Computational Biology

The Department of Biological Sciences: 

Department website:
Office location: 600 Sherman Fairchild Center
Office contact: 212-854-4581, 
Director of Undergraduate Studies: Alice Heicklen, 
Undergraduate Administrator: Ellie Siddens,

The Study of Biological Sciences 

The department offers broad training in basic biological disciplines, with an emphasis in cell and molecular biology. Students have many opportunities to participate in ongoing projects in research laboratories. All the biology-related majors require one year of introductory biology, plus additional courses as detailed in the major requirements and listed on the websites provided above.

The usual one-year introductory biology sequence is BIOL UN2005 INTRO BIO I: BIOCHEM,GEN,MOLEC-BIOL UN2006 INTRO BIO II:CELL BIO,DEV/PHYS, taken in the sophomore year, after one year of general chemistry. For more details, see Introductory Courses under Requirements—Major in Biology. All students interested in biology are encouraged to take BIOL UN1908 First Year Seminar in Biology in the fall semester of their first year.

Online Resources:

Student Advising

Consulting Advisers

Peer Mentors - Login to Lionmail to access this Google sheet. Any current or prospective student may contact a peer mentor with questions about classes, professors, research experience, or anything related to your current or prospective bio-related major.

Before contacting an advisor, check whether your question has been answered in our undergraduate FAQs.

For a list of current biology, biochemistry, biophysics, and neuroscience and behavior advisers, please visit

Biology Major (CC) and Minor Advisers (CC & GS):

For students with last names beginning with: 

  • A-N: Dr. Mary Ann Price;
  • O-Z: Dr. Michelle Attner;

Biology Major Adviser (GS):

Dr. Deborah Mowshowitz; 

Biochemistry Advisers (CC & GS):

Chemistry: Dr. Vesna Gasperov;

Biology: Dr. Ava Brent;

Biophysics Adviser (CC & GS):

Dr. Josh Abrams;

Computational Biology Advisor (CC & GS):

Biology: For students with last names beginning with: 

  • A-N: Dr. Harmen Bussemaker;
  • O-Z: Dr. Simon Tavare;

Computer Science: For students with last names beginning with:

  • A-N: Dr. Itsik Pe'er;
  • O-Z: Dr. David Knowles;

Neuroscience and Behavior Advisers (CC):

Biology: Dr. Erin Barnhart,

Psychology: Dr. Alfredo Spagna;

Neuroscience and Behavior Advisers (GS):

Biology: Dr. Deborah Mowshowitz; 

Psychology: Dr. Alfredo Spagna,

Enrolling in Classes 

Registration for each term occurs within designated periods. Within these periods, you will be assigned specific registration appointment times. For continuing students, your appointment times will generally be available on Student Services Online (SSOL) two weeks prior to the registration period, but specific registration instructions are announced by each school in advance of each registration period.

Students can also check the Directory of Classes by looking for “B” under Departments and selecting “Biological Sciences”. 

Preparing for Graduate Study

Advisor for students applying to graduate school or looking for bio-related jobs. (Students applying to medical school should consult the pre-professional office.) 

Dr. Molly Przeworski;

Coursework Taken Outside of Columbia

 Advanced Placement

If you got a 5 on the AP biology test, you get 3 points of credit toward graduation. Students with a 5 on the AP should take BIOL UN2005 INTRO BIO I: BIOCHEM,GEN,MOLEC and BIOL UN2006 INTRO BIO II:CELL BIO,DEV/PHYS.

BIOL UN2005-UN2006 is not a repeat of AP bio.  It demands not only more detail but more thought and application of knowledge to problem-solving than the usual AP course. It is narrower but deeper than the usual introductory biology course. You may review this exam from a previous year of UN2005 and compare your answers with the exam key. This will give you an idea of what makes UN2005/6 a unique Intro Bio sequence. If you still feel that you are sufficiently prepared, please consult a biology advisor who on rare occasions can give permission to place out of Intro Bio I and II. You will still be required to take 6 biology courses at Columbia if you place out of Intro Bio.

Barnard College Courses 

Barnard courses may not be substituted for the required Columbia courses without advance permission from the advisor. Students may not use Barnard courses for the biology minor.

Transfer Courses

Transfer credits for the majors, concentrators, and the biology minor are not automatically granted. Students should email their Biology advisor with a transcript and the syllabi from their previous institution to request transfer credit. Transfer credit for Introductory Biology is rarely granted. You can read more about transfer credits in this FAQ. Students may not use transfer courses for the biology minor.

Study Abroad Courses

If you are planning to study abroad, please meet with your Advisor before you go. You'll need prior approval for any majors, concentrators, and biology minor courses that you take abroad. Students may not use study abroad courses for the biology minor.

Summer Courses

The Department of Biological Sciences offers limited summer courses. Check the Directory of Classes for Summer course information. 

Core Curriculum Connections

Unfortunately, most biology courses are not suitable for most nonscience majors. There are two biology courses in the dept that are designed primarily for nonscientists: Science and Society (BIOL UN1360), and Interpreting Scientific Evidence (BIOL UN2300). 

Undergraduate Research and Senior Thesis

Undergraduate Research in Courses


First-year students, sophomores, and juniors are eligible for the department’s paid internship program (SURF). This program is competitive; the department cannot assure every eligible student a place in any given summer.

A faculty committee headed by Dr. Alice Heicklen then matches selected students to appropriate labs. The deadline for SURF applications is at the beginning of the spring semester.

SURF students must submit a report on their work at the end of the summer session and participate in the following year’s annual Undergraduate Research Symposium. Although it does not carry any academic credit, SURF can be used toward the lab requirement for majors and toward graduation with honors.
Current detailed descriptions of the SURF program and the application procedure are available at SURF's website,
For more information on the Amgen Scholarship Program, please visit Applications to all of these programs are through SURF.


Students can get academic credit for working in a lab, by registering for BIOL UN3500 Independent Research. This is not to be confused with SURF or the Amgen Scholars Program, which fulfill the biology major lab requirement but does not confer academic credit. Generally students register for 3 or 4 credits. A general rule is 4 hours lab time/week/credit, i.e. register for 3 credits for 12 hours of lab time/week and 4 credits from 16 hours of lab time/week. You will need to find a lab to work in. Please make it clear to the head of the lab whether you need to work 12 or 16 hours/week. If you are taking this class for a lab requirement, you need to take it for a letter grade. You will be required to write a research paper at the end of the semester. (See UN3500 requirements.)

While it's nice to be able to get credit for your lab experience, keep in mind that this means that you're making a commitment to work there for the entire semester.

Senior Thesis Coursework and Requirements

The biology-related majors in the Department of Biological Sciences do not include a Senior Thesis. 

Undergraduate Research Outside of Courses

Please see the Undergraduate Research page on the department website for advice and information on undergraduate research. 

Department Honors and Prizes

Department Honors

Students must apply for departmental honors. Applications are due no later than one day before spring break of their senior year. For details, please visit the departmental website at

Academic Prizes

        Bridges and Sturtevant Prize

This prize results from an anonymous donation in 2011 establishing an endowment for the prize. Bridges and Sturtevant were certainly amazing Columbia undergrads who were true pioneers of modern genetics. Alfred Sturtevant is recounted to have taken time off from studying for classes one weekend to work on understanding some crosses. The result was his figuring out that genes were arranged in a row on a chromosome.

The prize description reads: "Columbia shall .... award an annual prize to be known as the Bridges and Sturtevant Prize in Biological Sciences in honor of Calvin Bridges and Alfred Sturtevant. Their pioneering studies as Columbia College undergraduates - using the fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster in Thomas Hunt Morgan's laboratory - laid the basis for our understanding of genes and the way they behave. Each year the prize will be awarded to one or more graduating seniors whose experimental or computational research is deemed to have been both highly original and fruitful by a committee of faculty to be selected by the Chair of Biological Sciences."

Faculty members in the Dept. of Biological Sciences can nominate student(s) for the prize. A committee of faculty members decide who will receive the award.

It is awarded yearly, just before graduation. 

Awarded to a graduating senior whose research has been deemed highly original and fruitful. 

Each student is awarded a monetary prize.


  • Peter Andolfatto
  • Harmen Bussemaker
  • Martin Chalfie
  • Stuart Firestein
  • Joachim Frank
  • Iva Greenwald
  • Oliver Hobert
  • John Hunt
  • Songtao Jia
  • Daniel Kalderon
  • Darcy Kelley
  • Laura Landweber
  • James Manley
  • Carol Prives
  • Ronald Prywes
  • Molly Przeworski
  • Ozgur Sahin
  • Brent Stockwell
  • Simon Tavare
  • Saeed Tavazoie
  • Liang Tong
  • Jian Yang
  • Rafael Yuste

Associate Professors

  • Lars Dietrich
  • Guy Sella

Assistant Professors

  • Ishmail Abdus-Saboor
    Erin Barnhart
    Laura Duvall
  • Jellert Gaublomme
  • Marko Jovanovic
  • Raju Tomer
    Maria Tosches


  • Joshua Abrams
  • Michelle Attner
  • Ava Brent
  • Alice Heicklen
  • Mary Ann Price
  • Lili Yamasaki

Adjunct Faculty

  • Lewis Brown
    Ronald Guido
  • Nam Ho
  • Donald Kirsch
  • John Loike
  • Alan Morrison
  • Deborah Mowshowitz
  • Vincent Racaniello
  • David Sable
  • Christian Schindler
  • Harold Varmus

Guidance for Undergraduate Students in the Department

Program Planning for all Students

Students majoring or minoring in Biology or Related Fields:

  1. Review the requirements for your desired major/minor detailed in the links below. Please email Ellie Siddens ( to go over the progress of your major completion.

  2. Fill out a major planning form as far as you can, using the checklist and the information in the bulletin. Include both courses you have completed AND courses you plan to take to complete your major.

  3. Consult the appropriate departmental adviser to discuss any variances from the normal guidelines. Your adviser will then email any approved variances from the normal requirements to the biology departments administrator, Ellie Siddens, who will approve your major completion for graduation.

  4. Visit the Major Declaration Page during the Major Declaration Period (usually Spring Break of your Sophomore year) to officially declare your major.

For students majoring in Biochemistry or Neuroscience & Behavior (joint majors), you should consult advisers in both departments to plan your program, each regarding their specific courses (e.g. biology course exceptions will need to be approved by a biology adviser, chemistry course exceptions will need to be approved by a chemistry adviser).

Returning students should check the departmental website for any last-minute changes and/or additional information. See especially undergraduate updates and list of department courses. All major and minor requirements are detailed on the website and links provided below.

Course Numbering Structure

NOTE: Numbering does not reflect difficulty but rather whether UGs & graduate students have different requirements:

3000 – Only UGs register

4000 – UGs and graduate students perform the same

5000 – Only graduate students register, requires additional work beyond the 3000 course; 3000 (UGs) & 5000 (Grad.) are different versions of the same course, i.e. same time, location, and lectures

Guidance for First-Year Students 

Please see the FAQs for First-Year Students

Guidance for Transfer Students 

 Please see the FAQs for Transfer Students.

Undergraduate Programs of Study

Required Coursework for all Programs

All majors and the minor should start with General Chemistry 1 & 2 in their first year at Columbia. This is a required prerequisite before you may begin the Introductory Biology sequence. 

All biology-related majors: at least 4 biology or biochemistry courses and at least 18 credits of the total (biology, biochemistry, math, physics, and chemistry) must be taken at Columbia. Barnard courses may not be substituted for the required Columbia courses without advance permission from the adviser. The two required core courses should be taken at Columbia. Courses covering the same topics as Bio dept core courses, but taken elsewhere, are counted as electives, not as core courses.

Exceptions to Requirements

Students must get written permission in advance for any exceptions to the requirements listed below. For the exceptions to be applied toward graduation, the student must get the exception approved by the faculty adviser, who will then send an e-mail explaining the exceptions to

Grade Requirements for the Major

A grade of C- or higher must be earned and revealed on your transcript for any course – including the first – to be counted toward the major, minor, or concentration requirements. The grade of P is not acceptable. A course that was taken Pass/D/Fail may be counted if and only if the P is uncovered by the Registrar's deadline.

Please note that a few exceptions are applicable for the following terms:

  • All courses in Spring 2020 were taken with mandatory Pass/Fail grades.
  • Further exceptions are allowed for 2020-2021, when students can opt to take one course Pass/Fail during the Fall 2020, Spring 2021, and Fall 2021 semesters, without any restrictions - this can be in a course required for their major or minor.
  • In Spring 2024, students could opt to take two major/minor courses Pass/Fail. 

If you are concerned about a P grade counting for the major, please consult with your adviser.


Non-Major Courses

The following biology-related courses do not count towards the major or as one of the 4 courses that all biology majors must take at Columbia University. This list is not exhaustive, and you should discuss your major courses with your biology adviser.

  • BIOL UN1004 Foundations of Biology

  • BIOL UN1130 Genes and Development

  • BIOL UN1360 Science and Society

  • BIOL UN1908 First-year seminar in biology

  • BIOL UN2300 Interpreting Scientific Evidence

  • BIOL UN3920 Ignorance

  • BIOL UN3995 Topics in Biology: Crossroads in Bioethics

  • BIOL GU4305 Seminar in Biotechnology

  • BIOL GU4506 Biochemistry in XR: Mixed Reality

  • BIOT GU4160 Biotechnology Law

  • BIOT GU4180 Entrepreneurship in Biotech

  • BIOT GU4200 Biopharmaceutical Development & Regulation

  • BIOT GU4201 Seminar in Biotech Development & Regulation

  • BIOT GR5170 Intro to Management Principles

  • CMLS UN3965 Precision Medicine: Biology

  • Any course beginning with the HPSC, SCNC, or BIOT prefix

  • All Barnard Courses

Major in Biology

General Information

The requirements for the biology major include courses in biology, chemistry, physics, and mathematics.

