Ethnicity and Race Studies

The Center for the Study of Ethnicity and Race

Department Website: Center for the Study of Ethnicity and Race

Office location: 420 Hamilton Hall

Office contact: 212-854-0510, 212-854-0507

Director of Undergraduate Studies: Dr. Bahia Munem;; 212-854-2058

Assistant Director: May Niiya;; 212-854-0510

Program Coordinator:

Ethnicity and Race Studies 

Founded in 1999, the Center for the Study of Ethnicity and Race (CSER) is an interdisciplinary intellectual space whose mission is to advance the most innovative teaching, research, and public discussion about race and ethnicity. To promote its mission, the Center organizes conferences, seminars, exhibits, film screenings, and lectures that bring together faculty, undergraduates, and graduate students with diverse interests and backgrounds. Moreover, CSER partners with departments, centers, and institutes at Columbia, as well as with colleagues and organizations on and off campus, in order to reach new audiences and facilitate an exchange of knowledge.

Student Advising

Consulting Advisers

Information to be added

Enrolling in Classes

Information to be added

Preparing for Graduate Study

Information to be added

Coursework Taken Outside of Columbia

Barnard College Courses

To ensure that Barnard College courses complement the major and integrate effectively with the major’s requirements, students are encouraged to consult with CSER’s undergraduate adviser as early in their academic program as possible. The director of undergraduate studies can advise students in what may be relevant programs for their areas.

Transfer Courses

To ensure that transfer courses complement the major and integrate effectively with the major’s requirements, students are encouraged to consult with CSER’s undergraduate adviser as early in their academic program as possible. The director of undergraduate studies can advise students in what may be relevant programs for their areas.

Study Abroad Courses

Students are highly encouraged to participate in study-abroad programs through the Center for Undergraduate Global Engagement, as they represent an exciting opportunity to learn new languages and live in countries that are germane to their areas of study. In addition, travel abroad can enrich every student’s intellectual experience by providing an opportunity to learn about other perspectives on ethnicity and race.

In the past, students have participated in study-abroad programs in many parts of the world, including Australia, the Dominican Republic, Mexico, and South Africa. To ensure that study abroad complements the major and integrates effectively with the major’s requirements, students are encouraged to consult with CSER’s undergraduate adviser as early in their academic program as possible. The director of undergraduate studies can advise students in what may be relevant programs for their areas.

Summer Courses

To ensure that summer courses complement the major and integrate effectively with the major’s requirements, students are encouraged to consult with CSER’s undergraduate adviser as early in their academic program as possible. The director of undergraduate studies can advise students in what may be relevant programs for their areas.

Core Curriculum Connections

Information to be added

Undergraduate Research and Senior Thesis

Senior Thesis Coursework and Requirements

​Majors who elect to follow the Honors track must complete at least four CSER elective courses within their area of specialization, and maintain a 3.6 GPA in the major. In lieu of a fifth elective, Honors majors are required to enroll in the following course in the spring semester of their senior year, during which they are required to write a thesis:

CSER UN3990 Senior Project Seminar (4 points)

Honors majors are required to present their senior essays at the annual undergraduate symposium in April. Students may fulfill this option in one of the following two ways:

  1. By matriculating in the Senior Thesis course and writing the thesis under the supervision of the course faculty.

  2. By taking an additional 4-point seminar where a major paper is required and further developing the paper into a thesis length work (minimum of 30 pages) under the supervision of a CSER faculty member.

Department Honors and Prizes

Department Honors

CSER majors may choose to write and/or produce an honors project. The senior thesis gives undergraduate majors the opportunity to engage in rigorous, independent, and original research on a specific topic of their choosing. If a monograph, the honors thesis is expected to be 35-50 pages in length. Honors projects can also take other forms, such as video or websites. These projects also require a written component, but of a shorter length than the traditional thesis. During their senior year, honors students perform research as part of CSER UN3990 Senior Project Seminar. Senior projects are due in early April. The Honors Thesis is an excellent option for any student interested in pursuing a Master’s degree or Ph.D. Students should consult with their director of undergraduate studies no later than the beginning of the first term of their senior year if they wish to be considered for departmental honors. Students who are awarded departmental honors are notified by their department in mid-May.

In order to qualify for departmental honors, students must satisfy all the requirements for the major, maintain a GPA of at least 3.6 in the major, and complete a high quality honors project. In addition, each student is expected to meet periodically with his or her supervising project adviser and preceptor. Although the senior thesis is a prerequisite for consideration for departmental honors, all Ethnicity and Race studies majors are strongly encouraged to consider undertaking thesis work even if they do not wish to be considered for departmental honors.

Academic Prizes

In addition to departmental honors, CSER also confers the following awards to two graduating seniors:

CSER Award for Outstanding Thesis

  • A CSER faculty committee will review all senior projects and will select one for the Outstanding Thesis award.

  • As part of its deliberation process, the committee reviews recommendations made by CSER faculty, the Modes of Inquiry course instructor and the CSER preceptor. In order to receive this award, the student must keep a GPA of 3.6 or above in the major courses.

