks and multiple time scales. Biological information processing. Numerical and simulation techniques. Major project(s) in MATLAB

ELEN E6040 NEUR NET & DEEP LEAR RSRCH. 3.00 points.

Prerequisites: ECBM E4040; or equivalent.
Regularized autoencoders, sparse coding and predictive sparse decomposition, denoising autoencoders, representation learning, manifold perspective on representation learning, structured probabilistic models for deep learning, Monte Carlo methods, training and evaluating models with intractable partition functions, restricted Boltzmann machines, approximate inference, deep belief networks, deep learning in speech and object recognition

ELEN 6089 Topics in systems biology. 3 points.

Lect: 2.

Prerequisites: The instructor's permission.

Selected advanced topics in systems biology. Content varies from year to year, and different topics rotate through the course numbers 6080 to 6089.


Lect: 3.

Prerequisites: (ELEN E3801) and (APMA E3101) or APMA E3101 AND ELEN E3801; or equivalents.
Abstract objects, the concepts of state. Definition and properties of linear systems. Characterization of linear continuous-time and discrete-time, fixed, and time-varying systems. State-space description; fundamental matrix, calculation by computer and matrix methods. Modes in linear systems. Adjoint systems. Controllability and observability. Canonical forms and decompositions. State estimators. Lyapunov’s method and stability

ELEN E6302 MOS TRANSISTORS. 3.00 points.

Lect: 2.

Prerequisites: (ELEN E3106) ELEN E3106; or equivalent.
Operation and modeling of MOS transistors. MOS two- and three-terminal structures. The MOS transistor as a four-terminal device; general charge-sheet modeling; strong, moderate, and weak inversion models; short-and-narrow-channel effects; ion-implanted devices; scaling considerations in VLSI; charge modeling; large-signal transient and small-signal modeling for quasistatic and nonquasistatic operation


Lect: 2.

Prerequisites: (ELEN E4312) ELEN E4312
Integrated circuit device characteristics and models; temperature- and supply-independent biasing; IC operational amplifier analysis and design and their applications; feedback amplifiers, stability and frequency compensation techniques; noise in circuits and low-noise design; mismatch in circuits and low-offset design. Computer-aided analysis techniques are used in homework(s) or a design project

Spring 2025: ELEN E6312
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
ELEN 6312 001/17198 T 4:10pm - 6:40pm
331 Uris Hall
Harish Krishnaswamy 3.00 42/50

ELEN E6316 Analog-Digital Interfaces in VLSI. 3.00 points.

Lect: 3.

Prerequisites: (ELEN E4312) ELEN E4312; or equivalent.
Analog-to-digital and digital-to-analog conversion techniques for very large scale integrated circuits and systems. Precision sampling; quantization; A/D and D/A converter architectures and metrics; Nyquist architectures; oversampling architectures; correction techniques; system considerations. A design project is an integral part of this course

Spring 2025: ELEN E6316
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
ELEN 6316 001/17199 T 7:00pm - 9:30pm
209 Havemeyer Hall
Timothy Dickson 3.00 54/60


Lect: 3.

Prerequisites: (ELEN E3331) and (ELEN E3401) or ELEN E3331 AND ELEN E3401; or equivalents.
Introduction to microwave engineering and microwave circuit design. Review of transmission lines. Smith chart, S-parameters, microwave impedance matching, transformation and power combining networks, active and passive microwave devices, S-parameter-based design of RF and microwave amplifiers. A microwave circuit design project (using microwave CAD) is an integral part of the course

Spring 2025: ELEN E6318
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
ELEN 6318 001/17200 M 4:10pm - 6:40pm
303 Uris Hall
Yves Baeyens 3.00 35/35


Lect: 3.

Prerequisites: (ELEN E3401) and (ELEN E4314) and (ELEN E6312) or or equivalent.
Principles behind the implementation of millimeter-wave (30GHz-300GHz) wireless circuits and systems in silicon-based technologies. Silicon-based active and passive devices for millimeter-wave operation, millimeter-wave low-noise amplifiers, power amplifiers, oscillators and VCOs, oscillator phase noise theory, mixers and frequency dividers for PLLs. A design project is an integral part of the course

Fall 2024: ELEN E6320
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
ELEN 6320 001/11286 Th 4:10pm - 6:40pm
1024 Seeley W. Mudd Building
Harish Krishnaswamy 3.00 15/40
ELEN 6320 V01/20999  
Harish Krishnaswamy 3.00 1/99


Prerequisites: EECS E4321
Advanced topics in the design of digital integrated circuits. Clocked and non-clocked combinational logic styles. Timing circuits: latches and flip-flops, phase-locked loops, delay-locked loops. SRAM and DRAM memory circuits. Modeling and analysis of on-chip interconnect. Power distribution and power-supply noise. Clocking, timing, and synchronization issues. Circuits for chip-to-chip electrical communication. Advanced technology issues that affect circuit design. The class may include a team circuit design project

ELEN E6324 Principles of RF and Microwave Measurement. 3.00 points.

