Mechanical Engineering

220 S. W. Mudd, MC 4703

Mechanical engineering is a diverse subject that derives its breadth from the need to design and manufacture everything from small individual parts/devices (e.g., micro-scale sensors, inkjet printer nozzles) to large systems (e.g., spacecraft and machine tools). The role of a mechanical engineer is to take a product from an idea to the marketplace. In order to accomplish this, a broad range of skills are needed. The particular skills in which the mechanical engineer acquires deeper knowledge are the ability to understand the forces and the thermal environment that a product, its parts, or its subsystems will encounter; design them for functionality, aesthetics, and the ability to withstand the forces and the thermal environment they will be subjected to; determine the best way to manufacture them and ensure they will operate without failure. Perhaps the one skill that is the mechanical engineer’s exclusive domain is the ability to analyze and design objects and systems with motion.

Since these skills are required for virtually everything that is made, mechanical engineering is perhaps the broadest and most diverse of engineering disciplines. Hence mechanical engineers play a central role in such industries as automotive (from the car chassis to its every subsystem—engine, transmission, sensors); aerospace (airplanes, aircraft engines, control systems for airplanes and spacecraft); biotechnology (implants, prosthetic devices, fluidic systems for pharmaceutical industries); computers and electronics (disk drives, printers, cooling systems, semiconductor tools); microelectromechanical systems, or MEMS (sensors, actuators, micro power generation); energy conversion (gas turbines, wind turbines, solar energy, fuel cells); environmental control (HVAC, air-conditioning, refrigeration, compressors); automation (robots, data/image acquisition, recognition, and control); manufacturing (machining, machine tools, prototyping, microfabrication).

To put it simply, mechanical engineering deals with anything that moves. Mechanical engineers learn about materials, solid and fluid mechanics, thermodynamics, heat transfer, control, instrumentation, design, and manufacturing to realize/ understand mechanical systems. Specialized mechanical engineering subjects include biomechanics, cartilage tissue engineering, energy conversion, laser-assisted materials processing, combustion, MEMS, microfluidic devices, fracture mechanics, nanomechanics, mechanisms, micropower generation, tribology (friction and wear), and vibrations. The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) currently lists thirty-six technical divisions, from advanced energy systems and aerospace engineering to safety engineering and tribology.

The breadth of the mechanical engineering discipline allows students a variety of career options beyond some of the industries listed above. Regardless of the particular future path they envision for themselves after they graduate, their education would have provided them with the creative thinking that allows them to design an exciting product or system, the analytical tools to achieve their design goals, the ability to meet several sometimes conflicting constraints, and the teamwork needed to design, market, and produce a system. These skills also prove to be valuable in other endeavors and can launch a career in medicine, law, consulting, management, banking, finance, and so on.

For those interested in applied scientific and mathematical aspects of the discipline, graduate study in mechanical engineering can lead to a career of research and teaching.

Current Research Activities

Current research activities in the Department of Mechanical Engineering are in the areas of controls and robotics, energy and micropower generation, fluid mechanics, heat/mass transfer, mechanics of materials, manufacturing, material processing, MEMS, nanotechnology, and biomechanics and biofluids.

Biomechanics, Biofluids, and Mechanics of Materials

Some of the current research in biomechanics is concerned with the application of continuum theories of mixtures to problems of electromechanical behavior of soft biological tissues, contact mechanics, lubrication of diarthrodial joints, and cartilage tissue engineering. (Ateshian)

The Kysar group studies the mechanics and mechanical properties of small-scale structures and materials. Examples of material systems include two-dimensional materials such as graphene, nanoporous metal thin films, metallic and polymeric composites containing nanoscale strengthening agents, single crystal metals, and the ear's round Window Membrane, among several others. The work is experimental, theoretical, and computational in nature. The ultimate goal is to understand and predict the mechanical behavior based on fundamental physics and chemistry through the development of multiple length scale models.

At the Kasza Living Materials Lab we are interested in how cells self-organize to build tissues and organs with mechanical properties that are required for proper function. A major focus is to uncover fundamental mechanical and biological mechanisms that coordinate the behaviors of cells in developing tissues. To do this, we study morphogenesis in developing embryos of model organisms and combine approaches such as in vivo imaging, optogenetics, and biomechanical measurements. We are leveraging this knowledge to design and build novel cell-based tissue structures and systems. Our goals are to shed light on human health and disease and learn how to better build functional tissues in the lab.

Other areas of biomechanics include characterizing the structure-function behavior of the cervix during the remodeling events of pregnancy and characterizing the mechanical properties of the eye-wall in relation to glaucoma. Research in our lab includes the mechanical testing of biological soft tissues, the biochemical analysis of tissue microstructure, and material modeling based on structure-mechanical property relationships. In collaboration with clinicians, our goal is to understand the etiologies of tissue pathology and disease. (Myers)

A surgically implantable pediatric valve device that can 'grow with the child' would revolutionize current treatment for neonates born with valve disease. In close collaboration with Dr. David Kalfa, who is a pediatric heart surgeon at Columbia University Medical Center, and Dr. Haim Waisman from the Civil Engineering department, the Kysar and Vedula groups are involved in a multidisciplinary NIH-funded project to develop an expendable biostable polymeric valved conduit. The device would be implanted surgically to reconstruct the right ventricular outflow tract in neonates and then expanded by successive transcatheter procedures to reach the adult size. This project involves material design and characterization of the growth potential of a viscoplastic polymer, numerically model the fluid-structure interaction of the valved conduit, optimization for valve competence at every stage of expansion, and assess the biocompatibility and durability in animal models. (Kysar, Vedula)

Control, Robotics, Design, and Manufacturing

Control research emphasizes iterative learning control (ILC) and repetitive control (RC). ILC creates controllers that learn from previous experience performing a specific command, such as robots on an assembly line, aiming for high-precision mechanical motions. RC learns to cancel repetitive disturbances, such as precision motion through gearing, machining, satellite precision pointing, particle accelerators, etc. Time optimal control of robots is being studied for increased productivity on assembly lines through dynamic motion planning. Research is also being conducted on improved system identification, making mathematical models from input-output data. The results can be the starting point for designing controllers, but they are also studied as a means of assessing damage in civil engineering structures from earthquake data. (Longman)

Robotics research focuses on design of novel rehabilitation machines and training algorithms for functional rehabilitation of neural impaired adults and children. The research also aims to design intelligent machines using nonlinear system theoretic principles, computational algorithms for planning, and optimization.

Robotic Systems Engineering (ROSE) Lab develops technology capable of solving difficult design problems, such as cable-actuated systems, under-actuated systems, and others. Robotics and Rehabilitation (ROAR) Lab focuses on developing new and innovative technologies to improve the quality of care and patient outcomes. The lab designs novel exoskeletons for upper and lower limbs training of stroke patients, and mobile platforms to improve socialization in physically impaired infants. (Agrawal)

The Robotic Manipulation and Mobility (ROAM) Lab focuses on versatile manipulation and mobility in robotics, aiming for robotic applications pervasive in everyday life. Research areas include manipulation and grasping, interactive or Human-in-the-Loop robotics, dynamic simulators and virtual environments, machine perception and modeling, and many more. We are interested in application domains such as versatile automation in manufacturing and logistics, assistive and rehabilitation robotics in healthcare, space robotics, and mobile manipulation in unstructured environments. (Ciocarlie)

At the Creative Machines Lab ( we are interested in robots that create and robots that are themselves creative. We develop novel autonomous systems that can design and make other machines—automatically. We are working on a self-replicating robots, self-aware robots, robots that improve themselves over time, and robots that compete and cooperate with other robots. We build robots that paint art, cook food, build bridges and fabricate other robots. Our work is inspired from biology, as we seek new biological concepts for engineering and new engineering insights into biology. (Lipson)

In the area of advanced manufacturing processes and systems, current research concentrates on laser materials processing. Investigations are being carried out in laser micromachining; laser forming of sheet metal; microscale laser shock-peening, material processing using improved laser-beam quality. Both numerical and experimental work is conducted using state-of-the-art equipment, instruments, and computing facilities. Close ties with industry have been established for collaborative efforts. (Yao)

Energy, Fluid Mechanics, and Heat/Mass Transfer

In the area of energy, one effort is in energy systems with an eye toward cost-effective decarbonization using technologies that are at hand or near-ready. The interaction of the electric grid, with buildings, transportation, gas networks, storage and electrofuels is being studied. Another effort addresses the integration of thermal storage into HVAC systems for efficient use of variable renewable energy. The development of measurement, monitoring and control systems using IoT devices for use in micrositing and operation of microgrids and enabling flexibility or demand response of load. (Modi)

In the area of energy, demand estimation and prediction of interest using utility data, satellite imagery and lean, robust field data capture. (Modi)

In the area of nanoscale thermal transport, our research efforts center on the enhancement of thermal radiation transport across interfaces separated by a nanoscale gap. The scaling behavior of nanoscale radiation transport is measured using a novel heat transfer measurement technique based on the deflection of a bimaterial atomic force microscope cantilever. Numerical simulations are also performed to confirm these measurements. The measurements are also used to infer extremely small variations of van der Waals forces with temperature. This enhancement of radiative transfer will ultimately be used to improve the power density of thermophotovoltaic energy conversion devices. (Narayanaswamy)

Also in the area of energy, research is being performed to improve the thermochemical models used in accelerating development of cleaner, more fuel-efficient engines through computational design. In particular, data-driven approaches to creating high-accuracy, uncertainty-quantified thermochemicals models are being developed that utilize both theoretical and experimental data. Special emphasis is placed on the generation and analysis of data across the full range of relevant scales—from the small-scale electronic behavior that governs molecular reactivity to the large-scale turbulent, reactive phenomena that govern engine performance. (Burke)

The Vedula group aims to advance clinical management of cardiovascular disease using computational modeling. We are developing novel computational techniques for performing patient-specific modeling of the cardiovascular system aimed at understanding the role of biomechanical factors in disease and development, device design, and 'virtual' surgery planning. Computational modeling combined with machine learning and data-mining strategies provides unprecedented opportunities to not only examine acute response to treatment, but also predict and risk stratify patients susceptible to long-term remodeling and dysfunction. (Vedula)

The Vedula group is involved in developing multiscale-multiphysics models of the heart coupling cardiac electrophysiology, tissue mechanics, blood flow and valvular interactions, thereby creating an integrated heart model, that could be used to study a variety of cardiac and valvular pediatric and adult cardiovascular disease. A few applications that we are particularly interested in include cardiomyopathies, valvular calcifications and device design, remodeling and dysfunction in congenital heart disease. (Vedula)

In the area of energy, the Building Physics and Energy Systems Laboratory aims to develop new modeling techniques to understand the dynamics of energy demand necessary to facilitate decarbonization in buildings. Research focuses on developing new modeling and simulation methods to provide more accurate estimates of time-vary demand, model-based control system to enable demand flexibility, and hybrid physics and statistical modeling approaches to provide accurate estimates of the timing of demand at the urban scale. (Howard)

MEMS and Nanotechnology

In these areas, research activities focus on power generation systems, nanostructures for photonics, fuel cells and photovoltaics, and microfabricated adaptive cooling skin and sensors for flow, shear, and wind speed. Basic research in fluid dynamics and heat/mass transfer phenomena at small scales also support these activities. (Hone, Kysar, Lin, Modi, Narayanaswamy)

We study the dynamics of microcantilevers and atomic force microscope cantilevers to use them as microscale thermal sensors based on the resonance frequency shifts of vibration modes of the cantilever. Bimaterial microcantilever-based sensors are used to determine the thermophysical properties of thin films. (Narayanaswamy)

Research in the area of nanotechnology focuses on nanomaterials such as
nanotubes and nanowires and their applications, especially in nanoelectromechanical systems (NEMS). A laboratory is available for the synthesis of graphene and other two-dimensional materials using chemical vapor deposition (CVD) techniques and to build devices using electron-beam lithography and various etching techniques. This effort will seek to optimize the fabrication, readout, and sensitivity of these devices for numerous applications, such as sensitive detection of mass, charge, and magnetic resonance. (Hone, Kysar, Modi)

Research in BioMEMS aims to design and create MEMS and micro/nanofluidic systems to control the motion and measure the dynamic behavior of biomolecules in solution. Current efforts involve modeling and understanding the physics of micro/nanofluidic devices and systems, exploiting polymer structures to enable micro/nanofluidic manipulation, and integrating MEMS sensors with microfluidics for measuring physical properties of biomolecules. (Lin)

The Schuck group aims to characterize, understand, and control nanoscale light-matter interactions, with a primary focus on sensing, engineering, and exploiting novel optoelectronic phenomena emerging from nanostructures and interfaces. This offers unprecedented opportunities for developing innovative devices that rely on the dynamic manipulation of single photons and charge carriers. We are continuously developing new multimodal and multidimensional spectroscopic methods that provide unique access to optical, electrical, and structural properties at relevant length scales in real environments encountered in energy and biological applications. (Schuck)

