Nondegree Students

Qualified persons who are not interested in a degree program but who wish only to take certain courses may be permitted to register as nondegree students, provided facilities are available.

Many graduate courses in The Fu Foundation School of Engineering and Applied Science are offered in the late afternoon and evening in order to make them available to working individuals who wish to further their knowledge in the areas of engineering and applied science. Individuals who find it difficult or impossible to attend classes on the Columbia campus may be able to receive instruction from the School through the Columbia Video Network without leaving their worksites. Individuals interested in this program should read the section describing the distance learning Columbia Video Network (CVN), which follows in the bulletin.

Nondegree students receive grades and must maintain satisfactory attendance and performance in classes or laboratories and will be subject to the same rules as degree candidates. Should a nondegree student decide to pursue a degree program, work completed as a nondegree student may be considered for advanced standing, but no more than 15 points of coursework completed as a nondegree student may be counted toward a graduate degree.

For additional information and regulations pertaining to nondegree students, see Graduate Admissions.