Pre-requisites: ELEN E4314 or equivalent, or the instructor's permission

Principles behind, and techniques related to, RF and microwave simulation and measurements. S parameters; simulations and measurements for small-signal and large signal / nonlinear circuits in the time and frequency domains; noise


Lect: 2.

Prerequisites: (ELEN E4301) ELEN E4301
Designed for students interested in research in semiconductor materials and devices. Topics include energy bands: nearly free electron and tight-binding approximations, the k.p. method, quantitative calculation of band structures and their applications to quantum structure transistors, photodetectors, and lasers; semiconductor statistics, Boltzmann transport equation, scattering processes, quantum effect in transport phenomena, properties of heterostructures. Quantum mechanical treatment throughout

ELEN E6333 Semiconductor device physics. 3 points.

Lect: 2.

Prerequisites: (ELEN E4301) or ELEN E3106 OR ELEN E4301; or equivalent.

Physics and properties of semiconductors. Transport and recombination of excess carriers. Schottky, P-N, MOS, and heterojunction diodes. Field effect and bipolar junction transistors. Dielectric and optical properties. Optical devices including semiconductor lamps, lasers, and detectors.

Spring 2025: ELEN E6333
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
ELEN 6333 001/13697 Th 4:10pm - 6:40pm
633 Seeley W. Mudd Building
Xiang Meng 3 26/50

ELEN E6340 Power Management Integrated Circuits. 3.00 points.

Prerequisites: ELEN E4312 AND ELEN E4361
Modern power management integrated circuits (PMIC) design introduced comperhensively. Advanced topics in power management introduced, including linear regulators, digital linear regulators, switch-mode power converters, control schemes for DC-DC converters, compensation methods of DC-DC converters, power losses in DC-DC converters, switched capacitor converters, power converter modeling and simulation, design examples

Fall 2024: ELEN E6340
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
ELEN 6340 001/15952 M 4:10pm - 6:40pm
402 Chandler
XIN ZHANG 3.00 47/55


Lab: 3.

Prerequisites: (EECS E4321) and (ELEN E4312) or ELEN E4312 AND ELEN E4321; or instructor's permission.
Design of a CMOS mixed-signal integrated circuit. The class divides up into teams to work on mixed-signal integrated circuit designs. The chips are fabricated to be tested the following term. Lectures cover use of computer-aided design tools, design issues specific to the projects, and chip integration issues. This course shares lectures with E4350, but the complexity requirements of integrated circuits are higher

Spring 2025: ELEN E6350
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
ELEN 6350 001/17201 T Th 2:40pm - 3:55pm
603 Hamilton Hall
Mingoo Seok 3.00 0/30

ELEN E6412 LIGHTWAVE DEVICES. 3.00 points.

Lect: 2.

Prerequisites: (ELEN E4411) ELEN E4411
Electro-optics: principles; electro-optics of liquid crystals and photo-refractive materials. Nonlinear optics: second-order nonlinear optics; third-order nonlinear optics; pulse propagation and solitons. Acousto-optics: interaction of light and sound; acousto-optic devices. Photonic switching and computing: photonic switches; all-optical switches; bistable optical devices. Introduction to fiber-optic communications: components of the fiber-optic link; modulation, multiplexing and coupling; system performance; receiver sensitivity; coherent optical communications

Fall 2024: ELEN E6412
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
ELEN 6412 001/11287 T 1:10pm - 3:40pm
413 Kent Hall
Xiang Meng 3.00 10/60

ELEN E6413 LIGHTWAVE SYSTEMS. 3.00 points.

Lect: 2.

Prerequisites: (ELEN E4411) ELEN E4411; Recommended preparation: ELEN E6412.
Fiber optics. Guiding, dispersion, attenuation, and nonlinear properties of fibers. Optical modulation schemes. Photonic components, optical amplifiers. Semiconductor laser transmitters. Receiver design. Fiber optic telecommunication links. Nonregenerative transmission using erbium-doped fiber amplifier chains. Coherent detection. Local area networks. Advanced topics in light wave networks

Spring 2025: ELEN E6413
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
ELEN 6413 001/13698 T 4:10pm - 6:40pm
303 Uris Hall
Xiang Meng 3.00 11/60


Lect: 3.

Photonic integrated circuits are important subsystem components for telecommunications, optically controlled radar, optical signal processing, and photonic local area networks. An introduction to the devices and the design of these circuits. Principle and modeling of dielectric waveguides (including silica on silicon and InP based materials), waveguide devices (simple and star couplers), and surface diffractive elements. Discussion of numerical techniques for modeling circuits, including beam propagation and finite difference codes, and design of other devices: optical isolators, demultiplexers

Spring 2025: ELEN E6414
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
ELEN 6414 001/13699 W 4:10pm - 6:40pm
337 Seeley W. Mudd Building
Michal Lipson 3.00 18/30


Lect: 2.

