
The department of Dance is housed at Barnard College, and all information on these Bulletin pages feeds from the information on the Barnard Course Catalogue.

Office Location: 310 Barnard Hall  
Office Phone: 212-854-2995
Director of Undergraduate Studies: Paul Scolieri,
Department Assistant: Diane Roe,, 212-854-2995

The Department of Dance


The Barnard College Department of Dance, located in a world dance capital, offers an interdisciplinary program that integrates the study of dance within a liberal arts setting of intellectual and creative exploration. The major builds upon studio courses, the Department's productions at Miller Theater, New York Live Arts, and other venues, as well as a rich array of dance studies courses, allowing students' creative work to develop in dialogue with critical inquiry into the history, culture, theory and forms of western and non-western performance, typically enhanced by study in other disciplines. Students work with accomplished artists whose work enriches contemporary American dance; they also study with outstanding research scholars.

Making, thinking about, and writing about art are an essential part of the liberal arts education. For this reason, the Department of Dance offers technique courses for students of all levels of expertise, while opening its other courses to majors and non-majors alike, who may also audition for its productions. The Department partners with cultural institutions in New York City to connect students with the professional world.

Student Learning Outcomes

Students graduating with a major in Dance should be able to attain the following outcomes:

  • Apply critical thinking, reading, and writing skills to dance-related texts and choreography.
  • Develop the knowledge and research skills to explore the dance past in writing, orally, and in performance.
  • Present interpretations of dance-related texts orally, in writing, and in performance.
  • Apply library, archival, and internet research skills to dance scholarship and choreography.
  • Demonstrate improved efficiency and expressivity in dance technique.
  • Demonstrate growing technical understanding and fluency in dance technique.
  • Create original dances, dance/theater works or dance-based, mixed media works.
  • Collaborate with an artist in the creation of original dance works.
  • Participate in the creative process through the creation and interpretation of choreography.
  • Apply interdisciplinary research methods to dance scholarship and choreography.
  • Apply historical research methods to dance scholarship and choreography.
  • Demonstrate conceptual and methodological approaches for studying world dance forms through research and writing.
  • Demonstrate the ability to understand cultural and historical texts in relation to dance forms.
  • Apply anatomical knowledge to movement and movement concepts.
  • Evaluate the theoretical and artistic work of peers.
  • Communicate with an audience in oral presentations and dance performance.
  • Understand and interpret the language and form of an artist's choreography.
  • Solve technical problems in dance movement.
  • Apply musical knowledge to movement and choreography.
  • Design choreographic movement and structures.

Programs of Study

Concentration (only for students who entered Columbia College in or before the 2023-2024 academic year)

Student Advising

Advising Resources

  • Newly declared or prospective dance majors and minors should consult with the Dance Department Chair.
  • Sign up for the Dance Department Listserv by contacting
  • The Dance Department holds 2 program planning meetings a year (one in the fall and one in the spring).  

Enrolling in Courses

Technique class levels are confirmed during the shopping period. You must attend the first 2 classes.
Rehearsal and Performance DNCE BC 3601- DNCE BC 3607 requires an audition usually scheduled for the first week of classes.

Transfer Credit

  • When students wish to transfer credit to Barnard from other institutions, their coursework is first evaluated for college elective credit by the Registrar’s Office. If they are approved, departments can consider these courses for credit toward the major or minor.
  • Transfer students should send their transcripts to the Dance Department Chair for credit evaluation. 

Study Abroad Credit

  • Classes taken abroad through Columbia-led programs (i.e., those administered by Columbia's Center for Global Engagement) are treated as Columbia courses, equivalent to those taken on the Morningside Heights campus.
  • Classes taken abroad through other institutions or programs are treated as transfer credit and are subject to the same policies as other transfer courses.  Accordingly, there will be a limit on the number of study abroad courses taken at other institutions that can be counted toward the major or minor.
  • To receive credit toward the major or minor for a study abroad course (whether taken through a Columbia program or another institution/program), students must submit a Study Abroad Approval form through Slate and obtain the approval of the Chair or departmental representative.

Summer Credit

  • Summer courses at Barnard are equivalent to those taken during the academic year.  Courses that have been approved for the fulfillment of departmental requirements will automatically count toward your major.
  • Courses taken at other institutions (including Columbia) are considered transfer credit and are subject to the same governing other transfer courses.  To receive major or minor credit for a summer course taken at another institution, students must submit a Summer Course form through Slate and have it approved by both the Registrar's Office and the Chair or departmental representative.

Senior Capstone Project

Senior Seminar (DNCE BC3591) is the capstone experience of your years of study as a dance major. It is probably the most challenging course you will take in the Department, because for so much of the time you will be working on your own, and because the thesis is probably the longest and most complex piece of analytical writing that you will undertake in college. No matter what your area of interest, you need to come up with a topic, create a bibliography, develop an original thesis, conduct in-depth research, and build a convincing argument in support of your claims. This is not a project that you can do overnight. By the same token, it is one that will stand you in good stead even if you never write another word about your topic. The process of conceptualizing, researching, writing, and revising a thesis – and the skills all this entails – will carry over into realms of activity very far from dance.

Senior Project: Repertory for Dance (DNCE BC 3593) is the culminating experience of your major work and is based on research, investigation, interpretation, and the creative synthesis of movement. As with Senior Seminar, there will be a good amount of time in which you are working on your own, whether it is creating the movement language and managing your rehearsal schedule (including studio space requests to the Technical Director), attending to the music-sound needs of your work with the Music Director, exploring multi-media possibilities, or creating/recreating/staging choreography or designing/resourcing costumes for your work. Students will work on their own creative project as well as offering support for each other’s work throughout the semester.

The department of Dance is housed at Barnard College, and all information on these Bulletin pages feeds from the information on the Barnard Course Catalogue.

Chair: Colleen Thomas-Young (Professor of Professional Practice in Dance)
Professor: Paul A. Scolieri 
Assistant Professor: Seth Williams
Associate Professors of Professional Practice in Dance: Gabri Christa, Marjorie Folkman
Senior Associate: Katie Glasner
Term Associate: Vincent McCloskey
Adjunct Professor: Uttara Coorlawala
Adjunct Lecturers: Cynthia Anderson, Jennifer Archibald,  Ehizoje Azeke, Rebecca Bliss, Lisa Boudreau, Candace Brown, Siobhan Burke, Maguette Camara, Antonio Carmena, Uttara Coorlawala, Francessca Dominguez, Dormeshia, Nicole Duffy, Allison Easter, Lisa Fagan, Caroline Fermin, Tamisha Guy, Chisa Hidaka, Jodi Melnick, Bo Park, Juan Rodriguez, Carol Teitelbaum, Nelida Tirado, Caitlin Trainor, Ashley Tuttle 

The department of Dance is housed at Barnard College, and all information on these Bulletin pages feeds from the information on the Barnard Course Catalogue.

Major in Dance 

Majors must complete eleven academic courses (six required, five elective) and a minimum of eight 2-point technique courses (minimum 50 credits). All majors write a senior thesis as part of their coursework.