The required biology courses are one year of introductory biology, two core courses in biology, two 3-point electives in biology, and an appropriate lab experience. See below for details.

The required courses outside the biology department are chemistry through organic (plus labs), one year of college-level physics (plus lab), and the completion of one year of college-level mathematics (usually calculus).

Alternative sequences to the above may be arranged in special circumstances, but only with the permission of a departmental adviser or the director of undergraduate studies obtained in advance. For example, selected courses at the Columbia-Presbyterian Medical Center are open to advanced undergraduates with adviser approval. Credit toward the major for courses not listed in the Columbia College Bulletin must be discussed in advance with a departmental adviser or the director of undergraduate studies. Students are responsible for notifying the department of all exceptions either in writing or by e-mail as explained above.

Students planning graduate work in biology should keep in mind that physical chemistry and statistics are important for many graduate programs.

Introductory Courses

The usual one-year introductory biology sequence is BIOL UN2005 INTRO BIO I: BIOCHEM,GEN,MOLEC-BIOL UN2006 INTRO BIO II:CELL BIO,DEV/PHYS, taken in the sophomore year.

Other sequences require permission in advance from  a departmental adviser or the director of undergraduate studies. Students with a strong background in chemistry or molecular biology may take BIOL UN2005 INTRO BIO I: BIOCHEM,GEN,MOLEC-BIOL UN2006 INTRO BIO II:CELL BIO,DEV/PHYS in their first year; the permission of one of the instructors is required.

Premedical students usually take BIOL UN2005 INTRO BIO I: BIOCHEM,GEN,MOLEC-BIOL UN2006 INTRO BIO II:CELL BIO,DEV/PHYS after a year of general chemistry.

Students with advanced placement in biology are expected to take BIOL UN2005 INTRO BIO I: BIOCHEM,GEN,MOLEC as their initial biology course, because BIOL UN2005 INTRO BIO I: BIOCHEM,GEN,MOLEC-BIOL UN2006 INTRO BIO II:CELL BIO,DEV/PHYS is taught at a level of detail and depth not found in most advanced placement courses.

Core Courses

Two out of the following six departmental core courses are required:

BIOL GU4501Biochemistry
or BIOL UN3300 Biochemistry
BIOL GU4512Molecular Biology

Laboratory Courses

A laboratory experience in biology is required. It may be fulfilled by completing any one of the following options:

Option 1:
Select one of the following 5-point laboratory courses:
Option 2:
Select an additional 3-point lab such as BIOL UN3040, a 5-point project lab, or a Barnard lab. Barnard labs must be approved by a Biology Major Adviser.
Option 3:
Two terms of BIOL UN3500 (3 or 4 credits per term), including the submission of a satisfactory research report at the end of each semester
Option 4:
Completion of all the requirements for one session of the Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship (SURF). An additional semester of BIOL UN3500 in the same research lab is recommended but not required. Summer lab work under other auspices may not be substituted for the SURF Program.

Upper-Level Elective Courses

Select two additional courses, carrying at least 3 points each, from any of the 3000- or 4000- level lecture courses. BIOL UN3500 INDEP BIOLOGICAL RESEARCH cannot be used as one of the courses to satisfy the upper-level elective course requirement. Any course not listed below must be approved by a biology adviser to count toward the major.

Two additional 3000 or 4000 level biology lecture courses from the following:
BIOL UN3019Brain Evolution
BIOL UN3300Biochemistry
BIOL UN3320Regulation of Behaviors for Survival
BIOL UN3404The Global Threat of Antimicrobial Resistance
BIOL GU4002Macromolecular Structure & Interactions
BIOL GU4036Transformative Concepts in Systems Biology
BIOL GU4193Stem Cell Biology and Applications
BIOL GU4310 - Virology
BIOL GU4402Biological Image Computing
BIOL GU4501Biochemistry
BIOL GU4510Genomics of Gene Regulation
BIOL GU4512Molecular Biology
BIOL GU4551A Structural View of Biology
BIOL GU4777From Curiosity to Cure – Case Studies in Cool Biochemistry

Note: SCNC, HPSC & BIOT (many of which are listed on the biology website) courses do not count towards the Major. 


All majors must take chemistry through organic including labs. One of the following three groups of chemistry courses is required:

Option 1:
 - CHEM UN1404
 - CHEM UN1501
 - CHEM UN2444
 - CHEM UN2494
Option 2:
For students who qualify for intensive chemistry
 - CHEM UN2443
 - CHEM UN2496
Option 3:
For students who qualify for first year organic chemistry
 - CHEM UN2046
 - CHEM UN2496


Students must take two terms of physics including the accompanying labs. The usual choices are PHYS UN1201-PHYS UN1202 GENERAL PHYSICS II and PHYS UN1291-PHYS UN1292 GENERAL PHYSICS II LABORATORY. Higher-level physics sequences are also acceptable. The 1400-level sequence is recommended for students who plan to take three terms of physics.


Two semesters of calculus or honors mathematics are required. Students may substitute one semester of statistics (STAT UN1101 or STAT UN1201) for one semester of calculus. For students with AP credit, completion of MATH UN1102 CALCULUS II, MATH UN1201 CALCULUS III, or MATH UN1207 HONORS MATHEMATICS A is sufficient. However, students with AP credit are encouraged to take additional courses in mathematics or statistics at Columbia.

For more details on the biology major requirements, visit

Major in Biochemistry

The required basic courses for the biochemistry major are chemistry through organic, including laboratory, and one year each of physical chemistry, physics, calculus, biology, and biochemistry/molecular biology. The required additional courses are three lecture courses chosen from mathematics, chemistry, and biology, and two upper-level laboratory courses.

Questions regarding the major in general and chemistry requirements should be addressed to the chemistry adviser and questions regarding biology requirements should be addressed to the biology adviser.

For more details, see the Chemistry section in this Bulletin.   For additional information visit the Department of Biological Sciences website:

Major in Biophysics

The requirements for the biophysics major are as follows:

One year of introductory biology:
 - BIOL UN2006
Select at least one of the following laboratory courses:
One course in biochemistry or molecular biology:
BIOL GU4501Biochemistry
or BIOL UN3300 Biochemistry
or BIOL GU4512 Molecular Biology
Select one of the following core courses:
BIOL GU4002Macromolecular Structure & Interactions
or BIOL GU4551 A Structural View of Biology
Select one of the following sequences to be completed at the end of sophomore year:
 - PHYS UN1402
 - PHYS UN1403
 - PHYS UN1494
Select any two physics courses at the 3000-level or above, chosen in consultation with the adviser.
Calculus I-IV or Ordinary Differential Equations:
 - MATH UN1102
 - MATH UN1201
 - MATH UN1202
or MATH UN3027 Ordinary Differential Equations
 - CHEM UN1404
Select one additional course at the 3000- or 4000-level, in either physics or biology. The following are some suggested courses:

For more details, see the Physics section in this Bulletin or visit the Department of Biological Sciences website:

Major in Neuroscience and Behavior

In addition to one year of college general chemistry, eleven courses are required to complete the major in neuroscience and behavior—six in biology and five in psychology. 

NOTE: For students entering in Fall 2024 or later, two biology elective courses will be required. For students entering prior to Fall 2024, one biology elective course will be required. 

For the five courses required in Psychology, see the Psychology section in this Bulletin or visit

One year of college chemistry is required prior to taking Introductory Biology.
One year of introductory biology.
 - BIOL UN2006
One year of Neurobiology
 - BIOL UN3005
Two additional 3000 or 4000 level biology lecture courses from the list of Upper Level Electives under the Biology Major.
Please see the Psychology Bulletin linked above.

Major in Computational Biology

The Computational Biology major program combines a strong foundation in computer science/data science and basic biology with advanced courses in a variety of subfields. Particular emphasis is placed on laboratory and computational techniques, including genomics, network modeling, and bioinformatics. 

Alternative sequences to the above may be arranged in special circumstances with the permission of the departmental adviser or director of undergraduate studies obtained in advance. All exceptions granted by computer science or biology advisers should be forwarded to Ellie Siddens ( in biological sciences.

Questions regarding biology requirements should be addressed to the biology adviser and questions regarding computer science or math requirements should be addressed to the computer science advisers.

The required courses are listed below. For details about the Major in Computational Biology, see here:

Mathematics foundations (4 classes, 12-17 credits)
The following calculus courses are required:
MATH UN1101CALCULUS I can be placed out of with AP/IB credit
MATH UN1102CALCULUS II Calculus III does NOT depend on Calculus II.
All students must complete computer-science-directed mathematical foundations classes.
Chemistry Foundations (2 classes, 8 credits)
Option 1: General Chemistry
 - CHEM UN1404
Option 2: For students who qualify for intensive general chemistry
Introductory Computer Sciences (3 classes, 9-11 credits)
All students must complete sequentially three courses in computer science:
COMS W1002COMPUTING IN CONTEXT (with Biology Context)
or COMS W1004 Introduction to Computer Science and Programming in Java
COMS W3132Intermediate Computing in Python
or COMS W3134 Data Structures in Java
Note: COMS 3134 and 3137 should be taken after COMS 1004 or with previous knowledge of Java
or COMS W3107 Clean Object-Oriented Design
Biology (3 classes, 11-12 credits)
All students must take the two introductory biology courses:
 - BIOL UN2006
Students must take one course from this list of core biology courses
or BIOL GU4501 Biochemistry
or BIOL UN3300 Biochemistry
or BIOL GU4512 Molecular Biology
Lab/research (1 class, 4 credits)
All students must fulfill laboratory/research experience by completing one of the following options after taking Intro Bio I & II (BIOL UN2005-UN2006)
or COMS W4901 Projects in Computer Science
NOTE: COMS W3998 & COMS W4901 require prior adviser approval. BIOL UN3500 must be taken for four credits. BIOL UN3500 and SURF must be taken in a pre-approved lab (see Computational Biology Major Requirements on the biology website for a list of pre-approved labs).
Advanced Electives (2 classes, 6-8 credits)
A biology course at the 3000 or 4000 level from the list of biology major approved core and elective courses.
One of the following computational biology courses:
COMS W4762Machine Learning for Functional Genomics
or BMEN E4480 Statistical machine learning for genomics
or COMS W4995 - computational biology section

Minor in Biology

Students who wish to minor in biology must design their programs in advance with the director of undergraduate studies or a departmental adviser.

The minor would require 7 courses (25 credits), at least 2 are general chemistry [8 credits] and at least 5 biology [17 credits]. 

The requirements for the minor in biology are as follows:

 - CHEM UN1404
 - BIOL UN2006
Select at least one of the following core courses:
BIOL GU4501Biochemistry
or BIOL UN3300 Biochemistry
BIOL GU4512Molecular Biology
Two additional 3000 or 4000 level biology lecture courses from the list of Upper Level Electives under the Biology Major.
No lab is required for the biology minor. However, only one biology lab can count towards the 5 biology course requirements. The biology lab options consists of the following:

For students who entered Columbia in or before the 2023-24 academic year

Concentration in Biology

The concentration in Biology is only available for students who entered CU Fall 2024 or earlier. 

Students who wish to concentrate in biology must design their programs in advance with a departmental adviser or the director of undergraduate studies.

The requirement for the concentration is 22 points in biology or biochemistry, with at least five courses chosen from the courses listed in the Biological Sciences section of the Bulletin. Additional courses in physics, chemistry, and mathematics are required as detailed below.

Students may not use transfer credits, Barnard courses or courses taken abroad for the biology minor biology course requirements. Please contact Vesna Gasperov ( regarding using either transfer credits or courses taken while studying abroad to substitute for the general chemistry course requirements.

The requirements for the concentration in biology are as follows:

Select at least one of the following core courses:
BIOL GU4501Biochemistry
or BIOL UN3300 Biochemistry
BIOL GU4512Molecular Biology
Plus additional biology elective courses (see electives listed under biology major) to reach a total of 22 points in biology courses.
No biology lab is required for the concentration. Of the 22 points, a maximum of 5 of the points can come from lab courses. SURF counts as 5 points of lab credit.
Chemistry through organic including labs; see biology major for options
One year of physics, including laboratory; see biology major for options
One year of college-level mathematics (ordinarily this should be calculus); see biology major for options

Fall 2024

BIOL UN1360Science and Society
BIOL UN1908First Year Seminar in Biology
BIOL UN2300Interpreting Scientific Evidence
BIOL UN3040LAB IN MOLECULAR BIOLOGY (Lab in Molecular Biology)
BIOL UN3300Biochemistry
BIOL UN3320Regulation of Behaviors for Survival
BIOL UN3404The Global Threat of Antimicrobial Resistance
BIOC GU4323Biophysical Chemistry I
BIOL GU4501Biochemistry

Spring 2024

BIOL UN1004Foundations of Biology
BIOL UN3019Brain Evolution
BIOL UN3300Biochemistry
BIOL GU4310Virology
BIOL GU4512Molecular Biology
BIOL GU4551A Structural View of Biology

All Courses

BIOL UN1002 Theory and Practice of Science: Biology. 4 points.

CC/GS: Partial Fulfillment of Science Requirement

Prerequisites: either BIOL UN1015 or AP biology, or the instructor's permission.