Biological Engineering and Biotechnology

Active areas of research in the musculoskeletal biomechanics laboratory include theoretical and experimental analysis of articular cartilage mechanics; theoretical and experimental analysis of cartilage lubrication, cartilage tissue engineering, and bioreactor design; growth and remodeling of biological tissues; cell mechanics; and mixture theory for biological tissues with experiments and computational analysis. (Ateshian)

The Hone laboratory studies two-dimensional (2D) materials such as graphene, with efforts spanning synthesis of single crystals and thin films; device nanofabrication; and testing of electronic, optical, mechanical, and other properties. The group develops methods to combine 2D materials into layered heterostructures, which are used to explore fundamental properties, achieve new functionality, and enable applications in electronics, photonics, sensing, and other areas. (Hone)

The Hone group uses nanofabrication techniques to create tools for studying the role of mechanical forces and geometry in cellular biology. These investigations seek to understand how cells sense the mechanical properties or physical shape of their surroundings, a process that plays a major role in maintaining healthy cellular and tissue function. (Hone)

Microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) are being exploited to enable and facilitate the characterization and manipulation of biomolecules. MEMS technology allows biomolecules to be studied in well-controlled micro/nanoenvironments of miniaturized, integrated devices, and may enable novel biomedical investigations not attainable by conventional techniques. The research interests center on the development of MEMS devices and systems for label-free manipulation and interrogation of biomolecules. Current research efforts primarily involve microfluidic devices that exploit specific and reversible, stimulus-dependent binding between biomolecules and receptor molecules to enable selective purification, concentration, and label-free detection of nucleic acid, protein, and small molecule analytes; miniaturized instruments for label-free characterization of thermodynamic and other physical properties of biomolecules; and subcutaneously implantable MEMS affinity biosensors for continuous monitoring of glucose and other metabolites. (Kysar, Lin)

The Kysar group has a project to design and develop a method to deliver therapeutics into the inner ear through the Round Window Membrane (RWM) that serves as a portal for acoustic energy between the middle ear and inner ear. This involves the design and fabrication of arrays of microneedles, the measurements of diffusive flux of chemical species across a perforated RWM, and the design, delivery, and testing of surgical tools, all in close collaboration with Anil K. Lalwani, M.D., at Columbia University Medical Center. (Kysar)

The Schuck group is involved in engineering novel near-infrared (NIR) upconverting nanoparticles (UCNPs) and UCNP-based microdevices for large-scale sensing applications, including deployment in projects aimed at deep-tissue imaging and the control of neural function deep within brain tissue. UCNPs have the potential to overcome nearly all limitations of current optical probes and sensors, which have run into fundamental chemical and photophysical incompatibilities with living systems. (Schuck)

Mass radiological triage is critical after a large-scale radiological event because of the need to identify those individuals who will benefit from medical intervention as soon as possible. The goal of the ongoing NIH-funded research project is to design a prototype of a fully automated, ultra high throughput biodosimetry. This prototype is supposed to accommodate multiple assay preparation protocols that allow the determination of the levels of radiation exposure that a patient received. The input to this fully autonomous system is a large number of capillaries filled with blood of patients collected using finger sticks. These capillaries are processed by the system to distill the micronucleus assay in lymphocytes, with all the assays being carried out in situ in multiwell plates. The research effort on this project involves the automation system design and integration including hierarchical control algorithms, design and control of custom built robotic devices, and automated image acquisition and processing for sample preparation and analysis. (Yao)

A technology that couples the power of multidimensional microscopy (three spatial dimensions, time, and multiple wavelengths) with that of DNA array technology is investigated in an NIH-funded project. Specifically, a system is developed in which individual cells selected on the basis of optically detectable multiple features at critical time points in dynamic processes can be rapidly and robotically micromanipulated into reaction chambers to permit amplified DNA synthesis and subsequent array analysis. Customized image processing and pattern recognition techniques are developed, including Fisher’s linear discriminant preprocessing with neural net, a support vector machine with improved training, multiclass cell detection with error correcting output coding, and kernel principal component analysis. (Yao)

Facilities for Teaching and Research

The undergraduate laboratories, occupying an area of approximately 6,000 square feet of floor space, are the site of experiments ranging in complexity from basic instrumentation and fundamental exercises to advanced experiments in such diverse areas as automatic controls, heat transfer, fluid mechanics, stress analysis, vibrations, microcomputer-based data acquisition, and control of mechanical systems.

Equipment includes microcontrollers and microprocessors, analog-to-digital and digital-to-analog converters, a tensile testing system equipped with digital image correlation (DIC) capabilities, a subsonic wind tunnel, and 3D printers as well as laser cutters. The undergraduate laboratory also houses experimental setups for the understanding and performance evaluation of a small steam power generation system, a heat exchanger, a compressor, a car suspension simulator, a torsion tester, and a hydrogen fuel cell. Part of the undergraduate laboratory is a staffed machine shop with machining tools such as CNC vertical milling machines, a CNC lathe, standard vertical milling machines, engine and bench lathes, surface grinder, band saw, drill press, tool grinders, a horizontal bandsaw, several other mills used for light machining and circuit board fabrication.

A mechatronics laboratory affords the opportunity for hands-on experience with microcomputer-embedded control of electromechanical systems. Facilities for the construction and testing of analog and digital electronic circuits aid the students in learning the basic components of the microcomputer architecture. The laboratory is divided into work centers for two-person student laboratory teams. Each work center is equipped with a mixed signal oscilloscope, several power supplies (for low-power electronics and higher power control), a function generator, a multimeter, a protoboard for building circuits, a microcomputer circuit board (which includes the microcomputer and peripheral components), a microcomputer programmer, and a personal computer that contains a data acquisition board. The data acquisition system serves as an oscilloscope, additional function generator, and spectrum analyzer for the student team. The computer also contains a complete microcomputer software development system, including editor, assembler, simulator, debugger, and C compiler. The laboratory is also equipped with a portable oscilloscope, an EPROM eraser (to erase microcomputer programs from the erasable chips), a logic probe, and an analog filter bank that the student teams share, as well as a stock of analog and digital electronic components.

The CAD Lab is a modern computer-aided design laboratory equipped with 30 Dell Precision 5820 workstations. Machines have software for design, CAD, FEM, and CFD, including Altair Analysis Suite, AutoCAD, COMSOL Multiphysics, Matlab, RStudio, Solidworks, Wolfram Mathematica. The research facilities are located within within individual or group research laboratories in the department, and these facilities are being continually upgraded. To view the current research capabilities please visit the various laboratories within the research section of the department website. The students and staff of the department can, by prior arrangement, use much of the equipment in these research facilities. Through their participation in the NSF-MRSEC center, the faculty also have access to shared instrumentation and the clean room located in the Schapiro Center for Engineering and Physical Science Research. Columbia University’s extensive library system has superb scientific and technical collections.

Email and computing services are maintained by Columbia University Information Technology (CUIT). For more information visit


Hod Lipson
248 S. W. Mudd

Director of Finance and Administration

Sara McDonald
220 S.W. Mudd


Sunil Agrawal
Gerard A. Ateshian
Mary C. Boyce
James Hone
Jeffrey W. Kysar
Qiao Lin
Hod Lipson
Richard W. Longman
Vijay Modi
Y. Lawrence Yao

Associate Professors

Michael P. Burke
Matei Ciocarlie
Karen Kasza
Kristin Myers
Arvind Narayanaswamy
P. James Schuck

Assistant Professors

Bianca Howard
Vijay Vedula

Professors of Professional Practice

Michael J. Massimino
Harry West

Lecturers in Discipline

Sinisa Vukelic
Yevgeniy Yesilevskiy

Adjunct Faculty

Homayoon Beigi
Matthew Bilson
Sean Bradshaw
Joshua Browne
Nicholas Chbat
Changyao Chen
Dustin Demetriou
J. P. Hilton
Peter LeVoci
Kerwin Low
Mohammad H. N. Naraghi
Alexander Staroselsky
Enrico Zordan

Manager of Instructional Laboratories

Robert G. Stark

Course Descriptions


Lect: 3.

Prerequisites: (MATH UN2030) MATH V2030
Analysis and design of feedback control systems. Transfer functions; block diagrams; proportional, rate, and integral controllers; hardware, implementation. Routh stability criterion, root locus, Bode and Nyquist plots, compensation techniques

Spring 2025: EEME E3601
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
EEME 3601 001/13876 T 4:10pm - 6:40pm
501 Northwest Corner
Homayoon Beigi 3.00 85/90


Lect: 3.

Prerequisites: (EEME E3601) or (ELEN E3201) EEME E3601 OR ELEN E3201
Real-time control using digital computers. Solving scalar and state-space difference equations. Discrete equivalents of continuous systems fed by holds. Z-transer functions. Creating closed-loop difference equation models by Z-transform and state variable approaches. The Nyquist frequency and sample rate selection. Classical and modern based digital control laws. Digital system identification

Spring 2025: EEME E4601
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
EEME 4601 001/17179 W 4:10pm - 6:40pm
1127 Seeley W. Mudd Building
Homayoon Beigi 3.00 24/50
EEME 4601 V01/18124  
Homayoon Beigi 3.00 3/99


Lect: 3.

Prerequisites: (MATH UN2030) MATH V2030
A graduate-level introduction to classical and modern feedback control that does not presume an undergraduate background in control. Scalar and matrix differential equation models and solutions in terms of state transition matrices. Transfer functions and transfer function matrices, block diagram manipulations, closed loop response. Proportional, rate, and integral controllers, and compensators. Design by root locus and frequency response. Controllability and observability. Luenberger observers, pole placement, and linear-quadratic cost controllers

Fall 2024: EEME E6601
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
EEME 6601 001/13779 Th 7:00pm - 9:30pm
833 Seeley W. Mudd Building
Nicolas Chbat 3.00 88/150
EEME 6601 V01/19367  
Nicolas Chbat 3.00 7/99


Lect: 3.Not offered during 2023-2024 academic year.

Prerequisites: (EEME E6601) or (EEME E4601) or (ELEN E6201) or EEME E6601 or EEME E4601 or ELEN E6201, or the instructor's permission.

Singular value decomposition. ARX model and state space model system identification. Recursive least squares filters and Kalman filters. LQR, H∞, linear robust control, predictive control, adaptive control. Liapunov and Popov stability. Nonlinear adaptive control, nonlinear robust control, sliding mode control.

Spring 2025: EEME E6602
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
EEME 6602 001/17538 T Th 10:10am - 11:25am
702 Hamilton Hall
James Anderson 3.00 29/80
EEME 6602 V01/18915  
James Anderson 3.00 6/99


Lect: 3.Not offered during 2023-2024 academic year.

Prerequisites: (EEME E6601) and (EEME E4601) or EEME E4601 AND EEME E6601; EEME E6601 and EEME E4601 or instructor’s permission.
May be taken more than once, since the content changes from year to year, electing different topics from control theory such as learning and repetitive control, adaptive control, system identification, Kalman filtering, etc

Fall 2024: EEME E8601
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
EEME 8601 001/14009 Th 4:10pm - 6:40pm
233 Seeley W. Mudd Building
Ilija Hadzic 3.00 7/40


Prerequisites: Instructor's permission.
Open to SEAS graduate and advanced undergraduate students, Business School, and GSAPP. Students from other schools may apply. Fast-paced introduction to human-centered design. Students learn the vocabulary of design methods, understanding of design process. Small group projects to create prototypes. Design of simple product, more complex systems of products and services, and design of business

Fall 2024: IEME E4200
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
IEME 4200 001/14537 T 4:10pm - 5:25pm
420 Pupin Laboratories
Harry West 3.00 54/50
IEME 4200 001/14537 T 5:25pm - 6:40pm
430 River Side Church
Harry West 3.00 54/50
Spring 2025: IEME E4200
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
IEME 4200 001/14594 W 10:10am - 11:25am
301 Uris Hall
Harry West 3.00 53/60
IEME 4200 001/14594 W 1:10pm - 2:25pm
None None
Harry West 3.00 53/60
IEME 4200 002/14595 W 10:10am - 11:25am
301 Uris Hall
Harry West 3.00 58/60
IEME 4200 002/14595 W 4:10pm - 5:25pm
None None
Harry West 3.00 58/60

IEME E4201 Human-Centered Design and Innovation for MBAxMS Program. 1.50 point.

Introduces human-centered design process. Includes learning from and evaluating with customers, creating new ideas collaboratively as part of a team, simple ways to prototype both physical and digital experience, and presenting ideas with impact. Develop skills and experience by practicing process as they engage in various design challenges


Lect: 3.