The required courses for the major in dance are distributed as follows:

Dance History
The following two courses in Dance History must be completed before the fall of the senior year:
Movement Science
Select one or more of the following:
Coding Choreography
One course in Composition must be completed before the fall of the senior year.
Composition: Collaboration and the Creative Process
Composition: Site Specific and Experimental Methods
Senior Work
Seniors planning to write a combined thesis must request approval from both departments and notify the Registrar. All majors must complete two semesters of senior work. The following course, which culminates in a 25-30-page written thesis and an oral presentation to the Department at the end of the semester, is required of all seniors:
In addition, all majors must take one of the following two courses, depending on whether the senior requirement is completed with a creative project or a two-semester written thesis:3-4
Senior Project: Research for Dance
Students who are double majors may request permission to write a two-semester combined thesis.
Five additional 3- or 4-point courses, chosen in consultation with the major advisor, are required. Electives may be chosen from among the departmental offerings listed above or below, including additional coursework in Composition, Movement Science, and/or Senior Work beyond the major requirement.15-20
From Page to Stage: Interactions of Literature and Choreography
Choreographing Race in America
Dance in Africa
Dismantling Racism/Decolonizing Dance
Digital Performance
Dance/Music Improvisation: Critical Practices in Negotiation, Embodiment, and Freedom

Overview of Major Requirements (11 total, plus 8 technique courses)

  • 1 Movement Science
  • 1 Composition
  • 2 History
  • 1 Senior Seminar
  • 1 Senior Project (Research in Dance or Repertory for Dance)
  • 5 Electives
  • 8 Technique Courses

Senior Work

All dance majors must complete two semesters of senior work. DNCE BC3591 SENIOR SEMINAR given in the fall semesters, requires a 25-30 page written thesis and an oral presentation to the Department at the end of the semester. The second semester is usually a performance project for which the student registers in DNCE BC3593 SR PROJECT:REPERTORY FOR DANCE. Students may also choose to do a two-semester thesis, registering in DNCE BC3592 Senior Project: Research for Dance. Students who are double majors may request permission to do a two-semester combined thesis.

Barnard College
Minor in Dance

Six courses constitute a minor in dance. Normally, three history/criticism and three credit-bearing performance/choreography courses are taken. (Note: 2-point technique courses do NOT count toward the Dance minor.)  Courses are to be selected on the basis of consultation with full-time members of the department.

Columbia College
Minor in Dance

Five courses
1 Dance Studies (either World Dance or History of Theatrical Dancing)
1 Composition (either Form or Content)
3 Electives (Choose any 3- and 4 -point courses from among offerings in Dance Studies, Composition, Movement Science, and Rehearsal & Performance)

Concentration in Dance 

Note: Only for students who entered Columbia College on or before the 2023-2024 academic year)
The concentration in dance is identical to the major except that only two electives are required.

For the major requirements, please see above.

Overview of Concentration Requirements (8 total, plus 8 technique classes)

  • 1 Movement Science
  • 1 Composition
  • 2 History
  • 1 Senior Seminar
  • 1 Senior Project (Research in Dance or Repertory for Dance)
  • 2 Electives
  • 8 Technique Classes

School of Engineering and Applied Sciences
Minor in Dance

The SEAS Dance Minor consists of five 3-point courses. Please note that no performance/choreography courses below count toward the non-tech requirement for SEAS students:

1. Two of the following history/criticism courses:
DNCE BC3000From Page to Stage: Interactions of Literature and Choreography
DNCE BC3002Choreographing Race in America
DNCE BC3550Dance in Africa
DNCE BC3800Dismantling Racism/Decolonizing Dance
DNCE BC3984Digital Performance
2. Two of the following performance/choreography courses:
DNCE BC3340Dance/Music Improvisation: Critical Practices in Negotiation, Embodiment, and Freedom
DNCE BC3602Rehearsal and Performance in Dance
DNCE BC3603Rehearsal and Performance in Dance
DNCE BC3607Rehearsal and Performance in Dance
3. One elective (Choose any 3- or 4-point course from offerings in Dance Studies, Composition, Movement Science, and Rehearsal & Performance)

The department of Dance is housed at Barnard College, and all information on these Bulletin pages feeds from the information on the Barnard Course Catalogue.

Dance Courses

DNCE BC1135 BALLET I. 2.00 points.

This course is designed for the absolute beginner or the student returning to ballet class after a lengthy hiatus and is intended to familiarize the student with the classical ballet terminology, to foster independence in this particular vocabulary, to introduce the historical context of the Western art form and conventions of a ballet class. Learning the physical practice of this centuries-old craft will give the student basic classical ballet terminology as well as gaining an anatomical understanding of the body

Fall 2024: DNCE BC1135
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
DNCE 1135 001/00731 M W 9:00am - 10:00am
Ll013 Barnard Hall
Kate Glasner 2.00 34/34
DNCE 1135 002/00732 M W 10:10am - 11:25am
110 Barnard Hall
Vincent McCloskey 2.00 22/20

DNCE BC1136 BALLET I. 2.00 points.

This course is designed for the absolute beginner or the student returning to ballet class after a lengthy hiatus and is intended to familiarize the student with the classical ballet terminology, to foster independence in this particular vocabulary, to introduce the historical context of the Western art form and conventions of a ballet class. Learning the physical practice of this centuries-old craft will give the student basic classical ballet terminology as well as gaining an anatomical understanding of the body

Spring 2025: DNCE BC1136
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
DNCE 1136 001/00265 M W 10:10am - 11:25am
Ll013 Barnard Hall
Vincent McCloskey 2.00 28/30
DNCE 1136 002/00267 T Th 9:00am - 10:00am
305 Barnard Hall
Marjorie Folkman 2.00 47/50
DNCE 1136 003/00268 F 9:00am - 10:50am
Ll013 Barnard Hall
Vincent McCloskey 2.00 31/30

DNCE BC1137 BALLET II. 2.00 points.

Ballet II

Fall 2024: DNCE BC1137
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
DNCE 1137 001/00655 M W 10:10am - 11:25am
Ll013 Barnard Hall
Kate Glasner 2.00 19/30
DNCE 1137 002/00656 T Th 2:40pm - 3:55pm
Ll013 Barnard Hall
Nicole Robertson 2.00 23/30

DNCE BC1138 BALLET II. 2.00 points.

This course is designed for the student with prior beginning ballet study, knowledge of the basic ballet vocabulary and the ability to process a combination with relative proficiency. During this semester you will be introduced to an expanded vocabulary, with focused attention will increase your technical ability, work with dynamics and speed, may work with a partner to analyze a movement combination or may be asked to produce and present a combination in class

Spring 2025: DNCE BC1138
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
DNCE 1138 001/00269 T Th 10:10am - 11:25am
Ll013 Barnard Hall
Kate Glasner 2.00 26/33
DNCE 1138 002/00270 F 1:00pm - 2:50pm
306 Barnard Hall
Juan Rodriguez 2.00 16/15

DNCE BC1250 HIP HOP DANCE & CULTURE I. 2.00 points.

This course introduces students to urban dance styles, focusing on the foundations and origins of hip-hop dance, street dance culture, and the physical vocabularies of hip-hop and freestyle dance. Classes are geared to condition the body for the rigors of hip-hop technique by developing strength, coordination, flexibility, stamina, and rhythmic awareness while developing an appreciation of choreographic movement and structures. Compositional elements of hip-hop will be introduced and students may compose brief movement sequences

Fall 2024: DNCE BC1250
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
DNCE 1250 001/00657 M W 11:40am - 12:55pm
305 Barnard Hall
Jennifer Archibald 2.00 25/40
Spring 2025: DNCE BC1250
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
DNCE 1250 001/00272 M W 11:40am - 12:50pm
305 Barnard Hall
Jennifer Archibald 2.00 23/40

DNCE BC1330 MODERN I. 2.00 points.