Lecture and recitation. By analysis and example from the primary literature of evolution and genetics, examines how scientific theories are invented and how they come to be accepted, verified, and in some cases rejected. Papers begin with Darwin and Mendel and end with Watson. Ordinarily does not fulfill biology major or concentration requirements. Normally may not be taken for credit by any student who has previously completed any biology course numbered 2000 or above. BIOL UN1015 should be taken first then BIOL UN1002 for nonscience majors.

BIOL UN1004 Foundations of Biology. 2.00 points.

General Chemistry I is a pre-requisite; General Chemistry II is a pre/co-requisite. In this course, we will introduce basic terminology, important concepts, and basic problem-solving skills in order to prepare biology and pre-health students for the challenging Biology courses they will take at Columbia. We will do a deep dive into a small number of topics and use these as access points to teaching skills that will aid students in future STEM courses. Classes will include time for problem solving. Recitations will involve problem solving and student presentations of solutions to problems

Spring 2024: BIOL UN1004
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
BIOL 1004 001/14845 M W 4:10pm - 5:25pm
601 Fairchild Life Sciences Bldg
Mary Ann Price 2.00 24/60


CC/GS: Partial Fulfillment of Science Requirement

Prerequisites: one year of high school or college biology.
Prerequisites: one year of high school or college biology. This course covers selected topics in genetics and developmental biology, with special emphasis on issues that are relevant to contemporary society. Lectures and readings will cover the basic principles of genetics, how genes are expressed and regulated, the role of genes in normal development, and how alterations in genes lead to abnormal development and disease. We will also examine how genes can be manipulated in the laboratory, and look at the contributions of these manipulations to basic science and medicine, as well as some practical applications of these technologies. Interspersed student-run workshops will allow students to research and discuss the ethical and societal impacts of specific topics (e.g. in vitro fertilization, uses and misuses of genetic information, genetically modified organisms, steroid use, and cloning). SCE and TC students may register for this course, but they must first obtain the written permission of the instructor, by filling out a paper Registration Adjustment Form (Add/Drop form). The form can be downloaded at the URL below, but must be signed by the instructor and returned to the office of the registrar.

BIOL UN1201 Engineered Mouse Models and Identifying Phenotypes In Vivo. 1.50 point.

This undergraduate lecture course will introduce how transgenic and mutant mouse models are generated and their utility in defining the functional roles of genes in vivo. Classically, the function of a gene is tested in vivo by either overexpressing or inactivating its expression, leading to a gain-of-function or loss-of-function phenotype from which is inferred a gene’s normal role in homeostasis. Here we will explore the classic strategies for the generation of transgenic and knockout mice, comparing and contrasting their individual strengths and weaknesses, while exploring the phenotypes that have resulted from these changes in gene expression. Using a subset of primary papers, students will be introduced to research analysis to become more versed in the layers of experimental design needed to identify a gene’s function in vivo. The theoretical timing and the strategy needed to design such experiments with these transgenic and mutant mouse models, and the power of stem cell experiments will be discussed. In addition, to develop critical and additional analytical skills, students will become versed in basic tissue histology and immunohistochemistry, using processed paraffin-embedded mouse tissues from wild-type and engineered mutant mouse lines. Students will learn how to recognize numerous, normal adult tissues with light microscopy and to identify proliferative zones vs. fully differentiated layers within each. In addition, they will analyze the development of mid-to-late gestational embryos in serial sections, to underscore the coordinated transformation of tissues required for normal embryonic development. Finally, serial sections from well-defined mutant mouse models will used to identify and characterize abnormal phenotypes resulting from the knock-out of genes encoding cell cycle regulators or tumor suppressors. Live animal handling or experimentation is not a component of this course

BIOL UN1360 Science and Society. 3.00 points.

This course, which has been given at another institution for the past five years, uses a seminar discussion format to examine the relationship between science and society from numerous perspectives, using examples from many fields of science, mostly biology and medicine, including the Covid-19 pandemic. We welcome undergraduates from all classes who are concentrating in any field of sciences, humanities, or the arts; there are no prerequisites, other than an interest in how the scientific enterprise works. The course addresses a wide array of topics: why do people choose a scientific career; why do governments and other funders support scientific work; how does science fail; why is there widespread skepticism about science; how is it represented in the arts; how are results disseminated, evaluated, and legally protected; and many other subjects. Assignments-- mainly short articles (from newspapers and journals) and book chapters, but also a few films and novels --will be provided for each class, and every student will undertake a term project of their own choosing, after consultations with the instructor

Fall 2024: BIOL UN1360
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
BIOL 1360 001/11049 W 4:10pm - 6:40pm
1000 Fairchild Life Sciences Bldg
Ellie Siddens, Harold Varmus 3.00 20/20

BIOL UN1440 DNA Diversity and You. 3.00 points.

This seminar focuses on the biochemistry, biology, and sociology of DNA and its use and potential for misuse. Even before the discovery of the human genome, the DNA that is the lattice of each human being has been thought to be static and determinative. More recently, with advances in sequencing that DNA, the emerging picture is much more complex. Even so, deeply held beliefs about being solely “my DNA” have persisted affecting our entire species. Students in this seminar are expected to critically discuss and examine the ethical and societal impacts of several topics related to DNA (e.g., artificial reproductive techniques, eugenics, bodily autonomy, definitions and treatment of diseases, neuroscience, epigenetics and the microbiome), as well as the underlying biology and biochemistry of DNA. Human identity and its relationship to DNA is examined using an interdisciplinary framework of perspectives, including those originating from biology, genetics, medicine, public health, psychiatry, religion, and the law. Students are expected to draw from their own experiences as an individual in reflection through the readings to complete the written coursework and participate each week in class discussion. This seminar also allows for expression in other modalities (e.g., visual or aural), in a two-part final class project consisting of a media component in addition to a final written assignment

BIOL UN1908 First Year Seminar in Biology. 1.00 point.

If you are interested in biology, come hear Columbia University professors discuss their biology-related research. Find out how the body works, the latest therapies for disease and maybe even find a lab to do research in.

Fall 2024: BIOL UN1908
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
BIOL 1908 001/10323 Th 3:00pm - 3:55pm
601 Fairchild Life Sciences Bldg
Alice Heicklen 1.00 9/70


Prerequisites: one year of college chemistry, or a strong high school chemistry background.
Prerequisites: one year of college chemistry is required. Lecture and recitation. Recommended as the introductory biology course for biology and related majors, and for premedical students. Fundamental principles of biochemistry, molecular biology, and genetics. Website: SPS, Barnard, and TC students may register for this course, but they must first obtain the written permission of the instructor, by filling out a paper Registration Adjustment Form (Add/Drop form). The form can be downloaded at the URL below, but must be signed by the instructor and returned to the office of the registrar. registrar.

Fall 2024: BIOL UN2005
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
BIOL 2005 001/10393 T Th 10:10am - 11:25am
417 International Affairs Bldg
Michelle Attner, Marko Jovanovic 4.00 194/400
BIOL 2005 002/10394 T Th 4:10pm - 5:25pm
309 Havemeyer Hall
Michelle Attner, Marko Jovanovic 4.00 125/400


Prerequisites: EEEB UN2001 or BIOL UN2005, or the instructor's permission.
Prerequisites: BIOL UN2005, or the instructors permission. Lecture and recitation. Recommended second term of biology for majors in biology and related majors, and for premedical students. Cellular biology and development; physiology of cells and organisms. SPS, Barnard, and TC students may register for this course, but they must first obtain the written permission of the instructor, by filling out a paper Registration Adjustment Form (Add/Drop form). The form can be downloaded at the URL below, but must be signed by the instructor and returned to the office of the registrar. . Students must register for a recitation section BIOL UN2016. Course website:

Spring 2024: BIOL UN2006
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
BIOL 2006 001/10708 T Th 10:10am - 11:25am
417 International Affairs Bldg
Jellert Gaublomme, Mary Ann Price, Alice Heicklen 4.00 153/400


Lecture and recitation. Recommended as the introductory biology course for biology and related majors, and for premedical students. Fundamental principles of biochemistry, molecular biology, and genetics. SPS, Barnard, and TC students may register for this course, but they must first obtain the written permission of the instructor, by filling out a paper Registration Adjustment Form (Add/Drop form). The form can be downloaded at the URL below, but must be signed by the instructor and returned to the office of the registrar.

Fall 2024: BIOL UN2015
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
BIOL 2015 001/10489 M 6:10pm - 8:00pm
509 Hamilton Hall
Michelle Attner 0.00 14/30
BIOL 2015 002/10490 M 6:10pm - 8:00pm
412 Pupin Laboratories
Michelle Attner 0.00 5/30
BIOL 2015 003/10491 T 8:10am - 10:00am
408a Philosophy Hall
Michelle Attner 0.00 18/30
BIOL 2015 004/10492 T 12:10pm - 2:00pm
329 Uris Hall
Michelle Attner 0.00 29/30
BIOL 2015 005/10493 T 12:10pm - 2:00pm
253 Engineering Terrace
Michelle Attner 0.00 14/30
BIOL 2015 006/10494 T 6:10pm - 8:00pm
311 Fayerweather
Michelle Attner 0.00 21/30
BIOL 2015 007/10495 W 12:10pm - 2:00pm
301m Fayerweather
Michelle Attner 0.00 15/30
BIOL 2015 008/10496 W 12:10pm - 2:00pm
467 Ext Schermerhorn Hall
Michelle Attner 0.00 3/30
BIOL 2015 009/10497 W 2:10pm - 4:00pm
253 International Affairs Bldg
Michelle Attner 0.00 21/30
BIOL 2015 010/10498 W 2:10pm - 4:00pm
255 International Affairs Bldg
Michelle Attner 0.00 3/30
BIOL 2015 011/10499 W 4:10pm - 6:00pm
603 Hamilton Hall
Michelle Attner 0.00 22/30
BIOL 2015 012/10500 W 4:10pm - 6:00pm
307 Uris Hall
Michelle Attner 0.00 10/30
BIOL 2015 013/10501 W 8:10pm - 10:00pm
607 Hamilton Hall
Michelle Attner 0.00 7/30
BIOL 2015 014/10502 Th 12:10pm - 2:00pm
C01 80 Claremont
Michelle Attner 0.00 17/30


Prerequisites: Prerequisites: Course does not fulfill Biology major requirements or premedical requirements. ,Enrollment in laboratory limited to 16 students per section.
Corequisites: BIOL UN2006
Prerequisites: Prerequisites: Course does not fulfill Biology major requirements or premedical requirements. Enrollment in laboratory limited to 16 students per section. Corequisites: BIOL UN2006 Prerequisites: Course does not fulfill Biology major requirements or premedical requirements. Enrollment in laboratory limited to 16 students per section. Exploration of the major discoveries and ideas that have revolutionized the way we view organisms and understand life. The basic concepts of cell biology, anatomy and physiology, genetics, evolution, and ecology will be traced from seminal discoveries to the modern era. The laboratory will develop these concepts and analyze biological diversity through a combined experimental and observational approach

Spring 2024: BIOL UN2016
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
BIOL 2016 001/14917 M 6:10pm - 8:00pm
313 Pupin Laboratories
Mary Ann Price 0.00 20/24
BIOL 2016 002/14918 M 6:10pm - 8:00pm
222 Pupin Laboratories
Mary Ann Price 0.00 9/24
BIOL 2016 003/14975 T 8:10am - 10:00am
1000 Fairchild Life Sciences Bldg
Mary Ann Price 0.00 27/27
BIOL 2016 004/14977 T 12:10pm - 2:00pm
405 Kent Hall
Mary Ann Price 0.00 23/24
BIOL 2016 005/14980 T 12:10pm - 2:00pm
253 Engineering Terrace
Mary Ann Price 0.00 25/24
BIOL 2016 006/14981 T 6:10pm - 8:00pm
201 80 Claremont
Mary Ann Price 0.00 25/24
BIOL 2016 007/14982 W 12:10pm - 2:00pm
467 Ext Schermerhorn Hall
Mary Ann Price 0.00 24/24
BIOL 2016 008/14984 W 12:10pm - 2:00pm
602 Northwest Corner
Mary Ann Price 0.00 24/27
BIOL 2016 009/14985 W 2:10pm - 4:00pm
520 Mathematics Building
Mary Ann Price 0.00 26/27
BIOL 2016 010/14987 W 4:10pm - 6:00pm
467 Ext Schermerhorn Hall
Mary Ann Price 0.00 20/24
BIOL 2016 011/14988 W 4:10pm - 6:00pm
407 Mathematics Building
Mary Ann Price 0.00 20/24
BIOL 2016 013/14991 W 8:10pm - 10:00pm
327 Uris Hall
Mary Ann Price 0.00 15/24
BIOL 2016 014/14992 Th 12:10pm - 2:00pm
1000 Fairchild Life Sciences Bldg
Mary Ann Price 0.00 26/24

BIOL UN2300 Interpreting Scientific Evidence. 3.00 points.

This class focuses on how we gather reliable scientific evidence about human biology and public health. The aim is to help students better interpret and evaluate the scientific evidence that they will encounter throughout their lifetime, in primary papers but also as presented in news, advertisement, and politics. To these ends, students will be introduced to basic definitions and concepts in statistics and epidemiology, including point estimates and measures of uncertainty, p-values, error rates, association and causation, different study designs, and selection bias. Readings will draw from a textbook as well as the primary literature. The second half of the course will turn to dissecting the representation and misrepresentation of scientific evidence presented in different venues. It will draw primarily from the textbook “Calling Bullshit” and include discussions of timely examples from the news

Fall 2024: BIOL UN2300
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
BIOL 2300 001/11053 W 2:10pm - 4:00pm
825 Seeley W. Mudd Building
Molly Przeworski 3.00 17/30


Prerequisites: a course in college chemistry or the written permission of either the instructor or the premedical adviser.
Prerequisites: one year of college chemistry or the written permission of either the instructor or the premedical adviser is required. Recommended as the introductory biology course for science majors who have completed a year of college chemistry and premedical students. The fundamental principles of biochemistry, molecular biology, and genetics. Website: SPS and TC students may register for this course, but they must first obtain the written permission of the instructor, by filling out a paper Registration Adjustment Form (Add/Drop form). The form can be downloaded at the URL below, but must be signed by the instructor and returned to the office of the registrar. registrar.