Prerequisites: Background in electromagnetism ELEN E3401, ELEN E4401, ELEN E4411, or Physics GR6092 and quantum mechanics APPH E3100, APPH E4100, or PHYS GU402x.
An introduction to fundamental concepts of quantum optics and quantum electrodynamics with an emphasis on applications in nanophotonic devices. The quantization of the electromagnetic field; coherent and squeezed states of light; interaction between light and electrons in the language of quantum electrodynamics (QED); optical resonators and cavity QED; low-threshold lasers; and entangled states of light

ELEN E6488 Optical interconnects and interconnection networks. 3 points.

Lect: 2.

Prerequisites: (ELEN E4411) or (ELEN E4488) or ELEN E4411 OR ELEN E4488; or an equivalent photonics course.

Introduction to optical interconnects and interconnection networks for digital systems. Fundamental optical interconnects technologies, optical interconnection network design, characterization, and performance evaluation. Enabling photonic technologies including free-space structures, hybrid and monolithic integration platforms for photonic on-chip, chip-to-chip, backplane, and node-to-node interconnects, as well as photonic networks on-chip.

ELEN W6612 Stochastic control and identification. 0 points.

Lect: 3. 4,5 pts.

Prerequisites: ELEN E6711 or SIEO W6501, or the equivalent.
Recommended preparation: a background in linear system theory. State-space description of dynamical systems. Bellman's principle of optimality. Dynamic programming. Linear quadratic regulator with Gaussian noise. Control with partial observations. The controlled Kalman-Bucy filter; the separation principle of estimation and control. Adaptive control and identification. The self-tuning regulator


Lect: 3.

Prerequisites: (ELEN E4815) or ELEN E4815; or equivalent, or instructor's permission.
Representation of bandlimited signals and systems. Coherent and incoherent communications over Gaussian channels. Basic digital modulation schemes. Intersymbol inference channels. Fading multipath channels. Carrier and clock synchronization

ELEN E6713 Topics in communications. 3 points.

Lect: 3.

Prerequisites: (ELEN E6712) or (ELEN E4702) or (ELEN E4703) or ELEN E6712 OR ELEN E4702 OR ELEN E4703; or equivalent, or instructor's permission.

Advanced topics in communications, such as turbo codes, LDPC codes, multiuser communications, network coding, cross-layer optimization, cognitive radio. Content may vary from year to year to reflect the latest development in the field.

ELEN E6717 Classical and Quantum Information Theory. 3.00 points.

Lect: 2.

Prerequisites: (IEOR E3658) or IEOR E3658; or a course in stochastic processes.
Corequisites: ELEN E4815
Classical and quantum information measures. Source coding theorem. Capacity of discrete memoryless channels and the noisy channel coding theorem. The rate-distortion theory. Gaussian channel capacity. Quantum source coding. Quantum channel capacity

Spring 2025: ELEN E6717
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
ELEN 6717 001/17532 F 1:10pm - 3:40pm
401 Chandler
Xiaodong Wang 3.00 20/30


Lect: 2.

Prerequisites: (IEOR E3658) IEOR E3658
Main concepts of error control codes. Linear block codes. Elements of algebra: Galois fields. BCH and Reed Solomon codes. Convolutional Codes. Modern, capacity-achieving codes: Low Density Parity Check codes, TURBO codes, and Polar codes. EXIT Charts analysis

ELEN E6730 Quantum Sensing Theory. 3.00 points.

Introduction to quantum detection and estimation theory and its applications to quantum communications, quantum radar, quantum metrology, and quantum tomography. Background on quantum mechanics, quantum detection, composite quantum systems, Gaussian states, and quantum estimation


Lect: 3.

Prerequisites: (IEOR E3658) or IEOR E3658; or equivalent, or instructor's permission. Recommended: CSEE W4119.
Analytical approach to the design of (data) communication networks. Necessary tools for performance analysis and design of network protocols and algorithms. Practical engineering applications in layered Internet protocols in Data link layer, Network layer, and Transport layer. Review of relevant aspects of stochastic processes, control, and optimization

Fall 2024: ELEN E6761
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
ELEN 6761 001/11290 T Th 10:10am - 11:25am
627 Seeley W. Mudd Building
Javad Ghaderi 3.00 22/50
ELEN 6761 V01/17532  
Javad Ghaderi 3.00 2/99

ELEN E6765 INTERNET OF THINGS. 3.00 points.