This course is designed for movers with little or no experience with dance, or who are unfamiliar with modern dance styles. It is intended to introduce modern dance techniques, terminology, and historical context, as well as improve anatomical and spatial awareness, and foster physical confidence moving to music. Students of this course will also cultivate comfort with watching, interpreting, and discussing modern dance. Love of dance is not a prerequisite, but is definitely a goal

Fall 2024: DNCE BC1330
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
DNCE 1330 001/00729 M W 11:40am - 12:55pm
Ll013 Barnard Hall
Caitlin Trainor 2.00 27/29
DNCE 1330 002/00730 F 11:00am - 12:50pm
Ll013 Barnard Hall
Vincent McCloskey 2.00 23/25

DNCE BC1331 MODERN I. 2.00 points.

This course is designed for movers with little or no experience with dance, or who are unfamiliar with modern dance styles. It is intended to introduce modern dance techniques, terminology, and historical context, as well as improve anatomical and spatial awareness, and foster physical confidence moving to music. Students of this course will also cultivate comfort with watching, interpreting, and discussing modern dance

Spring 2025: DNCE BC1331
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
DNCE 1331 001/00281 M W 9:00am - 10:00am
305 Barnard Hall
Caroline Fermin 2.00 31/40
DNCE 1331 002/00283 F 11:00am - 12:50pm
Ll013 Barnard Hall
Vincent McCloskey 2.00 30/30

DNCE BC1332 MODERN II. 2.00 points.

This course is designed for movers with some experience with dance, or who are unfamiliar with modern dance styles. It is intended to introduce modern dance techniques, terminology, and historical context, as well as improve anatomical and spatial awareness, and foster physical confidence moving to music. Students of this course will also cultivate comfort with watching, interpreting, and discussing modern dance. Love of dance is not a prerequisite, but is definitely a goal

Fall 2024: DNCE BC1332
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
DNCE 1332 001/00658 M W 1:10pm - 2:25pm
Ll013 Barnard Hall
Caitlin Trainor 2.00 28/30
DNCE 1332 002/00659 M W 9:00am - 10:00am
305 Barnard Hall
Caroline Fermin 2.00 33/40

DNCE BC1333 MODERN II. 2.00 points.

This course is designed for movers with some experience with dance, or who are unfamiliar with modern dance styles. It is intended to introduce modern dance techniques, terminology, and historical context, as well as improve anatomical and spatial awareness, and foster physical confidence moving to music. Students of this course will also cultivate comfort with watching, interpreting, and discussing modern dance

Spring 2025: DNCE BC1333
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
DNCE 1333 001/00288 M W 1:10pm - 2:25pm
Ll013 Barnard Hall
Caitlin Trainor 2.00 21/30
DNCE 1333 002/00291 T Th 11:40am - 12:55pm
Ll013 Barnard Hall
Marjorie Folkman 2.00 23/30
DNCE 1333 003/00878 M W 9:00am - 10:00am
110 Barnard Hall
Catherine Haber 2.00 17/20

DNCE BC1445 TAP I. 2.00 points.

Tap I is a beginning level tap class for students with some previous dance or movement experience. We will cover basic tap technique, proper use of the body to enhance sound quality and style, a variety of music styles and structures, and improvisation

Fall 2024: DNCE BC1445
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
DNCE 1445 001/00660 M W 2:40pm - 3:55pm
110 Barnard Hall
Dormeshia Sunbry-Edwards 2.00 22/24

DNCE BC1446 TAP I. 0.00-1.00 points.

Prerequisites: BC1137, BC1138, BC1332, or BC1333, or permission of the Dance Department. Intermediate level in modern or ballet technique is required

DNCE BC2137 BALLET III. 2.00 points.

This course is designed for intermediate dancers who are interested in maintaining their established ballet technique as well as advancing their knowledge and familiarity with the classical vocabulary. Students of Ballet III should have completed two semesters of Ballet II or it’s equivalent, or one semester of Ballet III or its equivalent, and have a firm mental and physical understanding of barre exercises (plié, battement tendu, battement dégagé, rond de jambe à terre, battement fondu, frappé, and grand battement), as well as general center concepts such as adagio, waltz, pirouettes, and petit allegro (including changement, glissade, jeté, and assemblé). This is a graded, semester long, two credit course

Fall 2024: DNCE BC2137
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
DNCE 2137 001/00661 M W 2:40pm - 3:55pm
305 Barnard Hall
Cynthia Anderson 2.00 12/40
DNCE 2137 002/00662 T Th 10:10am - 11:25am
305 Barnard Hall
Antonio Carmena 2.00 16/40
DNCE 2137 003/00663 F 9:00am - 10:50am
Ll013 Barnard Hall
Vincent McCloskey 2.00 16/30

DNCE BC2138 BALLET III. 2.00 points.

This course is designed for intermediate dancers who are interested in maintaining their established ballet technique as well as advancing their knowledge and familiarity with the classical vocabulary. Students of Ballet III should have completed two semesters of Ballet II or it’s equivalent, or one semester of Ballet III or its equivalent, and have a firm mental and physical understanding of barre exercises (plié, battement tendu, battement dégagé, rond de jambe à terre, battement fondu, frappé, and grand battement), as well as general center concepts such as adagio, waltz, pirouettes, and petit allegro (including changement, glissade, jeté, and assemblé). This is a graded, semester long, two credit course

Spring 2025: DNCE BC2138
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
DNCE 2138 001/00295 M W 8:40am - 9:55am
Ll013 Barnard Hall
Vincent McCloskey 2.00 28/30

DNCE BC2139 BALLET IV. 2.00 points.

This course is designed for advanced intermediate dancers who are interested in maintaining their established ballet technique as well as advancing their knowledge and familiarity with the classical vocabulary. Students of Ballet IV should have completed two semesters of Ballet III or its equivalent, or one semester of Ballet IV or its equivalent, and have a firm mental and physical understanding of ballet technical exercises. These include all barre exercises (plié, battement tendu, battement dégagé, rond de jambe à terre, battement fondu, battement frappé, and grand battement), as well as center exercises including adagio, waltz, pirouettes, petit allegro, and grand allegro. Focus of this class will be on how to practice ballet safely, efficiently, musically, and joyfully. This is a graded, semester long, two credit course. This class is offered in person only, and no remote learning option will be available

Fall 2024: DNCE BC2139
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
DNCE 2139 001/00664 M W 8:40am - 9:55am
110 Barnard Hall
Vincent McCloskey 2.00 24/24
DNCE 2139 002/00665 T Th 11:40am - 12:55pm
Ll013 Barnard Hall
Marjorie Folkman 2.00 14/30
DNCE 2139 003/00666 F 11:00am - 12:50pm
305 Barnard Hall
Juan Rodriguez 2.00 28/40

DNCE BC2140 BALLET IV. 2.00 points.