Fall 2024: BIOL UN2401
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
BIOL 2401 001/10395 T Th 10:10am - 11:25am
417 International Affairs Bldg
Michelle Attner, Marko Jovanovic 3.00 32/200
BIOL 2401 002/10396 T Th 4:10pm - 5:25pm
309 Havemeyer Hall
Michelle Attner, Marko Jovanovic 3.00 33/200


Prerequisites: a course in college chemistry and BIOL UN2005 or BIOL UN2401, or the written permission of either the instructor or the premedical adviser.
Prerequisites: a course in college chemistry and BIOL UN2005 or BIOL UN2401, or the written permission of either the instructor or the premedical adviser. Cellular biology and development; physiology of cells and organisms. Same lectures as BIOL UN2006, but recitation is optional. For a detailed description of the differences between the two courses, see the course web site or Website: , SPS, Barnard, and TC students may register for this course, but they must first obtain the written permission of the instructor, by filling out a paper Registration Adjustment Form (Add/Drop form). The form can be downloaded at the URL below, but must be signed by the instructor and returned to the office of the registrar.

Spring 2024: BIOL UN2402
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
BIOL 2402 001/10710 T Th 10:10am - 11:25am
417 International Affairs Bldg
Alice Heicklen, Mary Ann Price, Jellert Gaublomme 3.00 30/400
BIOL 2402 002/10711 T Th 4:10pm - 5:25pm
309 Havemeyer Hall
Alice Heicklen, Mary Ann Price, Jellert Gaublomme 3.00 28/400


Enrollment per section limited to 28. Lab Fee: $150.
Fee: Lab Fee - 150.00

Prerequisites: Strongly recommended prerequisite or corequisite: BIOL UN2005 or BIOL UN2401.
Prerequisite or corequisite: BIOL UN2005 or BIOL UN2401. Contemporary Biology Lab is designed to provide students with hands-on exploration of fundamental and contemporary biological tools and concepts. Activities include in depth study of mammalian anatomy and physiology through dissection and histology, as well as a series of experiments in genetics and molecular biology, with emphasis on data analysis and experimental technique

Spring 2024: BIOL UN2501
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
BIOL 2501 001/10502 M 1:10pm - 5:00pm
922 Schermerhorn Hall
Ava Brent 3.00 16/28
BIOL 2501 002/10503 T 1:10pm - 5:00pm
922 Schermerhorn Hall
Joshua Abrams 3.00 22/28
BIOL 2501 003/10707 W 1:10pm - 5:00pm
922 Schermerhorn Hall
Ava Brent 3.00 18/28
BIOL 2501 004/10504 Th 5:40pm - 9:30pm
922 Schermerhorn Hall
Joshua Abrams 3.00 19/28
Fall 2024: BIOL UN2501
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
BIOL 2501 001/10715 M 1:10pm - 5:00pm
922 Schermerhorn Hall
Ava Brent 3.00 30/30
BIOL 2501 002/10716 T 1:10pm - 5:00pm
922 Schermerhorn Hall
Joshua Abrams 3.00 20/30
BIOL 2501 003/10717 W 1:10pm - 5:00pm
922 Schermerhorn Hall
Ava Brent 3.00 30/30
BIOL 2501 004/10718 Th 5:40pm - 9:30pm
922 Schermerhorn Hall
Joshua Abrams 3.00 30/30
BIOL 2501 005/10719 F 1:10pm - 5:00pm
922 Schermerhorn Hall
Ava Brent 3.00 30/30

BIOL UN2502 Foundations for Lab Biology. 3.00 points.

Due to COVID-19 related restrictions on in-person laboratory work, this course acts as a replacement for BIOL UN2501. This course will act as a virtual introduction to the practice of contemporary biology, with an emphasis on common laboratory methods, online tools, statistical analysis, styles of scientific reasoning, and science communication. Students will be expected to watch a weekly lecture, either in-person or via recording. Lab activities are designed to be highly interactive and collaborative to reflect the realities of biological research. Small groups of students will work together on in-class activities, as well as on a long-term student-designed biological research project

BIOL UN2700 Past and future of the human genome. 3 points.

CC/GS: Partial Fulfillment of Science Requirement

We can now determine the genetic makeup of any person in a matter of days and at a cost already within reach for many millions of people.  For the past few years a movement has emerged to provide detailed genetic information directly to ordinary people, in some cases with the explicit aim of helping prospective parents to “eliminate preventable genetic disease” or, as one newspaper put it, to promote “genetically flawless babies.”

But our technical capacity to both interrogate and manipulate the human genome has raced far ahead of serious consideration of the societal implications of doing so.  This course will provide students with the background necessary to understand what has and will be done with the human genome and ultimately to help society formulate appropriate policies for wise stewardship of the human genome.

To help illustrate the information available in the human genome and how it may influence individuals' lives, the instructors' will share and discuss their own and other public genomes in ways both molecular and personal. 


Prerequisites: one year of biology; a course in physics is highly recommended. Lecture and recitation. This is an advanced course intended for majors providing an in depth survey of the cellular and molecular aspects of nerve cell function. Topics include: the cell biology and biochemistry of neurons, ionic and molecular basis of electrical signals, synaptic transmission and its modulation, function of sensory receptors. Although not required, it is intended to be followed by Neurobiology II (see below). The recitation meets once per week in smaller groups and emphasizes readings from the primary literature

Fall 2024: BIOL UN3004
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
BIOL 3004 001/10503 M W 1:10pm - 2:25pm
142 Uris Hall
Ishmail Abdus-Saboor 4.00 97/100
BIOL 3004 002/15967 T Th 10:10am - 11:25am
601 Fairchild Life Sciences Bldg
Rafael Yuste 4.00 16/70


Prerequisites: BIOL UN3004, one year of biology, or the instructor's permission.
Prerequisites: BIOL UN3004, one year of biology, or the instructors permission. This course is the capstone course for the Neurobiology and Behavior undergraduate major at Columbia University and will be taught by the faculty of the Kavli Institute of Brain Science: Science: It is designed for advanced undergraduate and graduate students. Knowledge of Cellular Neuroscience (how an action potential is generated and how a synapse works) will be assumed. It is strongly recommended that students take BIOL UN3004 Neurobiology I: Molecular and Cellular Neuroscience, or a similar course, before enrolling in BIOL UN3005. Students unsure about their backgrounds should check a representative syllabus of BIOL UN3004 on the BIOL UN3004 website ( Website for BIOL UN3005:

Spring 2024: BIOL UN3005
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
BIOL 3005 001/11432 T Th 10:10am - 11:25am
501 Schermerhorn Hall
Darcy Kelley 4.00 100/150

BIOL UN3006 PHYSIOLOGY. 3.00 points.

Prerequisites: (BIOL UN2005 and BIOL UN2006) or (BIOL UN2401 and BIOL UN2402) or the instructor's permission.
In this primarily human physiology course, we will discuss how the major organ systems function, with an emphasis on cellular, molecular, and physical mechanisms. Organ systems covered include musculoskeletal, cardiovascular, respiratory, urinary, and digestive systems. Traditional lectures focus primarily on the normal functioning of organ systems, while pathophysiology is introduced through five case studies during the semester. After this course, students should be able to 1) describe the basic functioning of the major organ systems and how they contribute to homeostasis and health, 2) apply key concepts in physics and chemistry, such as flow, pressure/volume relationships, and mass action, to physiological systems, 3) use key concepts in molecular and cell biology to gain a mechanistic understanding of physiological processes, explain how organ systems work in an integrated way to achieve homeostasis and health, and 4) predict changes in organ function upon drug treatment, genetic mutation, or disease conditions

Spring 2024: BIOL UN3006
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
BIOL 3006 001/10512 T Th 1:10pm - 2:25pm
601 Fairchild Life Sciences Bldg
Ava Brent 3.00 52/70

BIOL UN3008 The Cellular Physiology of Disease. 3 points.

Prerequisites: one 3000-level course in Cell Biology or Biochemistry, or the instructor's permission.

This course will present a quantitative description of the cellular physiology of excitable cells (mostly nerve and muscle). While the course will focus on examining basic mechanisms in cell physiology, there will be a thread of discussion of disease mechanisms throughout. The end of each lecture will include a discussion of the molecular mechanisms of selected diseases that relate to the topics covered in the lecture. The course will consist of two lectures per week. This course will be of interest to advanced (3000-4000 level) undergraduates that aim to pursue careers in medicine as well as those that will pursue careers in biomedical research. This course will also be of interest to graduate students desiring an introduction to the cellular physiology of nerve and muscle.

BIOL UN3014 Neurobiology I Recitation. 0.00 points.

Discussion/recitation section for BIOL UN3004 Neurobiology I

BIOL UN3015 Neurobiology II Recitation. 0.00 points.

Discussion/recitation section for BIOL UN3005 Neurobiology II

Spring 2024: BIOL UN3015
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
BIOL 3015 001/20473 M 6:00pm - 7:10pm
1000 Fairchild Life Sciences Bldg
Abhishek Shah 0.00 24/25
BIOL 3015 002/20474 T 9:00am - 10:10am
900 Fairchild Life Sciences Bldg
Brittany Bistis 0.00 20/20
BIOL 3015 003/20475 W 5:00pm - 6:10pm
900 Fairchild Life Sciences Bldg
Shaoyi Sheng 0.00 22/20
BIOL 3015 004/20476 W 6:00pm - 7:10pm
424 Kent Hall
Simon Ogundare 0.00 11/25
BIOL 3015 005/20478 Th 5:00pm - 6:10pm
1000 Fairchild Life Sciences Bldg
Bovey Rao 0.00 18/25
BIOL 3015 006/20479 F 1:00pm - 2:10pm
601c Fairchild Life Sciences Bldg
Emily Eichenholtz 0.00 3/25

BIOL UN3016 Neurobiology I Recitation. 0.00 points.

Discussion/recitation section for BIOL UN3004 Neurobiology I section 002

Fall 2024: BIOL UN3016
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
BIOL 3016 001/10721 M 7:10pm - 8:00pm
608 Schermerhorn Hall
Ishmail Abdus-Saboor, Isabella Succi 0.00 0/30
BIOL 3016 002/10722 T 7:10pm - 8:00pm
337 Seeley W. Mudd Building
Ishmail Abdus-Saboor 0.00 1/30
BIOL 3016 003/10723 Th 7:10pm - 8:00pm
608 Schermerhorn Hall
Ishmail Abdus-Saboor 0.00 1/30

BIOL UN3019 Brain Evolution. 3.00 points.

If an engineer were to build “the brain”, they would not be able to reproduce any of the brains that exist on Earth. Our brains were not designed to be perfect, but are a result of millions of years of evolution and adaptation. The goal of this course is to provide an overview of brain evolution, ranging from the evolution of the first neurons to the origin of the human brain. Specifically, the course will focus on recent insights emerging from studies of development, gene expression, and neural circuit architecture. The evolutionary perspective on commonly used terms, such as “neuron” and “brain”, and general principles of brain organization and function emerging from comparative studies will be discussed

Spring 2024: BIOL UN3019
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
BIOL 3019 001/14850 Th 2:10pm - 4:00pm
1000 Fairchild Life Sciences Bldg
Maria Tosches 3.00 14/24


CC/GS: Partial Fulfillment of Science Requirement

Prerequisites: BIOL UN2005 and BIOL UN2006 or equivalent.
Prerequisites: BIOL UN2005 and BIOL UN2006 or equivalent. Come discover how the union of egg and sperm triggers the complex cellular interactions that specify the diverse variety of cells present in multicellular organisms. Cellular and molecular aspects of sex determination, gametogenesis, genomic imprinting, X-chromosome inactivation, telomerase as the biological clock, stem cells, cloning, the pill and cell interactions will be explored, with an emphasis on humans. Original research articles will be discussed to further examine current research in developmental biology. SPS and TC students may register for this course, but they must first obtain the written permission of the instructor, by filling out a paper Registration Adjustment Form (Add/Drop form). The form can be downloaded at the URL below, but must be signed by the instructor and returned to the office of the registrar.

Fall 2024: BIOL UN3022
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
BIOL 3022 001/10324 T Th 1:10pm - 2:25pm
601 Fairchild Life Sciences Bldg
Alice Heicklen 3.00 41/60

BIOL UN3025 NEUROGENETICS. 3.00 points.