Prerequisites: ELEN E4703 OR CSEE W4119; or equivalent, or instructor's permission; knowledge of programming.
Internet of Things from the point of view of data. Methods for data analytics to understand trade-offs and partitioning between cloud-based data-analytics and physical-device data analytics. Two-way interaction between data and physical devices to support a truly ubiquitous, networked, and autonomous cyber?physical ecosystem. System-focused design of architectures, algorithms, networks, protocols, communications, power, security, and standards. Focus on a significant design project


Prerequisites: (CSEE W4119) or (ELEN E6761) and CSEE W4119 OR ELEN E6761; CSEE W4119 or ELEN E6761 recommended, and ability to comprehend and track development of sophisticated models.
Mathematical models, analyses of economics and networking interdependencies in the internet. Topics include microeconomics of pricing and regulations in communications industry, game theory in revenue allocations, ISP settlements, network externalities, two-sided markets. Economic principles in networking and network design, decentralized vs. centralized resource allocation, “price of anarchy,” congestion control. Case studies of topical internet issues. Societal and industry implications of internet evolution

Fall 2024: ELEN E6767
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
ELEN 6767 001/11291 M W 11:40am - 12:55pm
545 Seeley W. Mudd Building
Debasis Mitra 3.00 29/30
ELEN 6767 V01/17533  
Debasis Mitra 3.00 2/5


Lect: 2.

Further study of areas such as communication protocols and architectures, flow and congestion control in data networks, performance evaluation in integrated networks. Content varies from year to year, and different topics rotate through the course numbers 6770 to 6779

Fall 2024: ELEN E6770
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
ELEN 6770 001/11292 F 4:10pm - 6:40pm
627 Seeley W. Mudd Building
Krishnan Sabnani, Thomas Woo 3.00 22/50


Further study of areas such as communication protocols and architectures, flow and congestion control in data networks, performance evaluation in integrated networks. Content varies from year to year, and different topics rotate through the course numbers 6770 to 6779

Spring 2025: ELEN E6771
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
ELEN 6771 001/13707 F 1:10pm - 3:40pm
627 Seeley W. Mudd Building
Doru Calin 3.00 10/50


Further study of areas such as communication protocols and architectures, flow and congestion control in data networks, performance evaluation in integrated networks. Content varies from year to year, and different topics rotate through the course numbers 6770 to 6779

Spring 2025: ELEN E6772
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
ELEN 6772 001/13708 W 7:00pm - 9:30pm
333 Uris Hall
Anwar Walid 3.00 11/50


Further study of areas such as communication protocols and architectures, flow and congestion control in data networks, performance evaluation in integrated networks. Content varies from year to year, and different topics rotate through the course numbers 6770 to 6779

Spring 2025: ELEN E6773
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
ELEN 6773 001/13710 M 4:10pm - 6:40pm
633 Seeley W. Mudd Building
3.00 2/60


Further study of areas such as communication protocols and architectures, flow and congestion control in data networks, performance evaluation in integrated networks. Content varies from year to year, and different topics rotate through the course numbers 6770 to 6779


Further study of areas such as communication protocols and architectures, flow and congestion control in data networks, performance evaluation in integrated networks. Content varies from year to year, and different topics rotate through the course numbers 6770 to 6779

Fall 2024: ELEN E6776
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
ELEN 6776 001/11293 W 7:00pm - 9:30pm
627 Seeley W. Mudd Building
Anwar Walid 3.00 27/50


Further study of areas such as communication protocols and architectures, flow and congestion control in data networks, performance evaluation in integrated networks. Content varies from year to year, and different topics rotate through the course numbers 6770 to 6779


Further study of areas such as communication protocols and architectures, flow and congestion control in data networks, performance evaluation in integrated networks. Content varies from year to year, and different topics rotate through the course numbers 6770 to 6779

ELEN E6779 Topics in networking. 3 points.

Not offered during 2023-2024 academic year.

Topic: 4th Generation Packet-Switched Networks.

ELEN E6820 SPEECH&AUDIO PROC&REC. 3.00 points.

Lect: 2.

Prerequisites: (ELEN E4810) or ELEN E4810; or instructor's permission.
Fundamentals of digital speech processing and audio signals. Acoustic and perceptual basics of audio. Short-time Fourier analysis. Analysis and filterbank models. Speech and audio coding, compression, and reconstruction. Acoustic feature extraction and classification. Recognition techniques for speech and other sounds, including hidden Markov models

Spring 2025: ELEN E6820
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
ELEN 6820 001/13721 W 1:10pm - 3:40pm
326 Uris Hall
Nima Mesgarani 3.00 34/60


Lect: 2.

Prerequisites: (ELEN E4810) ELEN E4810
This course is designed as an extension to ELEN E4810, with emphasis on emerging techniques in the area of digital signal processing. Topics include multirate signal processing, multidimensional signal processing, short-time Fourier transform, signal expansion in discrete and continuous time, filter banks, multiresolution analysis, wavelets, and their applications to image compression and understanding. Other topics may be included to reflect developments in the field

ELEN E6873 Statistical signal processing and learning. 3.00 points.

Prerequisites: ELEN E4815
Introduction to the fundamental principles of statistical signal processing related to detection and estimation. Hypothesis testing, signal detection, parameter estimation, signal estimation, and selected advanced topics. Suitable for students doing research in communications, control, signal processing, and related areas

Spring 2025: ELEN E6873
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
ELEN 6873 001/13725 M 10:10am - 12:40pm
330 Uris Hall
Guido Jajamovich 3.00 17/60

ELEN E6876 Sparse and Low-Dimensional Models for High-Dimensional Data. 3.00 points.