Prerequisites: Refer to course syllabus.
The strategies and technologies of global manufacturing and service enterprises. Connections between the needs of a global enterprise, the technology and methodology needed for manufacturing and product development, and strategic planning as currently practiced in industry

IEME E4505 Frontiers of Tough Tech. 3.00 points.

Survey of frontier research in technological areas to address world's most important challenges. Areas include advanced materials, biotech, and sustainability and climate. Convergence of breakthrough research with entrepreneurship, industry, and policy


Prerequisites: Department permission and knowledge of MATLAB or equivalent.
Introduction to human spaceflight from a systems engineering perspective. Historical and current space programs and spacecraft. Motivation, cost, and rationale for human space exploration. Overview of space environment needed to sustain human life and health, including physiological and psychological concerns in space habitat. Astronaut selection and training processes, spacewalking, robotics, mission operations, and future program directions. Systems integration for successful operation of a spacecraft. Highlights from current events and space research, Space Shuttle, Hubble Space Telescope, and International Space Station (ISS). Includes a design project to assist International Space Station astronauts


Prerequisites: (APMA E2101) and (ELEN E3801) or APMA E2101 AND ELEN E3801; EEME E3601; APMA E2101, ELEN E3801, or corequisite EEME E3601, or permission of instructor.
Corequisites: EEME E3601
Generalized dynamic system modeling and simulation. Fluid, thermal, mechanical, diffusive, electrical, and hybrid systems are considered. Nonlinear and high order systems. System identification problem and Linear Least Squares method. State-space and noise representation. Kalman filter. Parameter estimation via prediction-error and subspace approaches. Iterative and bootstrap methods. Fit criteria. Wide applicability: medical, energy, others. MATLAB and Simulink environments

MEBM E4440 Physiological Controls. 3.00 points.

Prerequisites: (MEBM E4439) and (APMA E2101) Fundamentals of time and frequency domains analyses and stability. Frequency domain controller design. Cardiovascular and respiratory systems simulation. Endogenous control systems: baroreflex, chemoreflex, thermoregulation, pupillary light reflex. Open and closed loop physiological systems. Exogenous control systems: ventilators, infusion pumps. Nonlinear actuators and delayed feedback systems. Acute disease simulation and clinical decision support in the intensive care unit. MATLAB and Simulink environments utilized


Lect: 3.

Prerequisites: (ENME E3105) and (APMA E2101) or ENME E3105 OR APMA E2101; ENME E3105, APMA E2101, or instructor’s permission.
Mechanical understanding of biological structures including proteins, DNA and RNA in cells and tissues. Force response of proteins and DNA, mechanics of membranes, biophysics of molecular motors, mechanics of protein-protein interactions. Introduction to modeling and simulation techniques, and modern biophysical techniques such as single molecule FRET, optical traps, AFM, and superresolution imaging, for understanding molecular mechanics and dynamics


Prerequisites: Courses in mechanics, thermodynamics, and ordinary differential equations at the undergraduate level or instructor's permission.
Introduction to how shape and structure are generated in biological materials using engineering approach emphasizing application of fundamental physical concepts to a diverse set of problems. Mechanisms of pattern formation, self-assembly, and self-organization in biological materials, including intracellular structures, cells, tissues, and developing embryos. Structure, mechanical properties, and dynamic behavior of these materials. Discussion of experimental approaches and modeling. Course uses textbook materials as well as collection of research papers


Lect: 3.

Prerequisites: (MECE E6422) and (APMA E4200) APMA E4200 AND MECE E6422; MECE E6422 and APMA E4200 or equivalent.
Development of governing equations for mixtures with solid matrix, interstitial fluid, and ion constituents. Formulation of constitutive models for biological tissues. Linear and nonlinear models of fibrillar and viscoelastic porous matrices. Solutions to special problems, such as confined and unconfined compression, permeation, indentation and contact, and swelling experiments

MECE E4XXX Mechanics of Elastomeric Materials. 3.00 points.

Mechanics of nonlinear mechanical behavior of elastomeric and elastomeric-like solids. Overview of structure and behavior of elastomers. Kinematics of large deformation. Constitutive models for equilibrium stress-strain behavior, using invariant measures of deformation and statistical mechanics of molecular networks. Hysteretic aspects of structure and behavior due to time dependence and structural evolution with deformation. Review of experimental data and models to capture and predict observations. Time permitting: behavior of particle-filled, thermoplastic and biomacromolecular elastomers

MECE E1008 INTRO TO MACHINING. 1.00 point.

Introduction to the manual machine operation, CNC fabrication and usage of basic hand tools, band/hack saws, drill presses, grinders and sanders

Fall 2024: MECE E1008
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
MECE 1008 001/13837 F 9:10am - 11:00am
294 Engineering Terrace
Daniela Duron Garcia, Robert Stark 1.00 8/8
MECE 1008 002/13838 F 11:05am - 12:55pm
294 Engineering Terrace
Daniela Duron Garcia, Robert Stark 1.00 8/8
MECE 1008 003/13839 F 2:10pm - 4:00pm
294 Engineering Terrace
Daniela Duron Garcia, Robert Stark 1.00 8/8
MECE 1008 004/13840 F 9:10am - 11:00am
294 Engineering Terrace
Daniela Duron Garcia, Robert Stark 1.00 7/8
MECE 1008 005/13841 F 11:05am - 12:55pm
294 Engineering Terrace
Daniela Duron Garcia, Robert Stark 1.00 8/8
MECE 1008 006/13842 F 2:10pm - 4:00pm
294 Engineering Terrace
Daniela Duron Garcia, Robert Stark 1.00 8/8
Spring 2025: MECE E1008
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
MECE 1008 001/13865 F 9:10am - 11:00am
294 Engineering Terrace
Daniela Duron Garcia, Robert Stark 1.00 8/8
MECE 1008 002/13867 F 11:05am - 12:55pm
294 Engineering Terrace
Robert Stark, Daniela Duron Garcia 1.00 8/8
MECE 1008 003/13868 F 2:10pm - 4:00pm
294 Engineering Terrace
Daniela Duron Garcia, Robert Stark 1.00 8/8
MECE 1008 004/13870 F 9:10am - 11:00am
294 Engineering Terrace
Robert Stark, Daniela Duron Garcia 1.00 8/8
MECE 1008 005/13871 F 11:05am - 12:55pm
294 Engineering Terrace
Robert Stark 1.00 6/8
MECE 1008 006/13872 F 2:10pm - 4:00pm
294 Engineering Terrace
Daniela Duron Garcia, Robert Stark 1.00 7/8

MECE E1304 NAVAL SHIP SYSTEMS. 3.00 points.

Students are strongly advised to consult with the ME Department prior to registering for this course. A study of ship characteristics and types including ship design, hydrodynamic forces, stability, compartmentation, propulsion, electrical and auxiliary systems, interior communications, ship control, and damage control; theory and design of steam, gas turbine, and nuclear propulsion; shipboard safety and firefighting. This course is part of the Naval ROTC program at Columbia but will be taught at SUNY Maritime. Enrollment may be limited; priority is given to students participating in Naval ROTC. Will not count as a technical elective. Students should see a faculty adviser as well as Columbia NROTC staff ( for more information




Lect: 3.

Experiments in instrumentation and measurement: optical, pressure, fluid flow, temperature, stress, and electricity; viscometry, cantilever beam, digital data acquisition. Probability theory: distribution, functions of random variables, tests of significance, correlation, ANOVA, linear regression

Fall 2024: MECE E3018
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
MECE 3018 001/13981 T 1:10pm - 3:55pm
644 Seeley W. Mudd Building
James Hone 3.00 42/44
MECE 3018 002/13983 Th 1:10pm - 3:55pm
644 Seeley W. Mudd Building
James Hone 3.00 42/44



Lect: 3.

Experiments in engineering and physical phenomena: aerofoil lift and drag in wind tunnels, laser Doppler anemometry in immersed fluidic channels, supersonic flow and shock waves, Rankine thermodynamical cycle for power generation, and structural truss mechanics and analysis

Spring 2025: MECE E3028
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
MECE 3028 001/13878 T Th 1:10pm - 3:40pm
313 Fayerweather
Bianca Howard 3.00 83/78


Lect: 3.Not offered during 2023-2024 academic year.

Mechatronic control of mechanical and electromechanical systems. Control of various thermodynamic cycles, including internal combustion engine (Otto cycle). Reverse engineering of an electromechanical product


Lect: 3.

Prerequisites: (ENME E3105) ENME E3105
Basic continuum concepts. Liquids and gases in static equilibrium. Continuity equation. Two-dimensional kinematics. Equation of motion. Bernoulli’s equation and applications. Equations of energy and angular momentum. Dimensional analysis. Two-dimensional laminar flow. Pipe flow, laminar, and turbulent. Elements of compressible flow

Fall 2024: MECE E3100
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
MECE 3100 001/13799 T Th 10:10am - 11:25am
310 Fayerweather
Karen Kasza 3.00 87/90

MECE E3105 Mechanics. 4 points.

Lect: 4.

Prerequisites: PHYS C1401 and MATH V1101 - MATH V1102 and MATH V1201.

Elements of statics, dynamics of a particle, systems of particles, and rigid bodies.


MECE E3301 THERMODYNAMICS. 3.00 points.

Lect: 3.

Classical thermodynamics. Basic properties and concepts, thermodynamic properties of pure substances, equation of state, work, heat, the first and second laws for flow and nonflow processes, energy equations, entropy, and irreversibility. Introduction to power and refrigeration cycles

Fall 2024: MECE E3301
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
MECE 3301 001/13802 T Th 8:40am - 9:55am
313 Fayerweather
Arvind Narayanaswamy 3.00 87/85

MECE E3311 HEAT TRANSFER. 3.00 points.

Lect: 3.

Steady and unsteady heat conduction. Radiative heat transfer. Internal and external forced and free convective heat transfer. Change of phase. Heat exchangers

Spring 2025: MECE E3311
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
MECE 3311 001/13883 T Th 10:10am - 11:25am
310 Fayerweather
Michael Burke 3.00 84/90
MECE 3311 R01/14451 F 1:00pm - 2:00pm
310 Fayerweather
Michael Burke 3.00 5/90


Lect: 3.

Prerequisites: (ENME E3105) and (MECE E3408) ENME E3105 AND MECE E3408
Introduction to mechanisms and machines, analytical and graphical synthesis of mechanism, displacement analysis, velocity analysis, acceleration analysis of linkages, dynamics of mechanism, cam design, gear and gear trains, and computer-aided mechanism design


Lect: 3.

Introduction to drafting, engineering graphics, computer graphics, solid modeling, and mechanical engineering design. Interactive computer graphics and numerical methods applied to the solution of mechanical engineering design problems

Fall 2024: MECE E3408
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
MECE 3408 001/13803 M W 8:40am - 9:55am
252 Engineering Terrace
Sinisa Vukelic 3.00 24/22
MECE 3408 002/13804 M W 10:10am - 11:25am
252 Engineering Terrace
Sinisa Vukelic 3.00 28/22
Spring 2025: MECE E3408
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
MECE 3408 001/13861 M W 8:40am - 9:55am
252 Engineering Terrace
Sinisa Vukelic 3.00 25/24
MECE 3408 002/13863 M W 10:10am - 11:25am
252 Engineering Terrace
Sinisa Vukelic 3.00 26/24

MECE E3409 MACHINE DESIGN. 3.00 points.

Lect: 3.

Prerequisites: (MECE E3408) MECE E3408
Computer-aided analysis of general loading states and deformation of machine components using singularity functions and energy methods. Theoretical introduction to static failure theories, fracture mechanics, and fatigue failure theories. Introduction to conceptual design and design optimization problems. Design of machine components such as springs, shafts, fasteners, lead screws, rivets, welds. Modeling, analysis, and testing of machine assemblies for prescribed design problems. Problems will be drawn from statics, kinematics, dynamics, solid modeling, stress analysis, and design optimization

Fall 2024: MECE E3409
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
MECE 3409 001/13805 T Th 10:10am - 11:25am
750 Schapiro Cepser
Yevgeniy Yesilevskiy 3.00 72/75



Lect: 3.

Prerequisites: Senior standing.
Review of core courses in mechanical engineering, including mechanics, strength of materials, fluid mechanics, thermodynamics, heat transfer, materials and processing, control, and mechanical design and analysis. Review of additional topics, including engineering economics and ethics in engineering. The course culminates with a comprehensive examination, similar to the Fundamentals of Engineering examination. Meets the first 4.5 weeks only

MECE E3414 Mechanics of Solids for Mechanical Engineers. 3.00 points.