Prerequisites: (BIOL UN2005 and BIOL UN2006)
Prerequisites: (BIOL UN2005 and BIOL UN2006) This course provides an introduction to Neurogenetics, which studies the role of genetics in the development and function of the nervous system ( The course will be focused on teaching classic and contemporary concepts in genetics and neuroscience, rather than cataloguing mere facts. The course will emphasize the discovery processes, historical figures involved in these processes and methodologies of discovery. Primary research papers will be discussed in detail. A central organizational theme of the course is the presence of a common thread and narrative throughout the course. The common thread is an invertebrate model system, the roundworm Caenorhabditis elegans, which serves as a paradigm to show how simple genetic model systems have informed our view on the genetics of nervous system development and function. The ultimate goal of this course is to gain an understanding of the underlying principles of how the nervous system of one specific animal species forms, from beginning to end. The course is intended for neuroscience-inclined students (e.g. neuroscience majors) who want to learn about how genetic approaches have informed our understanding of brain development and function and, vice versa, for students with an interest in molecular biology and genetics, who want to learn about key problems in neuroscience and how genetic approaches can address them

Fall 2024: BIOL UN3025
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
BIOL 3025 001/12797 M W 8:40am - 9:55am
601 Fairchild Life Sciences Bldg
Oliver Hobert 3.00 34/40

BIOL UN3031 GENETICS. 3.00 points.

Students may receive credit for BIOL W3031 or BIOL C3032, but not both due to overlap in course content.

Prerequisites: BIOL UN2005 and BIOL UN2006 or the equivalent.
Prerequisites: BIOL UN2005 and BIOL UN2006. General genetics course focused on basic principles of transmission genetics and the application of genetic approaches to the study of biological function. Principles will be illustrated using classical and contemporary examples from prokaryote and eukaryote organisms, and the experimental discoveries at their foundation will be featured. Applications will include genetic approaches to studying animal development and human diseases. SPS and TC students must obtain the written permission from the instructor, by filling out a Registration Adjustment Form (Add/Drop form).

Spring 2024: BIOL UN3031
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
BIOL 3031 001/10496 T Th 10:10am - 11:25am
601 Fairchild Life Sciences Bldg
Iva Greenwald, Julia Wittes, Michelle Attner 3.00 53/70

BIOL UN3034 Biotechnology. 3 points.

CC/GS: Partial Fulfillment of Science Requirement
For upper-level undergraduates.

Prerequisites: genetics or molecular biology.

The course covers techniques currently used to explore and manipulate gene function and their applications in medicine and the environment. Part I covers key laboratory manipulations, including DNA cloning, gene characterization, association of genes with disease, and methods for studying gene regulation and activities of gene products. Part II also covers commercial applications, and includes animal cell culture, production of recombinant proteins, novel diagnostics, high throughput screening, and environmental biosensors. SCE and TC students may register for this course, but they must first obtain the written permission of the instructor, by filling out a paper Registration Adjustment Form (Add/Drop form). The form can be downloaded at the URL below, but must be signed by the instructor and returned to the office of the registrar.


Enrollment limited to 12. Lab fee: $150.

Prerequisites: one year of biology (BIOL UN2005 and BIOL UN2006) and Contemporary Biology Laboratory (BIOL UN2501).

Prerequisites: one year of biology (BIOL UN2005 and BIOL UN2006) and Contemporary Biology Laboratory (BIOL UN2501). Prerequisites: one year of biology (UN2005-UN2006) and Contemporary Biology Laboratory (UN2501). This lab will explore various molecular biology techniques frequently utilized in modern molecular biology laboratories. The lab will consist of four modules: 1) Molecular verification of genetically modified organisms (GMOs); 2) Site-directed mutagenesis; 3) gDNA extraction, PCR amplification, sequencing and GenBank analysis of the COI genes from diverse fish species and 4) protein gel analysis of fish muscle components. SPS and TC students may register for this course, but they must first obtain the written permission of the instructor, by filling out a paper Registration Adjustment Form (Add/Drop form). The form can be downloaded at:

Fall 2024: BIOL UN3040
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
BIOL 3040 001/10720 W 1:10pm - 5:00pm
743 Seeley W. Mudd Building
Joshua Abrams 3.00 13/12
BIOL 3040 001/10720 M 2:40pm - 3:55pm
900 Fairchild Life Sciences Bldg
Joshua Abrams 3.00 13/12

BIOL UN3041 CELL BIOLOGY. 3.00 points.

CC/GS: Partial Fulfillment of Science Requirement

Prerequisites: one year of biology, normally BIOL UN2005-BIOL UN2006, or the equivalent.
Prerequisites: one year of biology, normally BIOL UN2005-BIOL UN2006, or the equivalent. Cell Biology 3041/4041 is an upper-division course that covers in depth all organelles of cells, how they make up tissues, secrete substances important for the organism, generate and adapt to their working environment in the body, move throughout development, and signal to each other. Because these topics were introduced in the Intro Course (taught by Mowshowitz and Chasin), this course or its equivalent is a pre-requisite for W3041/4041. Students for whom this course is useful include biology, biochem or biomedical engineering majors, those preparing to apply for medical school or graduate school, and those doing or planning to start doing research in a biology or biomedical lab. SCE and TC students may register for this course, but they must first obtain the written permission of the instructor, by filling out a paper Registration Adjustment Form (Add/Drop form). The form can be downloaded at the URL below, but must be signed by the instructor and returned to the office of the registrar.

Fall 2024: BIOL UN3041
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
BIOL 3041 001/11047 M W 10:10am - 11:25am
601 Fairchild Life Sciences Bldg
Erin Barnhart 3.00 40/40

BIOL UN3050 Project Laboratory In Protein Biochemistry. 5 points.

Prerequisites: one year of biology (UN2005- UN2006) plus one upper-level course recommended. Enrollment is not restricted as long as total is no more than 14. Seniors will be given preference in the unlikely event that restriction is necessary. Students with specific questions should e-mail the instructor (

This course provides an intensive introduction to professional biomedical laboratory research. Students conduct a portion of an ongoing biochemical research project and write-up their results in a format suitable for publication in a peer-reviewed scientific research journal. Techniques in molecular biology and protein biochemistry are used to address a problem in mechanistic biochemistry or molecular pharmacology. Students are exposed to the full spectrum of techniques used in contemporary protein biochemistry, including molecular sequence analysis of genomic databases, molecular cloning and manipulation of recombinant DNA, protein expression in E. coli, protein purification, and biophysical characterization (typically including crystallization for x-ray structure determination). The couse emphasizes the use of critical thinking skills in scientific research while giving students the opportunity to apply the basic knowlegde learned in a wide variety of biology and chemistry lecture courses to a real research project. Examples of past projects can be found on the course website: (cunix account required to login).


Enrollment limited to approximately 12. Fee: $150.

Prerequisites: one year of introductory biology and the instructor's permission.
Multicellular animals contain a diverse array of cell types, yet start from a single cell. How do cells decide what kind of cell to be? In this lab course, we will use the tools of molecular biology and genetics to explore this fascinating question. We will use the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans, a powerful model organism used in hundreds of research labs. The course will be divided into three modules: C. elegans genetics, molecular cloning, and genetic screening. Laboratory techniques will include PCR, gel electrophoresis, restriction digest, ligation, transformation, RNAi, and C. elegans maintenance. Students will pursue original projects; emphasis will be placed on scientific thinking and scientific communication. SPS and TC students may register for this course, but they must first obtain the written permission of the instructor, by filling out a paper Registration Adjustment Form (Add/Drop form). Prerequisites: UN2005/UN2401 and UN2006/UN2402, or the equivalent at a different institution

Spring 2024: BIOL UN3052
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
BIOL 3052 001/10495 T Th 1:10pm - 5:00pm
743 Seeley W. Mudd Building
Michelle Attner 5.00 10/12


Lab fee: $150.

Prerequisites: one year of Intro Bio. An introductory biology or chemistry lab is recommended.
Prerequisites: one year of Intro Bio. An introductory biology or chemistry lab is recommended. Bacteria are not just unicellular germs. This lab course will broaden your awareness of the amazing world of microbiology and the diverse capabilities of microbes. The focus will be on bacterial multicellularity, pigment production, and intercellular signaling. Pigment-producing bacteria will be isolated from the wild (i.e. Morningside Campus or your skin), and characterized using standard genetic tools (PCR, DNA gel electrophoresis, transformation, screen) and microbiology techniques (isolation of bacteria and growth of bacterial colonies, media preparation, enrichment techniques for pigments). These techniques will also be applied in the study of bacterial multicellularity and signaling in the standard lab strain Pseudomonas aeruginosa. SCE and TC students may register for this course, but they must first obtain the written permission of the instructor, by filling out a paper Registration Adjustment Form (Add/Drop form). The form can be downloaded at the URL below, but must be signed by the instructor and returned to the office of the registrar.


CC/GS: Partial Fulfillment of Science Requirement

Prerequisites: two semesters of a rigorous, molecularly-oriented introductory biology course (such as UN2005 and UN2006), or the instructor's permission.
Prerequisites: two semesters of a rigorous, molecularly-oriented introductory biology course (such as UN2005 and UN2006), or the instructors permission. This course will cover the basic concepts underlying the mechanisms of innate and adaptive immunity, as well as key experimental methods currently used in the field. To keep it real, the course will include clinical correlates in such areas as infectious diseases, autoimmune diseases, cancer immunotherapy and transplantation. Taking this course wont turn you into an immunologist, but it may make you want to become one, as was the case for several students last year. After taking the course, you should be able to read the literature intelligently in this rapidly advancing field. SCE and TC students may register for this course, but they must first obtain the written permission of the instructor, by filling out a paper Registration Adjustment Form (Add/Drop form). The form can be downloaded at the URL below, but must be signed by the instructor and returned to the office of the registrar.

Fall 2024: BIOL UN3073
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
BIOL 3073 001/11819 M W 1:10pm - 2:25pm
413 Kent Hall
Christian Schindler 3.00 49/60



Prerequisites: three semesters of Biology or the instructor's permission.
Prerequisites: three semesters of Biology or the instructors permission. The course examines current knowledge and potential medical applications of pluripotent stem cells (embryonic stem cells and induced pluripotent stem cells), direct conversions between cell types and adult, tissue-specific stem cells (concentrating mainly on hematopoietic and gut stem cells as leading paradigms). A basic lecture format will be supplemented by presentations and discussions of research papers. Recent reviews and research papers, together with extensive instructor notes, will be used in place of a textbook. SCE and TC students may register for this course, but they must first obtain the written permission of the instructor, by filling out a paper Registration Adjustment Form (Add/Drop form). The form can be downloaded at the URL below, but must be signed by the instructor and returned to the office of the registrar.

BIOL UN3208 Introduction to Evolutionary Biology. 3 points.

Prerequisites: recommended preparation: an introductory course in college biology.

Introduction to principles of general evolutionary theory, both nomological and historical; causes and processes of evolution; phylogenetic evolution; species concept and speciation; adaptation and macroevolution; concepts of phylogeny and classification.

BIOL UN3300 Biochemistry. 3.00 points.

Prerequisites: 1 year of Introductory Biology, 1 year General Chemistry, and 1st semester Organic Chemistry. Biochemistry is the study of the chemical processes within organisms that give rise to the immense complexity of life. This complexity emerges from a highly regulated and coordinated flow of chemical energy from one biomolecule to another. This course serves to familiarize students with the spectrum of biomolecules (carbohydrates, lipids, amino acids, nucleic acids, etc.) as well as the fundamental chemical processes (glycolysis, citric acid cycle, fatty acid metabolism, etc.) that allow life to happen. The course will end with a discussion of diseases that have biochemical etiologies. In particular, this course will employ active learning techniques and critical thinking problem-solving to engage students in answering the question: how is the complexity of life possible? NOTE: While only the 1st semester of Organic Chemistry is listed as a pre-requisite, it is highly recommended that you take all of Organic Chemistry beforehand

Spring 2024: BIOL UN3300
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
BIOL 3300 001/11084 T 7:00pm - 9:30pm
329 Pupin Laboratories
Danny Ho 3.00 74/100
Fall 2024: BIOL UN3300
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
BIOL 3300 001/11060 T 7:00pm - 9:30pm
330 Uris Hall
Danny Ho 3.00 56/60

BIOL UN3310 Virology. 3 points.

Prerequisites: two semesters of a rigorous, molecularly-oriented introductory biology course (such as BIOL UN2005), or the instructor's permission.

The course will emphasize the common reactions that must be completed by all viruses for successful reproduction within a host cell and survival and spread within a host population. The molecular basis of alternative reproductive cycles, the interactions of viruses with host organisms, and how these lead to disease are presented with examples drawn from a set of representative animal and human viruses.

BIOL UN3320 Regulation of Behaviors for Survival. 4.00 points.

To maximize their survival animals must regulate their behavior in response to external environmental cues and their own internal state. A fundamental goal of neuroscience is to understand how neural circuits in the brain function to influence behavior. The aim of this course is to highlight the neural basis of neuropeptide regulation of innate behaviors that are critical for survival and discuss modern approaches to study the neuronal control of classically studied aspects of behavior. We will explore motor control (escape responses), sensory systems (vision, taste, and olfaction), and survival behaviors (feeding, drinking, mating, and aggression). Focus will be on recent and current research, the diversity of approaches for studying it, and how this knowledge can be applied to solve scientific questions. Students will read primary scientific literature and a significant portion of the course will be presentation and discussion-based

Fall 2024: BIOL UN3320
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
BIOL 3320 001/10322 W 10:10am - 12:00pm
516 Hamilton Hall
Laura Duvall 4.00 18/18

BIOL UN3387 BIOLOGY TEST. 3 points.


BIOL UN3404 The Global Threat of Antimicrobial Resistance. 3.00 points.