This course is designed for advanced intermediate dancers who are interested in maintaining their established ballet technique as well as advancing their knowledge and familiarity with the classical vocabulary. Students of Ballet IV should have completed two semesters of Ballet III or its equivalent, or one semester of Ballet IV or its equivalent, and have a firm mental and physical understanding of ballet technical exercises. These include all barre exercises (plié, battement tendu, battement dégagé, rond de jambe à terre, battement fondu, battement frappé, and grand battement), as well as center exercises including adagio, waltz, pirouettes, petit allegro, and grand allegro. Focus of this class will be on how to practice ballet safely, efficiently, musically, and joyfully

Spring 2025: DNCE BC2140
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
DNCE 2140 001/00296 M W 2:40pm - 3:55pm
Ll013 Barnard Hall
Cynthia Anderson 2.00 13/30
DNCE 2140 002/00297 F 11:00am - 12:50pm
305 Barnard Hall
Juan Rodriguez 2.00 40/40

DNCE BC2248 JAZZ DANCE II. 2.00 points.

This class explores contemporary jazz movement using music from both American and Diasporic pop culture. Students can expect to work on technique, performance, groove, musicality, and retention of choreography (additional emphasis on story-telling). There will be opportunities for discussions of professional development pertaining to navigating a career in dance (auditioning, submissions, agencies/representation, etc) on evaluation days

Fall 2024: DNCE BC2248
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
DNCE 2248 001/00667 M W 1:10pm - 2:25pm
110 Barnard Hall
Ehizoje Azeke 2.00 12/24

DNCE BC2249 JAZZ DANCE II. 2.00 points.

In This JAZZ ll Level Course, You will develop a solid understanding within your body that demonstrates advanced fundamentals, rhythm, technique, connectivity and phrasing necessary to communicate each movement. You will learn new phrases and dynamic material while continuously applying technical information. We will delve deeper into technique preparing your body to perform more efficiently and effectively at a higher rate while reducing the risk of injury. Prerequisites: DNCE BC1247, BC1248 or permission of instructor

Spring 2025: DNCE BC2249
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
DNCE 2249 001/00299 M W 2:40pm - 3:55pm
306 Barnard Hall
Ehizoje Azeke 2.00 17/20

DNCE BC2252 AFRICAN DANCE I. 2.00 points.

In West Africa, dance is part of daily life. It is used to mark occasions such a birth, death, harvest, and marriage. It is also used to unite the community in times of crisis. West African dance is not as much a strict technique as it is a movement coming from the spirit and the rhythm of the drum and the energy of the people. While there are certain steps that go with specific rhythms, it leaves space for the individual interpretation and improvisations which is an important element. Dancing is more about the communication between dancer and drummer. The movement of West African dance tends to be energetic and big. It is very expressive, and the energy is outward. Some African dance steps are taken directly from daily activities such as planting or hunting. Most, however, are an expression of joy or release of the spirit. Dancing is done by communicating with a drummer to create positive energy. It is a way to enjoy oneself and each other. In African dance, the name of the dance is the same as the name of the rhythm played by the drummer. The individual steps that make up the dance do not have names. In this course, we are going to be learning various West African dances such as Sikko, Socco, Kuku, Mandiany, Farakorroba, Sunu, Soli, Lamba, Mandjo, Diambadong, Doundounba, Kaolask, Thieboudjeune, Niarry---gorong, Ekongkong, Wolossodong, Zaouly, Ngorong, Niakka, Maraka, Djansa and Lengeng/Kutiro

Fall 2024: DNCE BC2252
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
DNCE 2252 001/00668 T Th 10:00am - 10:50am
Ar3 Dodge Fitness Center
Maguette Camara 2.00 28/30
DNCE 2252 002/00669 T Th 11:40am - 12:55pm
110 Barnard Hall
Maguette Camara 2.00 24/24
Spring 2025: DNCE BC2252
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
DNCE 2252 001/00300 T Th 10:00am - 10:50am
110 Barnard Hall
Maguette Camara 2.00 33/34

DNCE BC2253 AFRICAN DANCE II. 2.00 points.

Prerequisites: DNCE BC2252 or permission of instructor. In West Africa, dance is part of daily life. It is used to mark occasions such a birth, death, harvest, and marriage. It is also used to unite the community in times of crisis. West African dance is not as much a strict technique as it is a movement coming from the spirit and the rhythm of the drum and the energy of the people. While there are certain steps that go with specific rhythms, it leaves space for the individual interpretation and improvisations which is an important element. Dancing is more about the communication between dancer and drummer. The movement of West African dance tends to be energetic and big. It is very expressive, and the energy is outward. Some African dance steps are taken directly from daily activities such as planting or hunting. Most, however, are an expression of joy or release of the spirit. Dancing is done by communicating with a drummer to create positive energy. It is a way to enjoy oneself and each other. In African dance, the name of the dance is the same as the name of the rhythm played by the drummer. The individual steps that make up the dance do not have names. In this course, we are going to be learning various West African dances such as Sikko, Socco, Kuku, Mandiany, Farakorroba, Sunu, Soli, Lamba, Mandjo, Diambadong, Doundounba, Kaolask, Thieboudjeune, Niarry-gorong, Ekongkong, Wolossodong, Zaouly, Ngorong, Niakka, Maraka, Djansa and Lengeng/Kutiro

Fall 2024: DNCE BC2253
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
DNCE 2253 001/00670 T Th 9:00am - 9:50am
Ar3 Dodge Fitness Center
Maguette Camara 2.00 20/30
Spring 2025: DNCE BC2253
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
DNCE 2253 001/00301 T Th 9:00am - 9:50am
110 Barnard Hall
Maguette Camara 2.00 23/29


Bharatanatyam is typically studied as a theater dance form, and as a spiritual practice. In this class, traditional and contemporary teaching approaches are combined to introduce the participant to an overview of technical and performative aspects of the form. An example of the adjusted structure of the classes is that we begin each class with hatha yoga based stretches and dance warm ups that specifically target the kind of joint articulation that the form presupposes. We focus on the basic stance, the ardha-mandi, along with the technique of stamping as exemplified in the series of adavu, (basic combinations of hand, foot and rhythmic movement.) Following the progressive difficulty of the adavu system itself, more challenging combinations of hand and footwork will be introduced. Head and eye techniques will be introduced first in isolation then in combination. The last stage of this class involves learning a short abstract dance to music especially pre-recorded for a particular version of a dance genre and adjusted for difficulty level. This is in order to experience how the parts of the technique are integrated and to experience the state of performing. Students will be invited to perform at informal showings

Fall 2024: DNCE BC2254
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
DNCE 2254 001/00671 M W 2:40pm - 3:55pm
Ll013 Barnard Hall
Uttara Coorlawala 2.00 26/30

DNCE BC2255 AFRO-CUBAN DANCE. 2.00 points.

This course introduces students to the African-based dances of Cuba, including dances for the Orisha, Rumba, and the immensely joyful “Rueda de Casino” style of Salsa. In addition to learning rhythms, songs, and dances, we will have an ongoing, informal discussion about the historical and contemporary significance of Afro-Cuban dance performance, making connections to personal experience through practice and ongoing reflection. We engage Afro-Cuban music and dance as a living and evolving tradition, where culture, artistry, and history are intimately bound

Fall 2024: DNCE BC2255
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
DNCE 2255 001/00672 F 3:00pm - 5:00pm
Ll013 Barnard Hall
Rebecca Bliss 2.00 26/30
Spring 2025: DNCE BC2255
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
DNCE 2255 001/00302 F 3:00pm - 5:00pm
Ll013 Barnard Hall
Rebecca Bliss 2.00 41/40

DNCE BC2256 Advanced Explorations in AfroCuban Dance. 2.00 points.