Prerequisites: Mechanics, linear algebra, ordinary differential equations
Introduction to the mechanics of solids with an emphasis on mechanical engineering applications. Stress tensor, principal stresses, maximum shear stress, stress equilibrium, infinitesimal strain tensor, Hooke’s law, boundary conditions. Introduction to the finite element method for stress analysis. Static failure theories, safety factors, fatigue failure. Assignments include finite element stress analyses using university-provided commercial software

Fall 2024: MECE E3414
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
MECE 3414 001/13836 M W 11:40am - 12:55pm
310 Fayerweather
Kristin Myers 3.00 83/86


Prerequisite: Senior standing in engineering

Prerequisites: see notes re: points MECE E3409; Senior standing.
Corequisites: MECE E3409
A preliminary design for an original project is a prerequisite for the capstone design course. Will focus on the steps required for generating a preliminary design concept. Included will be a brainstorming concept generation phase, a literature search, incorporation of multiple constraints, adherence to appropriate engineering codes and standards, and the production of a layout drawing of the proposed capstone design project in a Computer Aided Design (CAD) software package. Note: MECE students only

Fall 2024: MECE E3420
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
MECE 3420 001/13808 M W 1:10pm - 3:40pm
Room TBA
Yevgeniy Yesilevskiy 3.00 70/80


Lect: 2. Lab: 4.

Prerequisites: (MECE E3420) MECE E3420
Building on the preliminary design concept, the detailed elements of the design process are completed: systems synthesis, design analysis optimization, incorporation of multiple constraints, compliance with appropriate engineering codes and standards, and Computer Aided Design (CAD) component part drawings. Execution of a project involving the design, fabrication, and performance testing of an actual engineering device or system

Spring 2025: MECE E3430
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
MECE 3430 001/13881 T Th 1:10pm - 3:40pm
633 Seeley W. Mudd Building
Yevgeniy Yesilevskiy 3.00 63/70


Lect: 3

Prerequisites: (ENME E3105) and (ENME E3113) and (MECE E3408) and (MECE E3311) ENME E3105 AND ENME E3113 AND MECE E3311 AND MECE E3408
Introduction to numerical methods and their applications to rigid body mechanics for mechanisms and linkages. Introduction to finite element stress analysis for deformable bodies. Computer-aided mechanical engineering design using established software tools and verifications against analytical and finite difference solutions



Analysis and design of feedback control systems. Transfer functions; block diagrams; proportional, rate, and integral controllers; hardware, implementation. Routh stability criterion, root locus, Bode and Nyquist plots, compensation techniques


Lect: 3.

Prerequisites: (ENME E3113) ENME E3113; ENME E3113 or the equivalent.
Introduction to microstructures and properties of metals, polymers, ceramics and composites; typical manufacturing processes: material removal, shaping, joining, and property alteration; behavior of engineering materials in the manufacturing processes

Spring 2025: MECE E3610
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
MECE 3610 001/13882 M W 1:10pm - 2:25pm
602 Hamilton Hall
Sinisa Vukelic 3.00 82/85

MECE E3899 Research Training. 0.00 points.

Prerequisites: Instructor's permission.
Research training course. Recommended in preparation for laboratory related research

Fall 2024: MECE E3899
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
MECE 3899 001/21239  
Bianca Howard 0.00 1/2
Spring 2025: MECE E3899
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
MECE 3899 001/20660  
Matei Ciocarlie 0.00 13/15
MECE 3899 002/20731  
Bianca Howard 0.00 2/5


Lect: 3.

Prerequisites: 3.2 or higher GPA.
Individual study; may be selected after the first term of the junior year by students maintaining a 3.2 grade-point average. Course format may vary from individual tutorial to laboratory work to seminar instruction under faculty supervision. Projects requiring machine-shop use must be approved by the laboratory supervisor. Students may count up to 6 points toward degree requirements. Students must submit both a project outline prior to registration and a final project write up at the end of the semester


Lect: 3.

Prerequisites: 3.2 or higher GPA.
Individual study; may be selected after the first term of the junior year by students maintaining a 3.2 grade-point average. Course format may vary from individual tutorial to laboratory work to seminar instruction under faculty supervision. Projects requiring machine-shop use must be approved by the laboratory supervisor. Students may count up to 6 points toward degree requirements. Students must submit both a project outline prior to registration and a final project write up at the end of the semester

Spring 2025: MECE E3901
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
MECE 3901 001/20456  
Gerard Ateshian 3.00 0/2
MECE 3901 002/20457  
Arvind Narayanaswamy 3.00 0/2
MECE 3901 003/20458  
Vijay Vedula 3.00 0/2
MECE 3901 004/20459  
James Hone 3.00 0/2
MECE 3901 005/20460  
Kristin Myers 3.00 0/2
MECE 3901 006/20461  
Jeffrey Kysar 3.00 0/2
MECE 3901 007/20462  
Vijay Modi 3.00 0/2
MECE 3901 008/20463  
Qiao Lin 3.00 0/2
MECE 3901 009/20464  
Matei Ciocarlie 3.00 0/2
MECE 3901 010/20465  
Michael Massimino 3.00 0/2
MECE 3901 011/20466  
Sunil Agrawal 3.00 0/2
MECE 3901 012/20467  
Sinisa Vukelic 3.00 0/2
MECE 3901 013/20474  
Bianca Howard 3.00 0/2
MECE 3901 014/20469  
Harry West 3.00 0/2
MECE 3901 015/20470  
Yevgeniy Yesilevskiy 3.00 0/2
MECE 3901 016/20471  
Hod Lipson 3.00 0/2
MECE 3901 017/20472  
Karen Kasza 3.00 1/2
MECE 3901 018/20473  
Michael Burke 3.00 0/2
MECE 3901 019/20654  
Mary Boyce 3.00 1/2


Prerequisites: Approval by faculty member who agrees to supervise the work.
Independent project involving theoretical, computational, experimental, or engineering design work. May be repeated, but no more than 3 points may be counted toward degree requirements. Projects requiring machine-shop use must be approved by the laboratory supervisor. Students must submit both a project outline prior to registration and a final project write-up at the end of the semester

Fall 2024: MECE E3998
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
MECE 3998 001/14858  
Sunil Agrawal 1.00-3.00 0/5
MECE 3998 002/15350  
P Schuck 1.00-3.00 0/5
MECE 3998 003/15351  
Gerard Ateshian 1.00-3.00 1/5
MECE 3998 004/15352  
Michael Burke 1.00-3.00 0/5
MECE 3998 005/15353  
Vijay Vedula 1.00-3.00 1/5
MECE 3998 006/15354  
Matei Ciocarlie 1.00-3.00 6/5
MECE 3998 007/15355  
James Hone 1.00-3.00 0/5
MECE 3998 008/15356  
Jeffrey Kysar 1.00-3.00 0/5
MECE 3998 009/15357  
Qiao Lin 1.00-3.00 0/5
MECE 3998 010/15358  
Bianca Howard 1.00-3.00 1/5
MECE 3998 011/15359  
Vijay Modi 1.00-3.00 0/5
MECE 3998 012/15360  
Kristin Myers 1.00-3.00 1/5
MECE 3998 013/15361  
Arvind Narayanaswamy 1.00-3.00 3/5
MECE 3998 014/15362  
Harry West 1.00-3.00 0/5
MECE 3998 015/15363  
Sinisa Vukelic 1.00-3.00 3/5
MECE 3998 016/21576  
Mary Boyce 1.00-3.00 2/5
MECE 3998 017/15364  
Hod Lipson 1.00-3.00 3/5
MECE 3998 018/15365  
Karen Kasza 1.00-3.00 1/5
MECE 3998 019/15366  
Yevgeniy Yesilevskiy 1.00-3.00 0/2
Spring 2025: MECE E3998
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
MECE 3998 001/14097  
Gerard Ateshian 1.00-3.00 5/5
MECE 3998 002/14099  
Arvind Narayanaswamy 1.00-3.00 1/5
MECE 3998 003/14100  
Vijay Vedula 1.00-3.00 1/5
MECE 3998 004/14101  
James Hone 1.00-3.00 0/5
MECE 3998 005/14102  
Kristin Myers 1.00-3.00 5/5
MECE 3998 006/14103  
Jeffrey Kysar 1.00-3.00 2/5
MECE 3998 007/14104  
Vijay Modi 1.00-3.00 0/5
MECE 3998 008/14105  
P Schuck 1.00-3.00 0/5
MECE 3998 009/14106  
Qiao Lin 1.00-3.00 0/5
MECE 3998 010/14108  
Matei Ciocarlie 1.00-3.00 1/5
MECE 3998 011/14109  
Michael Massimino 1.00-3.00 0/2
MECE 3998 012/14110  
Michael Burke 1.00-3.00 0/5
MECE 3998 013/14111  
Sunil Agrawal 1.00-3.00 0/5
MECE 3998 014/14113  
Sinisa Vukelic 1.00-3.00 4/5
MECE 3998 015/14114  
Bianca Howard 1.00-3.00 1/5
MECE 3998 016/14115  
Harry West 1.00-3.00 4/5
MECE 3998 017/14117  
Yevgeniy Yesilevskiy 1.00-3.00 3/10
MECE 3998 018/14118  
Hod Lipson 1.00-3.00 3/5
MECE 3998 019/14119  
Karen Kasza 1.00-3.00 1/5
MECE 3998 020/14121  
Mary Boyce 1.00-3.00 1/5
MECE 3998 021/20268  
Homayoon Beigi 1.00-3.00 0/5

MECE E3999 FIELDWORK. 1.00-2.00 points.

Prerequisites: Obtained internship and approval from a faculty adviser.
May be repeated for credit, but no more than 3 total points may be used toward the 128-credit degree requirement. Only for MECE undergraduate students who include relevant on-campus and off-campus work experience as part of their approved program of study. Final report and letter of evaluation required. Fieldwork credits may not count toward any major core, technical, elective, and nontechnical requirements. May not be taken for pass/fail credit or audited

Fall 2024: MECE E3999
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
MECE 3999 001/21600  
Arvind Narayanaswamy 1.00-2.00 1/5
Spring 2025: MECE E3999
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
MECE 3999 001/20808  
Arvind Narayanaswamy 1.00-2.00 0/10




Lect: 3.

Prerequisites: (ELEN E1201) ELEN E1201; Recommended: ELEN E3000.
Enrollment limited to 12 students. Mechatronics is the application of electronics and microcomputers to control mechanical systems. Systems explored include on/off systems, solenoids, stepper motors, DC motors, thermal systems, magnetic levitation. Use of analog and digital electronics and various sensors for control. Programming microcomputers in Assembly and C. Lab required

Fall 2024: MECE E4058
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
MECE 4058 001/13809 Th 4:10pm - 6:40pm
227 Seeley W. Mudd Building
Enrico Zordan 3.00 21/50
MECE 4058 001/13809 Th 7:00pm - 9:30pm
273 Engineering Terrace
Enrico Zordan 3.00 21/50
Spring 2025: MECE E4058
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
MECE 4058 001/13897 Th 4:10pm - 6:40pm
420 Pupin Laboratories
Enrico Zordan 3.00 21/50
MECE 4058 001/13897 Th 7:00pm - 9:30pm
273 Engineering Terrace
Enrico Zordan 3.00 21/50


MECE E4078 Internet of (Mechanical) Things. 3.00 points.

Hands-on, project-oriented course covering foundations of Internet of Things (IoT) technologies as they relate to the physical world. Projects utilizing Arduino and Raspberry Pi platforms. End-to-end IoT including sensors, basic controls, embedded systems programming, networking, IoT protocols, power consumption/optimization, and cloud connectivity. Build real IoT devices and systems in two team-based projects

MECE E4100 MECHANICS OF FLUIDS. 3.00 points.

Lect: 3.

Prerequisites: (MECE E3100) MECE E3100; or equivalent.
Fluid dynamics and analyses for mechanical engineering and aerospace applications: boundary layers and lubrication, stability and turbulence, and compressible flow. Turbomachinery as well as additional selected topics


Lect. 3.

Prerequisites: One year each of college level physics, chemistry, and mathematics.
Energy infrastructure planning with specific focus on countries with rapidly growing infrastructure needs. Spatiotemporal characteristics, scale, and environmental footprints of energy resources, power generation and storage, modeling demand growth, technology choices and learning for planning. Computer-assisted decision support and network design/optimization tools. Similarities, differences and interactions among electricity, gas, information, transportation and water distribution networks. Penetration of renewable and/or decentralized technologies into existing or new infrastructure. Special guest lectures on infrastructure finance, regulation and public-private partnerships


Lect: 3.