Prerequisites: (BIOL UN2005 and BIOL UN2006) or (BIOL UN2401 and BIOL UN2402)
Antimicrobial resistant bacterial infections were estimated to account for 1.27 million deaths worldwide in 2019. The goal of the seminar is to provide an in-depth analysis of this ongoing threat. Discussions will include the molecular mechanisms, epidemiology of transmission and the consequences of antimicrobial resistant infections. It will also cover current efforts to reduce the spread and emergence of these difficult to treat pathogens, both in the community and the healthcare setting

Fall 2024: BIOL UN3404
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
BIOL 3404 001/11046 W 10:10am - 12:00pm
212d Lewisohn Hall
Franklin Lowy 3.00 20/20


Fee: $150. Students must register for a recitation section, BIOL W3510.
Fee: Lab Fee - 150

Prerequisites: Concurrent with registering for this course, a student must register with the department and provide a written invitation from a mentor; details of this procedure are available at,Students must register for recitations UN3510 or consult the instructor.
Corequisites: BIOL UN3510
Prerequisites: Concurrent with registering for this course, a student must register with the department and provide a written invitation from a mentor; details of this procedure are available at Students must register for recitations UN3510 or consult the instructor. Corequisites: BIOL UN3510 The course involves independent study, faculty-supervised laboratory projects in contemporary biology. Concurrent with registering for this course, a student must register with the department, provide a written invitation from a mentor and submit a research proposal; details of this procedure are available at A paper summarizing results of the work is required by the last day of finals for a letter grade; no late papers will be accepted. See the course web site (above) for more details. Students can take anywhere from 2-4 points for this course

Spring 2024: BIOL UN3500
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
BIOL 3500 001/11404  
Jellert Gaublomme 2.00-4.00 99/100
Fall 2024: BIOL UN3500
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
BIOL 3500 001/11240  
Ron Prywes 2.00-4.00 70/75


Spring 2024: BIOL UN3510
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
BIOL 3510 001/20644 F 10:00am - 11:00am
141 Uris Hall
Jellert Gaublomme 0.00 58/100
Fall 2024: BIOL UN3510
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
BIOL 3510 001/12973 T 5:40pm - 6:30pm
800 Fairchild Life Sciences Bldg
Ron Prywes 0.00 29/40
BIOL 3510 002/12977 W 5:40pm - 6:30pm
800 Fairchild Life Sciences Bldg
Ron Prywes 0.00 21/40


Prerequisites: Introductory Biology I and II, or the instructors permission.
Prerequisites: Introductory Biology I and II, or the instructors permission. This course introduces basic concepts in evolutionary biology, from speciation to natural selection. While the lectures incorporate a historical perspective, the main goal of the class is to familiarize students with topics and tools of evolutionary genetics as practiced today, in the era of genomics. Thus, the focus will be on evidence from molecular evolution and genetics and exercises will assume a basic background in genetics. Examples will be drawn from across the tree of life, but with a primary focus on humans


Prerequisites: concurrent with registering for this course, a student must register with the department, provide a written invitation from a mentor, and submit a research proposal.
Prerequisites: concurrent with registering for this course, a student must register with the department, provide a written invitation from a mentor, and submit a research proposal. BIOL 3700 will provide an opportunity for students interested in independent research work in a hospital or hospice setting. In these settings, where patients and their needs are paramount, and where IRB rules and basic medical ethics make “wet-lab biology research” inappropriate, undergraduates may well find a way nevertheless, to assist and participate in ongoing clinical research. Such students, once they have identified a mentor willing to provide support, participation, and advising, may apply to the faculty member in charge of the course for 2-4 points/semester in BIOL W3700. This course will closely follow procedures already in place for BIOL 3500, but will ask potential mentors to provide evidence that students will gain hands-on experience in a clinical setting, while participating in a hospital- or hospice-based research agenda. A paper summarizing results of the work is required by the last day of finals for a letter grade; no late papers will be accepted

Fall 2024: BIOL UN3700
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
BIOL 3700 001/19371  
Darcy Kelley 2.00-4.00 1/1


Prerequisites: three terms of biology (genetics and cell biology recommended).
Prerequisites: three terms of biology (genetics and cell biology recommended). Cancer is one of the most dreaded common diseases. Yet it is also one of the great intellectual challenges in biology today. How does a cell become cancerous? What are the agents that cause this to occur? How do current findings about genes, cells, and organisms ranging from yeast cells to humans inform us about cancer? How do findings about cancer teach us new biological concepts? Over the past few years there have been great inroads into answering these questions which have led to new ways to diagnose and treat cancer. This course will discuss cancer from the point of view of basic biological research. We will cover topics in genetics, molecular and cell biology that are relevant to understanding the differences between normal and cancer cells. These will include tumor viruses, oncogenes, tumor suppressor genes, cell cycle regulation, programmed cell death and cell senescence. We will also study some current physiological concepts related to cancer including angiogenesis, tumor immunology, cancer stem cells, metastasis and new approaches to treatment that are built on recent discoveries in cancer biology. SPS and TC students may register for this course, but they must first obtain the written permission of the instructor, by filling out a paper Registration Adjustment Form (Add/Drop form). The form can be downloaded at the URL below, but must be signed by the instructor and returned to the office of the registrar.

Spring 2024: BIOL UN3799
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
BIOL 3799 001/14852 T Th 2:40pm - 3:55pm
601 Fairchild Life Sciences Bldg
Carol Prives, Christian Schindler 3.00 12/50

BIOL UN3995 (Section 1) Topics in Biology: Crossroads in Bioethics. 1-2 points.

Prerequisites: at least one introductory course in biology or chemistry.

This two credit multidisciplinary and interactive course will focus on contemporary issues in bioethics. Each topic will cover both the underlying science of new biotechnologies and the subsequent bioethical issues that emerge from these technologies. Classroom time will be devoted to student discussions, case presentations, and role playing. Topics include human trafficking, stem cell research, human reproductive cloning, neuroethics, genetic screening, human-animal chimeras, synthetic biology, bioterrorism, and neuroimaging.

BIOL UN3995 TOPICS IN BIOLOGY. 2.00 points.

Enrollment limited to 18.

Prerequisites: Introductory Biology or equivalent.
Prerequisites: Introductory Biology or equivalent. Topics in Biology: Radiographic Anatomy and Select Pathology (Section 007 Fall semester) , Radiographic Anatomy and Selective Pathology is a survey course intended for undergraduate students. This course is not limited to science majors and would be of value to any student that may have an interest in studying the anatomy of the human body. The course is a systematic approach to the study of the human body utilizing medical imaging. We will be studying neuro-anatomy, anatomy of the thorax, abdomen, and pelvis. Vascular and musculoskeletal imaging will be addressed as well. Modalities will include CT, MRI, PET/CT, and Ultrasound. Cross sectional imaging will be supplemented with pathology demonstrated on appropriate cross sectional imaging. The class size will be limited to 15 students. The lecture will be offered Wednesday evenings from 6:10-7:00 pm. This will be a 1 credit course offered only during the fall semesters. Topics in Biology: Crossroads in Bioethics (Section 001 Spring semester) , This two credit multidisciplinary and interactive course will focus on contemporary issues in bioethics and medical ethics. Each topic will cover both the underlying science of new biotechnologies and the subsequent bioethical issues that emerge from these technologies. Each topic will introduce a bioethical principle that will be explored using case studies. Students are expected to prepare for each class based on the assignment so that classroom time will be devoted to discussion, case presentations, and role playing rather than merely lectures. Topics include stem cell research, human reproductive cloning, bioterrorism, neuroethics, genetic screening, medical stem cell tourism, patents and science, forensic science and the interface of science and culture/religion

Spring 2024: BIOL UN3995
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
BIOL 3995 001/18368 T 1:10pm - 2:25pm
233 Seeley W. Mudd Building
John Loike 2.00 17/40


CC/GS: Partial Fulfillment of Science Requirement
Enrollment limited to 25.

Prerequisites: for undergraduates: Introductory Genetics (W3031) and the instructor's permission.
Prerequisites: for undergraduates: Introductory Genetics (W3031) and the instructors permission. This seminar course provides a detailed presentation of areas in classical and molecular genetics for advanced undergraduates and beginning graduate students. Topics include transmission genetics, gain and loss of function mutations, genetic redundancy, suppressors, enhancers, epistasis, expression patterns, using transposons, and genome analysis. The course is a mixture of lectures, student presentations, seminar discussions, and readings from the original literature

BIOL GU4002 Macromolecular Structure & Interactions. 4.00 points.

Open to PhD candidates in the biomedical and chemical sciences, and to other qualified graduate, undergraduate, and continuing education students with the instructor's permission.

This course has three interrelated goals: (i) to develop an intuitive understanding of the thermodynamic forces that control the structure of biological macromolecules and the evolution of life, (ii) to learn how to apply that understanding to experimental analyses of macromolecular interactions, and (iii) to master the use of molecular graphics software for understanding and interpreting macromolecular structures and interactions. The lectures develop the essential thermodynamic theory from the ground up, starting from a review of the relevant physical forces (Newton's and Coulomb's Laws) and culminating with an intuitive explanation of how complex biological organisms can evolve spontaneously, in a universe in which all natural processes are driven by increasing randomness or entropy, as specified by the 2nd Law of Thermodynamics. Subsequent lectures elaborate how these thermodynamic principles govern the formation and interaction of macromolecular structures, which represent the physical foundation for the evolution of life, and how the same principles are applied to analyze related experimental data. The problem sets for the course focus on practical applications of these principles to the analysis of data from common experiments used by molecular biologists to characterize macromolecular interactions. Extensive use is made of molecular graphics software throughout the semester, including in the problem sets, based on instruction provided in both the lectures and recitation sections. The course is designed to develop a deep understanding of the physical mechanisms controlling macromolecular interactions while simultaneously empowering students to critically read related literature and rigorously design and analyze related experiments themselves


Prerequisites: one year of biology; a course in physics is highly recommended. Lecture and recitation. This is an advanced course intended for majors providing an in depth survey of the cellular and molecular aspects of nerve cell function. Topics include the cell biology and biochemistry of neurons, ionic and molecular basis of electrical signals, synaptic transmission and its modulation, function of sensory receptors. Although not required, it is intended to be followed by Neurobiology II (see below). The recitation meets once per week in smaller groups and emphasizes readings from the primary literature

BIOL GU4008 The Cellular Physiology of Disease. 3 points.

Prerequisites: one 3000-level course in Cell Biology or Biochemistry or the instructor's permission.
Corequisites: BIOL GU4009

This course will present a quantitative description of the cellular physiology of excitable cells (mostly nerve and muscle). While the course will focus on examining basic mechanisms in cell physiology, there will be a thread of discussion of disease mechanisms throughout. The end of each lecture will include a discussion of the molecular mechanisms of selected diseases that relate to the topics covered in the lecture. The course will consist of two lectures per week. This course will be of interest to advanced (3000-4000 level) undergraduates that aim to pursue careers in medicine as well as those that will pursue careers in biomedical research. This course will also be of interest to graduate students desiring an introduction to the cellular physiology of nerve and muscle.

BIOL GU4009 Cellular Physiology of Diseases Laboratory. 1 point.

See department for details



Prerequisites: BIOL C2005-C2006 or equivalent. Come discover how the union of egg and sperm triggers the complex cellular interactions that specify the diverse variety of cells present in multicellular organisms. Cellular and molecular aspects of sex determination, gametogenesis, genomic imprinting, X-chromosome inactivation, telomerase as the biological clock, stem cells, cloning, the pill and cell interactions will be explored, with an emphasis on humans. Original research articles will be discussed to further examine current research in developmental biology. SCE and TC students may register for this course, but they must first obtain the written permission of the instructor, by filling out a paper Registration Adjustment Form (Add/Drop form). The form can be downloaded at the URL below, but must be signed by the instructor and returned to the office of the registrar.

BIOL GU4031 Genetics. 3 points.

Open to Biotech M.A. students and other graduate students.

Corequisites: Recommended: one term of organic chemistry.

Prerequisites: BIOL UN2005 and BIOL UN2006 or the equivalent. General genetics course focused on basic principles of transmission genetics and the application of genetic approaches to the study of biological function. Principles will be illustrated using classical and contemporary examples from prokaryote and eukaryote organisms, and the experimental discoveries at their foundation will be featured. Applications will include genetic approaches to studying animal development and human diseases. SCE and TC students may register for this course, but they must first obtain the written permission of the instructor, by filling out a paper Registration Adjustment Form (Add/Drop form). The form can be downloaded at the URL below, but must be signed by the instructor and returned to the office of the registrar.

BIOL GU4034 BIOTECHNOLOGY. 3.00 points.

Prerequisites: genetics or molecular biology. The course covers techniques currently used to explore and manipulate gene function and their applications in medicine and the environment. Part I covers key laboratory manipulations, including DNA cloning, gene characterization, association of genes with disease, and methods for studying gene regulation and activities of gene products. Part II also covers commercial applications, and includes animal cell culture, production of recombinant proteins, novel diagnostics, high throughput screening, and environmental biosensors

Fall 2024: BIOL GU4034
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
BIOL 4034 001/10321 M W 4:10pm - 5:25pm
601 Fairchild Life Sciences Bldg
Daniel Kalderon, Songtao Jia 3.00 42/50


Prerequisites: Genetics (3032/4032) or Molecular Biology (3512/4512), and the instructor's permission.

This is a combined lecture/seminar course designed for advanced undergraduates and graduate students. The focus is on understanding the mechanisms underlying epigenetic phenomena: the heritable inheritance of genetic states without change in DNA sequence. Epigenetic mechanisms play important roles during normal animal development and oncogenesis. It is an area under intensive scientific investigation and the course will focus on recent advances in understanding these phenomena. In each class, students will present and discuss in detail recent papers and background material concerning each individual topic, followed by an introductory lecture on the following week’s topic. This course will emphasize critical analysis of the scientific literature and help students understand how to identify important biological problems and how to address them experimentally.