Prerequisites: ELEN E4815; or equivalent and linear algebra. Recommended: ELEN E4810 or equivalent.
Overview of theory, computation and applications for sparse and low-dimensional data modeling. Recoverability of sparse and low-rank models. Optimization methods for low-dim data modeling. Applications to imaging, neuroscience, communications, web data

Spring 2025: ELEN E6876
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
ELEN 6876 001/13720 W 4:10pm - 6:40pm
633 Seeley W. Mudd Building
John Wright 3.00 14/60


Lect: 2.

Prerequisites: (ELEN E4810) ELEN E4810
Advanced topics in signal processing, such as multidimensional signal processing, image feature extraction, image/video editing and indexing, advanced digital filter design, multirate signal processing, adaptive signal processing, and wave-form coding of signals. Content varies from year to year, and different topics rotate through the course numbers 6880 to 6889. Current topic for 6880: MIMO Wireless Communication


Prerequisites: ELEN E4810
Advanced topics in signal processing, such as multidimensional signal processing, image feature extraction, image/video editing and indexing, advanced digital filter design, multirate signal processing, adaptive signal processing, and wave-form coding of signals. Content varies from year to year, and different topics rotate through the course numbers 6880 to 6889. Current topic for 6880: MIMO Wireless Communication


Prerequisites: ELEN E4810
Advanced topics in signal processing, such as multidimensional signal processing, image feature extraction, image/video editing and indexing, advanced digital filter design, multirate signal processing, adaptive signal processing, and wave-form coding of signals. Content varies from year to year, and different topics rotate through the course numbers 6880 to 6889


Prerequisites: ELEN E4810
Advanced topics in signal processing, such as multidimensional signal processing, image feature extraction, image/video editing and indexing, advanced digital filter design, multirate signal processing, adaptive signal processing, and wave-form coding of signals. Content varies from year to year, and different topics rotate through the course numbers 6880 to 6889

Spring 2025: ELEN E6883
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
ELEN 6883 001/13712 F 8:10am - 10:00am
627 Seeley W. Mudd Building
Chong Li, Chonggang Wang 3.00 39/50


Prerequisites: ELEN E4810
Advanced topics in signal processing, such as multidimensional signal processing, image feature extraction, image/video editing and indexing, advanced digital filter design, multirate signal processing, adaptive signal processing, and wave-form coding of signals. Content varies from year to year, and different topics rotate through the course numbers 6880 to 6889

Fall 2024: ELEN E6884
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
ELEN 6884 001/11309 T 10:10am - 12:40pm
414 Schapiro Cepser
Guido Jajamovich 3.00 17/30

ELEN E6885 Topics in signal processing. 3 points.

Prerequisites: (ELEN E4810) ELEN E4810

Topic: Reinforcement Learning.

Fall 2024: ELEN E6885
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
ELEN 6885 001/11294 F 8:10am - 10:00am
1127 Seeley W. Mudd Building
Chong Li, Chonggang Wang 3 54/55
ELEN 6885 V01/21000  
Chong Li, Chonggang Wang 3 2/99


Prerequisites: ELEN E4810
Advanced topics in signal processing, such as multidimensional signal processing, image feature extraction, image/video editing and indexing, advanced digital filter design, multirate signal processing, adaptive signal processing, and wave-form coding of signals. Content varies from year to year, and different topics rotate through the course numbers 6880 to 6889


Prerequisites: ELEN E4810 ELEN E4810
Advanced topics in signal processing, such as multidimensional signal processing, image feature extraction, image/video editing and indexing, advanced digital filter design, multirate signal processing, adaptive signal processing, and wave-form coding of signals. Content varies from year to year, and different topics rotate through the course numbers 6880 to 6889. Topic: Large Data Stream Processing

Spring 2025: ELEN E6889
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
ELEN 6889 001/13713 Th 7:00pm - 9:30pm
633 Seeley W. Mudd Building
Deepak Turaga 3.00 18/70


Advanced topics spanning electrical engineering and computer science such as speech processing and recognition, image and multimedia content analysis, and other areas drawing on signal processing, information theory, machine learning, pattern recognition, and related topics. Content varies from year to year, and different topics rotate through the course numbers 6890 to 6899


Advanced topics spanning electrical engineering and computer science such as speech processing and recognition, image and multimedia content analysis, and other areas drawing on signal processing, information theory, machine learning, pattern recognition, and related topics. Content varies from year to year, and different topics rotate through the course numbers 6890 to 6899


Advanced topics spanning electrical engineering and computer science such as speech processing and recognition, image and multimedia content analysis, and other areas drawing on signal processing, information theory, machine learning, pattern recognition, and related topics. Content varies from year to year, and different topics rotate through the course numbers 6890 to 6899


Lect: 2.

