Honor Pledge


The General Studies Student Council, on behalf of the whole student body, has resolved that maintaining academic integrity is the preserve of all members of our intellectual community—including and especially students. As a consequence, all General Studies students make the following pledge at Orientation:

We, the undergraduate students of Columbia University, hereby pledge to value the integrity of our ideas and the ideas of others by honestly presenting our work, respecting authorship, and striving not simply for answers but for understanding in the pursuit of our common scholastic goals. In this way, we seek to build an academic community governed by our collective efforts, diligence, and Code of Honor.

In addition, all General Studies students are committed to the following honor code:

I affirm that I will not plagiarize, use unauthorized materials, or give or receive illegitimate help on assignments, papers, or examinations. I will also uphold equity and honesty in the evaluation of my work and the work of others. I do so to sustain a community built around this Code of Honor.

Postbac Premed

The Postbac Premedical Student Council, on behalf of the postbac student body, has resolved that maintaining academic integrity is the responsibility of all members of our intellectual community—including and especially students. As a consequence, all Postbac Premed students make the following pledge at Orientation:

We, the students of Columbia’s Postbaccalaureate Premedical Program, hereby pledge to ensure the integrity of our ideas and the ideas of others by honestly presenting our work, respecting authorship, and striving not simply for answers but for understanding in the pursuit of our scholastic and professional goals.

Through commitment, diligence, vigilance, and adherence to the honor code, we aspire to build an academic community at Columbia and a foundation for our future work as guardians of the health and well-being of the individual members of society.

In addition, all Postbac Premed students committed themselves to the following honor code: 

I affirm that I will not plagiarize, use unauthorized materials, or give or receive illegitimate help on assignments, papers, or examinations. I will also uphold equity and honesty in the evaluation of my work and the work of others. I do so to sustain a community built around this Code of Honor and in recognition of my future responsibilities as a health care provider.