CSER Award for Academic Excellence

  • CSER confers this award to a student who has consistently demonstrated her/his intellectual capacity in and outside the classroom. In order to receive this award, the student must keep a GPA of 3.6 or above in the major courses.

Core Faculty and Executive Committee



Undergraduate Programs of Study

The Ethnicity and Race Studies major and concentration encompass a variety of fields and interdisciplinary approaches to the critical study of ethnicity and race.

Faculty and students find this field exciting because it opens up new ways of thinking about two fundamental aspects of human social existence: race and ethnicity. Although various traditional disciplines such as history, sociology, anthropology, and literature offer valuable knowledge on the subject, ethnicity and race studies provides a flexible interdisciplinary and comparative space to bring the insights of various conceptual frameworks and disciplines together in critical dialogue.

Overall, the major introduces students to the study of ethnicity and race and the deep implications of the subject matter for thinking about human bodies, power, identity, culture, social hierarchy, and the formation of political communities. The major encourages students to consider the repercussions of racial and ethnic identifications to local and global politics, and how race and ethnicity relates to gender, sexuality, and social class, among other forms of hierarchical difference.

Students majoring in ethnicity and race studies may focus their work on specific groups, including Asian Americans, Latinos, and Native Americans, and/or concentrate on the comparative study of how race and ethnic categories are formed and how they transform. Students also have the option of designing an individualized course of study. Individualized courses of study may encompass a wide variety of themes. Among the most studied are those involving the relationship between race, ethnicity and law; health; human rights; urban spaces; cultural production; visual culture; and the environment.

Due to its rigorous curriculum, which trains students in theory, history, and a wide range of modes of inquiry, the major enables a student to follow multiple directions after graduation. According to our internal surveys, nearly half of CSER students continue to graduate programs in history, anthropology, and ethnic studies, among other areas. A second group of students pursues a variety of professions, most notably related to law, medicine, media, social work, government, and human rights.

Major in Ethnicity and Race Studies

The requirements for this program were modified on March 2022. Students who declared this program before this date should contact the director of undergraduate studies for the department in order to confirm their correct course of study.

The major in ethnicity and race studies consists of a minimum of 27 points. All majors are required to take three core courses as listed below:

Core Courses
All majors will select one of the areas of specialization listed below from which to complete their remaining coursework:
Asian American studies
Comparative ethnic studies
Latino/a studies
Native American/Indigenous studies
Individualized courses of study
Majors who elect NOT to follow the Honors track must complete at least five CSER elective courses, in consultation with their major adviser, within their area of specialization. At least one of these electives must be a writing-intensive seminar (3000 or above level courses must be chosen within the department). Majors who elect to follow the Honors track must complete at least four CSER elective courses, in consultation with their major adviser, within their area of specialization.
In lieu of a fifth elective, Honors majors are required to enroll in the following course in the spring semester of their senior year, during which they are required to write a thesis:
Honors majors are required to present their senior essays at the annual undergraduate symposium in April. Students may fulfill this option in one of the following two ways:
1. By matriculating in the Senior Thesis course and writing the thesis under the supervision of the course faculty.
2. By taking an additional 4-point seminar where a major paper is required and further developing the paper into a thesis length work (minimum of 30 pages) under the supervision of a CSER faculty member.
Language Courses
- One of the following is highly recommended, although not required for the major:
- One course beyond the intermediate-level in language pertinent to the student's focus
- An introductory course in a language other than that used to fulfill the degree requirements, but that is pertinent to the student's focus
- A linguistics or other course that critically engages language
- An outside language and study abroad programs that include an emphasis on language acquisition

For students who entered Columbia in or before the 2023-24 academic year

Concentration in Ethnicity and Race Studies

The requirements for this program were modified on March 2022. Students who declared this program before this date should contact the director of undergraduate studies for the department in order to confirm their correct course of study.

The concentration in ethnicity and race studies requires a minimum of 19 points. Students take two core courses (may choose between CSER UN1010 and CSER UN1040) and four elective courses, one of which must be a seminar:

Core Courses
The concentration in ethnicity and race studies requires a minimum of 19 points. All students who choose a concentration are required to take two core course as listed below:
Students must complete at least four courses, in consultation with their major adviser, in one of the following areas of specialization. At least one of the elective courses must be a seminar.
Asian American studies
Comparative ethnic studies
Latino/a studies
Native American/Indigenous studies
Individualized courses of study

Spring 2025

Ethnicity and Race Studies


Enrollment limited to 22.

The course will investigate the impact of racial identity among Latinx in the U.S. on cultural production of Latinos in literature, media, politics and film. The seminar will consider the impact of bilingualism, shifting racial identification, and the viability of monolithic terms like Latinx. We will see how the construction of Latinx racial identity affects acculturation in the U.S., with particular attention to hybrid identities and the centering of black and indigenous cultures. Examples will be drawn from different Latinx ethnicities from the Caribbean, Mexico and the rest of Latin America

Spring 2025: CSER UN3701
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
CSER 3701 001/15873 T 2:10pm - 4:00pm
420 Hamilton Hall
Edward Morales 4.00 22/22

CSER UN3875 Performances of Race & Disaster. 4.00 points.