Prerequisites: Instructor's permission.
Selected topics in electrical and computer engineering. Content varies from year to year, and different topics rotate through the course numbers 6900 to 6909


Prerequisites: Instructor's permission.
Selected topics in electrical and computer engineering. Content varies from year to year, and different topics rotate through the course numbers 6900 to 6909

Fall 2024: ELEN E6901
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
ELEN 6901 001/11296 Th 4:10pm - 6:40pm
627 Seeley W. Mudd Building
Mohamed Kamaludeen 3.00 15/50


Prerequisites: Instructor's permission.
Selected topics in electrical and computer engineering. Content varies from year to year, and different topics rotate through the course numbers 6900 to 6909


Prerequisites: Instructor's permission.
Selected topics in electrical and computer engineering. Content varies from year to year, and different topics rotate through the course numbers 6900 to 6909


Prerequisites: Instructor's permission.
Analysis, modeling and design of transceiver architectures for wireless communication and sensing. Fundamentals of RF system analysis and design. Introduction to discrete-time behavioral modeling of transceiver analog blocks and digital methods for compensating analog impairments. Topics include transceiver architectures for ultra-low power communication, high-throughput sub-THz communication and compressed-sampling architectures for energy-efficient wideband spectrum sensing and rapid direction-of-arrival finding

Fall 2024: ELEN E6904
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
ELEN 6904 001/14141 M 7:00pm - 9:30pm
402 Chandler
Tanbir Haque 3.00 10/60


Prerequisites: Instructor’s permission.
Selected topics in electrical and computer engineering. Content varies from year to year, and different topics rotate through the course numbers 6900 to 6909

Spring 2025: ELEN E6905
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
ELEN 6905 001/17207 W 7:00pm - 9:30pm
413 Kent Hall
Sindhu Suresh 3.00 13/60


Prerequisites: Instructor's permission.
Selected topics in electrical and computer engineering. Content varies from year to year, and different topics rotate through the course numbers 6900 to 6909

Spring 2025: ELEN E6906
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
ELEN 6906 001/13716 M W 11:40am - 12:55pm
524 Seeley W. Mudd Building
Debasis Mitra 3.00 26/30
ELEN 6906 V01/18096  
Debasis Mitra 3.00 1/99


Prerequisites: Instructor's permission.
Selected topics in electrical and computer engineering. Content varies from year to year, and different topics rotate through the course numbers 6900 to 6909

Spring 2025: ELEN E6907
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
ELEN 6907 001/17211 T 7:00pm - 9:30pm
833 Seeley W. Mudd Building
3.00 15/60


Prerequisites: Instructor's permission.
Selected topics in electrical and computer engineering. Content varies from year to year, and different topics rotate through the course numbers 6900 to 6909

Spring 2025: ELEN E6908
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
ELEN 6908 001/13717 M 10:10am - 12:40pm
633 Seeley W. Mudd Building
Xiaofan Jiang 3.00 62/70


Prerequisites: Instructor's permission.
Selected topics in electrical and computer engineering. Content varies from year to year, and different topics rotate through the course numbers 6900 to 6909

Fall 2024: ELEN E6909
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
ELEN 6909 001/13773 W 1:10pm - 3:40pm
627 Seeley W. Mudd Building
Silverio Bolognani 3.00 19/50

ELEN E6910 Topics in Technical Writing and Presentation for Electrical Engineers. 1 point.

Not offered during 2023-2024 academic year.

Prerequisites: Open to MS and PhD students in EE/CE by instructor’s permission.

Topics to help EE/CE graduate students’ communication skills. Emphasis on writing clear, concise proposals, journal articles, conference papers, and theses, and on preparing clear technical presentations. Different topics rotate through the course numbers 6910 to 6919. May be repeated for credit. Credit may not be used to satisfy degree requirements.


Topics to help EE/ CE graduate students' communication skills. Emphasis on writing clear, concise proposals, journal articles, conference papers, and theses, and on preparing clear technical presentations. Different topics rotate through the course numbers 6910 to 6919. May be repeated for credit. Credit may not be used to satisfy degree requirements


Lect: 2.

Prerequisites: (EECS E4321) ELEN E4321
A comprehensive introduction to modern power management integrated circuits (PMIC) design. Advanced topics in power management will be introduced including: linear regulators; digital linear regulator; switch-mode power converter; control schemes for DC-DC converters; power losses in DC-DC converter; switched capacitor converters; wireless power conversion; power converter modeling and simulation; design examples. Topics may change from year to year


Lect: 3.

Prerequisites: (ELEN E3106) and (ELEN E3401) or ELEN E3106 AND ELEN E3401; or equivalents. Recommended: ELEN E4944.
This course provides an understanding of the methods used for structuring matter on the nanometer length: thin-film technology; lithographic patterning and technologies including photon, electron, ion and atom, scanning probe, soft lithography, and nanoimprinting; pattern transfer; self-assembly; process integration; and applications


Lect: 2. Lab: 1.