BIOL GU4036 Transformative Concepts in Systems Biology. 3.00 points.

Systems biology approaches are rapidly transforming the technological and conceptual foundations of research across diverse areas of biomedicine. In this course we will discuss the fundamental developments in systems biology with a focus on two important dimensions: (1) the unique conceptual frameworks that have emerged to study systems-level phenomena and (2) how these approaches are revealing fundamentally new principles that govern the organization and behavior of cellular systems. Although there will be much discussion of technologies and computational approaches, the course will emphasize the conceptual contributions of the field and the big questions that lie ahead. Lectures and discussions of primary literature will enable students to scrutinize research in the field and to internalize systems biology thinking in their own research. To make this a concrete endeavor, the students will develop mini-NIH-style grant proposals that aims to study a fundamental problem/question using systems biology approaches. The students will then convene an in-class NIH-style review panel that will assess the strengths and weaknesses of these proposals. In addition, the students will have the opportunity to defend their proposals in a live presentation to the class. The course is open to graduate students in Biological Sciences. Advanced undergraduates in biological sciences, and other graduate students with background in biology from other disciplines, including physics, chemistry, computer science, and engineering may also attend after consulting with the instructor

BIOL GU4041 Cell Biology. 3 points.

Prerequisites: one year of biology, normally BIOL C2005-C2006, or the equivalent.

Cell Biology 3041/4041 is an upper-division course that covers in depth all organelles of cells, how they make up tissues, secrete substances important for the organism, generate and adapt to their working environment in the body, move throughout development, and signal to each other. Because these topics were introduced in the Intro Course (taught by Mowshowitz and Chasin), this course or its equivalent is a pre-requisite for W3041/4041. Students for whom this course is useful include biology, biochem or biomedical engineering majors, those preparing to apply for medical school or graduate school, and those doing or planning to start doing research in a biology or biomedical lab. SCE and TC students may register for this course, but they must first obtain the written permission of the instructor, by filling out a paper Registration Adjustment Form (Add/Drop form). The form can be downloaded at the URL below, but must be signed by the instructor and returned to the office of the registrar.

BIOL GU4065 Molecular Biology of Disease. 3 points.

Enrollment limited to 30.

Prerequisites: open to advanced undergraduates with the instructor's permission. Completion of a 3000-level course in at least one of the following, with completion of two or more preferred: genetics, biochemistry, cell biology.

Molecular and cellular basis of infectious diseases and inherited propensities. Mechanisms of disease examined in discussions based on current research papers. Lectures, discussions, and student presentations. Essay required in lieu of final examination.

BIOL GU4070 The Biology and Physics of Single Molecules. 3 points.

CC/GS: Partial Fulfillment of Science Requirement

Prerequisites: calculus, chemistry, physics, one year of biology, or the instructor's permission.

This course will examine the fundamental mechanisms underlying the behavior of biological molecules, at the single molecule level. The course will cover the methods used to track single molecules: optical tweezers, single molecule AFM, Magnetic tweezers, Optical techniques and Fluorescence energy transfer (FRET) probes. The course will cover the mechanism of action of mechanical motors, such as myosin dyneyin, kinesin. It will cover the action of DNA binding enzymes such as topoisomerases, helicases, etc. We will also discuss the function of large motors such as the ATP Synthase and the bacterial AAA ATPases. We will discuss the mechanical properties of DNA, RNA, and proteins. The course will consist mainly of reviewing classical experiments in each category, and developing the background physical theories to promote a deep understanding of biological mechanisms at the mesoscopic level.


Prerequisites: one year each of biology and physics, or the instructor's permission.
Prerequisites: one year each of biology and physics, or the instructor's permission. This is a combined lecture/seminar course designed for graduate students and advanced undergraduates. The course will cover a series of cases where biological systems take advantage of physical phenomena in counter intuitive and surprising ways to accomplish their functions. In each of these cases, we will discuss different physical mechanisms at work. We will limit our discussions to simple, qualitative arguments. We will also discuss experimental methods enabling the study of these biological systems. Overall, the course will expose students to a wide range of physical concepts involved in biological processes

Spring 2024: BIOL GU4075
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
BIOL 4075 001/14884 Th 2:10pm - 4:00pm
800 Fairchild Life Sciences Bldg
Ozgur Sahin 3.00 26/30


Prerequisites: BIOC UN3512
RNA has recently taken center stage with the discovery that RNA molecules sculpt the landscape and information contained within our genomes. Furthermore, some ancient RNA molecules combine the roles of both genotype and phenotype into a single molecule. These multi-tasking RNAs offering a possible solution to the paradox of which came first: DNA or proteins. This seminar explores the link between modern RNA, metabolism, and insights into a prebiotic RNA world that existed some 3.8 billion years ago. Topics include the origin of life, replication, and the origin of the genetic code; conventional, new, and bizarre forms of RNA processing; structure, function and evolution of key RNA molecules, including the ribosome, and RNA therapeutics including vaccines. The format will be weekly seminar discussions with presentations. Readings will be taken from the primary literature, emphasizing seminal and recent literature. Requirements will be student presentations, class participation, and a final paper

Spring 2024: BIOL GU4080
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
BIOL 4080 001/10712 W 10:10am - 12:00pm
1000 Fairchild Life Sciences Bldg
Laura Landweber 3.00 17/24

BIOL GU4082 Theoretical Foundations and Applications of Biophysical Methods. 4 points.

Prerequisites: at least one year of coursework in single-variable calculus and not being freaked-out by multivariable calculus. Physics coursework through a calculus-based treatment of classical mechanics and electromagnetism. One year of general chemistry (either AP Chemistry or a college course). One year of college coursework in molecular/cellular biology and biochemistry equivalent to Biology C2005-2006 at Columbia.

Rigorous introduction to the theory underlying biophysical methods, which are illustrated by practical applications to biomedical research. Emphasizes the approach used by physical chemists to understand and analyze the behavior of molecules, while also preparing students to apply these methods in their own research. Course modules cover: (i) statistical analysis of data; (ii) solution thermodynamics; (iii) hydrodynamic methods; (iv) light-scattering methods; and (v) spectroscopic methods, especially fluorescence. Recitations focus on curve-fitting analyses of experimental data.

BIOL GU4088 Seminar in Neurobiochemistry and Neurological Diseases. 3.00 points.

Students will read and discuss classical as well as contemporary research papers on the molecular and cellular mechanisms of membrane excitability, synaptic transmission and sensory transduction, and the pathogenic mechanisms and therapeutics of certain neurological diseases related to these processes. Focus will be on intellectual creativity, conceptual breakthroughs, and technical advances. A key goal of the course is to help students become a critical reader and thinker. Graduate students in all disciplines are welcome. Advanced undergraduate students can enroll with instructor’s permission. For PhD students in the Biological Sciences Program, this is a tier 3 course

BIOL GU4193 Stem Cell Biology and Applications. 3 points.

Prerequisites: Three semesters of Biology or instructor permission.

The course examines current knowledge and potential medical applications of pluripotent stem cells (embryonic stem cells and induced pluripotent stem cells), direct conversions between cell types and adult, tissue-specific stem cells (concentrating mainly on hematopoietic and gut stem cells as leading paradigms). A basic lecture format will be supplemented by presentations and discussions of research papers. Recent reviews and research papers together with extensive instructor notes will be used in place of a textbook.


Lab Fee: $150.

This course deals with the proteome: the expressed protein complement of a cell, organelle, matrix, tissue, organ or organism. The study of the proteome (proteomics) is broadly applicable to life sciences research, and is increasingly important in academic, government and industrial research through extension of the impact of advances in genomics. These techniques are being applied to basic research, exploratory studies of cancer and other diseases, drug discovery and many other topics. Emphasis will be on mastery of practical techniques of sample preparation, liquid chromatography/ mass spectrometry (LC/MS) with electrospray ionization, and Matrix-Assisted Laser Desorption and Ionization (MALDI-TOF) mass spectrometry. Database searching and interpretation for identification of proteins will be intensively studied, and practiced supported by background tutorials and exercises covering other techniques used in proteomics. Open to students in M.A. in Biotechnology Program (points can be counted against laboratory requirement for that program), Ph.D. and advanced undergraduate students with background in genetics or molecular biology. Students should be comfortable with basic biotechnology laboratory techniques as well as being interested in doing computational work in a Windows environment

Fall 2024: BIOL GU4260
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
BIOL 4260 001/11036 Th 12:30pm - 3:30pm
900 Fairchild Life Sciences Bldg
Lewis Brown 3.00 12/12


Prerequisites: (BIOL UN2005 or BIOL UN2401) or BIOL UN2005 or BIOL UN2401 or equivalent
Prerequisites: (BIOL UN2005 or BIOL UN2401) or BIOL UN2005 or BIOL UN2401 or equivalent This is an advanced microscopy course aimed at graduates and advanced undergraduate students, who are interested in learning about the foundational principles of microscopy approaches and their applications in life sciences. The course will introduce the fundamentals of optics, light-matter interaction and in-depth view of most commonly used advanced microscopy methods, explore important practical imaging parameters, and also introduce digital images and their analysis

BIOL GU4300 DRUGS AND DISEASE. 3.00 points.

Prerequisites: four semesters of biology with a firm foundation in molecular and cellular biology.
Prerequisites: four semesters of biology with a firm foundation in molecular and cellular biology. Introduces students to the current understanding of human diseases, novel therapeutic approaches and drug development process. Selected topics will be covered in order to give students a feeling of the field of biotechnology in health science. This course also aims to strengthen students’ skills in literature comprehension and critical thinking

Fall 2024: BIOL GU4300
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
BIOL 4300 001/11038 M W 2:40pm - 3:55pm
601 Fairchild Life Sciences Bldg
Lili Yamasaki 3.00 52/55


Prerequisites: BIOL W4300 or the instructor's permission.
Prerequisites: BIOL W4300 or the instructors permission. A weekly seminar and discussion course focusing on the most recent development in biotechnology. Professionals of the pharmaceutical, biotechnology, and related industries will be invited to present and lead discussions

Spring 2024: BIOL GU4305
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
BIOL 4305 001/10513 W 2:10pm - 4:00pm
601 Fairchild Life Sciences Bldg
Lili Yamasaki 3.00 33/40

BIOL GU4310 Virology. 3 points.

The basic thesis of the course is that all viruses adopt a common strategy. The strategy is simple: 1. Viral genomes are contained in metastable particles. 2. Genomes encode gene products that promote an infectious cycle (mechanisms for genomes to enter cells, replicate, and exit in particles). 3. Infection patterns range from benign to lethal; infections can overcome or co-exist with host defenses. Despite the apparent simplicity, the tactics evolved by particular virus families to survive and prosper are remarkable. This rich set of solutions to common problems in host/parasite interactions provides significant insight and powerful research tools. Virology has enabled a more detailed understanding of the structure and function of molecules, cells and organisms and has provided fundamental understanding of disease and virus evolution. The course will emphasize the common reactions that must be completed by all viruses for successful reproduction within a host cell and survival and spread within a host population. The molecular basis of alternative reproductive cycles, the interactions of viruses with host organisms, and how these lead to disease are presented with examples drawn from a set of representative animal and human viruses, although selected bacterial viruses will be discussed.

Spring 2024: BIOL GU4310
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
BIOL 4310 001/10506 M W 4:10pm - 5:25pm
209 Havemeyer Hall
Vincent Racaniello 3 93/110


This course provides a rigorous introduction to the theory underlying widely used biophysical methods, which will be illustrated by practical applications to contemporary biomedical research problems. The course has two equally important goals. The first goal is to explain the fundamental approaches used by physical chemists to understand the behavior of molecules and to develop related analytical tools. The second goal is to prepare students to apply these methods themselves to their own molecular biology research projects. The course will be divided into seven modules: (i) solution thermodynamics with an emphasis on application to analysis of protein structure, folding, and binding interactions; (ii) hydrodynamic methods; (iii) statistical analysis of experimental data; (iv) molecular dynamics calculations; (v) optical spectroscopy with an emphasis on fluorescence; (vi) nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy; and (vii) light-scattering and diffraction methods including an overview of cryogenic electron microscopy reconstruction methods. In each module, the underlying physical theories and models will be presented and used to derive the mathematical equations applied to the analysis of experimental data. Weekly recitations will emphasize the analysis of real experimental data and understanding the applications of biophysical experimentation in published research papers. The problem sets emphasize use of PyMOL for analysis of macromolecular structures and use of standard curve-fitting software for analysis of protein binding data; detailed tutorials on the related methods are provided in the recitation sections. The first three modules will be covered in Biophysical Chemistry I during the fall term, while the final three will be covered in Biophysical Chemistry II during the spring term, and treatment of molecular dynamics calculations will be divided between the two terms

Fall 2024: BIOL GU4323
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
BIOL 4323 001/10339 T Th 1:10pm - 2:25pm
825 Seeley W. Mudd Building
Ann McDermott, Arthur Palmer, John Hunt, Ruben Gonzalez 4.00 27/30

BIOL GU4402 Biological Image Computing. 3.00 points.

We will aim for practical understanding of the fundamentals of Python programming, image visualization & rendering tools and common image processing tasks, including image segmentation, measurements of features and registration

BIOL GU4501 Biochemistry. 3.00 points.