Through close study of popular culture and policy, this course examines the creation and maintenance of race within and through scenes of “natural disaster.” Flood, famine, and earthquake are demonstrations of unrest and rupture that are not simply environmental but also socio-politically produced by the ongoing disaster of racial capitalism. In our efforts to uncover the ways in which race is (per)formed on stage and street as well as within the wide halls of government, we will pay close attention to the language, services, organizations, and cultural productions used to entrench the punitive differences announced and amplified by disaster. Along the way, we will also complicate that word (“disaster”) in order to listen to the voices and make space for the bodies of those vulnerable peoples in the U.S. and contiguous Global South

Spring 2025: CSER UN3875
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
CSER 3875 001/17540 T 12:10pm - 2:00pm
420 Hamilton Hall
Shana Redmond 4.00 12/12


This seminar provides an introduction to mental health issues for Asian Americans. In particular, it focuses on the psychology of Asian Americans as racial/ethnic minorities in the United States by exploring a number of key concepts: immigration, racialization, prejudice, family, identity, pathology, and loss. We will examine the development of identity in relation to self, family, college, and society. Quantitative investigation, qualitative research, psychology theories of multiculturalism, and Asian American literature will also be integrated into the course

Spring 2025: CSER UN3905
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
CSER 3905 001/15874 T 10:10am - 12:00pm
420 Hamilton Hall
Motoni Fong Hodges 4.00 15/15

CSER UN3913 VIDEO AS INQUIRY. 4.00 points.

The goal of this course is to familiarize students with visual production, particularly video production, as a mode of inquiry to explore questions related to race, ethnicity, indigeneity, and other forms of social hierarchy and difference. The class will include readings in visual production as a mode of inquiry and on the basic craft of video production in various genres (fiction, documentary, and experimental). As part of the course, students will produce a video short and complete it by semester's end

Spring 2025: CSER UN3913
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
CSER 3913 001/15875 W 4:10pm - 6:00pm
420 Hamilton Hall
Frances Negron-Muntaner 4.00 20/18


This course will examine how the American legal system decided constitutional challenges affecting the empowerment of African, Latino, and Asian American communities from the 19th century to the present. Focus will be on the role that race, citizenship, capitalism/labor, property, and ownership played in the court decision in the context of the historical, social, and political conditions existing at the time. Topics include the denial of citizenship and naturalization to slaves and immigrants, government sanctioned segregation, the struggle for reparations for descendants of slavery, and Japanese Americans during World War II

Spring 2025: CSER UN3940
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
CSER 3940 001/15876 Th 10:10am - 12:00pm
420 Hamilton Hall
Elizabeth OuYang 4.00 18/22

CSER UN3942 RACE AND RACISMS. 4.00 points.

In this class we will approach race and racism from a variety of disciplinary and intellectual perspectives, including: critical race theory/philosophy, anthropology, history and history of science and medicine. We will focus on the development and deployment of the race concept since the mid-19th century. Students will come to understand the many ways in which race has been conceptualized, substantiated, classified, managed and observed in the (social) sciences, medicine, and public health. We will also explore the practices and effects of race (and race-making) in familiar and less familiar social and political worlds. In addition to the courses intellectual content, students will gain critical practice in the seminar format -- that is, a collegial, discussion-driven exchange of ideas

Fall 2024: CSER UN3942
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
CSER 3942 001/13936 W 2:10pm - 4:00pm
420 Hamilton Hall
Bahia Munem 4.00 11/15
Spring 2025: CSER UN3942
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
CSER 3942 001/15877 W 2:10pm - 4:00pm
420 Hamilton Hall
Bahia Munem 4.00 14/15


The Senior Project Seminar will focus primarily on developing students’ ideas for their research projects while charting their research goals. The course is designed to develop and hone the skills necessary to complete a senior thesis paper or creative project. An important component of the seminar is the completion of original and independent student research. The seminar provides students a forum in which to discuss their work with both the instructor and their peers. The professor, who facilitates the colloquium, will also provide students with additional academic support through seminar presentations, one-on-one meetings, and classroom exercises; supplementary to the feedback they receive from their individual faculty advisors. The course is divided into three main parts: 1.) researching and producing a senior project thesis; 2.) the submission of coursework throughout the spring semester that help lead to a successful completed project; 3.) and an oral presentation showcasing one’s research to those in and beyond the CSER community at the end of the academic year. This course is reserved for seniors who are completing a CSER senior project and who have successfully completed Modes of Inquiry in either their junior or senior year

Spring 2025: CSER UN3990
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
CSER 3990 001/15878 W 12:10pm - 2:00pm
420 Hamilton Hall
Darius Echeverria 4.00 18/22

CSER GU4004 Data, Race, Power and Justice. 4.00 points.