Prerequisites: ELEN E6761; or instructor's permission.
Corequisites: ELEN E6761
Overview of mobile and wireless networking. Fundamental concepts in mobile wireless systems: propagation and fading, cellular systems, channel assignment, power control, handoff. Examples of second-generation circuits-switched systems and standards. Quantitative homework assignments may require use of a mathematical software package


ELEN E6999 FIELDWORK. 1.00-1.50 points.

Prerequisites: Obtained internship and approval from a faculty advisor.
May be repeated for credit, but no more than 3 total points may be used for degree credit. Only for electrical engineering and computer engineering graduate students who include relevant off-campus work experience as part of their approved program of study. Final report required. May not be taken for pass/fail credit or audited

Fall 2024: ELEN E6999
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
ELEN 6999 001/18950  
James Anderson 1.00-1.50 2/50
ELEN 6999 002/18951  
Zoran Kostic 1.00-1.50 2/50
ELEN 6999 003/18952  
Xiaofan Jiang 1.00-1.50 2/50
ELEN 6999 004/18953  
Debasis Mitra 1.00-1.50 2/50
ELEN 6999 005/18954  
Asaf Cidon 1.00-1.50 1/50
ELEN 6999 006/18955  
Predrag Jelenkovic 1.00-1.50 1/50

ELEN E9001 RESEARCH I. 0.00-6.00 points.

0 to 6 pts.

Prerequisites: Requires approval by a faculty member who agrees to supervise the work.
Points of credit to be approved by the department. Requires submission of an outline of the proposed research for approval by the faculty member who is to supervise the work of the student. The research facilities of the department are available to qualified students interested in advanced study

Fall 2024: ELEN E9001
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
ELEN 9001 001/18879  
Dimitris Anastassiou 0.00-6.00 0/50
ELEN 9001 002/18880  
Keren Bergman 0.00-6.00 5/50
ELEN 9001 003/18881  
Shih-Fu Chang 0.00-6.00 0/50
ELEN 9001 004/18882  
Javad Ghaderi 0.00-6.00 0/50
ELEN 9001 005/18883  
Christine Hendon 0.00-6.00 1/50
ELEN 9001 006/18884  
Predrag Jelenkovic 0.00-6.00 0/50
ELEN 9001 007/18885  
Xiaofan Jiang 0.00-6.00 2/50
ELEN 9001 008/18886  
Ethan Katz-Bassett 0.00-6.00 0/50
ELEN 9001 009/18887  
Dion Khodagholy Araghy 0.00-6.00 0/50
ELEN 9001 010/18888  
Peter Kinget 0.00-6.00 0/50
ELEN 9001 011/18889  
Zoran Kostic 0.00-6.00 1/50
ELEN 9001 012/18890  
Harish Krishnaswamy 0.00-6.00 1/50
ELEN 9001 013/18891  
Ioannis Kymissis 0.00-6.00 3/50
ELEN 9001 014/18892  
Aurel Lazar 0.00-6.00 0/50
ELEN 9001 015/18893  
Michal Lipson 0.00-6.00 2/50
ELEN 9001 016/18908  
Nima Mesgarani 0.00-6.00 1/50
ELEN 9001 017/18894  
Debasis Mitra 0.00-6.00 0/50
ELEN 9001 018/18895  
John Paisley 0.00-6.00 0/50
ELEN 9001 019/18896  
Matthias Preindl 0.00-6.00 4/50
ELEN 9001 020/18897  
Mingoo Seok 0.00-6.00 3/50
ELEN 9001 021/18909  
Kenneth Shepard 0.00-6.00 3/50
ELEN 9001 022/18898  
Tanvir Ahmed Khan 0.00-6.00 2/50
ELEN 9001 023/18899  
Yannis Tsividis 0.00-6.00 0/50
ELEN 9001 024/18900  
David Vallancourt 0.00-6.00 0/50
ELEN 9001 025/18901  
Wen Wang 0.00-6.00 0/50
ELEN 9001 026/18902  
Xiaodong Wang 0.00-6.00 1/50
ELEN 9001 027/18903  
John Wright 0.00-6.00 2/50
ELEN 9001 028/18904  
Charles Zukowski 0.00-6.00 0/50
ELEN 9001 029/18910  
Gil Zussman 0.00-6.00 0/50
ELEN 9001 030/18911  
Alexander Gaeta 0.00-6.00 0/50
ELEN 9001 031/18905  
Savannah Eisner 0.00-6.00 2/50
ELEN 9001 032/18906  
James Anderson 0.00-6.00 0/50
ELEN 9001 033/18907  
Asaf Cidon 0.00-6.00 0/99
ELEN 9001 034/18959  
Xiang Meng 0.00-6.00 0/99
ELEN 9001 035/19323  
Micah Goldblum 0.00-6.00 0/50

ELEN E9002 RESEARCH II. 0.00-6.00 points.

0 to 6 pts.

Prerequisites: Requires approval by a faculty member who agrees to supervise the work.
Points of credit to be approved by the department. Requires submission of an outline of the proposed research for approval by the faculty member who is to supervise the work of the student. The research facilities of the department are available to qualified students interested in advanced study

Spring 2025: ELEN E9002
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
ELEN 9002 001/17951  
Dimitris Anastassiou 0.00-6.00 0/90
ELEN 9002 002/17952  
Keren Bergman 0.00-6.00 0/90
ELEN 9002 003/17953  
Shih-Fu Chang 0.00-6.00 0/90
ELEN 9002 004/17954  
Javad Ghaderi 0.00-6.00 0/90
ELEN 9002 005/17965  
Christine Hendon 0.00-6.00 1/90
ELEN 9002 006/17964  
Predrag Jelenkovic 0.00-6.00 0/90
ELEN 9002 007/17963  
Xiaofan Jiang 0.00-6.00 1/90
ELEN 9002 008/17966  
Ethan Katz-Bassett 0.00-6.00 0/90
ELEN 9002 009/17962  
Dion Khodagholy Araghy 0.00-6.00 0/90
ELEN 9002 010/17961  
Peter Kinget 0.00-6.00 0/90
ELEN 9002 011/17968  
Zoran Kostic 0.00-6.00 0/90
ELEN 9002 012/17959  
Harish Krishnaswamy 0.00-6.00 0/90
ELEN 9002 013/17958  
Ioannis Kymissis 0.00-6.00 1/90
ELEN 9002 014/17957  
Aurel Lazar 0.00-6.00 0/90
ELEN 9002 015/17956  
Michal Lipson 0.00-6.00 1/90
ELEN 9002 016/17955  
Nima Mesgarani 0.00-6.00 1/90
ELEN 9002 017/17960  
Debasis Mitra 0.00-6.00 0/90
ELEN 9002 018/17967  
John Paisley 0.00-6.00 0/90
ELEN 9002 019/17973  
Matthias Preindl 0.00-6.00 1/90
ELEN 9002 020/17972  
Mingoo Seok 0.00-6.00 0/90
ELEN 9002 021/17971  
Kenneth Shepard 0.00-6.00 0/90
ELEN 9002 022/17970  
Tanvir Ahmed Khan 0.00-6.00 2/90
ELEN 9002 023/17969  
Yannis Tsividis 0.00-6.00 0/90
ELEN 9002 024/17974  
David Vallancourt 0.00-6.00 0/90
ELEN 9002 025/17981  
Wen Wang 0.00-6.00 0/90
ELEN 9002 026/17982  
Xiaodong Wang 0.00-6.00 1/90
ELEN 9002 027/17980  
John Wright 0.00-6.00 0/90
ELEN 9002 028/17979  
Charles Zukowski 0.00-6.00 0/90
ELEN 9002 029/17983  
Gil Zussman 0.00-6.00 0/90
ELEN 9002 030/17985  
James Anderson 0.00-6.00 0/90
ELEN 9002 031/17984  
Savannah Eisner 0.00-6.00 0/99
ELEN 9002 032/17978  
James Anderson 0.00-6.00 0/99
ELEN 9002 033/17977  
Asaf Cidon 0.00-6.00 0/99
ELEN 9002 034/17976  
Xiang Meng 0.00-6.00 0/99
ELEN 9002 035/17975  
Micah Goldblum 0.00-6.00 0/99


Lect: 2.

Prerequisites: Open to doctoral candidates, and to qualified M.S. candidates with instructor’s permission.
Theoretical and experimental studies of semiconductor physics, devices, and technology

Fall 2024: ELEN E9301
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
ELEN 9301 001/21169 Th 3:00pm - 4:00pm
707 Schapiro Cepser
Michal Lipson 3.00 6/99


Open to doctoral candidates, and to qualified M.S. candidates with the instructor's permission. Study of recent developments in electronic circuits

ELEN E9303 Seminar in electronic circuits. 3 points.

Lect: 2.

Open to doctoral candidates, and to qualified M.S. candidates with the instructor's permission. Study of recent developments in electronic circuits.


Lect: 2.

Prerequisites: (ELEN E4411) ELEN E4411
Open to doctoral candidates and to qualified M.S. candidates with instructor's permission. Recent experimental and theoretical developments in various areas of photonics research. Examples of topics that may be treated include squeezed-light generation, quantum optics, photon detection, nonlinear optical effects, and ultrafast optics


ELEN E9701 Seminar in information and communication theories. 3 points.

Lect: 2.

Open to doctoral candidates, and to qualified M.S. candidates with the instructor's permission. Recent developments in telecommunication networks, information and communication theories, and related topics.


Not offered during 2023-2024 academic year.

Open to doctoral candidates and to qualified M.S. candidates with instructor's permission. Advanced topics in recent developments in research on cyber-physical systems (CPS) and related topics


3, 6, 9 or 12 pts.

A candidate for the Eng.Sc.D. degree in electrical engineering must register for 12 points of doctoral research instruction. Registration in ELEN E9800 may not be used to satisfy the minimum residence requirement for the degree

Fall 2024: ELEN E9800
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
ELEN 9800 001/21719  
Aurel Lazar 3.00-12.00 0/50