Prerequisites: (MECE E3301) MECE E3301
Energy sources such as oil, gas, coal, gas hydrates, hydrogen, solar, and wind. Energy conversion systems for electrical power generation, automobiles, propulsion and refrigeration. Engines, steam and gas turbines, wind turbines; devices such as fuel cells, thermoelectric converters, and photovoltaic cells. Specialized topics may include carbon-dioxide sequestration, cogeneration, hybrid vehicles and energy storage devices

Fall 2024: MECE E4211
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
MECE 4211 001/13810 M 4:10pm - 6:40pm
829 Seeley W. Mudd Building
Vijay Modi 3.00 33/40


MEMS markets and applications; scaling laws; silicon as a mechanical material; Sensors and actuators; micromechanical analysis and design; substrate (bulk) and surface micromachining; computer aided design; packaging; testing and characterization; microfluidics

Fall 2024: MECE E4212
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
MECE 4212 001/13811 Th 1:10pm - 3:40pm
503 Hamilton Hall
P Schuck 3.00 27/30

MECE E4213 Lab-on-a-Chip and Microrobotic Devices. 3.00 points.

Lect: 3.

Prerequisites: (MECE E3100) and (MECE E3311) MECE E3100 AND MECE E3311; course in transport phenomena, or instructor’s permission.
Introduction to lab-on-a-chip and microrobotic devices with a focus on biomedical applications. Microfabrication techniques. Basics of micro- and nanoscale transport phenomena. Microsensors and microactuators. Microfluidic devices. Lab-on-a-chip systems. Microrobots

Spring 2025: MECE E4213
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
MECE 4213 001/13901 Th 4:10pm - 6:40pm
511 Hamilton Hall
Qiao Lin 3.00 20/22

MECE E4214 MEMS Sensors and Systems. 3.00 points.

Not offered during 2023-2024 academic year.

Prerequisites: (MECE E4212) MECE E4212
Connects basic MEMS transduction elements to applications by analyzing the analog signal chain, sensor packaging, and sensor integration into larger systems. Underlying concepts of analog instrumentation such as filtering and digitization covered. Hands-on projects involve off-the-shelf sensors and single-board computers to create self-contained sensor systems that demonstrate relevant issues

Spring 2025: MECE E4214
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
MECE 4214 001/13903 M 7:00pm - 9:30pm
337 Seeley W. Mudd Building
John Hilton 3.00 16/30


Lect: 3.

Prerequisites: (MECE E3301) MECE E3301
Advanced classical thermodynamics. Availability, irreversibility, generalized behavior, equations of state for nonideal gases, mixtures and solutions, phase and chemical behavior, combustion. Thermodynamic properties of ideal gases. Applications to automotive and aircraft engines, refrigeration and air conditioning, and biological systems

Spring 2025: MECE E4302
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
MECE 4302 001/13909 Th 4:10pm - 6:40pm
545 Seeley W. Mudd Building
Arvind Narayanaswamy 3.00 30/45
MECE 4302 V01/18114  
Arvind Narayanaswamy 3.00 2/99

MECE E4304 TURBOMACHINERY. 3.00 points.

Introduces the basics of theory, design, selection and applications of turbomachinery. Turbomachines are widely used in many engineering applications such as energy conversion, power plants, air-conditioning, pumping, refrigeration and vehicle engines, as there are pumps, blowers, compressors, gas turbines, jet engines, wind turbines, etc. Applications are drawn from energy conversion technologies, HVAC and propulsion. Provides a basic understanding of the different kinds of turbomachines

Spring 2025: MECE E4304
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
MECE 4304 001/17190 Sa 12:00pm - 2:30pm
333 Uris Hall
Sean Nolan 3.00 24/50


Lect: 3.

Prerequisites: (MECE E3301) and (MECE E3311) and (MECE E4304) or MECE E3301 AND MECE E4306; or instructor approval
Principles of propulsion. Thermodynamic cycles of air breathing propulsion systems including ramjet, scramjet, turbojet, and turbofan engine and rocket propulsion system concepts. Turbine engine and rocket performance characteristics. Component and cycle analysis of jet engines and turbomachinery. Advanced propulsion systems. Columbia Engineering interdisciplinary course


Prerequisites: MECE E3100, or ENME E3161, or the equivalent
Principles of flight, incompressible flows, compressible regimes. Inviscid compressible aerodynamics in nozzles (wind tunnels, jet engines), around wings (aircraft, space shuttle) and around blunt bodies (rockets, reentry vehicles). Physics of normal shock waves, oblique shock waves, and explosion waves

Spring 2025: MECE E4306
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
MECE 4306 001/13913 Sa 3:00pm - 5:30pm
310 Fayerweather
Peter LeVoci 3.00 44/70


Lect: 3.

Prerequisites: (MECE E3311) MECE E3311
Prerequisite(s): MECE E3311 (Heat transfer). Fundamentals of solar energy transport: radiation heat transfer, convention, conduction and phase change processes. Heat exchangers and solar collectors: basic methods of thermal design, flow arrangements, effects of variable conditions, rating procedures. Solar energy concentration. Piping Systems: series and parallel arrangements, fluid movers. Thermal response and management of photovoltaic energy conversion. Solar energy storage. Solar cooling, solar thermal power and cogeneration. Applications to the design of solar thermal engineering systems

MECE E4313 Decarbonizing Buildings Studio: Energy system retrofits at speed and scale. 3.00 points.

Historical co-evolution of building energy systems and fuels. Classifying existing buildings into typologies that are a prevalent combination of building size, age, fuels, equipment, distribution and zoning controls. Fuels, electricity, furnaces, boilers, heat pumps. Overview of common heat and hot water distribution systems. Case-study based approach to evaluate retrofit options for each typology. Considerations of location, staging upgrades, envelope efficiency, retrofit cost structure, paybacks with a view towards decarbonization

Spring 2025: MECE E4313
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
MECE 4313 001/13914 Th 1:10pm - 3:40pm
415 Schapiro Cepser
Marc Zuluaga 3.00 35/40


Lect: 3.

Prerequisites: (MECE E3301) and (MECE E3311) MECE E3301 AND MECE E3311
Introduction to analysis and design of heating, ventilating and air-conditioning systems. Heating and cooling loads. Humidity control. Solar gain and passive solar design. Global energy implications. Green buildings. Building-integrated photovoltaics. Roof-mounted gardens and greenhouses. Financial assessment tools and case studies. Open to Mechanical Engineering graduate students only

MECE E4320 INTRO TO COMBUSTION. 3.00 points.


Lect: 3.

Prerequisites: (MECE E3100) and (MECE E3301) and (MECE E3311) MECE E3100 AND MECE E3301 AND MECE E3311
Theoretical and practical considerations, and design principles, for modern thermofluids systems. Topics include boiling, condensation, phase change heat transfer, multimode heat transfer, heat exchangers, and modeling of thermal transport systems. Emphasis on applications of thermodynamics, heat transfer, and fluid mechanics to modeling actual physical systems. Term project on conceptual design and presentation of a thermofluid system that meets specified criteria

MECE E4350 Building Energy Modeling and Simulation. 3.00 points.

Review of building energy modeling techniques for simulating time-varying demand. Detailed Physics-based models, gray-box and black-box modeling. Static and dynamic models of building energy systems. Deterministic and Stochastic occupancy modeling. Modeling of control and dispatch of HVAC and local energy systems. Implementation of models in Energyplus and Modelica platforms. Modeling of low and net-zero carbon buildings and local energy systems

Fall 2024: MECE E4350
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
MECE 4350 001/17654 T 2:40pm - 5:10pm
252 Engineering Terrace
Bianca Howard 3.00 21/22


0 pts.

Sign up for this class to obtain a computer account and access to the Department of Mechanical Engineering Computer Laboratory

MECE E4401 Introduction to Kinematics of Machines and Robots. 3.00 points.

Prerequisites: MECE E3105 and (APMA E3101 or MATH UN2010) Or instructor's permission.

Introduction to kinematic analysis and design of machines and robots. Analytical and graphical synthesis of four-bar linkages. Planar displacements of rigid bodies. Spherical displacements of rigid bodies. Spatial displacements of rigid bodies. Rigid body velocities and wrenches. Concepts of kinematics of open-chain linkages.

Spring 2025: MECE E4401
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
MECE 4401 001/19092 W 4:10pm - 6:40pm
413 Kent Hall
Qiao Lin 3.00 8/60


Lect: 3.Not offered during 2023-2024 academic year.

Prerequisites: (MECE E3100) and (MECE E3311) and (ENME E3113) or ENME E3113 AND MECE E3100 AND MECE E3311; or instructor's permission.
Friction, lubrication, and wear between sliding surfaces. Surface metrology, contact mechanics, and sliding friction. Deformation, wear, and temperature rise of nonlubricated, liquid-lubricated, and solid-lubricated rolling and sliding materials. The theories of boundary, elastohydrodynamic, hydrodynamic, hydrostatic, and solid-phase lubrication. Lubricant flow and load-carrying capacity in bearings. Special applications such as geartrains, cam/tappets, and micro- and nanoscale tribological interfaces


Lect: 3.

Prerequisites: (ENME E3105) or (ENME E3106) or ENME E3105; or equivalent.
Recommended: ENME E3100 or E3106. Reviews fundamentals of vehicle dynamics. A systems-based engineering approach to explore areas of: tire characteristics, aerodynamics, stability and control, wheel loads, ride and roll rates, suspension geometry, and dampers. A high-performance vehicle (racecar) platform used as an example to review topics

Spring 2025: MECE E4430
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
MECE 4430 001/18875 Th 7:00pm - 9:30pm
227 Seeley W. Mudd Building
Joshua Browne 3.00 27/35


Lect: 3.

Prerequisites: (MECE E3105) or (ENME E3105) and (ENME E4202) ENME E3105
ENME E4202 recommended. Space vehicle dynamics and control, rocket equations, satellite orbits, initial trajectory designs from Earth to other planets, satellite attitude dynamics, gravity gradient stabilization of satellites, spin-stabilized satellites, dual-spin satellites, satellite attitude control, modeling, dynamics, and control of large flexible spacecraft

MECE E4440 Optimization of Dynamic Systems. 3.00 points.

Fundamentals for optimizing performance of dynamic systems described by a set of ordinary differential equations based on theory of variational calculus. Systematic methods to solve optimization problems using numerical methods. Topics include: Static Optimization of systems with equality and inequality and inequality constraints, Numerical methods to solve static optimization problems, Theory of calculus of variations, Application of calculus of variations to solve static optimization problems with equality and inequality constraints, numerical methods to solve static optimization problems, theory of calculus variations to solve dynamic optimization problems with equality and inequality constraints, direct and indirect numerical methods to solve dynamic optimization problems, finite-time linear systems, steady state linear systems, multi degree-of-freedom robotic systems

MECE E4460 Mechanics of Elastomeric Materials. 3.00 points.

Prerequisites: (MECE E3414)

Mechanics of nonlinear mechanical behavior of elastomeric and elastomeric-like solids. Overview of structure and behavior of elastomers. Kinematics of large deformation. Constitutive models for equilibrium stress-strain behavior, using invariant measures of deformation and statistical mechanics of molecular networks. Hysteretic aspects of structure and behavior due to time dependence and structural evolution with deformation. Review of experimental data and models to capture and predict observations. Time permitting: behavior of particle-filled, thermoplastic and biomacromolecular elastomers.

Fall 2024: MECE E4460
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
MECE 4460 001/16015 W 10:10am - 12:40pm
233 Seeley W. Mudd Building
Mary Boyce 3.00 17/50

MECE E4461 Materials Selection for Mechanical Design. 3.00 points.

Prerequisites: MECE E3414

Understanding the properties and behavior of materials is critical to the mechanical design and subsequent function of any product or part – including wide-ranging applications from aircraft fuselage to robotic manipulators to flexures to telescope mirrors to flywheels to sports equipment to thermal insulators. This course provides a fundamental understanding of the microstructure of a range of materials (metals, polymers, ceramics, composites, hybrid) and the connection to design-determining or limiting properties including stiffness, expansion, thermal expansion, strength, energy storage and dissipation, toughness, and fatigue. Objective functions which are used to determine a “material index” for the selection of the best materials for use in a particular mechanical design are developed, underscoring the combined role of material properties and loading conditions in optimizing for materials selection. For example, take the case of determining a material index for selecting a best set of materials for a lightweight, stiff beam – how do the material density and elastic modulus together with the beam geometry and loading conditions factor in to determining the material index for materials selection? Note that the resulting material index for selecting best materials for a lightweight stiff beam (bending) is different than that for a lightweight stiff rod (tension). The material indices provide the framework for construction and use of materials selection charts to rapidly compare the effectiveness of wide-ranging materials for different applications.

Spring 2025: MECE E4461
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
MECE 4461 001/18882 M W 11:40am - 12:55pm
503 Hamilton Hall
Mary Boyce 3.00 23/45


Lect: 3.

Prerequisites: (COMS W1005) COMS W1005
Relationship between 3D geometry and CAD/CAM; representations of solids; geometry as the basis of analysis, design, and manufacturing; constructive solid geometry and the CSG tree; octree representation and applications; surface representations and intersections; boundary representation and boundary evaluation; applied computational geometry; analysis of geometrical algorithms and associated data structures; applications of geometrical modeling in vision and robotics

MECE E4507 Fundamental Design Tools. 3.00 points.