In this course, we will explore the basic biochemistry of living systems and how this knowledge can be harnessed to create new medicines. We will learn how living systems convert environmental resources into energy through metabolism, and how they use this energy and these materials to build the molecules required for the diverse functions of life. We will discuss the applications of this biochemical knowledge to mechanisms of disease and to drug discovery. This course satisfies the requirement of most medical schools for introductory biochemistry, and is suitable for advanced undergraduates and beginning graduate students. Intro Bio I and II and Organic Chemistry I and II are pre-requisites for this course

Fall 2024: BIOL GU4501
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
BIOL 4501 001/10529 T Th 2:40pm - 3:55pm
Cin Alfred Lerner Hall
Mary Ann Price 3.00 95/200

BIOL GU4505 Biochemistry I Recitation in VR: Leveraging Virtual Reality. 0.00 points.

In this course, we will use virtual reality to explore the basic biochemistry of living systems and how this knowledge can be harnessed to create new medicines. We will learn how living systems convert environmental resources into energy through metabolism, and how they use this energy and these materials to build the molecules required for the diverse functions of life. We will discuss the applications of this biochemical knowledge to mechanisms of disease and to drug discovery. We will look at examples of drug discovery related to neurodegeneration, cancer, and the SARS-CoV-2 COVID19 pandemic. This course satisfies the requirement of most medical schools for introductory biochemistry, and is suitable for advanced undergraduates, and beginning graduate students. This course is equivalent to and replaces the prior course named UN3501, and is equivalent to the course offered in the Fall semester. This course is a co-requisite to GU4501. We will meet twice each week in Zoom (Tuesday and Thursday 2:30-5:15, GU4501) to discuss the course material. We will then meet Friday 9:30-10:30 each week in virtual reality, using the platform and an Oculus Quest headset. In VR, we will examine the 3D spatial concepts relevant to biochemistry, where you will be able to examine molecular structures in an immersive format

BIOL GU4506 Biochemistry I in XR: Mixed Reality. 1.00 point.

In this course, we will use mixed reality to explore the basic 3D aspects of biochemistry of living systems and how this knowledge can be harnessed to create new medicines. Students may register for this course alongside of GU4501 or independent of GU4501. Professor Stockwell will meet each week with a group of 4 students to discuss protein structures using Oculus Quest Pro Mixed Reality headsets in the XR app Nanome. Students will rotate through in person meetings but can join all weekly sessions using a virtual live stream. We will examine 3D spatial concepts relevant to biochemistry, where you will be able to examine molecular structures in an immersive format in real time with other students and with the instructor

BIOL GU4510 Genomics of Gene Regulation. 4 points.

Prerequisites: one year of Biology, Chemistry, and Physics. Courses taken at CU are recommended, but AP courses may be sufficient with the instructor's permission.

This course will provide students with a quantitative understanding of the ways in which molecular interactions between nucleotides and proteins give rise to the behavior of gene regulatory networks. The key high-throughput genomics technologies for probing the cell at different levels using microarrays and next-generation sequencing will be discussed. Strategies for interpreting and integrating these data using statistics, biophysics, and genetics will be introduced. In computer exercises, student will learn the basics of the R language, and use it to perform analyses of genomics data sets. No prior computer programming experience is assumed. This highly interdisciplinary course is intended for advanced undergraduates as well as beginning graduate students in Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Engineering, and Computer Science. Offered in previous years as CHBC W4510.

Spring 2024: BIOL GU4510
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
BIOL 4510 001/15451 M 2:40pm - 5:25pm
800 Fairchild Life Sciences Bldg
Harmen Bussemaker 4 25/25

BIOL GU4511 Biochemistry I recitation: Structure and Metabolism. 0.00 points.

This is the recitation for GU4501. How does life work on a molecular level? Why do we succumb to disease, and how can we create new cures? This course will explore the biochemistry of life and how this knowledge can be harnessed to create new medicines. You will learn how cells convert environmental resources into energy through metabolism, how cellular molecules function, and how to use this biochemical knowledge for drug discovery related to neurodegeneration, cancer, and the current SARS-CoV-2 COVID19 pandemic. At the conclusion of the course, you will be able to diagram the major metabolic pathways and compare how these pathways are dysregulated in normal tissues in and in disease states. In addition, you will know what techniques are used to uncover biochemical knowledge and how to interpret relevant experiments. You will be capable of collaborating with other people in the analysis and interpretation of biochemical data, and be able to communicate, defend and refute interpretations of data. Having completed one year of college-level biology and one year of organic chemistry will be helpful to maximally benefit from this course. This course satisfies the requirement of most medical schools for introductory biochemistry, and is suitable for advanced undergraduates, and beginning graduate students; this replaces the previous UN3511 course

BIOL GU4512 Molecular Biology. 3.00 points.

Prerequisites: one year of biology. This is a lecture course designed for advanced undergraduates and graduate students. The focus is on understanding at the molecular/biochemical level how genetic information is stored within the cell, how it is replicated and expressed, and how it is regulated. Topics covered include genome organization, DNA replication and repair, transcription, RNA processing, and translation. This course will also emphasize the critical analysis of the scientific literature and help students understand how to identify important biological problems and how to address them experimentally. SPS and TC students may register for this course, but they must first obtain the written permission of the instructor, by filling out a paper Registration Adjustment Form (Add/Drop form). The form can be downloaded at the URL below, but must be signed by the instructor and returned to the office of the registrar.

Spring 2024: BIOL GU4512
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
BIOL 4512 001/10380 M 2:40pm - 3:55pm
601 Fairchild Life Sciences Bldg
Alice Heicklen 3.00 34/60
BIOL 4512 001/10380 W 2:40pm - 3:55pm
330 Uris Hall
Alice Heicklen 3.00 34/60

BIOL GU4551 A Structural View of Biology. 3.00 points.

The course covers a general introduction to the theory and experimental techniques of structural biology (protein expression and purification, protein crystallography, cryo-electron microscopy, nuclear magnetic resonance) and then how to use the structural information to understand biochemical and biological processes. The first part of the course will cover the general introduction to structural biology. The second part of the course will involve discussions and explorations of various structures, led by the instructor but with substantial participation from the students, to understand the molecular mechanisms of selected biochemical and biological processes. In the final part of the course, each student will select and lead discussions on a primary structural biology paper. The overall goal of the course is to increase the understanding of how protein structures are determined, what protein structures look like, and how to use the structures to understand biology

Spring 2024: BIOL GU4551
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
BIOL 4551 001/11082 T Th 10:10am - 11:25am
1000 Fairchild Life Sciences Bldg
Liang Tong 3.00 14/20


Prerequisites: introductory genetics or the instructor's permission.

This course introduces basic concepts in evolutionary biology, from speciation to natural selection. While the lectures incorporate a historical perspective, the main goal of the class is to familiarize students with topics and tools of evolutionary genetics as practiced today, in the era of genomics. Thus, the focus will be on evidence from molecular evolution and genetics and exercises will assume a basic background in genetics. Examples will be drawn from across the tree of life, but with a primary focus on humans.

Fall 2024: BIOL GU4560
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
BIOL 4560 001/11510 T Th 10:10am - 11:25am
800 Fairchild Life Sciences Bldg
Guy Sella, Peter Andolfatto 4.00 10/35
BIOL 4560 001/11510 Th 11:40am - 12:40pm
800 Fairchild Life Sciences Bldg
Guy Sella, Peter Andolfatto 4.00 10/35

BIOL GU4600 CELL SIGNALING. 3.00 points.

Prerequisites: A strong background in molecular and cellular biology. Generally students with four or more courses are accepted.
Prerequisites: A strong background in molecular and cellular biology. Generally students with four or more courses are accepted. Cell Signaling is a graduate course for Ph.D. students open to advanced undergraduate and masters students. The basic molecular mechanism of signal transduction pathways will be discussed related to cell growth and stress systems. There will be an emphasis on specific categories of signaling components. Students will read the literature and give presentations. Topics include the pathways by which cells respond to extracellular signals such as growth factors and the mechanisms by which extracellular signals are translated into alterations in the cell cycle, morphology, differentiation state, and motility of the responding cells. For stress pathways we will discuss how cells respond to survive the stress or induce their own death. In many cases these pathways will be related to human diseases

BIOL GU4777 From Curiosity to Cure – Case Studies in Cool Biochemistry. 4.00 points.

Course overview: The goal of this course is to engage upper-level undergraduates and beginning graduate students in an immersive intellectual experience at the intersection of rigorous scientific inquiry and the history of innovation in molecular biology. The central theme will be curiosity and critical thinking as the twin drivers of both technological innovation and scientific discovery. The course will be divided into a series of modules focused on analysis and presentation of original research papers related to one important breakthrough in molecular biology that occurred during the past century. A prominent theme of the course will be the persistently unpredictable trajectory linking technical research and methodological developments to breakthrough science. Approximately six-to-eight original research papers will be covered in each module, spanning topics from the development of the methods that made the breakthrough possible through practical application of the resulting knowledge. Three or four of the following breakthroughs will likely be covered in 2023: Discovery and clinical application of insulin by Banting & Best. Development of the Trikafta triple drug treatment for cystic fibrosis. Development of CRISPR for human genetic engineering. Genetics and pharmacological treatment of human hyperlipidemia. Development of the Gleevec tyrosine kinase inhibitor to cure Ph leukemias. Development of “next-generation” nucleic acid sequencing methods


Tracing the discovery of the role of DNA tumor viruses in cancerous transformation. Oncogenes and tumor suppressors are analyzed with respect to their function in normal cell cycle, growth control, and human cancers. SCE and TC students may register for this course, but they must first obtain the written permission of the instructor, by filling out a paper Registration Adjustment Form (Add/Drop form). The form can be downloaded at the URL below, but must be signed by the instructor and returned to the office of the registrar.


Prerequisites: at least 4 college-level biology or biotechnology courses. This course will introduce students to the interrelated fields of patent law, regulatory law, and contract law that are vital to the biotech and biopharmaceutical sectors. The course will present core concepts in a way that permits students to use them throughout their corporate, academic, and government careers. SCE and TC students may register for this course, but they must first obtain the written permission of the instructor, by filling out a paper Registration Adjustment Form (Add/Drop form). The form can be downloaded at the URL below, but must be signed by the instructor and returned to the office of the registrar.

Fall 2024: BIOT GU4160
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
BIOT 4160 001/11042 Th 6:10pm - 8:00pm
330 Uris Hall
Alan Morrison 3.00 17/30


Prerequisites: BIOT GU4160 BIOTECHNOLOGY LAW (BIOT W4160)
This course – the first of its kind at Columbia – introduces students to a vital subfield of ethics focusing on patent and regulatory law in the biotech and pharmaceutical sectors. The course combines lectures, structured debate, and research to best present this fascinating and nuanced subject. Properly exploring this branch of bioethics requires an in-depth understanding of biotech and pharmaceutical patent and regulatory law. Students can gain this understanding by first completing Biotechnology Law (BIOT GU4160), formerly the prerequisite for this course. Now, they can also gain it by reading the appropriate chapters of Biotechnology Law: A Primer for Scientists (the textbook for BIOT GU4160 published earlier this year) prior to each class. A number of students in the biotechnology fields (such as those in biotechnology, biomedical engineering, and bioethics programs) have shown a keen interest over the years in taking this course, yet were unable to do so because they hadn’t taken BIOT GU4160. Given the recent publication of Biotechnology Law and the desirability of making BIOT GU4161 accessible to more students having the appropriate science background, BIOT GU4160 has been removed as a prerequisite

Spring 2024: BIOT GU4161
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
BIOT 4161 001/10498 T 6:10pm - 8:00pm
328 Uris Hall
Alan Morrison 3.00 10/12


Prerequisites: the instructors permission. The course examines the entrepreneurial process in biotechnology from idea generation through economic viability. Biotechnology companies are unique in that they need a years-to-decades long period of incubation prior to becoming self-sustaining. Students will be introduced to the steps needed to start and nurture a company, and gain an ability to assess the health of potential collaborators, partners or employers. Topics include an overview of the global biotechnology industry, idea generation, business plan formulation, intellectual property protection, funding, personnel management including board composition, regulatory body interaction, and company exits. Course website:


The program aims to provide current life sciences students with an understanding of what drives the regulatory strategies that surround the development decision making process, and how the regulatory professional may best contribute to the goals of product development and approval. To effect this, we will examine operational, strategic, and commercial aspects of the regulatory approval process for new drug, biologic, and biotechnology products both in the United States and worldwide. The topics are designed to provide a chronological review of the requirements needed to obtain marketing approval. Regulatory strategic, operational, and marketing considerations will be addressed throughout the course. We will examine and analyze the regulatory process as a product candidates are advanced from Research and Development, through pre-clinical and clinical testing, to marketing approval, product launch and the post-marketing phase. The goal of this course is to introduce and familiarize students with the terminology, timelines, and actual steps followed by Regulatory Affairs professionals employed in the pharmaceutical or biotechnology industry. Worked examples will be explored to illustrate complex topics and illustrate interpretation of regulations

Fall 2024: BIOT GU4200
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
BIOT 4200 001/11137 Th 4:10pm - 6:00pm
402 Chandler
Ron Guido 3.00 128/125


Prerequisites: BIOT W4200 (OK without prerequisite). This course will provide a practical definition of the current role of the Regulatory Professional in pharmaceutical development, approval and post-approval actions. This will be illustrated by exploration, and interactive discussion of regulatory history, its evolution, current standards, and associated processes. The course will seek to clarify the role of Regulatory in development and lifecycle opportunities, demonstrating the value Regulatory adds by participation on research, development and commercial teams. The course will utilize weekly case studies and guest lecturers to provide color to current topical events related to the areas

Spring 2024: BIOT GU4201
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
BIOT 4201 001/14857 Th 4:10pm - 6:00pm
301 Uris Hall
Ron Guido 3.00 274/266

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