An upper-level exploration of Afro-Cuban Dance focused on performance. Building on the foundation of Afro-Cuban Dance: Orisha, Rumba, Salsa, this course is a deeper dive into aesthetic principles, cultural themes, and improvisation as performance in the African dance context. Students explore multiple distinct dances and learn to engage the storytelling and cultural significance of each dance through improvisation with the drums. The course culminates with final, in-class presentations. Open to experienced movers and students who have completed Afro-Cuban Dance: Orisha, Rumba, Salsa. Permission of instructor required

Fall 2024: DNCE BC2256
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
DNCE 2256 001/00673 F 1:00pm - 3:00pm
Ll013 Barnard Hall
Rebecca Bliss 2.00 18/30
Spring 2025: DNCE BC2256
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
DNCE 2256 001/00305 F 1:00pm - 3:00pm
Ll013 Barnard Hall
Rebecca Bliss 2.00 23/30


Advanced technique and repertory in hip hop. Classes are geared to condition the body for the rigors of hip-hop technique by developing strength, coordination, flexibility, stamina, and rhythmic awareness, while developing an appreciation of choreographic movement and structures. Compositional elements of hip-hop will be introduced and students may compose brief movement sequences. The course meets twice weekly and is held in the dance studio

Fall 2024: DNCE BC2260
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
DNCE 2260 001/00674 T Th 4:10pm - 5:25pm
305 Barnard Hall
Candace Brown 2.00 22/40
Spring 2025: DNCE BC2260
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
DNCE 2260 001/00307 T Th 4:10pm - 5:25pm
110 Barnard Hall
Bo Park 2.00 17/24

DNCE BC2332 MODERN III. 2.00 points.

Modern III continues training in contemporary/modern technique for the beginning-intermediate level dancer, emphasizing alignment and musicality while expanding on the dancer’s physical and intellectual understanding of articulation, phrasing, dynamics, performance and focus. Our class will incorporate relevant principals from classical modern techniques along with contemporary aesthetics, improvisation and reflection. Our class aims to create a space that is in support of your artistic development, aesthetic fluency, and creative explorations as a dancer

Fall 2024: DNCE BC2332
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
DNCE 2332 001/00675 T Th 10:10am - 11:25am
Ll013 Barnard Hall
Tamisha Guy 2.00 8/30
DNCE 2332 002/00676 M W 11:40am - 12:55pm
110 Barnard Hall
Francesca Dominguez 2.00 15/24

DNCE BC2333 MODERN III. 2.00 points.

Modern III continues training in contemporary/modern technique for the beginning-intermediate level dancer, emphasizing alignment and musicality while expanding on the dancer’s physical and intellectual understanding of articulation, phrasing, dynamics, performance and focus. Our class will incorporate relevant principals from classical modern techniques along with contemporary aesthetics, improvisation and reflection. Our class aims to create a space that is in support of your artistic development, aesthetic fluency, and creative explorations as a dancer. Prerequisites: Intermediate experience in ballet and/or contemporary modern

Spring 2025: DNCE BC2333
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
DNCE 2333 001/00308 M W 10:10am - 11:25am
305 Barnard Hall
Caroline Fermin 2.00 10/40
DNCE 2333 002/00309 T Th 1:10pm - 2:25pm
110 Barnard Hall
Tamisha Guy 2.00 18/24

DNCE BC2334 MODERN IV. 2.00 points.

Modern IV is a contemporary technique class for the intermediate to advanced-intermediate level dancer, emphasizing alignment and musicality while expanding on the dancer’s physical and intellectual understanding of articulation, phrasing, dynamics, performance, and focus. Our class will incorporate relevant principles from classical modern techniques with contemporary aesthetics, improvisation, and reflection. Our class aims to create a space that is in support of your technical and aesthetic development as a dancing practitioner, performer, and creator

Fall 2024: DNCE BC2334
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
DNCE 2334 001/00677 T Th 1:10pm - 2:25pm
110 Barnard Hall
Marjorie Folkman 2.00 10/24
DNCE 2334 002/00678 F 1:00pm - 2:50pm
305 Barnard Hall
Jodi Melnick 2.00 21/40

DNCE BC2335 MODERN IV. 2.00 points.

Modern IV is a contemporary technique class for the intermediate to advanced-intermediate level dancer, emphasizing alignment and musicality while expanding on the dancer’s physical and intellectual understanding of articulation, phrasing, dynamics, performance, and focus. Our class will incorporate relevant principles from classical modern techniques with contemporary aesthetics, improvisation, and reflection

Spring 2025: DNCE BC2335
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
DNCE 2335 001/00310 M W 11:40am - 12:55pm
Ll013 Barnard Hall
Francesca Dominguez 2.00 10/30
DNCE 2335 002/00311 F 1:00pm - 2:50pm
305 Barnard Hall
Jodi Melnick 2.00 19/40

DNCE BC2340 Contemporary Caribbean Dance. 2.00 points.

Course Description: This intermediate Contemporary Caribbean Dance class draws from different Caribbean dance styles. This Caribbean fusion class explains different cultural dances, focusing on African Diaspora principles and practices such as syncopation in body and in music. Based on many of the dance of the Caribbean Islands, students learn to identify dances and rhythms that draw from traditions, such as Arara, Palo, Salsa, Rumba, Tambu, Tumba, Merengue, Reaggaton, Cha Cha Cha, Zouk and Afro Dance, as well as more contemporary styles such as “Technica Cubana” and learn to apply them in contemporary combinations. The course is designed for students who have some dance training and are looking to widen their understanding of different dances and learn to use different body parts that are not traditionally used in modern dance but are recognizable in Jazz, hip hop and current offerings in popular

Fall 2024: DNCE BC2340
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
DNCE 2340 001/00679 T Th 1:10pm - 2:25pm
Ll013 Barnard Hall
Gabri Christa 2.00 22/30
Spring 2025: DNCE BC2340
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
DNCE 2340 001/00315 M W 2:40pm - 3:55pm
305 Barnard Hall
Gabri Christa 2.00 30/40

DNCE BC2447 TAP II. 2.00 points.