Covers fundamental engineering design tools for creating and testing physical products. Includes basics of computer-aided design, circuit design and use of microcontrollers, Internet of Things, and computational modeling and simulation. Additional hands-on exposure to tools for high-fidelity physical prototyping in Makerspace. Mini-project design involving an engineering device or system incorporated tools


Lec: 3.

Prerequisites: Knowledge of basic computer programming e.g. Java, MATLAB, Python, or Instructor’s permission
Introduction to the practical application of data science, machine learning, and artificial intelligence and their application in Mechanical Engineering. A review of relevant programming tools necessary for applying data science is provided, as well as a detailed review of data infrastructure and database construction for data science. A series of industry case studies from experts in the field of data science will be presented

Fall 2024: MECE E4520
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
MECE 4520 001/13820 F 1:10pm - 3:40pm
417 International Affairs Bldg
Nicolas Chbat 3.00 104/164
MECE 4520 V01/21136  
Nicolas Chbat 3.00 1/99


Lect: 3.

Overview of robot applications and capabilities. Linear algebra, kinematics, statics, and dynamics of robot manipulators. Survey of sensor technology: force, proximity, vision, compliant manipulators. Motion planning and artificial intelligence; manipulator programming requirements and languages

Fall 2024: MECE E4602
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
MECE 4602 001/13827 T 4:10pm - 6:40pm
833 Seeley W. Mudd Building
Sunil Agrawal 3.00 91/120
MECE 4602 V01/17535  
Sunil Agrawal 3.00 2/99


Science and systems aspects of Robotics from applied perspective, focusing on algorithms and software tools. Spatial reasoning; tools for manipulating and visualizing spatial relationships. Analysis of robotic manipulators; numerical methods for kinematic analysis. Motion planning, search-based and stochastic approaches. Applications for force and impedance control. Grading based on combination of exams and projects implemented using Robot Operating System (ROS) software framework and executed on real and simulated robotic manipulators


Lect: 3.

Prerequisites: Manufacturing process, computer graphics, engineering design, mechanical design.
General review of product development process; market analysis and product system design; principles of design for manufacturing; strategy for material selection and manufacturing process choice; component design for machining; casting; molding; sheet metal working and inspection; general assembly processes; product design for manual assembly; design for robotic and automatic assembly; case studies of product design and improvement


Prerequisites: Basic programming in any language.
Additive manufacturing processes, CNC, Sheet cutting processes, Numerical control, Generative and algorithmic design. Social, economic, legal, and business implications. Course involves both theoretical exercises and a hands-on project



Lect: 3.

Prerequisites: Introductory course on manufacturing processes and knowledge of computer-aided design, and mechanical design or instructor’s permission.
Computer-aided design, free-form surface modeling, tooling and fixturing, computer numeric control, rapid prototyping, process engineering, fixed and programmable automation, industrial robotics


Lect: 3.

Prerequisites: Introductory course on manufacturing processes, and heat transfer, knowledge of engineering materials, or instructor’s permission.
Principles of nontraditional manufacturing, nontraditional transport and media. Emphasis on laser assisted materials processing, laser material interactions with applications to laser material removal, forming, and surface modification. Introduction to electrochemical machining, electrical discharge machining and abrasive water jet machining

Fall 2024: MECE E4610
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
MECE 4610 001/13828 W 4:10pm - 6:40pm
1024 Seeley W. Mudd Building
Sinisa Vukelic 3.00 27/50
MECE 4610 V01/17640  
Sinisa Vukelic 3.00 4/99

MECE E4611 ROBOTICS STUDIO. 3.00 points.

Prerequisites: Knowledge of basic computer programming e.g., Java, Matlab, Python or instructor's permission.
Hands-on studio class exposing students to practical aspects of the design, fabrication, and programming of physical robotic systems. Students experience entire robot creation process, covering conceptual design, detailed design, simulation and modeling, digital manufacturing, electronics and sensor design, and software programming

Fall 2024: MECE E4611
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
MECE 4611 002/13830 W 11:40am - 12:55pm
209 Havemeyer Hall
Hod Lipson 3.00 82/90
MECE 4611 V02/17645  
Hod Lipson 3.00 9/99
Spring 2025: MECE E4611
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
MECE 4611 001/13920 W 11:40am - 12:55pm
209 Havemeyer Hall
Hod Lipson 3.00 72/90
MECE 4611 V01/18116  
Hod Lipson 3.00 6/99


Prerequisites: Introductory course in engineering materials and manufacturing processes or instructor's permission.
Fundamentals of sustainable design and manufacturing, metrics of sustainability, analytical tools, principles of life cycle assessment, manufacturing tools, processes and systems energy assessment and minimization in manufacturing, sustainable manufacturing automation, sustainable manufacturing systems, remanufacturing, recycling and reuse

Spring 2025: MECE E4612
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
MECE 4612 001/13926 M 4:10pm - 6:40pm
1127 Seeley W. Mudd Building
Sinisa Vukelic 3.00 53/60
MECE 4612 V01/20235  
Sinisa Vukelic 3.00 9/99

MECE E4613 Industrial Automation. 3.00 points.

Introduction to industrial automation technologies. Recognizing, modeling and integration of industrial automation problems. Hands-on experiments with robots, computer vision, data management and programming. Sensors engineering and measurement tools; process control; automation hardware and software architectures; programmable logic controllers

Fall 2024: MECE E4613
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
MECE 4613 001/19507 W 4:10pm - 6:40pm
545 Seeley W. Mudd Building
Ali Dadgar 3.00 36/30


MECE E4811 Aerospace Human Factors Engineering. 3.00 points.

Prerequisites: At least junior standing and instructor’s permission.

Prerequisites: see notes re: points Instructor's permission.
Engineering fundamentals and experimental methods of human factors design and evaluation for spacecraft which incorporate human-in-the-loop control. Develop understanding of human factors specific to spacecraft design with human-in-the-loop control. Design of human factors experiments utilizing task analysis and user testing with quantitative evaluation metrics to develop a sate and high-performing operational space system. Human-centered design, functional allocation and automation, human sensory performance in the space environment, task analysis, human factors experimental methods and statistics, space vehicle displays and controls, situation awareness, workload, usability, manual piloting and handling qualities, human error analysis and prevention, and anthropometrics

Fall 2024: MECE E4811
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
MECE 4811 001/13832 M 4:10pm - 6:40pm
609 Martin Luther King Building
Michael Massimino 3.00 17/22

MECE E4899 Research Training. 0.00 points.

Prerequisites: Instructor's permission.
Research training course. Recommended in preparation for laboratory related research

Fall 2024: MECE E4899
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
MECE 4899 001/21238  
Bianca Howard 0.00 0/2
MECE 4899 002/21500  
Sinisa Vukelic 0.00 2/2
MECE 4899 003/21598  
Hod Lipson 0.00 0/2
Spring 2025: MECE E4899
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
MECE 4899 001/20661  
Matei Ciocarlie 0.00 4/10

MECE E4990 SPECIAL TOPICS IN ME. 3.00 points.

Lect: 3.

Prerequisites: Permission of the Instructor
Prerequisite(s): Permission of the instructor. Topics and Instructors change from year to year. For advanced undergraduate students and graduate students in engineering, physical sciences, and other fields

MECE E4998 MS PROJECTS IN MECH ENGINEER. 1.00-3.00 points.


Prerequisites: Instructor's permission.
Master's level independent project involving theoretical, computational, experimental, or engineering design work. May be repeated, subject to Master's Program guidelines. Students must submit both a project outline prior to registration and a final project write-up at the end of the semester

Fall 2024: MECE E4998
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
MECE 4998 001/15367  
Sunil Agrawal 1.00-3.00 6/10
MECE 4998 002/15368  
P Schuck 1.00-3.00 2/4
MECE 4998 003/15369  
Gerard Ateshian 1.00-3.00 0/5
MECE 4998 004/15370  
Michael Burke 1.00-3.00 0/5
MECE 4998 005/15371  
Vijay Vedula 1.00-3.00 1/5
MECE 4998 006/15372  
Matei Ciocarlie 1.00-3.00 8/10
MECE 4998 007/15373  
James Hone 1.00-3.00 0/5
MECE 4998 008/15374  
Jeffrey Kysar 1.00-3.00 0/5
MECE 4998 009/15375  
Qiao Lin 1.00-3.00 0/5
MECE 4998 010/15376  
Bianca Howard 1.00-3.00 1/5
MECE 4998 011/15377  
Vijay Modi 1.00-3.00 2/5
MECE 4998 012/15378  
Kristin Myers 1.00-3.00 0/5
MECE 4998 013/15379  
Arvind Narayanaswamy 1.00-3.00 0/5
MECE 4998 014/15380  
Harry West 1.00-3.00 1/5
MECE 4998 015/15381  
Sinisa Vukelic 1.00-3.00 2/5
MECE 4998 016/21577  
Mary Boyce 1.00-3.00 1/5
MECE 4998 017/15382  
Karen Kasza 1.00-3.00 0/5
MECE 4998 018/15383  
Hod Lipson 1.00-3.00 7/10
Spring 2025: MECE E4998
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
MECE 4998 001/14122  
Gerard Ateshian 1.00-3.00 0/5
MECE 4998 002/14123  
Arvind Narayanaswamy 1.00-3.00 0/5
MECE 4998 003/14124  
Vijay Vedula 1.00-3.00 2/5
MECE 4998 004/14125  
James Hone 1.00-3.00 0/5
MECE 4998 005/14126  
Kristin Myers 1.00-3.00 0/5
MECE 4998 006/14127  
Jeffrey Kysar 1.00-3.00 0/5
MECE 4998 007/14128  
Vijay Modi 1.00-3.00 3/5
MECE 4998 008/14129  
P Schuck 1.00-3.00 0/5
MECE 4998 009/14130  
Qiao Lin 1.00-3.00 0/5
MECE 4998 010/14131  
Matei Ciocarlie 1.00-3.00 3/5
MECE 4998 011/14132  
Michael Massimino 1.00-3.00 0/2
MECE 4998 012/14133  
Michael Burke 1.00-3.00 0/5
MECE 4998 013/14134  
Sunil Agrawal 1.00-3.00 3/10
MECE 4998 014/14135  
Sinisa Vukelic 1.00-3.00 1/10
MECE 4998 015/14136  
Bianca Howard 1.00-3.00 3/5
MECE 4998 016/14138  
Harry West 1.00-3.00 0/5
MECE 4998 017/14139  
Yevgeniy Yesilevskiy 1.00-3.00 1/5
MECE 4998 018/14140  
Hod Lipson 1.00-3.00 8/10
MECE 4998 019/14141  
Karen Kasza 1.00-3.00 0/5
MECE 4998 020/14142  
Mary Boyce 1.00-3.00 0/5
MECE 4998 021/20267  
Homayoon Beigi 1.00-3.00 1/5

MECE E4999 FIELDWORK. 1.00 point.

Prerequisites: Instructor’s written permission.
Only for ME graduate students who need relevant off-campus work experience as part of their program of study as determined by the instructor. Written application must be made prior to registration outlining proposed study program. Final reports required. May not be taken for pass/fail credit or audited. International students must consult with the International Students and Scholars Office

Fall 2024: MECE E4999
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
MECE 4999 001/19448  
Matei Ciocarlie 1.00 6/30
Spring 2025: MECE E4999
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
MECE 4999 001/20807  
Matei Ciocarlie 1.00 0/15


Prerequisites: MATH V2030 AND MECE E3100
Prerequisites: (MATH UN2030) and (MECE E3100) MATH V2030 and MECE E3100. Eulerian and Lagrangian descriptions of motion. Stress and strain rate tensors, vorticity, integral and differentialequations of mass, momentum, and energy conservation. Potential flow

Fall 2024: MECE E6100
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
MECE 6100 001/13833 W 1:10pm - 3:40pm
227 Seeley W. Mudd Building
Gerard Ateshian 3.00 37/50
MECE 6100 V01/19423  
Gerard Ateshian 3.00 4/99


Prerequisites: MECE E3100 AND MECE E3311
Mathematical description of pertinent physical phenomena. Basics of finite-difference methods of discretization, explicit and implicit schemes, grid sizes, stability, and convergence. Solution of algebraic equations, relaxation. Heat conduction. Incompressible fluid flow, stream function-vorticity formulation. Forced and natural convection. Use of primitive variables, turbulence modeling, and coordinate transformations

Spring 2025: MECE E6102
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
MECE 6102 001/15092 T 4:10pm - 6:40pm
522a Kent Hall
Vijay Vedula 3.00 10/10


Lect: 3.

