Summer Courses

Students may accelerate their progress to the degree by taking required and/or elective courses during Columbia's Summer Term, which runs from late May through mid-August. Given the intensive nature of these courses, and the fact that the summer term includes courses that do not count toward the degree, GS students are urged to choose their summer term classes in consultation with their GS academic advisors, who will provide advance approval of their summer course selections.

GS students may take a maximum of 15 points for the entire summer term, with no more than nine points in either of the six-week sessions or in overlapping sessions. Students should consult with their departments for specific policies or course restrictions when taking courses to be applied toward the major. 

Postbac Premed students who take required lecture courses in the summer are generally advised to take them in the 12-week format rather than the 6-week format. The reason for this recommendation is that the compressed 6-week format is extremely demanding for even the most well-prepared students. For most premedical students, required lecture courses offered in the 12-week format (Physics II, General Chemistry II) are more appropriate. Postbac Premed students must have the approval of their advisor if they wish to enroll in a required lecture course in the 6-week format. Postbac Premed students may take preparatory courses, math courses, and lab courses in either the 12-week or the 6-week format.

Current List of Summer Session Courses

2024_Summer_Session_Guidelines.pdf (updated 5/17/24)