Tap II is an intermediate level tap class for students who have at least 2 years of tap dance training. We will cover tap technique, proper use of the body to enhance sound quality and style, a variety of musical genres and structures,classic tap dance routines, and improvisation. The prerequisite for Intermediate Level Tap is previous experience in intermediate level tap classes. Students on this level are assumed to have mastered tap basics, be comfortable with intermediate level technique, and must be ready to learn at a slightly accelerated pace

Spring 2025: DNCE BC2447
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
DNCE 2447 001/00316 M W 2:40pm - 3:55pm
110 Barnard Hall
Dormeshia Sunbry-Edwards 2.00 22/24


Pilates for Dancers is a full-body, low impact exercise class based on the work of Joseph Pilates, including movement concepts from Rudolf von Laban and Irmgard Bartenieff. We’ll work on a yoga or Pilates mat doing exercises and movement sequences that build strength, flexibility, coordination and clarity in the body. The class is suitable for dancers, athletes and movement enthusiasts. A Pilates ring is highly recommended. A limited number of Pilates rings will be available in class. This course may not be appropriate for those with spine, neck, and shoulder injuries. If you have any of these types of injuries, kindly present a doctor’s note clearing you for participation in the class

Fall 2024: DNCE BC2452
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
DNCE 2452 001/00680 T Th 1:10pm - 2:25pm
305 Barnard Hall
Allison Easter 2.00 26/30
Spring 2025: DNCE BC2452
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
DNCE 2452 001/00319 T Th 1:10pm - 2:25pm
305 Barnard Hall
Allison Easter 2.00 28/30


Through guided practice-based lessons in Awareness Through MovementÒ (ATM), students develop sensory awareness of habitual neuromuscular patterns resulting in increased movement efficiency, improved skill acquisition, and greater strength, coordination, and flexibility. Applicable to all dance styles and activities

Fall 2024: DNCE BC2455
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
DNCE 2455 001/00681 T Th 2:40pm - 3:55pm
305 Barnard Hall
Carol Teitelbaum 2.00 12/30
Spring 2025: DNCE BC2455
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
DNCE 2455 001/00320 T Th 2:40pm - 3:55pm
Ll013 Barnard Hall
Carol Teitelbaum 2.00 18/30

DNCE BC2456 Moving with the Voice. 2.00 points.

Moving with the Voice is an interdisciplinary creative exploration using the voice, improvised and created music, dance, and theater. Students will explore extended vocal techniques, gesture, character and musical structures (e.g. hockets, rounds, rhythms, deconstructions) within both a solo and ensemble framework, composing their own soundscapes and creating their own voice/movement/theater work through improvisation and in-class assignments. Certain assignments will be inspired by the work of Meredith Monk or the percussion show Stomp. Open to all levels of experience. A willingness to sing is required

Spring 2025: DNCE BC2456
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
DNCE 2456 001/00323 T Th 2:40pm - 3:55pm
110 Barnard Hall
Allison Easter 2.00 16/24


An exploration of choreography that employs text, song, vocal work, narrative and principles of artistic direction in solo and group contexts

Spring 2025: DNCE BC2563
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
DNCE 2563 001/00328 M W 1:10pm - 2:25pm
305 Barnard Hall
Gabri Christa 3.00 19/25


Continued study of choreography as a communicative performing art form. Focuses on the exploration of ideas and meaning. Emphasis is placed on the development of personal style as an expressive medium and unity of style in each work. Group as well as solo compositions will be assigned

Fall 2024: DNCE BC2564
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
DNCE 2564 001/00250 T Th 11:40am - 12:55pm
305 Barnard Hall
Colleen Thomas 3.00 20/20


Investigates the multicultural perspectives of dance in major areas of culture, including African, Asian, Hispanic, Indian, Middle Eastern, as well as dance history of the Americas through reading, writing, viewing, and discussion of a wide range of resources. These include film, original documents, demonstration, and performance

Spring 2025: DNCE BC2565
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
DNCE 2565 001/00331 T Th 11:40am - 12:55pm
323 Milbank Hall
Seth Williams 3.00 39/42

DNCE BC2567 MUSIC FOR DANCE. 3.00 points.

Prerequisites: Previous dance experience is necessary, a comp course in the dpt is preferered, permission of instructor This course covers basic music theory, ear training, and literature, incorporating practical exercises in which students apply musical understanding to compositional and performative modalities of movement. Students will investigate the elements of music that drive dance, the expressive influence dance can have on music, and the vital reciprocity between both activities. Emphasis will be placed on an historical survey and analysis of western musical forms from the Middle Ages to the present as well as influential music from other cultures, expanding students’ awareness of the aural characteristics of a variety of musical styles while giving historical context and critical perspective on contemporary popular styles. In addition to lectures and reading requirements, the course involves listening assignments and in-class exercises structured to develop basic musical literacy and skills. Students will be introduced to multiple approaches to listening and to creating music through a combination of studio practice, theoretical study and analysis. Exploration of musicality as perceived by performer and audience will be covered, as well as learning conventional music terminology

Fall 2024: DNCE BC2567
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
DNCE 2567 001/00254 T Th 2:40pm - 3:55pm
306 Barnard Hall
Colleen Thomas, Robert Boston 3.00 8/15


Corequisites: ANAT BC2574
Corequisites: ANAT BC2574 Dancers and other movers will acquire concrete, scientific information about anatomy and integrate this knowledge into their sensed experience of movement. Through readings, lecture/discussions and movement practice, students will explore: (1) structure and function of bones and joints, (2) muscles, neuromuscular function and coordination, (3) motor cognition and learning

Fall 2024: ANAT BC2573
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
ANAT 2573 001/00251 M W 10:10am - 11:25am
Ll020 Milstein Center
Chisa Hidaka 3.00 21/22


Focuses on the history of theatre dance forms originating in Europe and America from the Renaissance to the present. Includes reading, writing, viewing, and discussion of sources such as film, text, original documentation, demonstration, and performance

Fall 2024: DNCE BC3001
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
DNCE 3001 001/00257 T Th 1:10pm - 2:25pm
409 Barnard Hall
Seth Williams 3.00 21/25

DNCE BC3138 BALLET V. 2.00 points.

This course is for the intermediate advanced dancer. Material presented will focus on healthy anatomical alignment in barre work, extended combinations in the center, fostering personal artistic expression, and integrating improvisation in combinations with the ballet vocabulary. Clarification, analysis and repetition are fundamental elements for a sound technique of any dancer and are the foundation of this course. Center work will include attention to shaping adagio work, multiple turns in the large poses, batterie, and extended grand allegro. You may be assigned the construction and presentation of exercises, which will be explained in detail further into the semester

Fall 2024: DNCE BC3138
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
DNCE 3138 001/00682 M W 4:10pm - 5:25pm
305 Barnard Hall
Cynthia Anderson 2.00 19/40
DNCE 3138 002/00683 T Th 4:10pm - 5:25pm
110 Barnard Hall
Nicole Robertson 2.00 20/24

DNCE BC3139 BALLET V. 2.00 points.

This course is for the intermediate advanced dancer. Material presented will focus on healthy anatomical alignment in barre work, extended combinations in the center, fostering personal artistic expression, and integrating improvisation in combinations with the ballet vocabulary. Clarification, analysis and repetition are fundamental elements for a sound technique of any dancer and are the foundation of this course. Center work will include attention to shaping adagio work, multiple turns in the large poses, batterie, and extended grand allegro

Spring 2025: DNCE BC3139
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
DNCE 3139 001/00335 M W 4:10pm - 5:25pm
Ll013 Barnard Hall
Cynthia Anderson 2.00 15/30
DNCE 3139 002/00336 T Th 8:40am - 9:55am
Ll013 Barnard Hall
Kate Glasner 2.00 16/30

DNCE BC3140 BALLET VI. 2.00 points.