Prerequisites: (APMA E4200) and (MECE E6100) APMA E4200 AND MECE E6100; APMA E4300 AND MECE E4400
Corequisites: MECE E4400,APMA E4300
Hands-on case studies in computational fluid dynamics, including steady and transient flows, heat and mass transfer, turbulence, compressible flow and multiphase flow. Identifying assumptions, computational domain selection, model creation and setup, boundary conditions, choice of convergence criteria, visualization and interpretation of computed results. Taught in the Mechanical Engineering Computer Laboratory with Computational Fluid Dynamics software

MECE E6106 Finite Element Method for Fluid Flow and Fluid-Structure Interactions. 3.00 points.

Prerequisites: MECE E4100 or MECE E6100, ENME E4332, or equivalents, or instructor's permission and high-level programming language Fortran, C, C++, Python, MATLAB, etc.
Solving convection-dominated phenomena using finite element method (FEM), including convection-diffusion equation, Navier-Stokes, equation for incompressible viscous flows, and nonlinear fluid-structure interactions (FSI). Foundational concepts of FEM include function spaces, strong and weak forms, Galerkin FEM, isoparametric discretization, stability analysis, and error estimates. Mixed FEM for Stokes flow, incompressibility and inf-sup conditions. Stabilization approaches, including residue-based variational multiscale methods. Arbitrary Lagrangian-Eulerian (ALE) formulation for nonlinear FSI, and selected advanced topics of research interest

Fall 2024: MECE E6106
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
MECE 6106 001/15932 T 4:10pm - 6:40pm
214 Seeley W. Mudd Building
Vijay Vedula 3.00 13/25


Lect: 3.Not offered during 2023-2024 academic year.

Prerequisites: (PHYS UN1402) or (PHYS UN1602) or PHYS C1402 OR PHYS W1602; PHYS UN1402 or PHYS UN1602 or equivalent, or instructor's permission.
Interaction of light with nanoscale materials and structures for purpose of inducing movement and detecting small changes in strain, temperature, and chemistry within local environments. Methods for concentrating and manipulating light at length scales below the diffraction limit. Plasmonics and metamaterials, as well as excitons, phonos, and polaritons and their advantages for mechanical and chemical sensing, and controlling displacement at nanometer length scales. Applications to nanophotonic devices and recently published progress in nanomechanics and related fields

Spring 2025: MECE E6137
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
MECE 6137 001/13943 Th 1:10pm - 3:40pm
140 Uris Hall
P Schuck 3.00 18/50

MECE E6200 TURBULENCE. 3.00 points.

Lect: 3.Not offered during 2023-2024 academic year.

Prerequisites: (MECE E6100) MECE E6100
Introductory concepts and statistical description. Kinematics of random velocity fields, dynamics of vorticity, and scalar quantities. Transport processes in a turbulent medium. Turbulent shear flows: deterministic and random structures. Experimental techniques, prediction methods, and simulation


Prerequisites: APMA E4200 AND MECE E6422; MECE E6422 and APMA E4200 or equivalent.
Development of governing equations for mixtures with solid matrix, interstitial fluid, and ion constituents. Formulation of constitutive models for biological tissues. Linear and nonlinear models of fibrillar and viscoelastic porous matrices. Solutions to special problems, such as confined and unconfined compression, permeation, indentation and contact, and swelling experiments


Lect: 3.

Prerequisites: MECE E3311; MECE E6100
Corequisites: MECE E6100.
Application of analytical techniques to the solution of multidimensional steady and transient problems in heat conduction and convection. Lumped, integral, and differential formulations. Topics include use of sources and sinks, laminar/turbulent forced convection, and natural convection in internal and external geometries

Spring 2025: MECE E6313
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
MECE 6313 001/13941 M 4:10pm - 6:40pm
1024 Seeley W. Mudd Building
Arvind Narayanaswamy 3.00 16/25
MECE 6313 V01/20283  
Arvind Narayanaswamy 3.00 1/99


Not offered during 2023-2024 academic year.

Prerequisites: Knowledge of advanced thermodynamics e.g., MECE E4302, or combustion e.g., MECH E4320, or instructor's permission.
Gaseous phenomena from a molecular to macroscopic perspective. Quantum mechanics, statistical thermodynamics, nonequilibrium statistical mechanics, reaction rate theories, master equation, relaxation processes, kinetic theory, equations of state, transport theories, and kinetic-transport equations. Applications to combustion, aerospace gas dynamics, and high-frequency sound propagation


Lect: 3.

Prerequisites: (MECE E3401) MECE E3401
Review of classical dynamics, including Lagrange’s equations. Analysis of dynamic response of high-speed machine elements and systems, including mass-spring systems, cam-follower systems, and gearing; shock isolation; introduction to gyrodynamics

Spring 2025: MECE E6400
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
MECE 6400 001/13931 Th 7:00pm - 9:30pm
337 Seeley W. Mudd Building
Nicolas Chbat 3.00 20/35


Lect: 3.

Prerequisites: APMA E4200
Corequisites: APMA E4200.
Analysis of stress and strain. Formulation of the problem of elastic equilibrium. Torsion and flexure of prismatic bars. Problems in stress concentration, rotating disks, shrink fits, and curved beams; pressure vessels, contact and impact of elastic bodies, thermal stresses, propagation of elastic waves

Fall 2024: MECE E6422
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
MECE 6422 001/13834 M 9:10am - 11:40am
524 Seeley W. Mudd Building
Jeffrey Kysar 3.00 21/30


Lect: 3.

Prerequisites: APMA E4200
Corequisites: APMA E4200.
Analysis of stress and strain. Formulation of the problem of elastic equilibrium. Torsion and flexure of prismatic bars. Problems in stress concentration, rotating disks, shrink fits, and curved beams; pressure vessels, contact and impact of elastic bodies, thermal stresses, propagation of elastic waves


Lect: 3.

Prerequisites: MECE E3401
Review of vibration analysis of systems and mechanisms with one degree of freedom. Natural frequencies. Forced vibrations. Effects of dry and viscous friction. Energy methods of Rayleigh and Ritz. Suppression and elimination of vibration. Vibration isolation. Measuring instruments. Critical speeds in machinery. Synchronous whirl. Half-frequency whirl. Influence of bearing characteristics on critical speeds. Effect of gyroscopic moments. Systems with multiple degrees of freedom. Dynamic vibration absorbers. Self-tuning absorbers of pendulum and roller types. Lagrangian equations of motion as applied to vibrating systems. General equations for transverse critical speeds of shafts. Surging of helical springs


Prerequisites: APMA E4200 AND ENME E3113; ENME E3113 or equivalent; APMA E4200 or equivalent.
Mechanics of small-scale materials and structures require nonlinear kinematics and/or nonlinear stress vs. strain constitutive relations to predict mechanical behavior. Topics include variational calculus, deformation and vibration of beam, strings, plates, and membranes; fracture, delamination, bulging, buckling of thin films, among others. Thermodynamics of solids will be reviewed to provide the basis for a detailed discussion of nonlinear elastic behavior as well as the study of the equilibrium and stability of surfaces


Lect: 3.

Prerequisites: (APMA E2101) and (APMA E3101) and (MECE E4602) or (COMS W4733) Prerequisite: APMA E2101, APMA E3101, MECE E4602 (or COMS W4733),\n,\nRecommended: MECE E3401 or Instructor's Permission
Corequisites: MECE E3401
Recommended: MECE E3401 or instructor’s permission. Kinematic modeling methods for serial, parallel, redundant, wire-actuated robots and multifingered hands with discussion of open research problems. Introduction to screw theory and line geometry tools for kinematics. Applications of homotopy continuation methods and symbolic-numerical methods for direct kinematics of parallel robots and synthesis of mechanisms. Course uses textbook materials as well as a collection of recent research papers

Spring 2025: MECE E6614
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
MECE 6614 001/18840 T 4:10pm - 6:40pm
413 Kent Hall
Sunil Agrawal 3.00 31/50


Prerequisites: MECE E4602 OR COMS W4733
Theory and mechanisms of robotic manipulation, from sensor data, reasoning, and planning to implementation and execution. Grasp quality measures and optimization; planning and execution for manipulation primitives; sensor modalities: vision, touch, and proprioception; simulation for manipulation planning; design of robot manipulators. Grading based on a combination of class presentations of novel research results in the field, participation in discussions, and course projects combining simulation, processing of sensor data, planning for manipulation, design, and implementation on real robot hands

MECE E6616 ROBOT LEARNING. 3.00 points.

Robots using machine learning to achieve high performance in unscripted situations. Dimensionality reduction, classification, and regression problems in robotics. Deep Learning: Convolutional Neural Networks for robot vision, Recurrent Neural Networks, and sensorimotor robot control using neural networks. Model Predictive Control using learned dynamics models for legged robots and manipulators. Reinforcement Learning in robotics: model-based and model-free methods, deep reinforcement learning, sensorimotor control using reinforcement learning

MECE E6617 Advanced Kinematics, Dynamics, and Control in Robotics. 3.00 points.

Prerequisites: Course on linear and/or nonlinear control theory, Introduction to Robotics, or instructor's permission.
Advanced topics in robotics using fundamentals of kinematics, dynamics, and control. Topics include: characterization of orientation and angular velocity of rigid bodies, kinematic solutions of planar mechanisms, dynamics of closed chains and free-floating bodies, gravity balancing of mechanism, dynamics and dependence of inertia redistribution, under-actuation systems, feedback linearization of SISO systems, feedback linearization of MIMO systems, design of under-actuated open-chain robots, parallel-actuated robots


Prerequisites: APMA E3101 AND MATH V2030; MATH UN2030, APMA E3101, knowledge of a programming language, or permission of instructor.
Applied recognition and classification of signals using a selection of tools borrowed from different disciplines. Applications include human biometrics, imaging, geophysics, machinery, electronics, networking, languages, communications, and finance. Practical algorithms are covered in signal generation, modeling, feature extraction, metrics for comparison and classification, parameter estimation, supervised, unsupervised and hierarchical clustering and learning, optimization, scaling and alignment, signals as codes emitted from natural sources, information, and extremely large-scale search techniques

MECE E8020 MASTERS THESIS. 1.00-3.00 points.

Research in an area of mechanical engineering culminating in a verbal presentation and a written thesis document approved by the thesis adviser. Must obtain permission from a thesis adviser to enroll. Recommended enrollment for two terms, one of which can be the summer. A maximum of 6 points of master’s thesis may count toward an M.S. degree, and additional research points cannot be counted. On completion of all master’s thesis credits, the thesis adviser will assign a single grade. Students must use a department-recommended format for thesis writing

Fall 2024: MECE E8020
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
MECE 8020 001/15608  
Sunil Agrawal 1.00-3.00 0/5
MECE 8020 002/15609  
P Schuck 1.00-3.00 0/5
MECE 8020 003/15610  
Michael Burke 1.00-3.00 1/5
MECE 8020 005/15611  
Vijay Vedula 1.00-3.00 0/5
MECE 8020 006/15612  
Matei Ciocarlie 1.00-3.00 0/2
MECE 8020 007/15613  
James Hone 1.00-3.00 0/5
MECE 8020 008/15614  
Jeffrey Kysar 1.00-3.00 0/5
MECE 8020 009/15615  
Qiao Lin 1.00-3.00 1/5
MECE 8020 010/15616  
Bianca Howard 1.00-3.00 0/2
MECE 8020 011/15617  
Vijay Modi 1.00-3.00 0/2
MECE 8020 012/15618  
Kristin Myers 1.00-3.00 0/2
MECE 8020 013/15619  
Arvind Narayanaswamy 1.00-3.00 0/2
MECE 8020 014/15620  
Sinisa Vukelic 1.00-3.00 0/2
MECE 8020 015/15621  
Y. Lawrence Yao 1.00-3.00 0/2
MECE 8020 016/15622  
Karen Kasza 1.00-3.00 0/2
MECE 8020 017/15623  
Hod Lipson 1.00-3.00 1/5
Spring 2025: MECE E8020
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
MECE 8020 001/14145  
Gerard Ateshian 1.00-3.00 0/5
MECE 8020 002/14147  
Arvind Narayanaswamy 1.00-3.00 0/5
MECE 8020 003/14150  
Vijay Vedula 1.00-3.00 0/5
MECE 8020 004/14148  
James Hone 1.00-3.00 0/5
MECE 8020 005/14151  
Kristin Myers 1.00-3.00 0/5
MECE 8020 006/14288  
Jeffrey Kysar 1.00-3.00 0/5
MECE 8020 007/14292  
Vijay Modi 1.00-3.00 0/5
MECE 8020 008/14297  
P Schuck 1.00-3.00 0/5
MECE 8020 009/14298  
Qiao Lin 1.00-3.00 0/5
MECE 8020 010/14299  
Matei Ciocarlie 1.00-3.00 0/5
MECE 8020 011/14302  
Michael Massimino 1.00-3.00 0/2
MECE 8020 012/14304  
Michael Burke 1.00-3.00 2/5
MECE 8020 013/14317  
Sunil Agrawal 1.00-3.00 0/10
MECE 8020 014/14319  
Sinisa Vukelic 1.00-3.00 0/10
MECE 8020 015/14323  
Bianca Howard 1.00-3.00 1/5
MECE 8020 016/14328  
Harry West 1.00-3.00 0/5
MECE 8020 017/14329  
Yevgeniy Yesilevskiy 1.00-3.00 0/5
MECE 8020 018/14330  
Hod Lipson 1.00-3.00 1/10
MECE 8020 019/14331  
Karen Kasza 1.00-3.00 0/5
MECE 8020 020/14332  
Mary Boyce 1.00-3.00 0/5
MECE 8020 021/20269  
Homayoon Beigi 1.00-3.00 0/1

MECE E8021 MASTERS THESIS. 1.00-3.00 points.

