Graduate Programs
M.S. students must complete the professional development and leadership course, ENGI E4000 PROF DEVELOPMENT&LEADERSHIP, as a graduation requirement. Doctoral students will be enrolled in ENGI E6001 Professional development and leadership for first year doctoral students–ENGI E6004 Professional development and leadership for fourth year doctoral students and should consult their program for specific PDL requirements.
Master of Science Programs
The Department of Industrial Engineering and Operations Research offers courses and M.S. programs in
- financial engineering on a full-time basis only;
- management science and engineering on a full-time basis only;
- business analytics on a full-time basis only;
- industrial engineering on either a full- or part-time basis; and
- operations research on either a full- or part-time basis.
Both the Department’s M.S. programs in Business Analytics and Management Science and Engineering are offered in conjunction with Columbia Business School. Lastly, the Department and Columbia Business School offer a combined M.S./M.B.A. degree program in industrial engineering.
All degree program applicants are required to take the Aptitude Tests of the Graduate Record Examination (GRE). M.S./M.B.A. candidates are also required to take the Graduate Management Admissions Test (GMAT). A minimum grade-point average of 3.0 (B) or its equivalent in an undergraduate engineering program is required for admission to the M.S. programs. At a minimum, students are expected, on entry, to have completed courses in ordinary differential equations, linear algebra, probability, and a programming language such as C, Java, or Python.
The Department requires that M.S. students achieve grades of B– or higher in each of the fundamental core courses in the discipline of study. Poor performance in core courses is indicative of inadequate preparation and is very likely to lead to serious problems in completing the program. As a result, students failing to meet this criterion may be asked to withdraw.
Courses taken at the School of Professional Studies will not be counted toward the M.S. degree in the IEOR Department (e.g., courses with the following prefixes: ACTU, BUSI, COPR, IKNS, SUMA, FUND, and more). Please consult with your academic adviser regarding electives offered in other departments and schools, prior to registration.