This course is for the intermediate advanced dancer. Material presented will focus on healthy anatomical alignment in barre work, extended combinations in the center, fostering personal artistic expression, and integrating improvisation in combinations with the ballet vocabulary. Clarification, analysis and repetition are fundamental elements for a sound technique of any dancer and are the foundation of this course. Center work will include attention to shaping adagio work, multiple turns in the large poses, batterie, and extended grand allegro. You may be assigned the construction and presentation of exercises, which will be explained in detail further into the semester. You will be assigned a grading exercise at the end of the shopping period and will get written observations from me

Fall 2024: DNCE BC3140
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
DNCE 3140 001/00686 T Th 8:40am - 9:55am
305 Barnard Hall
Antonio Carmena 2.00 21/40
DNCE 3140 002/00687 F 9:00am - 10:50am
305 Barnard Hall
Ashley Tuttle 2.00 23/40

DNCE BC3141 BALLET VI. 2.00 points.

This course is for the advanced dancer. Material presented will focus on healthy anatomical alignment in barre work, extended combinations in the center, fostering personal artistic expression, and integrating improvisation in combinations with the ballet vocabulary. Clarification, analysis and repetition are fundamental elements for a sound technique of any dancer and are the foundation of this course. Center work will include attention to shaping adagio work, multiple turns in the large poses, batterie, and extended grand allegro

Spring 2025: DNCE BC3141
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
DNCE 3141 001/00337 T Th 4:10pm - 5:25pm
Ll013 Barnard Hall
Antonio Carmena 2.00 29/30
DNCE 3141 002/00338 F 9:00am - 10:50am
305 Barnard Hall
Ashley Tuttle 2.00 21/40


Variations class is a course for the intermediate to advanced dancer. As in all other ballet classes, there will be a focus on correct physical alignment, proper technique and musicality. The added challenges in this course will be the pointe shoe technique, creative choreographic choices, and musical phrasing. The class will include variations based on works ranging from Petipa to Balanchine to today’s choreographers. Dancers will explore personalizing already known works, pushing the boundaries of the pointe shoe, examining how choreography has evolved and developing the stamina required to execute a full variation. Learning material rapidly while paying attention to the stylistic demands of each choreographer’s works and being able to shift from one stylistic choice to another is simply expected

Fall 2024: DNCE BC3143
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
DNCE 3143 001/00688 M W 5:40pm - 6:55pm
110 Barnard Hall
Ashley Tuttle 2.00 10/24

DNCE BC3248 JAZZ DANCE III. 2.00 points.

This class explores Advanced contemporary jazz movement using music from both American and Diasporic pop culture

Fall 2024: DNCE BC3248
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
DNCE 3248 001/00689 M W 2:40pm - 3:55pm
306 Barnard Hall
Ehizoje Azeke 2.00 25/25

DNCE BC3250 FLAMENCO. 2.00 points.

Prerequisites: DNCE BC1137x, BC1138y, BC1332x, BC1333y, or Permission of instructor. Intermediate level in modern or ballet technique is required.
The study of contemporary flamenco dance technique with special emphasis on improvisation and performance. Through video and reading assignments and attendance at live performances, students will also develop a context for understanding flamenco art, pedagogy, and culture

Fall 2024: DNCE BC3250
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
DNCE 3250 001/00690 F 11:00am - 12:50pm
110 Barnard Hall
Nelida Tirado 2.00 14/24
Spring 2025: DNCE BC3250
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
DNCE 3250 001/00345 F 11:00am - 12:50pm
110 Barnard Hall
Nelida Tirado 2.00 23/24

DNCE BC3332 MODERN V. 2.00 points.

Note: This is a variable-point course (0-1 pts).

This contemporary technique class invites students into an embodied practice focusing on a daily physical experimentation and challenge. Emphasis will be placed on corporeal ways to explore questions around propelling, listening, connecting, healing, and action. This course offers a chance for students to use their sensatorial experience to reflect on individual pathways/ desires for expression while, challenging the body to take risks and practice as their movement knowledge expands. Emphasis on sensation, initiation, and weight will be introduced in a floor or standing warm-up that will expand to a standing exploration of the transition between form and space. A focus will be to continue our development of a strong-grounded technique with healthy placement that moves with ease in and out of the floor. We will continue to develop our true embodied relationship to environment, people, and time

Fall 2024: DNCE BC3332
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
DNCE 3332 001/00691 M W 1:10pm - 2:25pm
305 Barnard Hall
Francesca Dominguez 2.00 15/40
DNCE 3332 002/00692 T Th 8:40am - 9:55am
Ll013 Barnard Hall
Tamisha Guy 2.00 12/30

DNCE BC3333 MODERN V. 2.00 points.

Note: This is a variable-point course (0-1 pts).

This contemporary technique class invites students into an embodied practice focusing on a daily physical experimentation and challenge. Emphasis will be placed on corporeal ways to explore questions around propelling, listening, connecting, healing, and action. This course offers a chance for students to use their sensatorial experience to reflect on individual pathways/ desires for expression while, challenging the body to take risks and practice as their movement knowledge expands. Emphasis on sensation, initiation, and weight will be introduced in a floor or standing warm-up that will expand to a standing exploration of the transition between form and space. A focus will be to continue our development of a strong-grounded technique with healthy placement that moves with ease in and out of the floor. We will continue to develop our true embodied relationship to environment, people, and time

Spring 2025: DNCE BC3333
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
DNCE 3333 001/00346 T Th 2:40pm - 3:55pm
305 Barnard Hall
Lisa Boudreau 2.00 7/40

DNCE BC3334 IMPROVISATION. 2.00 points.

Improvisation is an open level, movement based class in which students will learn collaborative improvisation tools, skills, practices, and mindset through experience, reflection, practice, and generation. Deep play, support for others, and a willingness to experiment and reflect are key in this discovery based course

Fall 2024: DNCE BC3334
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
DNCE 3334 001/00693 M W 10:10am - 11:25am
305 Barnard Hall
Caroline Fermin 2.00 21/40
Spring 2025: DNCE BC3334
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
DNCE 3334 001/00347 M W 11:40am - 12:55pm
110 Barnard Hall
Caitlin Trainor 2.00 15/24

DNCE BC3335 MODERN VI. 2.00 points.

This contemporary technique class invites students into an embodied practice focusing on a daily physical experimentation and challenge. Emphasis will be placed on corporeal ways to explore questions around propelling, listening, connecting, healing, and action. This course offers a chance for students to use their sensatorial experience to reflect on individual pathways/ desires for expression while, challenging the body to take risks and practice as their movement knowledge expands. Emphasis on sensation, initiation, and weight will be introduced in a floor or standing warm-up that will expand to a standing exploration of the transition between form and space. A focus will be to continue our development of a strong-grounded technique with healthy placement that moves with ease in and out of the floor. We will continue to develop our true embodied relationship to environment, people, and time

Fall 2024: DNCE BC3335
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
DNCE 3335 001/00694 M W 4:10pm - 5:25pm
Ll013 Barnard Hall
Juan Rodriguez 2.00 5/30
DNCE 3335 002/00695 T Th 4:10pm - 5:25pm
Ll013 Barnard Hall
Lisa Boudreau 2.00 16/30

DNCE BC3336 MODERN VI. 2.00 points.