3-6 pts.

Research in an area of mechanical engineering culminating in a verbal presentation and a written thesis document approved by the thesis adviser. Must obtain permission from a thesis adviser to enroll. Recommended enrollment for two terms, one of which can be the summer. A maximum of 6 points of master’s thesis may count toward an M.S. degree, and additional research points cannot be counted. On completion of all master’s thesis credits, the thesis adviser will assign a single grade. Students must use a department-recommended format for thesis writing


Prerequisites: Instructor’s permission.
The essentials of finite deformation theory of solids and fluids needed to describe mechanical behavior of biological tissue: kinematics of finite deformations, balance laws, principle of material objectivity, theory of constitutive equations, concept of simple solids and simple fluids, approximate constitutive equations, some boundary-value problems. Topics include one- and two-point tensor components with respect to generalized coordinates; finite deformation tensors, such as right and left Cauchy-Green tensors; rate of deformation tensors, such as Rivlin-Ericksen tensors; various forms of objective time derivatives, such as corotational and convected derivatives of tensors; viscometric flows of simple fluids; examples of rate and integral type of constitutive equations

Spring 2025: MECE E8501
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
MECE 8501 001/13938 W 1:10pm - 3:40pm
505 Lewisohn Hall
Gerard Ateshian 3.00 8/15


Lect: 3.

Prerequisites: Instructor's permission.
Prerequisite(s): Instructor’s permission. May be taken for credit more than once. The instructor from the Mechanical Engineering Department and the topics covered will vary from year to year. Intended for students with graduate standing in Mechanical Engineering and other engineering and applied sciences


Theoretical or experimental study or research in graduate areas in mechanical engineering and engineering science

Fall 2024: MECE E9000
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
MECE 9000 001/15387  
Gerard Ateshian 1.00-6.00 1/5
MECE 9000 002/15388  
Arvind Narayanaswamy 1.00-6.00 0/5
MECE 9000 003/15389  
Bianca Howard 1.00-6.00 1/5
MECE 9000 004/15390  
James Hone 1.00-6.00 6/7
MECE 9000 005/15391  
Kristin Myers 1.00-6.00 4/10
MECE 9000 007/15392  
Jeffrey Kysar 1.00-6.00 1/5
MECE 9000 008/15393  
Michael Burke 1.00-6.00 3/5
MECE 9000 009/15394  
Vijay Modi 1.00-6.00 5/7
MECE 9000 010/15395  
Y. Lawrence Yao 1.00-6.00 0/5
MECE 9000 011/15396  
Qiao Lin 1.00-6.00 3/5
MECE 9000 012/15397  
Matei Ciocarlie 1.00-6.00 5/10
MECE 9000 013/15398  
Vijay Vedula 1.00-6.00 5/5
MECE 9000 014/15399  
Sunil Agrawal 1.00-6.00 6/10
MECE 9000 015/15400  
Sinisa Vukelic 1.00-6.00 1/2
MECE 9000 016/15401  
P Schuck 1.00-6.00 1/5
MECE 9000 017/15402  
Karen Kasza 1.00-6.00 1/5
MECE 9000 018/15403  
Hod Lipson 1.00-6.00 2/10
MECE 9000 019/21422  
Richard Longman 1.00-6.00 0/1


Theoretical or experimental study or research in graduate areas in mechanical engineering and engineering science

Spring 2025: MECE E9001
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
MECE 9001 001/14333  
Gerard Ateshian 1.00-6.00 4/5
MECE 9001 002/14335  
Arvind Narayanaswamy 1.00-6.00 0/5
MECE 9001 003/14336  
Vijay Vedula 1.00-6.00 4/5
MECE 9001 004/14337  
James Hone 1.00-6.00 5/5
MECE 9001 005/14341  
Kristin Myers 1.00-6.00 4/5
MECE 9001 006/14354  
Jeffrey Kysar 1.00-6.00 1/5
MECE 9001 007/14410  
Vijay Modi 1.00-6.00 5/5
MECE 9001 008/14411  
P Schuck 1.00-6.00 2/5
MECE 9001 009/14412  
Qiao Lin 1.00-6.00 2/5
MECE 9001 010/14413  
Matei Ciocarlie 1.00-6.00 5/5
MECE 9001 011/14414  
Michael Massimino 1.00-6.00 0/2
MECE 9001 012/14415  
Michael Burke 1.00-6.00 2/5
MECE 9001 013/14416  
Sunil Agrawal 1.00-6.00 5/10
MECE 9001 014/14417  
Sinisa Vukelic 1.00-6.00 1/10
MECE 9001 015/14418  
Bianca Howard 1.00-6.00 2/5
MECE 9001 016/14419  
Harry West 1.00-6.00 0/5
MECE 9001 017/14420  
Yevgeniy Yesilevskiy 1.00-6.00 0/5
MECE 9001 018/14421  
Hod Lipson 1.00-6.00 2/10
MECE 9001 019/14422  
Karen Kasza 1.00-6.00 0/5
MECE 9001 020/14423  
Mary Boyce 1.00-6.00 0/5

MECE E9500 GRADUATE SEMINAR. 0.00 points.

0 pts.

All doctoral students are required to complete successfully four semesters of the mechanical engineering seminar MECE E9500

Fall 2024: MECE E9500
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
MECE 9500 001/13835 F 11:00am - 12:00pm
627 Seeley W. Mudd Building
Matei Ciocarlie 0.00 31/35
Spring 2025: MECE E9500
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
MECE 9500 001/14092 F 11:00am - 12:00pm
829 Seeley W. Mudd Building
Matei Ciocarlie 0.00 29/35


3, 6, 9 or 12 pts.

A candidate for the Eng.Sc.D. degree in mechanical engineering must register for 12 points of doctoral research instruction. Registration in MECE E9800 may not be used to satisfy the minimum residence requirement for the degree

Fall 2024: MECE E9800
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
MECE 9800 001/15404  
P Schuck 3.00-12.00 1/2
Spring 2025: MECE E9800
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
MECE 9800 001/18988  
Jeffrey Kysar 3.00-12.00 0/1
MECE 9800 002/20845  
Hod Lipson 3.00-12.00 0/2


0 pts.

A candidate for the doctorate may be required to register for this course every term after his/her coursework has been completed and until the dissertation has been accepted

MECH E4320 INTRO TO COMBUSTION. 3.00 points.

Prerequisites: Introductory thermodynamics, fluid dynamics, and heat transfer at the undergraduate level or instructor’s permission.
Thermodynamics and kinetics of reacting flows; chemical kinetic mechanisms for fuel oxidation and pollutant formation; transport phenomena; conservation equations for reacting flows; laminar nonpremixed flames (including droplet vaporization and burning); laminar premixed flames; flame stabilization, quenching, ignition, extinction, and other limit phenomena; detonations; flame aerodynamics and turbulent flames

Fall 2024: MECH E4320
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
MECH 4320 001/13824 Th 1:10pm - 3:40pm
332 Uris Hall
Michael Burke 3.00 14/30


Prerequisites: Basic programming experience in any language.
Fundamental and advanced topics in evolutionary algorithms and their application to open-ended optimization and computational design. Covers genetic algorithms, genetic programming, and evolutionary strategies, as well as governing dynamic of coevolution and symbiosis. Includes discussions of problem representations and applications to design problems in a variety of domains including software, electronics, and mechanics


Fall 2024: MECS E4603
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
MECS 4603 001/15415 Th 1:10pm - 3:40pm
750 Schapiro Cepser
Matei Ciocarlie 3.00 56/78

MECS E6615 Robotic Manipulation: Sensing, Planning, Design and Execution. 3 points.

Lect: 3.

Prerequisites: (MECE E4602) or (COMS W4733) MECE E4602 or COMS W4733

Theory and mechanisms of robotic manipulation, from sensor data,reasoning and planning to implementation and execution. Grasp quality measures and optimization; planning and execution for manipulation primitives; sensor modalities: vision, touch and proprioception; simulation for manipulation planning; design of robot manipulators. Grading based on a combination of class presentations of novel research results in the field, participation in discussions, and course projects combining simulation, processing of sensor data, planning for manipulation, design and implementation on real robot hands.

MECS E6616 ROBOT LEARNING. 3.00 points.

Prerequisites: (MECE E4602) and (MECS E4603) or (COMS W4733) MECE E4602 OR MECS E4603 OR COMS W4733
Robots using machine learning to achieve high performance in unscripted situations. Dimensionality reduction, classification, and regression problems in robotics. Deep Learning: Convolutional Neural Networks for robot vision, Recurrent Neural Networks, and sensorimotor robot control using neural networks. Model Predictive Control using learned dynamics models for legged robots and manipulators. Reinforcement Learning in robotics: model-based and model-free methods, deep reinforcement learning, sensorimotor control using reinforcement learning

Spring 2025: MECS E6616
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
MECS 6616 001/13323 M W 10:10am - 11:25am
501 Northwest Corner
Matei Ciocarlie 3.00 123/150


Prerequisites: APMA E4200 AND ENME E3113; ENME E3113 or equivalent; APMA E4200 or equivalent
Mechanics of small-scale materials and structures require nonlinear kinematics and/or nonlinear stress vs. strain constitutive relations to predict mechanical behavior. Topics include variational calculus, deformation and vibration of beam, strings, plates, and membranes; fracture, delamination, bulging, buckling of thin films, among others. Thermodynamics of solids will be reviewed to provide the basis for a detailed discussion of nonlinear elastic behavior as well as the study of the equilibrium and stability of surfaces


Prerequisites: Department permission and knowledge of MATLAB or equivalent.
Introduction to human spaceflight from a systems engineering perspective. Historical and current space programs and spacecraft. Motivation, cost, and rationale for human space exploration. Overview of space environment needed to sustain human life and health, including physiological and psychological concerns in space habitat. Astronaut selection and training processes, spacewalking, robotics, mission operations, and future program directions. Systems integration for successful operation of a spacecraft. Highlights from current events and space research, Space Shuttle, Hubble Space Telescope, and International Space Station (ISS). Includes a design project to assist International Space Station astronauts

Spring 2025: MEIE E4810
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
MEIE 4810 001/13874 F 1:10pm - 3:40pm
306 Uris Hall
Michael Massimino 3.00 19/23

ENME E3105 MECHANICS. 4.00 points.

Lect: 4.

Prerequisites: (PHYS UN1401) and (MATH UN1101) and (MATH UN1102) and (APMA E2000) PHYS C1401 and MATH V1101-V1102 and V1201.
Elements of statics; dynamics of a particle and systems of particles

Fall 2024: ENME E3105
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
ENME 3105 001/14675 W 11:40am - 12:55pm
331 Uris Hall
Marianna Maiaru 4.00 52/75
ENME 3105 001/14675 F 11:40am - 2:10pm
420 Pupin Laboratories
Marianna Maiaru 4.00 52/75
Spring 2025: ENME E3105
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
ENME 3105 001/13958 M W 11:40am - 12:55pm
141 Uris Hall
Karen Kasza 4.00 59/65
ENME 3105 001/13958 F 9:30am - 10:45am
141 Uris Hall
Karen Kasza 4.00 59/65

MECE E4440 Optimization of Dynamic Systems. 3.00 points.

Fundamentals for optimizing performance of dynamic systems described by a set of ordinary differential equations based on theory of variational calculus. Systematic methods to solve optimization problems using numerical methods. Topics include: Static Optimization of systems with equality and inequality and inequality constraints, Numerical methods to solve static optimization problems, Theory of calculus of variations, Application of calculus of variations to solve static optimization problems with equality and inequality constraints, numerical methods to solve static optimization problems, theory of calculus variations to solve dynamic optimization problems with equality and inequality constraints, direct and indirect numerical methods to solve dynamic optimization problems, finite-time linear systems, steady state linear systems, multi degree-of-freedom robotic systems