AP Credit

Undergraduate students may be granted credit or be exempted from certain courses or requirements on the basis of Advanced Placement tests administered by the College Entrance Examination Board. (In the Postbac Premed Program, AP credit neither places a student out of a requirement nor determines placement.) Specific details about subject test areas, scores, advanced credit, and placement status can be found in the chart below. 

*Language Courses: Courses used toward AP credit in language must be for at least 3 points of credit and be taught in that language. Courses taught in English may not be used for AP credit in language. 

Subject AP Score Advanced Credit Requirement or Placement Status
Biology 5 3 Placement determined by department*
Chemistry 4 or 5 3 Requires completion of CHEM UN1604 with a grade of C or better
Chemistry 4 or 5 6 Requires completion of CHEM UN2045 - CHEM UN2046 with a grade of C or better

See Department for Placement Status

Note: Students are expected to complete a placement exam prior to registration for either 2ND TERM GEN CHEM (INTENSIVE) (CHEM UN1604) or INTENSVE ORGANIC CHEMISTRY (CHEM UN2045).

Subject AP Score Advanced Credit Requirement or Placement Status
Computer Science A 4 or 5 3 Exemption from COMS W1004
Computer Science AB 4 or 5 3 Exemption from COMS W1004

Note: Students may receive credit for only one computer science sequence.

Subject AP Score Advanced Credit Requirement or Placement Status
Economics 4 and 5 4 Exemption from ECON UN1105

Note: Tests must be taken in both microeconomics and macroeconomics, with a score of 5 on one test and at least a 4 on the other.

Subject AP Score Advanced Credit Requirement or Placement Status
English Language and Composition 5 3 No exemption
English Literature and Composition 5 3 No exemption
French Language 5 3 Satisfies foreign language requirement*
4 0 Satisfies foreign language requirement
French Literature 5 3 Satisfies foreign language requirement*
4 0 Satisfies foreign language requirement
German Language 5 3 Satisfies foreign language requirement*
4 0 Satisfies foreign language requirement
Government and Politics: United States 5 3 Exemption from POLS UN1201
Government and Politics: Comparative 5 3 Exemption from POLS UN1201
History: United States 5 3 No exemption
History: European 5 3 No exemption
Italian Literature 4 0 Satisfies foreign language requirement
4 0 Satisfies foreign language requirement*
Latin: Vergil 5 3 Satisfies foreign language requirement
4 0 Satisfies foreign language requirement
Latin: Literature 5 3 Satisfies foreign language requirement
4 0 Satisfies foreign language requirement
Mathematics: Calculus AB 4 or 5 3 Requires completion of MATH UN1102 or MATH UN1201 with a grade of C or better (No AP credit is awarded if MATH UN1101 is taken).
Mathematics: Calculus BC 4 3 Requires completion of MATH UN1102 OR MATH UN1201 (No AP credit is awarded if MATH UN1101 is taken).
5 6 Requires completion of MATH UN1201 OR MATH UN1205 OR MATH UN1207 (No AP credit is awarded if MATH UN1101 or MATH UN1102 is taken).

Credit awarded upon successful completion of a 3000-level (or higher) course with a grade of B or higher.

Note: Students may receive credit for only one calculus sequence.

Subject AP Score Advanced Credit Requirement or Placement Status
Music: Theory 5 3 Exemption from MUSI UN1002; Exemption from MUSI UN2318-MUSI UN2319 determined by departmental exam
Music: Theory 4 3 No exemption
Physics 1 AND 2 4 or 5 6 No exemption from science requirement
Physics C/MECH 4 or 5 3 No exemption from science requirement
Physics C/E&M 4 or 5 3 No exemption from science requirement
Psychology 5 0 Exemption from PSYC UN1001 The Science of Psychology

Note: Students may earn a maximum of 6 points in physics.

Subject AP Score Advanced Credit Requirement or Placement Status
Spanish: Language 5 3 Satisfies foreign language requirement*
Spanish: Language 4 0 Satisfies foreign language requirement
Spanish: Literature 5 3 Satisfies foreign language requirement*
Spanish: Literature 4 0 Satisfies foreign language requirement
Statistics 5 3 Students required to take STAT UN1111 or STAT UN1001 for their major should check with their major adviser to determine if this credit provides exemption from these courses

Credit awarded upon successful completion of a 3000-level (or higher) course with a grade of B or higher.