This contemporary technique class invites students into an embodied practice focusing on a daily physical experimentation and challenge. Emphasis will be placed on corporeal ways to explore questions around propelling, listening, connecting, healing, and action. This course offers a chance for students to use their sensatorial experience to reflect on individual pathways/ desires for expression while, challenging the body to take risks and practice as their movement knowledge expands. Emphasis on sensation, initiation, and weight will be introduced in a floor or standing warm-up that will expand to a standing exploration of the transition between form and space. A focus will be to continue our development of a strong-grounded technique with healthy placement that moves with ease in and out of the floor. We will continue to develop our true embodied relationship to environment, people, and time

Spring 2025: DNCE BC3336
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
DNCE 3336 001/00349 M W 4:10pm - 5:25pm
Ll013 Barnard Hall
Francesca Dominguez 2.00 13/30
DNCE 3336 002/00350 T Th 4:10pm - 5:25pm
305 Barnard Hall
Tamisha Guy 2.00 22/40

DNCE BC3447 TAP III. 2.00 points.

Prerequisites: DNCE BC2447, BC2448, or permission of instructor. Tap III is an advanced level tap class for students who have 5 or more years of tap dance training. We will cover tap technique, proper use of the body to enhance sound quality and style, a variety of musical genres and structures, and improvisation

Fall 2024: DNCE BC3447
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
DNCE 3447 001/00696 M W 4:10pm - 5:25pm
110 Barnard Hall
Dormeshia Sunbry-Edwards 2.00 11/24
Spring 2025: DNCE BC3447
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
DNCE 3447 001/00354 M W 4:10pm - 5:25pm
110 Barnard Hall
Dormeshia Sunbry-Edwards 2.00 6/24


Prerequisites: Must have taken a Dance Department Composition course, have some dance training. This experiential, hands-on course requires all students to choreograph, dance, and film. Focusing on single-shot film-making, the duet of the camera and the dance will create an understanding of the interaction between the two, enabling students to create a final short film

Fall 2024: DNCE BC3560
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
DNCE 3560 001/00260 T Th 10:10am - 12:00pm
Ll020 Milstein Center
Gabri Christa 3.00 10/14

DNCE BC3567 DANCES OF INDIA. 3.00 points.

A range of dance genres, from the traditional to the innovative, co-exist as representations of Indianness in India, and beyond. Identities onstage and in films, morph as colonial, national, and global contexts change. This course zooms from micro to macro views of twentieth century staged dances as culturally inflected discourse. We review how Indian classical dance aligns with the oldest of performance texts, and with lively discourses (rasa as a performance aesthetic, Orientalism, nationalism, global recirculations) through the ages, not only in India but also in Europe, Britain and America. Throughout the course, we ask:- How is culture embodied? How do historical texts configure dance today? How might they affect our thinking on mind-body, practice-theory, and traditional-contemporary divides? How does bodily patterning influence the ways that we experience our surroundings and vice versa? Can cultural imaginaries instigate action? How is gender is performed? What are dance discourses?

Fall 2024: DNCE BC3567
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
DNCE 3567 001/00261 M W 11:40am - 12:55pm
207 Milbank Hall
Uttara Coorlawala 3.00 17/20

DNCE BC3576 DANCE CRITICISM. 3.00 points.

This course offers intensive practice in writing on dance and explores a range of approaches to dance criticism from the 1940s through today. Starting from the premise that criticism can be an art form in itself, we ask: What are the roles and responsibilities of a critic? How do our own identities and experiences inform how we see and write? With the proliferation of dance in digital spaces, what new possibilities arise for dance criticism? Class meetings include discussion, writing exercises, and peer workshops. Assignments involve viewing performances outside of class

Fall 2024: DNCE BC3576
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
DNCE 3576 001/00262 T Th 2:40pm - 3:55pm
306 Milbank Hall
Siobhan Burke 3.00 14/15

DNCE BC3591 SENIOR SEMINAR. 4.00 points.

Research and scholarly writing in chosen topics relating to dance. Methods of investigation are drawn from prominent archival collections and personal interviews, as well as other resources. Papers are formally presented to the Dance Department upon completion

Fall 2024: DNCE BC3591
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
DNCE 3591 001/00263 W 10:10am - 12:00pm
406 Barnard Hall
Paul Scolieri 4.00 6/10
DNCE 3591 002/00264 W 12:10pm - 2:00pm
406 Barnard Hall
Paul Scolieri 4.00 10/9

DNCE BC3592 Senior Project: Research for Dance. 4 points.

Independent study for research and writing (35 to 50-page thesis required).


Independent study for preparing and performing repertory works in production to be presented in concert

Spring 2025: DNCE BC3593
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
DNCE 3593 001/00359 T Th 10:10am - 11:25am
305 Barnard Hall
Colleen Thomas 3.00 8/8
DNCE 3593 002/00360 T Th 10:10am - 11:25am
305 Barnard Hall
Marjorie Folkman 3.00 7/7

DNCE BC3607 Rehearsal and Performance in Dance. 3 points.

The course can be taken for 1-3 credits. Students are graded and take part in the full production of a dance as performers, choreographers, designers, or stage technicians.

DNCE BC3984 Digital Performance. 4 points.

BC: Fulfillment of General Education Requirement: The Visual and Performing Arts (ART).

An intensive conceptual and practice-based inquiry into the field of digital performance – the integration of computational, interactive, new media, and mobile technologies into experimental performance practice and research – its history, central concerns, scientific breakthroughs, and transformative impact on the role of the artist and on the notion of “live” art.   Limited enrolment: 15 students.

Cross-Listed Courses - American Studies


Investigates the multicultural perspectives of dance in major areas of culture, including African, Asian, Hispanic, Indian, Middle Eastern, as well as dance history of the Americas through reading, writing, viewing, and discussion of a wide range of resources. These include film, original documents, demonstration, and performance

Spring 2025: DNCE BC2565
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
DNCE 2565 001/00331 T Th 11:40am - 12:55pm
323 Milbank Hall
Seth Williams 3.00 39/42

DNCE BC2570 DANCE IN NEW YORK CITY. 3.00 points.

Study of the cultural roots and historical contexts of specific communities using New York Citys dance scene as a laboratory. Students observe the social environments in which various modes of dance works are created while researching the history of dance in New York City. Course includes attendance at weekly events, lecture-demonstrations, and performances

Spring 2025: DNCE BC2570
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
DNCE 2570 001/00332 M W 2:40pm - 3:55pm
302 Barnard Hall
Siobhan Burke 3.00 20/20


Focuses on the history of theatre dance forms originating in Europe and America from the Renaissance to the present. Includes reading, writing, viewing, and discussion of sources such as film, text, original documentation, demonstration, and performance

Fall 2024: DNCE BC3001
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
DNCE 3001 001/00257 T Th 1:10pm - 2:25pm
409 Barnard Hall
Seth Williams 3.00 21/25

Cross-Listed Courses - Urban Studies

DNCE BC2570 DANCE IN NEW YORK CITY. 3.00 points.

Study of the cultural roots and historical contexts of specific communities using New York Citys dance scene as a laboratory. Students observe the social environments in which various modes of dance works are created while researching the history of dance in New York City. Course includes attendance at weekly events, lecture-demonstrations, and performances

Spring 2025: DNCE BC2570
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
DNCE 2570 001/00332 M W 2:40pm - 3:55pm
302 Barnard Hall
Siobhan Burke 3.00 20/20