For more than a century, scientists, policy makers, law enforcement, and government agencies have collected, curated and analyzed data about people in order to make impactful decisions. This practice has exploded along with the computational power available to these agents. Those who design and deploy data collection, predictive analytics, and autonomous and intelligent decision-making systems claim that these technologies will remove problematic biases from consequential decisions. They aim to put a rational and objective foundation based on numbers and observations made by non-human sensors in the management of public life and to equip experts with insights that, they believe, will translate into better outcomes (health, economic, educational, judicial) for all. But these dreams and their pursuit through technology are as problematic as they are enticing. Throughout American history, data has often been used to oppress minoritized communities, manage populations, and institutionalize, rationalize, and naturalize systems of racial violence. The impersonality of data, the same quality that makes it useful, can silence voices and displace entire ways of knowing the world

Spring 2025: CSER GU4004
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
CSER 4004 001/15879 F 10:10am - 12:00pm
613 Hamilton Hall
Brian Luna Lucero 4.00 22/22

CSER GU4005 Abolition: Theory and Practice. 4.00 points.

This course will follow the idea of abolition as expressed first through the eighteenthand nineteenth-century struggle to end chattel slavery in the Americas, and then as it has come to define the struggle against over-policing and mass-incarceration in the late twentieth and early twenty-first centuries. In the first half of the class, we will consider abolition in England and its colonies, Haiti, Cuba, and the U.S. In so doing we will examine both primary sources from abolitionist print culture (narratives by fugitives from slavery, speeches, poems, and polemical tracts), as well as secondary sources by historians, literary critics, and political theorists. In the second half, we will likewise read writing by activists (some incarcerated or formerly incarcerated, and some not) alongside journalism and scholarship from the burgeoning interdisciplinary field of carceral studies. Across both periods, Black writers will take up the bulk of our attention

Spring 2025: CSER GU4005
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
CSER 4005 001/15880 M 4:10pm - 6:00pm
420 Hamilton Hall
Matthew Sandler 4.00 22/22

CSER GU4340 Visionary Medicine: Racial Justice, Health and Speculative Fiction. 4.00 points.

In Fall 2014, medical students across the U.S. staged die-ins as part of the nationwide #blacklivesmatter protests. The intention was to create a shocking visual spectacle, laying on the line “white coats for black lives.” The images were all over social media: students of all colors, dressed in lab coats, lying prone against eerily clean tile floors, stethoscopes in pockets, hands and around necks. One prone student held a sign reading, “Racism is Real.” These medical students’ collective protests not only created visual spectacle, but produced a dynamic speculative fiction. What would it mean if instead of Michael Brown or Eric Garner or Freddie Gray, these other, more seemingly elite bodies were subjected to police violence? In another viral image, a group of African American male medical students from Harvard posed wearing hoodies beneath their white coats, making clear that the bodies of some future doctors could perhaps be more easily targeted for state-sanctioned brutality. “They tried to bury us,” read a sign held by one of the students, “they didn’t realize we were seeds.” Both medicine and racial justice are acts of speculation; their practices are inextricable from the practice of imagining. By imagining new cures, new discoveries and new futures for human beings in the face of illness, medicine is necessarily always committing acts of speculation. By imagining ourselves into a more racially just future, by simply imagining ourselves any sort of future in the face of racist erasure, social justice activists are similarly involved in creating speculative fictions. This course begins with the premise that racial justice is the bioethical imperative of our time. It will explore the space of science fiction as a methodology of imagining such just futures, embracing the work of Asian- and Afroturism, Cosmos Latinos and Indigenous Imaginaries. We will explore issues including Biocolonialism, Alien/nation, Transnational Labor and Reproduction, the Borderlands and Other Diasporic Spaces. This course will be seminar-style and will make central learner participation and presentation. The seminar will be inter-disciplinary, drawing from science and speculative fictions, cultural studies, gender studies, narrative medicine, disability studies, and bioethics. Ultimately, the course aims to connect the work of science and speculative fiction with on the ground action and organizing

Spring 2025: CSER GU4340
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
CSER 4340 001/13853 W 10:10am - 12:00pm
328 Uris Hall
Sayantani DasGupta 4.00 12/20


Russian filmmaker Andre Tarkovsky said that “the artist has no right to an idea in which he is not socially committed.” Argentine filmmaker Fernando Solanas and Spanish-born Octavio Getino postulated an alternative cinema that would spur spectators to political action. In this course we will ask the question: How do authoritarian governments influence the arts, and how do artists respond? We will study how socially committed filmmakers have subverted and redefined cinema aesthetics to challenge authoritarianism and repression. In addition, we will look at how some filmmakers respond to institutional oppression, such as poverty and corruption, even within so-called “free” societies. The focus is on contemporary filmmakers but will also include earlier classics of world cinema to provide historical perspective. The course will discuss these topics, among others: What is authoritarianism, what is totalitarianism, and what are the tools of repression within authoritarian/totalitarian societies? What is Third Cinema, and how does it represent and challenge authoritarianism? How does film navigate the opposition of censorship, propaganda and truth? How do filmmakers respond to repressive laws concerning gender and sexual orientation? How do they deal with violence and trauma? How are memories of repressive regimes reflected in the psyche of modern cinema? And finally, what do we learn about authority, artistic vision, and about ourselves when we watch these films?

Spring 2025: CSER GU4350
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
CSER 4350 001/15881 Th 4:10pm - 6:00pm
707 Hamilton Hall
Eric Gamalinda 4.00 22/22


Conceived in the 1920’s and 1930’s, American Studies sought to make a synoptic account of the “national character.” Since the 1960’s, the field has turned towards a focus on various forms of inequality as the dark side of American exceptionalism. This course surveys the development of the field’s current preoccupations, covering a range of periods, regions, groups, and cultural practices that present productive problems for generalizations about U.S. identity. We begin with the first academic movement in American Studies, the myth and symbol school—and think through its growth in the context of post-WWII funding for higher education. We then move on to a series of debates centered at intersections of race, ethnicity, gender, and sexuality. We’ll close by examining the historical background of protest movements built around the identitarian concerns about rape culture and mass incarceration

ENGL UN3439 Afro-Asian Literary Imaginaries. 4.00 points.

In a gesture of solidarity with the Black Lives Matter movement, and spurred on by a wave of anti-Asian violence ignited by the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, Asian American artists and activists recently revived the slogan “Yellow Peril Supports Black Power.” Behind this slogan lies a long history of solidarity and collaboration between members of the Asian and African diasporas who saw their struggles against racial oppression, both on a domestic and global scale, as deeply intertwined. This course explores the literary dimensions of this rich yet often overlooked history, whose greatest thinkers were often also writers themselves. Through the study of poetry, novels, drama, and memoir, we will trace the development of “Afro-Asian” literary imaginaries from the early twentieth century to the present. Far from adopting a uniform approach to the subject, the texts we read will vary in form and content, ranging from the romantic, to the experimental, to the critical. Our reading throughout the course will be anchored in key historical moments in the history of Black and Asian solidarity and conflict, from pre-war anti-colonial movements, to the Third World Liberation strikes of the 1960s, to the Los Angeles riots of 1992. Together, we will ask what the unique role of literature has been within this history, and explore the possibilities that literature holds for imagining cross-racial solidarity in our contemporary moment

Spring 2025: ENGL UN3439
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
ENGL 3439 001/14804 F 2:10pm - 4:00pm
612 Philosophy Hall
Mieko Anders 4.00 15/18

AFAS GU4001 Revolution and Decolonization in the African Diaspora. 4.00 points.

This undergraduate/graduate seminar examines the history of Black revolutionary movements for decolonization from the era of slavery to the late twentieth century. While studies of what historians have called “Black Internationalism” have emerged over the past ten years, the revolutionary and decolonial legacies of Black Freedom movements have tended to be overshadowed by nation-centric models of Black Studies that tend to predominate in the field. This course poses long-standing questions for a new generation of students. How have Black revolutionary thinkers and movements analyzed the racial, class, gendered, and sexual dimensions of colonization? How have they confronted colonial state power and envisioned postcolonial transformation? What obstacles did these movements face? What lessons can be learned from revisiting Black revolutionary traditions? The course employs both intellectual history and social movement methodologies so that students can develop the tools to examine histories of decolonization and the visions of freedom that they inspired. While the class begins with the foundational struggles against slavery, the bulk of the course focuses on the revolutionary struggles of the mid-late 20th century, when a wide array of decolonization movements from Ghana and the Congo, to Cuba and the United States, attempted to challenge Euro-American imperial domination. The course’s diasporic focus, including struggles for decolonization in Africa, prompts students to explore the connections and resonances across national borders and colonial frontiers

Spring 2025: AFAS GU4001
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
AFAS 4001 001/18656 Th 2:10pm - 4:00pm
758 Ext Schermerhorn Hall
Frank Guridy 4.00 12/12


This course looks closely at objects and images produced by Native North Americans across history. Grounding our study in essays and guest lectures from Native scholars, we will investigate the significance of the works and how and to whom meaning is communicated. Beginning with an introduction that links aesthetics and worldview using the conventional organizing principle of the culture area, we quickly move on to case studies that take up key issues that persist for Native people living under settler colonialism today, including questions of sovereignty, self-expression, transformation and representation. Along the way, we will also tackle historiographic questions about how knowledge about Native art has been produced in universities and museums and how Indigenous people have worked to counter those discourses

Spring 2025: AHIS GU4089
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
AHIS 4089 001/00743 T Th 4:10pm - 5:25pm
302 Barnard Hall
Elizabeth Hutchinson 3.00 31/50

WMST GU4330 SWANA Diasporas: Culture, Politics and Identity Formation in a Time of War. 4.00 points.

In this class we will study South-West Asian and North African (SWANA) diasporic populations, social movements and cultural production that have responded to the multi-faceted ramifications of the 21st century war on terror. We will focus on diverse Arab, Iranian, and Afghan diasporas in the United States, where 19th and 20th century legacies of racism, xenophobia, Islamophobia and Orientalism combined in new ways to target these groups after the September 11th, 2001 attacks. Drawing on an interdisciplinary array of texts, including ethnography, fiction, feminist and queer theory, social movement theory, and visual and performance art, we will look at how the “war on terror” has shaped the subjectivities and self-representation of SWANA communities. Crucially, we will examine the gender and sexual politics of Islamophobia and racism and study how scholars, activists and artists have sought to intervene in dominant narratives of deviance, threat, and backwardness attributed to Muslim and other SWANA populations. This course takes up the politics of naming, situating the formation of “SWANA” as part of an anti-colonial genealogy that rejects imperial geographies such as “Middle East.” We will ask how new geographies and affiliations come into being in the context of open-ended war, and what new political identities and forms of cultural production then become possible

Spring 2025: WMST GU4330
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
WMST 4330 001/00023 Th 10:10am - 12:00pm
111 Milstein Center
Manijeh Moradian 4.00 13/20

HIST GU4933 American Radicalism in the Archives. 4.00 points.

“American Radicalism in the Archives” is a research seminar examining the multiple ways that radicals and their social movements have left traces in the historical record. Straddling the disciplines of social movement history, public humanities, and critical information studies, the seminar will use the archival collections at Columbia University’s Rare Book & Manuscript Library to trace the history of social movements and to consider the intersections of radical theory and practice with the creation and preservation of archives

Spring 2025: HIST GU4933
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
HIST 4933 001/11711  
Thai Jones 4.00 14/15

SOCI GR6068 Reckoning with Asian America. 4.00 points.

It took the mass murder of six Asian women in Atlanta on March 16, 2021 to draw national attention to what Asian Americans have been warning about since the wake of Covid-19: a surge in anti-Asian violence and hate. Since the onset of the coronavirus, 1 in 8 Asian American adults experienced a hate incident, and 1 in 7 Asian American women worry all the time about being victimized, reflecting an under-recognized legacy of anti-Asian violence, bigotry, misogyny, and discrimination in the United States that dates back more than 150 years. Drawing on research and readings from the social sciences, this course links the past to the present in order to understand this legacy, and how it continues to affect Asian Americans today

Spring 2025: SOCI GR6068
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
SOCI 6068 001/11498 M 2:10pm - 4:00pm
509 Knox Hall
Jennifer Lee 4.00 9/20

CLGR GR6822 Writing of Marginalized Communities in Germany. Politics, Aesthetics, Interventions. 4.00 points.

For the first time since the Second World War, the far right wins a regional election in Germany. All comes together with a rising number of Nazi attacks and pogroms, documented cases of police violence and racial profiling, political parties promoting the idea of a Fortress Europe, and more restrictions being imposed on asylum and migration, even by liberal political parties. Taking this as a point of departure, the course investigates post-millennial literature by Black authors and authors of color in Germany. The course will focus on the entanglement of politics and aesthetics, as well as the emergence of new forms and narrative techniques as an intervention in contemporary Germany literature, with stories and plots becoming almost a prophecy of the political reality. We will also closely investigate how BPoC-authors write into and reshape German memory culture that is usually thought of as belonging to white majority society. How do racist killings infiltrate plots and change narrative structures? How is German collective remembrance being (re)shaped with stories by marginalized authors on the Holocaust, the history of German colonialism and other genocides? How is Europe being represented? Where does it end? What transnational alliances, networks, and solidarities are made im/possible? These are some of the many questions the course aims to tackle. The course is taught in English. All readings are available in German and English

Fall 2024

Ethnicity and Race Studies


CC/GS/SEAS: Partial Fulfillment of Global Core Requirement
Students MUST register for a Discussion Section.

Introduction to the field of comparative ethnic studies

Fall 2024: CSER UN1010
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
CSER 1010 001/13925 M W 1:10pm - 2:25pm
717 Hamilton Hall
Shana Redmond 4.00 60/60


This course explores the meaning of American citizenship in connection with the country’s immigration history. Topics include historic pathways to citizenship for migrants; barriers to citizenship including wealth, race, gender, beliefs and documentation; and critical issues such as colonialism, statelessness, dual nationality, and birthright citizenship. We will ask how have people become citizens and under what authority has that citizenship been granted? What are the historic barriers to citizenship and how have they shifted over time? What major questions remain unanswered by Congress and the Supreme Court regarding the rights of migrants to attain and retain American citizenship?

Fall 2024: HIST UN3030
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
HIST 3030 001/14140 Th 12:10pm - 2:00pm
311 Fayerweather
Jessica Lee 4.00 12/15


Since September 11, 2001, there has been an avalanche of immigration enforcement policies and initiatives proposed or implemented under the guise of national security. This course will analyze the domino effect of the Patriot Act, the Absconder Initiative, Special Registration, the Real I.D. Act, border security including the building of the 700-mile fence along the U.S./Mexico border, Secured Communities Act-that requires the cooperation of state and local authorities in immigration enforcement, the challenge to birthright citizenship, and now the congressional hearings on Islamic radicalization. Have these policies been effective in combating the war on terrorism and promoting national security? Who stands to benefit from these enforcement strategies? Do immigrant communities feel safer in the U.S.? How have states joined the federal bandwagon of immigration enforcement or created solutions to an inflexible, broken immigration system?

Fall 2024: CSER UN3490
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
CSER 3490 001/13928 Th 10:10am - 12:00pm
420 Hamilton Hall
Elizabeth OuYang 4.00 19/22


In the US, Latinxs are often treated in quantitative terms—as checkmarks on census forms, or as data points in demographic surveys. However, Latinxs have always been more than mere numbers: while some have stayed rooted in traditional homelands, and while others have migrated through far-flung diasporas, all have drawn on and developed distinctive ways of imagining and inhabiting the Americas. In this course, we will explore a wide range of these Latinx lifeways. Through readings in the humanities and social sciences, we will learn how Latinxs have survived amidst and against settler colonialism and racial capitalism. Meanwhile, through the study of literature and art, we will see how Latinxs have resisted and/or reinforced these social systems. With our interdisciplinary and intersectional approach, we will determine why Latinidad has manifested differently in colonial territories (especially Puerto Rico), regional communities (especially the US–Mexico borderlands), and transnational diasporas (of Cubans, of Dominicans, and of a variety of Central Americans). At the same time, we will understand how Latinxs have struggled with shared issues, such as (anti-) Blackness and (anti-)Indigeneity, gender and sexuality, citizenship and (il)legality, and economic and environmental (in)justice. During the semester, we will practice Latinx studies both collectively and individually: to enrich our in-class discussions, each student will complete a reading journal, a five- page paper, a creative project, and a digital timeline

Fall 2024: CSER UN3523
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
CSER 3523 001/14274 Th 4:10pm - 6:00pm
420 Hamilton Hall
Carlos Nugent 4.00 17/22

CSER UN3702 Memory and Monuments in the U.S. West. 4.00 points.

This class explores the relationships among memory, monuments, place, and political power in the United States West. The course begins with an introduction to the theory of collective memory and then delves into case studies in New Mexico, California, and Texas. We will expand our perspective at the end of the course to compare what we have learned with the recent debates over monuments to the Confederacy. We will consider both physical manifestations of collective memory such as monuments and architecture as well as intangible expressions like performance, oral history and folklore

Fall 2024: CSER UN3702
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
CSER 3702 001/13929 T 2:10pm - 4:00pm
253 International Affairs Bldg
Brian Luna Lucero 4.00 10/22

CSER UN3919 MODES OF INQUIRY. 4.00 points.

Corequisites: CSER UN3921
Corequisites: CSER UN3921 This class, a combination of a seminar and a workshop, will prepare students to conduct, write up, and present original research. It has several aims and goals. First, the course introduces students to a variety of ways of thinking about knowledge as well as to specific ways of knowing and making arguments key to humanistic and social science fields. Second, this seminar asks students to think critically about the approaches they employ in pursuing their research. The course will culminate in a semester project, not a fully executed research project, but rather an 8-10 page proposal for research that will articulate a question, provide basic background on the context that this question is situated in, sketch preliminary directions and plot out a detailed methodological plan for answering this question. Students will be strongly encouraged to think of this proposal as related to their thesis or senior project. Over the course of the semester, students will also produce several short exercises to experiment with research techniques and genres of writing

Fall 2024: CSER UN3919
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
CSER 3919 001/13930 Th 12:10pm - 2:00pm
420 Hamilton Hall
Sayantani DasGupta 4.00 21/25


Enrollment limited to 22.

This seminar focuses on the critical analysis of Asian representation and participation in Hollywood by taking a look at how mainstream American cinema continues to essentialize the Asian and how Asian American filmmakers have responded to Hollywood Orientalist stereotypes. We will analyze various issues confronting the Asian American, including yellowface, white patriarchy, male and female stereotypes, the “model minority” myth, depictions of “Chinatowns,” panethnicity, the changing political interpretations of the term Asian American throughout American history, gender and sexuality, and cultural hegemonies and privileging within the Asian community

Fall 2024: CSER UN3922
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
CSER 3922 001/13931 Th 4:10pm - 6:00pm
707 Hamilton Hall
Eric Gamalinda 4.00 24/22


Latin music has had a historically strained relationship with mainstream music tastes, exploding in occasional boom periods, and receding into invisibility in others. What if this were true because it is a space for hybrid construction of identity that directly reflects a mixture of traditions across racial lines in Latin America? This course will investigate Latin musics transgression of binary views of race in Anglo-American society, even as it directly affects the development of pop music in America. From New Orleans jazz to Texas corridos, salsa, rock, and reggaeton, Latin music acts as both as a soundtrack and a structural blueprint for the 21st centurys multicultural experiment. There will be a strong focus on studying Latin musics political economy, and investigating the story it tells about migration and globalization

Fall 2024: CSER UN3926
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
CSER 3926 001/13933 T 2:10pm - 4:00pm
420 Hamilton Hall
Edward Morales 4.00 25/22


CC/GS/SEAS: Partial Fulfillment of Global Core Requirement
Enrollment limited to 22.

Prerequisites: Open to CSER majors/concentrators only. Others may be allowed to register with the instructor's permission.
Prerequisites: Open to CSER majors/concentrators only. Others may be allowed to register with the instructors permission. This course explores the centrality of colonialism in the making of the modern world, emphasizing cross-cultural and social contact, exchange, and relations of power; dynamics of conquest and resistance; and discourses of civilization, empire, freedom, nationalism, and human rights, from 1500 to 2000. Topics include pre-modern empires; European exploration, contact, and conquest in the new world; Atlantic-world slavery and emancipation; and European and Japanese colonialism in Asia, Africa, and the Middle East. The course ends with a section on decolonization and post-colonialism in the period after World War II. Intensive reading and discussion of primary documents

Fall 2024: CSER UN3928
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
CSER 3928 001/13934 M 10:10am - 12:00pm
507 Philosophy Hall
Manan Ahmed 4.00 21/20

CSER UN3935 Historical Anthropology of the US-Mexico Border. 4 points.

Beginning in the 1980s, border crossing became an academic rage in the humanities and the social sciences. This was a consequence of globalization, an historical process that reconfigured the boundaries between economy, society, and culture; and it was also a primary theme of post-modernist aesthetics, which celebrated playful borrowing of multiple and diverse historical references. Within that frame, interest in the US-Mexican border shifted dramatically. Since that border is the longest and most intensively crossed boundary between a rich and a poor country, it became a paradigmatic point of reference. Places like Tijuana or El Paso, with their rather seedy reputation, had until then been of interest principally to local residents, but they now became exemplars of post-modern “hybridity,” and were meant to inspire the kind of transnational scholarship that is required in today’s world. Indeed, the border itself became a metaphor, a movable imaginary boundary that marks ethnic and racial distinction in American and Mexican cities. This course is an introduction to the historical formation of the US-Mexican border.

Fall 2024: CSER UN3935
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
CSER 3935 001/13935 M 10:10am - 12:00pm
963 Ext Schermerhorn Hall
Claudio Lomnitz 4 11/20

CSER UN3942 RACE AND RACISMS. 4.00 points.

In this class we will approach race and racism from a variety of disciplinary and intellectual perspectives, including: critical race theory/philosophy, anthropology, history and history of science and medicine. We will focus on the development and deployment of the race concept since the mid-19th century. Students will come to understand the many ways in which race has been conceptualized, substantiated, classified, managed and observed in the (social) sciences, medicine, and public health. We will also explore the practices and effects of race (and race-making) in familiar and less familiar social and political worlds. In addition to the courses intellectual content, students will gain critical practice in the seminar format -- that is, a collegial, discussion-driven exchange of ideas

Fall 2024: CSER UN3942
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
CSER 3942 001/13936 W 2:10pm - 4:00pm
420 Hamilton Hall
Bahia Munem 4.00 11/15
Spring 2025: CSER UN3942
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
CSER 3942 001/15877 W 2:10pm - 4:00pm
420 Hamilton Hall
Bahia Munem 4.00 14/15


Drawing from evidenced-based social science research, this course will equip students to understand how the laws and policies of America’s past continue to affect the experiences, trajectories, and perceptions of Asian Americans today. Tracing the racial mobility of Asian Americans from “unassimilable to exceptional”, we begin by studying legacies of exclusion and then examine Asian Americans’ experiences in education, affirmative action, the workplace, and the surge of anti-Asian violence during the Covid-19 pandemic

Fall 2024: SOCI UN3968
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
SOCI 3968 001/13849 M 2:10pm - 4:00pm
509 Knox Hall
Jennifer Lee 4.00 15/22


What makes a diva a diva? How have divas shaped and challenged our ideas about American culture, performance, race, space, and capital during the last century? This seminar explores the central role of the diva—the celebrated, iconic, and supremely skilled female performer—in the fashioning and re-imagining of racial, gendered, sexual, national, temporal, and aesthetic categories in American culture. Students in this course will theorize the cultural function and constitutive aspects of the diva and will analyze particular performances of a range of American divas from the 20th and 21st centuries and their respective roles in (re)defining American popular culture

Fall 2024: CSER GU4360
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
CSER 4360 001/13937 W 10:10am - 12:00pm
420 Hamilton Hall
Deborah Paredez 4.00 16/15


This course explores the set of possibilities presented by American Studies as a comparative field of study. We begin with a brief overview of the history of the field, and then we’ll focus primarily on the range of modes in which its interdisciplinary work has been undertaken (literary, historical, legal, digital, etc.). The idea here is not to arrive a comprehensive picture of American Studies, but to think about the many ways people have produced knowledge under its aegis. We will also focus on work by Columbia faculty, and sessions of the course are built around visits by faculty in the field to Columbia’s University Seminar in American Studies. Our guiding questions include: How does one do research in a multimedia, “cultural” environment? How does one situate oneself as an “intellectual” or “critic” in relation to one’s object of study? How does one write about different media/genres? How does one incorporate different methodologies into one research project?