Interdisciplinary Engineering Courses

Of the following courses, some may be requirements for degree programs, and others may be taken as electives. See your departmental program of study or consult with an adviser for more information.


Bridge between the science-oriented, high school way of thinking and the engineering point of view. Fundamental concepts of math and science reviewed and re-framed in an engineering context; numerous examples of each concept drawn from all disciplines of engineering represented at Columbia. Non-technical issues of importance in professional engineering practice such as ethics, engineering project management, and societal impact. Only open to Columbia Engineering first-year undergraduate students or second-year transfer students. Lab fee: $150

Fall 2024: ENGI E1102
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
ENGI 1102 001/17685 F 11:00am - 1:00pm
301 Uris Hall
David Vallancourt 4.00 205/215
Spring 2025: ENGI E1102
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
ENGI 1102 001/14693 F 11:00am - 1:00pm
301 Pupin Laboratories
David Vallancourt 4.00 204/205

ENGI W4100 RESEARCH TO REVENUE. 3.00 points.

An interschool course with Columbia Business School that trains engineering and business students to identify and pursue innovation opportunities that rely on intellectual property coming out of academic research. Idea generation, market research, product development, and financing. Teams develop and present business model for a technological invention. This course has limited enrollment by application, and is open to advanced undergraduate students and graduate students. Consult with department for questions on fulfillment of technical elective requirement.

ENGI E4200 Global Engineering Concepts. 3.00 points.

Prerequisites: Students must be enrolled in the Global Engineering track.
Introduces students to contemporary cases in engineering that impact the world globally and locally. Taught by Columbia Engineering faculty members, approaching the cases in an interdisciplinary manner, bringing students together across the MS programs. Focuses on the School’s vision of Engineering for Humanity in five areas: Sustainability, Health, Security, Connectedness, and Creativity

ENGI E4201 Global Engineering Fieldwork. 1.00 point.

Prerequisites: Students must be enrolled in the Global Engineering Track GET specialization. Instructor's written approval.
Final reports required. May not be audited. International students must consult with the International Students and Scholars Office

ENGI E4300 Design Justice: Human-Centered Design and Social Justice. 3.00 points.

Prerequisites: IEME E4200 OR COMS W4170; Or instructor's permission.
Introduction to Human-Centered Design and Innovation. Unpack the role of design in the market economy for an individual consumer, for a designer/developer and for an enterprise or other organization. Consider how designing in good faith for most can lead to injustice for some. Examine how - to use the PROP framework of the Columbia School of Social Work[1] - power, race, oppression, and privilege can be executed through the design process. Equip students with tools to engage in the design process and to facilitate the engagement of others. Explore strategies for guiding design and innovation towards more just solutions. [1]

ENGI E4990 ADVANCED MASTER'S RESEARCH. 0.00-6.00 points.

Prerequisites: Previous research at Columbia.
Research Course for Master's Students. Students must be nominated by a faculty member. The research credits may not be counted towards the credits required for the Master’s degree

Spring 2025: ENGI E4990
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
ENGI 4990 001/18008  
Alexis Moore 0.00-6.00 41/49


Not offered during 2023-2024 academic year.

Fieldwork is integral to the academic preparation and professional development of doctoral students. This course provides the academic framework for fieldwork experience required for the student’s program of study. Fieldwork documentation and faculty adviser approval is required prior to registration. A final written report must be submitted. This course will count toward the degree program and cannot be taken for pass/fail credit or audited. With approval from the department chair or the doctoral program director, doctoral students can register for this course at most twice. In rare situations, exceptions may be granted by the Dean's Office to register for the course more than twice (e.g., doctoral students funded by industrial grants who wish to perform doctoral fieldwork for their corporate sponsor). The doctoral student must be registered for this course during the same term as the fieldwork experience

Fall 2024: ENGI E8000
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
ENGI 8000 001/19094  
Alexis Moore 1.00 9/100

For information on courses in other divisions of the University, please consult the bulletins of Columbia College and the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences.