Applied Physics and Applied Mathematics

200 S. W. Mudd, MC 4701
Applied Physics and Applied Mathematics:
Materials Science and Engineering:

The Department of Applied Physics and Applied Mathematics includes undergraduate and graduate studies in the fields of applied physics, applied mathematics, and materials science and engineering. The graduate program in applied physics includes plasma physics and controlled fusion; solid-state physics; optical and laser physics and medical physics. The graduate program in applied mathematics includes research in applied analysis, data science, and atmospheric, oceanic, and earth physics. The graduate programs in materials science and engineering are described here.

Current Research Activities in Applied Physics and Applied Mathematics

Applied Physics.
Plasma physics and fusion energy.

In experimental plasma physics, research is being conducted on:

  1. equilibrium, stability, and transport in fusion plasmas: high-beta tokamaks, spherical tokamaks, and levitated dipoles;
  2. magnetospheric physics: trapped particle instabilities and stochastic particle motion;
  3. confinement of toroidal nonneutral plasmas;
  4. plasma source operation and heating techniques; and
  5. the development of new plasma measurement techniques.

The results from our fusion science experiments are used as a basis for collaboration with large national and international experiments. For example, methods of active feedback control of plasma instability developed at Columbia University are guiding research on NSTX at the Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory, on the DIII-D tokamak at General Atomics, and for the design of the next-generation burning plasma experiment, ITER. In theoretical plasma physics, research is conducted in the theory of plasma equilibrium and stability, active control of MHD instabilities, the kinetic theory of turbulence and transport, and the development of techniques based on the theory of general coordinates and dynamical systems. The work is applied to magnetic fusion, nonneutral and space plasmas.

Optical and laser physics. Active areas of research include inelastic light scattering in nanomaterials, optical diagnostics of film processing, flat optics, metasurfaces, nonlinear optics, ultrafast optoelectronics, photonic switching, optical physics of surfaces, laser-induced crystallization, and photon integrated circuits.

Solid-state physics. Research in solid-state physics covers nanoscience and nanoparticles, electronic transport and inelastic light scattering in low-dimensional correlated electron systems, heterostructure physics and applications, grain boundaries and interfaces, nucleation in thin films, molecular electronics, nanostructure analysis, and electronic structure calculations.

Applied physics is part of the Columbia Quantum Initiative. Research opportunities also exist within the Columbia Nano Initiative (CNI), including the NSF Materials Research Science and Engineering Center, which focuses on low dimensional materials.

Applied mathematics. Current research encompasses analytical and numerical analysis of deterministic and stochastic partial differential equations, large-scale scientific computation, fluid dynamics, dynamical systems and chaos, inverse problems, algorithms for data and learning, as well as applications to various fields of physical and biological sciences. The applications to physical science include quantum and condensed-matter physics, materials science, electromagnetics, optics, photonics, plasma physics, medical imaging, and the earth sciences, notably atmospheric, oceanic, and climate science, and solid earth geophysics (see below). Other applications include machine learning and biophysical modeling, e.g., collaborations with Columbia’s Data Science Institute (DSI), the Department of Systems Biology, and the Department of Statistics. Extensive collaborations exist with national climate research centers (the Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory and the National Center for Atmospheric Research) and with national laboratories of the U.S. Department of Energy, custodians of the nation’s most powerful supercomputers.

Atmospheric, oceanic, and earth physics. Current research focuses on the dynamics of the atmosphere and the ocean, climate modeling, cloud physics, radiation transfer, remote sensing, geophysical/geological fluid dynamics, and geochemistry. The department engages in ongoing research with the NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies and the Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory. Seven faculty members share appointments with the Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences.

In addition to the faculty and graduate students, many others participate in these projects, including full-time research faculty, faculty and students from other departments, and visiting scientists.

Laboratory and Computational Facilities in Applied Physics and Applied Mathematics

The Plasma Physics Laboratory, founded in 1961, is one of the leading university laboratories for the study of plasma physics in the United States. There are four experimental facilities. The Columbia High-Beta Tokamak (HBT-EP) supports the national program to develop controlled fusion energy. It utilizes high voltage, pulsed power systems, and laser and magnetic diagnostics to study the properties of high-beta plasmas and the use of feedback stabilization to increase the achievable beta. A collaborative program with the Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory and the DIII-D tokamak group at General Atomics is studying the properties of high-beta plasmas in order to maximize fusion power production in these large, neutral beam-heated tokamaks and spherical tori. The stellarator known as Columbia Nonneutral Torus (CNT) conducts research on the magnetohydrodynamic stability, microwave heating, and microwave diagnostics of neutral stellarator plasmas. Two smaller devices investigate, respectively, an innovative tokamak-stellarator hybrid plasma confinement concept and the use of toroidal electron-heated plasmas as sources of ions for accelerators.

Experimental research in solid-state physics and laser physics is conducted within the department and also in association with the Columbia Nano Initiative. Facilities include laser processing and spectroscopic apparatus, ultrahigh vacuum chambers for surface analysis, picosecond and femtosecond lasers, and a clean room that includes photo-lithography and thin film fabrication systems. Within this field, the Laser Diagnostics and Solid State Physics Laboratory conducts studies in laser spectroscopy of nanomaterials and semiconductor thin films, and laser diagnostics of thin film processing. The Laser Lab focuses on the study of laser surface chemical processing and new semiconductor structures. Research is also conducted in the shared characterization laboratories and clean room operated by CNI.

The department has a leadership role in development and support of Columbia Shared Computing resources and has access to multiple HPC clusters. In addition, the research of the Plasma Lab is supported by a dedicated data acquisition/data analysis system. Researchers in the department are additionally using supercomputing facilities at the National Center for Atmospheric Research; the San Diego Supercomputing Center; the National Energy Research Supercomputer Center in Berkeley, California; the National Leadership Class Facility at Oak Ridge, Tennessee; various allocations via ACCESS; and others. The Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) is also utilized to supplement computing resources in times of high demand.

Current Research Activities and Laboratory Facilities in Materials Science and Engineering

See Current Research Activities and Laboratory Facilities in Materials Science and Engineering.


Marc W. Spiegelman
208 S. W. Mudd

Department Administrator

Marri Davis


Katayun Barmak
Daniel Bienstock, Industrial Engineering and Operations Research
Simon J. L. Billinge
Allen H. Boozer
Liliana Borcea
Mark A. Cane, Professor Emeritus, Earth and Environmental Sciences
Siu-Wai Chan
Qiang Du
Alexander Gaeta
Oleg Gang, Chemical Engineering
Irving P. Herman, Professor Emeritus
James S. Im
Michal Lipson, Electrical Engineering
Michael E. Mauel
Gerald A. Navratil
Ismail C. Noyan
Lorenzo M. Polvani, Earth and Environmental Sciences
Kui Ren
Christopher H. Scholz, Professor Emeritus, Earth and Environmental Sciences
Adam Sobel, Earth and Environmental Sciences
Marc W. Spiegelman, Earth and Environmental Sciences
Latha Venkataraman
Wen I. Wang, Electrical Engineering
Michael I. Weinstein
Renata M. Wentzcovitch
Cheng-Shie Wuu, Radiation Oncology

Associate Professors

William E. Bailey
Chris A. Marianetti
Carlos Paz-Soldan
Michael K. Tippett
Chris H. Wiggins, Systems Biology
Yuan Yang
Nanfang Yu

Assistant Professors

Aravind Devarakonda
Xuenan Li
Elizabeth Paul
Shanyin Tong
Xueyue (Sherry) Zhang

Lecturer in Discipline

Drew Youngren

Adjunct Professors

Zohaib Ahmad
Sean L. Berry
Peter F. Caracappa
C. Julian Chen
Stephen L. Ostrow
Boyu Peng
Marco Zaider
Pat Zanzonico

Adjunct Associate Professors

Brian Cairns
Perry S. Gerard
Yuan He
Anastasia Romanou
Anna Rozenshtein

Adjunct Assistant Professors

Sachin R. Jambawalikar

Senior Research Scientists

Steven A. Sabbagh

Adjunct Senior Research Scientists

John Marshall
Patricia Mooney

Research Scientists

Jacek Chowdhary
Gregory Elsaesser
Igor Geogdzhayev
Christopher J. Hansen
Jeffrey Levesque
Nikolas C. Logan
Catherine Naud

Associate Research Scientists

Mikhail Alexandrov
Alexander F. Battey
Robert Field
Jeremy Hanson
Paul Lerner
Nils Leuthold
A. Oak Nelson
Ian G. Stewart
Francesca Turco
Veronika Zamkovska

Adjunct Associate Research Scientists

Gabriel Chiodo

Postdoctoral Research Scientists

Kossi Pierre Amenoagbadji
Zhengqian Cheng
Sai Kanth Dacha
Bithi De
Vladimir Kobzar
Simon H. Lee
Kelsey Malloy
Zachary S. McGraw
James M. Scott
Yun Zhao

Postdoctoral Research Fellows

Miriam Blau
Johan Wärnegård

Special Lecturers

Monique C. Katz

Course Descriptions


APAM E1601 Introduction to computational mathematics and physics. 3 points.

Lect: 3.Not offered during 2023-2024 academic year.

Introduction to computational methods in applied mathematics and physics. Students develop solutions in a small number of subject areas to acquire experience in the practical use of computers to solve mathematics and physics problems. Topics change from year to year. Examples include elementary interpolation of functions, solution of nonlinear algebraic equations, curve-fitting and hypothesis testing, wave propagation, fluid motion, gravitational and celestial mechanics, and chaotic dynamics. The basic requirement for this course is one year of college-level calculus and physics; programming experience is not required.

APAM E3899 Research Training. 0.00 points.

Prerequisites: Instructor's permission.
Research training course. Recommended in preparation for laboratory related research


1-2 pts.

Prerequisites: CIEN E3000 and CIEN E3129 or equivalent required for engineering students.
May be repeated for credit, but no more than 3 total points may be used toward the 128credit degree requirement. Only for APAM undergraduate students who include relevant off-campus work experience as part of their approved program of study. Final report and letter of evaluation required. Fieldwork credits may not count toward any major core, technical, elective, and nontechnical requirements. May not be taken for pass/fail credit or audited

Fall 2024: APAM E3999
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
APAM 3999 001/21338  
Lorenzo Polvani 1.00-2.00 1/5

APAM E4114 Quantum and Nonlinear Photonics. 3.00 points.

Quantum and Nonlinear Photonics is an advanced senior-level/MS/PhD course that describes the interaction of laser light with matter in both the classical and quantum domains. The first half of the course introduces the microscopic origin of optical nonlinearities through formal derivation of the nonlinear susceptibilities, with emphasis on second- and third-order optical processes. These susceptibilities are incorporated into Maxwell's wave equation, and nonlinear optical processes such as second-harmonic, difference-frequency generation, four-wave mixing and self-phase modulation are described. Various applications of these processes are discussed including frequency conversion, and optical parametric amplifiers and oscillators. The second half of the course describes two-level atomic systems and quantization of the electromagnetic field. Descriptions of coherent, Fock, and squeezed states of light are discussed and techniques to generate such states are outlined

APAM E4899 Research Training. 0.00 points.

Prerequisites: Instructor's permission.
Research training course. Recommended in preparation for laboratory related research

APAM E4901 Seminar: Problems in Applied Mathematics. 0 points.

0 pts. Lect: 1.

This course is required for, and can be taken only by, all applied mathematics majors in the junior year. Prerequisites or corequisites: APMA E4200 and E4204 or their equivalents. Introductory seminars on problems and techniques in applied mathematics. Typical topics are nonlinear dynamics, scientific computation, economics, operations research, etc.

APAM E4999 SUPERVISED INTERNSHIP. 1.00-3.00 points.

1-3 pts.

Prerequisites: Obtained internship and approval from adviser.
Only for masters students in the Department of Applied Physics and Applied Mathematics who may need relevant work experience a part of their program of study. Final report required. May not be taken for pass/fail or audited

Fall 2024: APAM E4999
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
APAM 4999 007/18874  
Klaus Hamacher 1.00-3.00 2/3

APAM E6650 RESEARCH PROJECT. 1.00-6.00 points.

Prerequisites: Written permission from instructor and approval from adviser.
May be repeated for credit. A special investigation of a problem in nuclear engineering, medical physics, applied mathematics, applied physics, and/or plasma physics consisting of independent work on the part of the student and embodied in a formal report

Fall 2024: APAM E6650
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
APAM 6650 001/21010  
Lorenzo Polvani 1.00-6.00 1/5
APAM 6650 002/21011  
Adam Sobel 1.00-6.00 1/5
APAM 6650 004/17548  
Aravind Devarakonda 1.00-6.00 1/15
APAM 6650 007/19114  
Carlos Paz Soldan 1.00-6.00 3/10
APAM 6650 008/21262  
Nanfang Yu 1.00-6.00 1/5
APAM 6650 009/21102  
Michael Tippett 1.00-6.00 1/10
APAM 6650 010/21170  
Alexander Gaeta 1.00-6.00 2/10
APAM 6650 011/21641  
Elizabeth Paul 1.00-6.00 1/10
Spring 2025: APAM E6650
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
APAM 6650 004/18997  
Aravind Devarakonda 1.00-6.00 2/5
APAM 6650 006/18470  
Alexander Gaeta 1.00-6.00 1/5
APAM 6650 008/18998  
Xueyue Zhang 1.00-6.00 3/5
APAM 6650 012/18471  
Elizabeth Paul 1.00-6.00 0/5
APAM 6650 013/18469  
Carlos Paz Soldan 1.00-6.00 3/5
APAM 6650 014/18932  
Lorenzo Polvani 1.00-6.00 1/5
APAM 6650 015/20751  
Kui Ren 1.00-6.00 2/8
APAM 6650 016/18468  
Adam Sobel 1.00-6.00 1/5

APAM E9301 DOCTORAL RESEARCH. 0.00-15.00 points.

0-15 pts.

Prerequisites: Qualifying examination for the doctorate.
Required of doctoral candidates

Fall 2024: APAM E9301
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
APAM 9301 001/17448  
Daniel Bienstock 0.00-15.00 1/10
APAM 9301 004/17449  
Qiang Du 0.00-15.00 5/10
APAM 9301 005/17450  
Alexander Gaeta 0.00-15.00 6/10
APAM 9301 008/17451  
Michal Lipson 0.00-15.00 4/10
APAM 9301 010/17452  
Michael Mauel 0.00-15.00 5/10
APAM 9301 011/17453  
Gerald Navratil 0.00-15.00 0/10
APAM 9301 012/17454  
Elizabeth Paul 0.00-15.00 4/10
APAM 9301 013/17455  
Carlos Paz Soldan 0.00-15.00 10/10
APAM 9301 014/17456  
Lorenzo Polvani 0.00-15.00 2/10
APAM 9301 015/17457  
Kui Ren 0.00-15.00 6/10
APAM 9301 016/17458  
Steven Sabbagh 0.00-15.00 4/10
APAM 9301 017/17459  
Adam Sobel 0.00-15.00 1/10
APAM 9301 018/17460  
Marc Spiegelman 0.00-15.00 4/10
APAM 9301 019/17461  
Michael Weinstein 0.00-15.00 4/10
APAM 9301 020/17462  
Nanfang Yu 0.00-15.00 5/10
Spring 2025: APAM E9301
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
APAM 9301 002/18446  
Daniel Bienstock 0.00-15.00 1/5
APAM 9301 005/18477  
Liliana Borcea 0.00-15.00 1/5
APAM 9301 006/18450  
Aravind Devarakonda 0.00-15.00 0/5
APAM 9301 007/18447  
Qiang Du 0.00-15.00 5/5
APAM 9301 008/18448  
Alexander Gaeta 0.00-15.00 6/8
APAM 9301 011/18449  
Michal Lipson 0.00-15.00 4/5
APAM 9301 012/20643  
Chris Marianetti 0.00-15.00 0/5
APAM 9301 013/18459  
Michael Mauel 0.00-15.00 4/5
APAM 9301 015/18458  
Elizabeth Paul 0.00-15.00 4/5
APAM 9301 016/18457  
Carlos Paz Soldan 0.00-15.00 9/10
APAM 9301 018/18451  
Lorenzo Polvani 0.00-15.00 2/5
APAM 9301 019/18456  
Kui Ren 0.00-15.00 6/5
APAM 9301 020/18455  
Steven Sabbagh 0.00-15.00 4/5
APAM 9301 022/18454  
Marc Spiegelman 0.00-15.00 1/5
APAM 9301 025/18453  
Michael Weinstein 0.00-15.00 4/5
APAM 9301 028/18452  
Nanfang Yu 0.00-15.00 5/5
APAM 9301 029/20478  
Michele Simoncelli 0.00-15.00 1/5


3, 6, 9, or 12 pts.

A candidate for the Eng.Sc.D. degree must register for 12 points of doctoral research instruction. Registration for APAM E9800 may not be used to satisfy the minimum residence requirement for the degree


0 pts.

A candidate for the doctorate may be required to register for this course every term after the coursework has been completed, and until the dissertation has been accepted


Lect: 3.

Prerequisites: Engineering or physics background.
Systemic approach to the study of the human body from a medical imaging point of view: skeletal, respiratory, cardiovascular, digestive, and urinary systems, breast and womens issues, head and neck, and central nervous system. Lectures are reinforced by examples from clinical two- and three-dimensional and functional imaging (CT, MRI, PET, SPECT, U/S, etc.)

Fall 2024: APBM E4650
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
APBM 4650 001/13876 T Th 4:00pm - 5:20pm
601b Fairchild Life Sciences Bldg
Monique Katz, Anna Rozenshtein, Perry Gerard, Zohaib Ahmad 3.00 10/24

APMA E Multivariable Calculus for Engineers and Applied Scientists. 0 points.

APMA E2000 MULTV. CALC. FOR ENGI & APP SCI. 4.00 points.

Lect: 3.

Differential and integral calculus of multiple variables. Topics include partial differentiation; optimization of functions of several variables; line, area, volume, and surface integrals; vector functions and vector calculus; theorems of Green, Gauss, and Stokes; applications to selected problems in engineering and applied science

Fall 2024: APMA E2000
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
APMA 2000 001/10001 T Th 8:40am - 9:55am
227 Seeley W. Mudd Building
Shanyin Tong 4.00 55/86
APMA 2000 002/13896 T Th 1:10pm - 2:25pm
402 Chandler
Drew Youngren 4.00 124/123
APMA 2000 003/13897 T Th 5:40pm - 6:55pm
702 Hamilton Hall
Drew Youngren 4.00 97/96
Spring 2025: APMA E2000
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
APMA 2000 001/14583 T Th 8:40am - 9:55am
331 Uris Hall
Drew Youngren 4.00 49/48
APMA 2000 002/14584 T Th 1:10pm - 2:25pm
428 Pupin Laboratories
Drew Youngren 4.00 125/147

APMA E2001 MULTV. CALC. FOR ENGI & APP SCI. 0.00 points.

Required recitation session for students enrolled in APMA E2000

Fall 2024: APMA E2001
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
APMA 2001 R01/13900 Th 2:40pm - 3:30pm
141 Uris Hall
Yinxi Pan 0.00 37/40
APMA 2001 R02/13901 Th 4:10pm - 5:00pm
602 Northwest Corner
Yin Zhou 0.00 26/32
APMA 2001 R03/13903 F 10:10am - 11:00am
414 Pupin Laboratories
Ling Lan 0.00 28/36
APMA 2001 R04/13904 Th 11:40am - 12:30pm
407 Mathematics Building
Yinxi Pan 0.00 29/30
APMA 2001 R05/13905 Th 4:10pm - 5:00pm
337 Seeley W. Mudd Building
Yinxi Pan 0.00 30/34
APMA 2001 R06/13906 F 2:40pm - 3:30pm
414 Pupin Laboratories
Ling Lan 0.00 28/36
APMA 2001 R07/13907 Th 2:40pm - 3:30pm
633 Seeley W. Mudd Building
Yin Zhou 0.00 37/40
APMA 2001 R08/17562 Th 11:40am - 12:30pm
337 Seeley W. Mudd Building
Yin Zhou 0.00 33/34
APMA 2001 R09/13909 F 1:10pm - 2:00pm
307 Pupin Laboratories
Ling Lan 0.00 30/30
Spring 2025: APMA E2001
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
APMA 2001 R01/14585 F 2:40pm - 3:30pm
707 Hamilton Hall
Yinxi Pan 0.00 29/30
APMA 2001 R02/14586 Th 4:10pm - 5:00pm
602 Northwest Corner
Jackson Turner 0.00 31/30
APMA 2001 R03/14587 F 10:10am - 11:00am
337 Seeley W. Mudd Building
Yinxi Pan 0.00 30/30
APMA 2001 R04/14588 Th 4:10pm - 5:00pm
C01 Knox Hall
Yin Zhou 0.00 31/30
APMA 2001 R05/14589 Th 5:10pm - 6:00pm
C01 Knox Hall
Yin Zhou 0.00 25/30
APMA 2001 R06/14590 Th 11:40am - 12:30pm
601b Fairchild Life Sciences Bldg
Jackson Turner 0.00 30/30


Lect: 3.

Prerequisites: MATH V1201
A unified, single-semester introduction to differential equations and linear algebra with emphases on (1) elementary analytical and numerical technique and (2) discovering the analogs on the continuous and discrete sides of the mathematics of linear operators: superposition, diagonalization, fundamental solutions. Concepts are illustrated with applications using the language of engineering, the natural sciences, and the social sciences. Students execute scripts in Mathematica and MATLAB (or the like) to illustrate and visualize course concepts (programming not required)

Fall 2024: APMA E2101
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
APMA 2101 001/13914 T Th 1:10pm - 2:25pm
303 Uris Hall
Yuan He 3.00 62/125
Spring 2025: APMA E2101
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
APMA 2101 001/14591 M W 10:10am - 11:25am
833 Seeley W. Mudd Building
Yuan He 3.00 122/123


Lect: 3.

Matrix algebra, elementary matrices, inverses, rank, determinants. Computational aspects of solving systems of linear equations: existence-uniqueness of solutions, Gaussian elimination, scaling, ill-conditioned systems, iterative techniques. Vector spaces, bases, dimension. Eigenvalue problems, diagonalization, inner products, unitary matrices

Fall 2024: APMA E3101
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
APMA 3101 001/13915 T Th 10:10am - 11:25am
415 Schapiro Cepser
Yuan He 3.00 23/52


Lect: 3.

Prerequisites: (MATH UN2030) MATH V2030; or equivalent.
Introduction to partial differential equations; integral theorems of vector calculus. Partial differential equations of engineering in rectangular, cylindrical, and spherical coordinates. Separation of the variables. Characteristic-value problems. Bessel functions, Legendre polynomials, other orthogonal functions; their use in boundary value problems. Illustrative examples from the fields of electromagnetic theory, vibrations, heat flow, and fluid mechanics

Spring 2025: APMA E3102
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
APMA 3102 001/14601 T Th 1:10pm - 2:25pm
825 Seeley W. Mudd Building
Michael Tippett 3.00 37/44


0-4 pts.

Prerequisites: Written permission from instructor and approval from adviser.
This course may be repeated for credit, but no more than 6 points of this course may be counted toward the satisfaction of the B.S. degree requirements. Candidates for the B.S. degree may conduct an investigation in applied mathematics or carry out a special project under the supervision of the staff. Credit for the course is contingent upon the submission of an acceptable thesis or final report

Fall 2024: APMA E3900
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
APMA 3900 001/21355  
Marc Spiegelman 0.00-4.00 1/5
APMA 3900 005/18974  
Lorenzo Polvani 0.00-4.00 2/10
Spring 2025: APMA E3900
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
APMA 3900 001/18825  
Lorenzo Polvani 0.00-4.00 3/5
APMA 3900 002/20668  
Marc Spiegelman 0.00-4.00 1/5


Prerequisites: Introductory Linear Algebra required. Ordinary Differential Equations recommended. Review of finite-dimensional vector spaces and elementary matrix theory. Linear transformations, change of basis, eigenspaces. Matrix representation of linear operators and diagonalization. Applications to difference equations, Markov processes, ordinary differential equations, and stability of nonlinear dynamical systems. Inner product spaces, projection operators, orthogonal bases, Gram-Schmidt orthogonalization. Least squares method, pseudo-inverses, singular value decomposition. Adjoint operators, Hermitian and unitary operators, Fredholm Alternative Theorem. Fourier series and eigenfunction expansions. Introduction to the theory of distributions and the Fourier Integral Transform. Greens functions. Application to Partial Differential Equations


Prerequisites: Cannot be taken together with APMA E3101
Fundamentals of Linear Algebra including vector and Matrix algebra, solution of linear systems, existence and uniqueness, gaussian elimination, gauss-jordan elimination, the matrix inverse, elementary matrices and the LU factorization, computational cost of solutions. Vector spaces and subspaces, linear independence, basis and dimension. The 4 fundamental subspaces of a matrix. Orthogonal projection onto a subspace and solution of Linear Least Squares problems, unitary matrices, inner products, orthogonalization algorithms and the QR factorization, applications. Determinants and applications. Eigen problems including diagonalization, symmetric matrices, positive-definite systems, eigen factorization and applications to dynamical systems and iterative maps. Introduction to the singular value decomposition and its applications

Fall 2024: APMA E4007
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
APMA 4007 001/13917 T Th 1:10pm - 2:25pm
517 Hamilton Hall
Michael Tippett 3.00 84/85

APMA E4008 Advanced and Applied Linear Algebra. 3.00 points.

Prerequisites: APMA E3101 AND APMA E4007; After the approval of APMA E4007, it could also serve as a pre-requisite to 4008.
Advanced topics in linear algebra with applications to data analysis, algorithms, dynamics and differential equations, and more. (1) General vector spaces, linear transformations, spaces isomorphisms; (2) spectral theory - normal matrices and their spectral properties, Rayleigh quotient, Courant-Fischer Theorem, Jordan forms, eigenvalue perturbations; (3) least squares problem and the Gauss-Markov Theorem; (4) singular value decomposition, its approximation properties, matrix norms, PCA and CCA

Spring 2025: APMA E4008
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
APMA 4008 001/14610 M W 1:10pm - 2:25pm
633 Seeley W. Mudd Building
Yuan He 3.00 47/70
APMA 4008 V01/17990  
Yuan He 3.00 3/99

APMA E4100 Applied Analysis. 3.00 points.

Prerequisites: Strong background in multivariate calculus is required. Knowledge in elementary analysis such as the delta-epsilon definition of continuity, convergence of sequences of real numbers, topocontinuity of real-valued functions

Elementary introduction to fundamental concepts and techniques in classical analysis; applications of such techniques in different topics in applied mathematics. Brief review of essential concepts and techniques in elementary analysis; elementary properties of metric and normed spaces; completeness, compactness, and their consequences; continuous functions and their properties; Contracting Mapping Theorem and its applications; elementary properties of Hilbert and Banach spaces; bounded linear operators in Hilbert spaces; Fourier series and their applications.

Fall 2024: APMA E4100
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
APMA 4100 001/18707 M W 2:40pm - 3:55pm
1024 Seeley W. Mudd Building
Kui Ren 3.00 33/50
APMA 4100 V01/18937  
Kui Ren 3.00 4/99


Lect: 3.

Prerequisites: (APMA E2101) and (APMA E3101) or their equivalents, or instructor's permission.
An introduction to the analytic and geometric theory of dynamical systems; basic existence, uniqueness and parameter dependence of solutions to ordinary differential equations; constant coefficient and parametrically forced systems; Fundamental solutions; resonance; limit points, limit cycles and classification of flows in the plane (Poincare-Bendixson Therem); conservative and dissipative systems; linear and nonlinear stability analysis of equilibria and periodic solutions; stable and unstable manifolds; bifurcations, e.g. Andronov-Hopf; sensitive dependence and chaotic dynamics; selected applications

Spring 2025: APMA E4101
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
APMA 4101 001/14623 M W 8:40am - 9:55am
702 Hamilton Hall
Xuenan Li 3.00 71/86
APMA 4101 V01/17991  
Xuenan Li 3.00 6/99


Prerequisites: Advanced calculus and course in basic analysis, or instructor's permission.
Introduction to modern tools in functional analysis that are used in the analysis of deterministic and stochastic partial differential equations and in the analysis of numerical methods: metric and normed spaces. Banach space of continuous functions, measurable spaces, the contraction mapping theorem, Banach and Hilbert spaces bounded linear operators on Hilbert spaces and their spectral decomposition, and time permitting distributions and Fourier transforms

Spring 2025: APMA E4150
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
APMA 4150 001/14632 M W 2:40pm - 3:55pm
327 Seeley W. Mudd Building
Michael Weinstein 3.00 22/39


Prerequisites: Course in ordinary differential equations.
Techniques of solution of partial differential equations. Separation of the variables. Orthogonality and characteristic functions, nonhomogeneous boundary value problems. Solutions in orthogonal curvilinear coordinate systems. Applications of Fourier integrals, Fourier and Laplace transforms. Problems from the fields of vibrations, heat conduction, electricity, fluid dynamics, and wave propagation are considered

Fall 2024: APMA E4200
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
APMA 4200 001/12479 M W 11:40am - 12:55pm
313 Fayerweather
James Scott 3.00 59/70
APMA 4200 V01/20996  
James Scott 3.00 3/99
Spring 2025: APMA E4200
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
APMA 4200 001/14641 T Th 1:10pm - 2:25pm
1127 Seeley W. Mudd Building
Liliana Borcea 3.00 37/70
APMA 4200 V01/17995  
Liliana Borcea 3.00 7/99


Prerequisites: (MATH UN1202) MATH V1202; or equivalent.
Complex numbers, functions of a complex variable, differentiation and integration in the complex plane. Analytic functions, Cauchy integral theorem and formula, Taylor and Laurent series, poles and residues, branch points, evaluation of contour integrals. Conformal mapping, Schwarz-Christoffel transformation. Applications to physical problems

Fall 2024: APMA E4204
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
APMA 4204 001/13919 M W 1:10pm - 2:25pm
1024 Seeley W. Mudd Building
Xuenan Li 3.00 43/55
APMA 4204 V01/20997  
Xuenan Li 3.00 3/99


Lect: 3.

Prerequisites: (MATH UN1201) and (MATH UN2030) and (APMA E3101) and (ENGI E1006) or their equivalents.
Programming experience in Python extremely useful. Introduction to fundamental algorithms and analysis of numerical methods commonly used by scientists, mathematicians and engineers. Designed to give a fundamental understanding of the building blocks of scientific computing that will be used in more advanced courses in scientific computing and numerical methods for PDEs (e.g. APMA E4301, E4302). Topics include numerical solutions of algebraic systems, linear least-squares, eigenvalue problems, solution of non-linear systems, optimization, interpolation, numerical integration and differentiation, initial value problems and boundary value problems for systems of ODEs. All programming exercises will be in Python

Fall 2024: APMA E4300
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
APMA 4300 001/13921 T Th 10:10am - 11:25am
614 Schermerhorn Hall
Marc Spiegelman 3.00 119/120
APMA 4300 V01/18691  
Marc Spiegelman 3.00 12/99
Spring 2025: APMA E4300
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
APMA 4300 001/14647 T Th 10:10am - 11:25am
833 Seeley W. Mudd Building
Kui Ren 3.00 67/120
APMA 4300 V01/17998  
Kui Ren 3.00 4/99


Lect: 3.

Prerequisites: (APMA E4300) and (APMA E3102) or (APMA E4200) or APMA E3102 AND APMA E4200 AND APMA E4300; or equivalents.
Numerical solution of differential equations, in particular partial differential equations arising in various fields of application. Presentation emphasizes finite difference approaches to present theory on stability, accuracy, and convergence with minimal coverage of alternate approaches (left for other courses). Method coverage includes explicit and implicit time-stepping methods, direct and iterative solvers for boundary-value problems

Spring 2025: APMA E4301
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
APMA 4301 001/14654 T Th 11:40am - 12:55pm
1024 Seeley W. Mudd Building
Kossi Amenoagbadji 3.00 34/40
APMA 4301 V01/17999  
Kossi Amenoagbadji 3.00 1/99


Lect: 3.

Prerequisites: (APMA E4300) and APMA E4300; and application and knowledge in C, Fortran or similar complied language.
Introduction to the key concepts and issues in computational science aimed at getting students to a basic level of understanding where they can run simulations on machines aimed at a range of applications and sizes from a single workstation to modern super-computer hardware. Topics include but are not limited to basic knowledge of UNIX shells, version control systems, reproducibility, Open MP, MPI, and many-core technologies. Applications will be used throughout to demonstrate the various use cases and pitfalls of using the latest computing hardware

APMA E4306 Applied Stochastic Analysis. 3.00 points.

Prerequisites: Elementary probability theory IEOR E3658 or above, stochastic process the first part of IEOR E4106 or STAT G4264, knowledge on analysis MATH GU4601 or above, differential equations APMA E4200, numerical methods APMA E4300 & programming skills
Provides elementary introduction to fundamental ideas in stochastic analysis for applied mathematics. Core material includes: (i) review of probability theory (including limit theorems), and introduction to discrete Markov chains and Monte Carlo methods; (ii) elementary theory of stochastic process, Ito's stochastic calculus and stochastic differential equations; (iii) introductions to probabilistic representation of elliptic partial differential equations (the Fokker-Planck equation theory); (iv) stochastic approximation algorithms; and (v) asymptotic analysis of SDEs

Spring 2025: APMA E4306
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
APMA 4306 001/14667 M W 10:10am - 11:25am
545 Seeley W. Mudd Building
Shanyin Tong 3.00 23/39
APMA 4306 V01/18000  
Shanyin Tong 3.00 7/99


Lect: 3.

Prerequisites: (PHYS UN1401) and (APMA E2101) or (MATH UN2030) or or equivalents.
Introduction to physical and mathematical models of cellular and molecular biology. Physics at the cellular scale (viscosity, heat, diffusion, statistical mechanics). RNA transcription and regulation of genetic expression. Genetic and biochemical networks. Bioinformatics as applied to reverse-engineering of naturally-occurring networks and to forward-engineering of synthetic biological networks. Mathematical and physical aspects of functional genomics

APMA E4901 SEM-PROBLEMS IN APPLIED MATH. 0.00-1.00 points.

Lect: 1.

Prerequisites: MATH V3027, V3028, and V2010, or their equivalents. May be taken before or concurrently with this course.
Required for, and can be taken only by, all applied mathematics majors in the junior year. Introductory seminars on problems and techniques in applied mathematics. Typical topics are nonlinear dynamics, scientific computation, economics, operation research, etc

Fall 2024: APMA E4901
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
APMA 4901 001/13923 M W 11:40am - 12:55pm
501 Northwest Corner
Chris Wiggins 0.00-1.00 76/70

APMA E4903 SEM-PROBLEMS IN APPLIED MATH. 3.00-4.00 points.

3-4 pts. Lect: 1

Prerequisites: MATH V3007, V3028, and V2010, or their equivalents. May be taken before or concurrently with this course.
Required for all applied mathematics majors in the senior year. Term paper required. Examples of problem areas are nonlinear dynamics, asymptotics, approximation theory, numerical methods, etc. Approximately three problem areas are studied per term

Fall 2024: APMA E4903
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
APMA 4903 001/13924 M W 11:40am - 12:55pm
501 Northwest Corner
Chris Wiggins 3.00-4.00 53/70

APMA E4904 SEM-PROBLEMS IN APPLIED MATH. 3.00-4.00 points.


1-3 pts. Lect: 3.

Prerequisites: Advanced calculus and junior year applied mathematics, or their equivalents.
May be repeated for credit. Topics and instructors from the Applied Mathematics Committee and the staff change from year to year. For advanced undergraduate students and graduate students in engineering, physical sciences, biological sciences, and other fields. Examples of topics include multi-scale analysis and Applied Harmonic Analysis

Fall 2024: APMA E4990
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
APMA 4990 001/13940 M W 10:10am - 11:25am
608 Martin Luther King Building
Madison Ihrig 3.00 11/20
Spring 2025: APMA E4990
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
APMA 4990 001/14691 M W 11:40am - 12:55pm
327 Seeley W. Mudd Building
James Scott 3.00 12/39
APMA 4990 002/14692 M W 10:10am - 11:25am
141 Uris Hall
Madison Ihrig 3.00 8/20

APMA E6100 RESEARCH SEMINAR. 0.00 points.

Lect: 3. Not offered during 2023-2024 academic year.

Prerequisites: (MATH UN3027) or (APMA E4101) or (MATH UN3028) or (APMA E4200) or (MATH UN2010) or (APMA E3101) or their equivalents.
Corequisites: MATH UN3027
APMA E4101
APMA E4200
APMA E3101

An M.S. degree requirement. Students attend at least three Applied Mathematics research seminars within the Department of Applied Physics and Applied Mathematics and submit reports on each

Fall 2024: APMA E6100
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
APMA 6100 001/13942 T 4:10pm - 5:00pm
627 Seeley W. Mudd Building
Kui Ren 0.00 48/50
APMA 6100 V01/18729  
Kui Ren 0.00 9/99


Lect: 2.

Prerequisites: (APMA E3101) and (APMA E4200) APMA E3101 AND APMA E4200; or their equivalents. Advanced calculus, basic concepts in analysis, or instructor's permission.
Introduction to analytic theory of PDEs of fundamental and applied science; wave (hyperbolic), Laplace and Poisson equations (elliptic), heat (parabolic) and Schroedinger (dispersive) equations; fundamental solutions, Greens functions, weak/distribution solutions, maximum principle, energy estimates, variational methods, method of characteristics; elementary functional analysis and applications to PDEs; introduction to nonlinear PDEs, shocks; selected applications

Fall 2024: APMA E6301
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
APMA 6301 001/13949 T Th 1:10pm - 2:25pm
327 Seeley W. Mudd Building
Michael Weinstein 3.00 18/35


Lect: 2.

Prerequisites: (APMA E3102) or (APMA E4200) APMA E3102 OR APMA E4200
Numerical analysis of initial and boundary value problems for partial differential equations. Convergence and stability of the finite difference method, the spectral method, the finite element method and applications to elliptic, parabolic, and hyperbolic equations

Fall 2024: APMA E6302
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
APMA 6302 001/13953 T Th 10:10am - 11:25am
327 Seeley W. Mudd Building
Qiang Du 3.00 20/35


Lect: 3.

Prerequisites: Advanced calculus and junior year applied mathematics, or their equivalents.
May be repeated for credit. Topics and instructors from the Applied Mathematics Committee and the staff change from year to year. For students in engineering, physical sciences, biological sciences, and other fields

APMA E9101 RESEARCH I. 1.00-4.00 points.

1-4 pts.

Prerequisites: Permission of the supervising faculty member.
May be repeated. Advanced study in a special area

APMA E9102 RESEARCH II. 1.00-4.00 points.

1-4 pts.

Prerequisites: Permission of the supervising faculty member.
May be repeated. Advanced study in a special area


0 pts. Lect: 1.

Prerequisites: Instructor's permission.
Current research in problems at the interface between applied mathematics and earth and environmental sciences



Lect: 3.

Prerequisites: (PHYS UN1403) or PHYS W1403; APMA E3101; or equivalent, and differential and integral calculus.
Corequisites: APMA E3101
Basic concepts and assumptions of quantum mechanics, Schrodinger's equation, solutions for one-dimensional problems including square wells, barriers and the harmonic oscillator, introduction to the hydrogen atom, atomic physics and X-rays, electron spin

Spring 2025: APPH E3100
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
APPH 3100 001/14668 M W 1:10pm - 2:25pm
644 Seeley W. Mudd Building
Aravind Devarakonda 3.00 19/35


Lect: 3

Prerequisites: (PHYS UN1402) and (MATH UN2030) or MATH V2030 AND PHYS C1402; or equivalent.
Basic non-Euclidean coordinate systems, Newtonian Mechanics, oscillations, Greens functions, Newtonian graviation, Lagrangian mechanics, central force motion, two-body collisions, noninertial reference frames, rigid body dynamics. Applications, including GPS and feedback control systems, are emphasized throughout

Fall 2024: APPH E3200
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
APPH 3200 001/13968 M W 10:10am - 11:25am
140 Uris Hall
Elizabeth Paul 3.00 18/35


Lect: 3.

Prerequisites: APMA E3102
Corequisites: APMA E3102
Vector analysis, electrostatic fields, Laplaces equation, multipole expansions, electric fields in matter: dielectrics, magnetostatic fields, magnetic materials, and superconductors. Applications of electromagnetism to devices and research areas in applied physics

Spring 2025: APPH E3300
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
APPH 3300 001/14669 M W 10:10am - 11:25am
414 Pupin Laboratories
Xueyue Zhang 3.00 20/30


Lect: 3.

Prerequisites: (PHYS UN1201) or (PHYS UN1401) and (MATH UN1101)
Corequisites: PHYS UN1202,PHYS UN1402,MATH UN1102
This introductory course analyzes the human body from the basic principles of physics. Topics covered include the energy balance in the body, the mechanics of motion, fluid dynamics of the heart and circulation, vibrations in speaking and hearing, muscle mechanics, gas exchange and transport in the lungs, vision, structural properties and limits, electrical properties and the development and sensing of magnetic fields, and basics of equilibrium and regulatory control. In each case, a simple model of the body organ, property, or function will be derived and then applied


0-4 pts.

Prerequisites: Written permission from instructor and approval from adviser.
This course may be repeated for credit, but no more than 6 points of this course may be counted toward the satisfaction of the B.S. degree requirements. Candidates for the B.S. degree may conduct an investigation in applied physics or carry out a special project under the supervision of the staff. Credit for the course is contingent upon the submission of an acceptable thesis or final report

Fall 2024: APPH E3900
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
APPH 3900 001/21274  
Nanfang Yu 0.00-4.00 1/10
APPH 3900 002/21491  
Elizabeth Paul 0.00-4.00 0/10
APPH 3900 003/18681  
Latha Venkataraman 0.00-4.00 1/5
APPH 3900 004/19113  
Carlos Paz Soldan 0.00-4.00 6/10
Spring 2025: APPH E3900
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
APPH 3900 010/18933  
Elizabeth Paul 0.00-4.00 1/5
APPH 3900 011/18934  
Carlos Paz Soldan 0.00-4.00 4/5
APPH 3900 013/20517  
Nanfang Yu 0.00-4.00 1/5


Prerequisites: APMA E2000 AND MATH V1202 AND MATH V2030 AND PHYS W1403; or equivalents.
Introductory course is for individuals with an interest in medical physics and other branches of radiation science. Topics include basic concepts, nuclear models, semi-empirical mass formula, interaction of radiation with matter, nuclear detectors, nuclear structure and instability, radioactive decay process and radiation, particle accelerators, and fission and fusion processes and technologies

Fall 2024: APPH E4010
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
APPH 4010 001/13869 T 6:30pm - 9:00pm
610 Martin Luther King Building
Stephen Ostrow 3.00 19/25


Lab: 4.

Prerequisites: (ELEN E3401) or APPH E3300 AND ELEN E3401; or equivalent.
Typical experiments are in the areas of plasma physics, microwaves, laser applications, optical spectroscopy physics, and superconductivity

Spring 2025: APPH E4018
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
APPH 4018 001/14670  
Michael Mauel 3.00 18/35


Lect: 3.

Prerequisites: (APPH E3100) APPH E3100; APMA E3102
Corequisites: APMA E3102
Basic theory of quantum mechanics, well and barrier problems, the harmonic oscillator, angular momentum identical particles, quantum statistics, perturbation theory and applications to the quantum physics of atoms, molecules, and solids

Fall 2024: APPH E4100
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
APPH 4100 001/13969 T Th 10:10am - 11:25am
545 Seeley W. Mudd Building
Latha Venkataraman 3.00 16/45
APPH 4100 V01/20998  
Latha Venkataraman 3.00 3/99

APPH E4110 MODERN OPTICS. 3.00 points.

Lect: 3.

Prerequisites: (APPH E3300) APPH E3300
Ray optics, matrix formulation, wave effects, interference, Gaussian beams, Fourier optics, diffraction, image formation, electromagnetic theory of light, polarization and crystal optics, coherence, guided wave and fiber optics, optical elements, photons, selected topics in nonlinear optics

Spring 2025: APPH E4110
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
APPH 4110 001/14671 T Th 11:40am - 12:55pm
545 Seeley W. Mudd Building
Nanfang Yu 3.00 19/35
APPH 4110 V01/18832  
Nanfang Yu 3.00 2/99

APPH E4112 LASER PHYSICS. 3.00 points.

Lect: 3.

Prerequisites: Recommended but not required: APPH E3100 and APPH E3300 or their equivalents.
Optical resonators, interaction of radiation and atomic systems, theory of laser oscillation, specific laser systems, rate processes, modulation, detection, harmonic generation, and applications

Fall 2024: APPH E4112
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
APPH 4112 001/13971 T Th 11:40am - 12:55pm
545 Seeley W. Mudd Building
Nanfang Yu 3.00 21/35
APPH 4112 V01/17549  
Nanfang Yu 3.00 6/99

APPH E4114 Quantum and Nonlinear Photonics. 3.00 points.

Prerequisites: APPH E3300 AND PHYS W3008
Advanced senior-level/MS/PhD course covering interaction of laser light with matter in both classical and quantum domains. First half introduces microscopic origin of optical nonlinearities through formal derivation of nonlinear susceptibilities, emphasis on second- and third-order optical processes. Topics include Maxwell's wave equation, and nonlinear optical processes such as second-harmonic, difference frequency generation, four-wave mixing, and self-phase modulation, including various applications of processes such as frequency conversion, and optical parametric amplifiers and oscillators. Second half describes two-level atomic systems and quantization of electromagnetic field. Descriptions of coherent, Fock, and squeezed states of light discussed and techniques to generate such states outlined

Spring 2025: APPH E4114
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
APPH 4114 001/14672 W 1:10pm - 3:40pm
545 Seeley W. Mudd Building
Alexander Gaeta 3.00 9/30
APPH 4114 V01/18833  
Alexander Gaeta 3.00 3/99


Lect: 3.

Prerequisites: (PHYS UN1403) or (PHYS UN1602) and (MATH UN1202) or (MATH UN2030) General physics PHYS C1401x, C1402y, C1403x, C1601x, and C1602y, freshman mathematics including ordinary differential equations MATH V1201 and MATH V1202, MATH E1210. Familiarity in thermodynamics, electromagnetism, quantum mechanics, solid-state
The physics of solar energy including solar radiation, the analemma, atmospheric efforts, thermodynamics of solar energy, physics of solar cells, energy storage and transmission, and physics and economics in the solar era

Fall 2024: APPH E4130
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
APPH 4130 001/13973 M W 1:10pm - 2:25pm
545 Seeley W. Mudd Building
Julian Chen 3.00 25/35
APPH 4130 V01/17517  
Julian Chen 3.00 2/99

APPH E4164 Electric Field Effects in Catalysis. 1.50 point.

Real-time exposition of an emerging area of study at the interface between chemistry, physics, engineering, and biology to understand and control how electric fields can be used to catalyze chemical transformations. Taught by a cross-disciplinary group of faculty. Topics covered: (1) theoretical underpinnings for catalysis in nanoscale electrical environments, (2) experimental tools used to study these chemical transformations, (3) experimental demonstrations of catalysis in electric fields. Each topic will draw on elements of organometallic/organic catalysis, quantum mechanics, enzymatic catalysis, and nano electronics to form the basis for understanding this new branch of catalytic science

APPH E4200 PHYSICS OF FLUIDS. 3.00 points.

Lect: 3.

Prerequisites: (APMA E3102) or (PHYS UN1401) or (PHYS UN1601) or or equivalents.
An introduction to the physical behavior of fluids for science and engineering students. Derivation of basic equations of fluid dynamics: conservation of mass, momentum, and energy. Dimensional analysis. Vorticity. Laminar boundary layers. Potential flow. Effects of compressibility, stratification, and rotation. Waves on a free surface; shallow water equations. Turbulence

Fall 2024: APPH E4200
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
APPH 4200 001/13984 Th 4:10pm - 6:40pm
401 Chandler
Lorenzo Polvani 3.00 8/35


Lect: 3.

Prerequisites: (APMA E3101) and (APMA E3102) and (APPH E4200) APMA E3101 AND APMA E3102 AND APPH E4200; or equivalents or instructor's permission.
Fundamental concepts in the dynamics of rotating, stratified flows. Geostrophic and hydrostatic balances, potential vorticity, f and beta plane approximations, gravity and Rossby waves, geostrophic adjustment and quasigeostrophy, baroclinic and barotropic instabilities, Sverdrup balance, boundary currents, Ekman layers


Prerequisites: APPH E3300
Overview of properties and interactions of static electric and magnetic fields. Study of phenomena of time dependent electric and magnetic fields including induction, waves, and radiation as well as special relativity. Applications are emphasized

Fall 2024: APPH E4300
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
APPH 4300 001/13976 W 4:10pm - 6:40pm
337 Seeley W. Mudd Building
Alexander Gaeta 3.00 31/35


Lect: 3.

Prerequisites: (PHYS UN3008) or (APPH E3300) APPH E3300 AND PHYS W3008
Definition of a plasma. Plasmas in laboratories and nature, plasma production. Motion of charged particles in electric and magnetic fields, adiabatic invariants. Heuristic treatment of collisions, diffusion, transport, and resistivity. Plasma as a conducting fluid. Electrostatic and magnetostatic equilibria of plasmas. Waves in cold plasmas. Demonstration of laboratory plasma behavior, measurement of plasma properties. Illustrative problems in fusion, space, and nonneutral or beam plasmas


Lect: 3.

Prerequisites: (APPH E4010) APPH E4010; or equivalent.
Corequisites: APPH E4010
Interface between clinical practice and quantitative radiation biology. Microdosimetry, dose-rate effects and biological effectiveness thereof; radiation biology data, radiation action at the cellular and tissue level; radiation effects on human populations, carcinogenesis, genetic effects; radiation protection; tumor control, normal-tissue complication probabilities; treatment plan optimization

Fall 2024: APPH E4330
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
APPH 4330 001/13877 Th 6:00pm - 8:00pm
1106b Seeley W. Mudd Building
Marco Zaider 3.00 5/15

APPH E4500 HEALTH PHYSICS. 3.00 points.

Lect: 3.

Prerequisites: (APPH E4600) APPH E4600 OR APPH E6380
Corequisites: APPH E4600
Fundamental principles and objectives of health physics (radiation protection), the quantities of radiation dosimetry (the absorbed dose, equivalent dose, and effective dose) used to evaluate human radiation risks, elementary shielding calculations and protection measures for clinical environments, characterization and proper use of health physics instrumentation, and regulatory and administrative requirements of health physics programs in general and as applied to clinical activities

Spring 2025: APPH E4500
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
APPH 4500 001/15009 M 5:30pm - 8:00pm
252 Georgian (Nursing)
Peter Caracappa 3.00 6/10



0 pts. Lect: 1.

Required for all graduate students in the Medical Physics Program. Practicing professionals and faculty in the field present selected topics in medical physics

Spring 2025: APPH E4550
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
APPH 4550 001/15025 M 9:00am - 10:15am
612 Martin Luther King Building
Cheng Wuu 0.00 7/10


Lect: 3.

Prerequisites: (APPH E4010) or APPH E4010 OR APPH E4500; or equivalent.
Corequisites: APPH E4010
Basic radiation physics: radioactive decay, radiation producing devices, characteristics of the different types of radiation (photons, charged and uncharged particles) and mechanisms of their interactions with materials. Essentials of the determination, by measurement and calculation, of absorbed doses from ionizing radiation sources used in medical physics (clinical) situations and for health physics purposes

Fall 2024: APPH E4600
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
APPH 4600 001/13870 W 4:00pm - 6:50pm
606 Lewisohn Hall
Sean Berry 3.00 8/20


Lect: 1. Lab: 4.

Prerequisites: (APPH E4010) or APPH E4010
Corequisites: APPH E4010
Lab fee: $50. Theory and use of alpha, beta, gamma, and X-ray detectors and associated electronics for counting, energy spectroscopy, and dosimetry; radiation safety; counting statistics and error propagation; mechanisms of radiation emission and interaction. (Topic coverage may be revised.)

Fall 2024: APPH E4710
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
APPH 4710 001/13874 M 5:00pm - 9:00pm
214 Seeley W. Mudd Building
Stephen Ostrow, Marco Zaider 3.00 7/15


Lect: 1. Lab: 4.

Prerequisites: (APPH E4010) or APPH E4710
Corequisites: APPH E4010
Lab fee: $50. Additional detector types; applications and systems including coincidence, low-level, and liquid scintillation counting; neutron activation; TLD dosimetry, gamma camera imaging. (Topic coverage may be revised.)


Lect: 1.

Required for, and can be taken only by, all applied physics majors and minors in the junior year. Discussion of specific and self-contained problems in areas such as applied electrodynamics, physics of solids, and plasma physics. Topics change yearly

Fall 2024: APPH E4901
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
APPH 4901 001/13985 M W 11:40am - 12:55pm
829 Seeley W. Mudd Building
Michael Mauel 1.00 14/35


Lect: 1. Tutorial:1.

Required for, and can be taken only by, all applied physics majors in the senior year. Discussion of specific and self-contained problems in areas such as applied electrodynamics, physics of solids, and plasma physics. Formal presentation of a term paper required. Topics change yearly

Fall 2024: APPH E4903
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
APPH 4903 001/13986 M W 11:40am - 12:55pm
829 Seeley W. Mudd Building
Michael Mauel 2.00 15/35


Prerequisites: Instructor's permission.
May be repeated for credit. Topics and instructors change from year to year. For advanced undergraduate students and graduate students in engineering, physical sciences, and other fields

Spring 2025: APPH E4990
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
APPH 4990 001/14673 M 4:10pm - 6:40pm
227 Seeley W. Mudd Building
Carlos Paz Soldan, Piero Martin 3.00 14/35

APPH E6081 SOLID STATE PHYSICS I. 3.00 points.

Lect: 3.

Prerequisites: (APPH E3100) APPH E3100; or the equivalent. Knowledge of statistical physics on the level of MSAE E3111 or PHYS GU4023 strongly recommended.
Crystal structure, reciprocal lattices, classification of solids, lattice dynamics, anharmonic effects in crystals, classical electron models of metals, electron band structure, and low-dimensional electron structures

APPH E6091 Magnetism and magnetic materials. 3 points.

Lect. 3. Not offered during 2023-2024 academic year.

Prerequisites: (MSAE E4206) or (APPH E6081) MSAE E4206, APPH E6081, or equivalent.

Types of magnetism. Band theory of ferromagnetism. Magnetic metals, insulators, and semiconductors. Magnetic nanostructures: ultrathin films, superlattices, and particles. Surface magnetism and spectroscopies. High speed magnetization dynamics. Spin electronics.

APPH E6101 PLASMA PHYSICS I. 3.00 points.

Lect: 3.

Prerequisites: (APPH E4300) APPH E4300
Debye screening. Motion of charged particles in space- and time-varying electromagnetic fields. Two-fluid description of plasmas. Linear electrostatic and electromagnetic waves in unmagnetized and magnetized plasmas. The magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) model, including MHD equilibrium, stability, and MHD waves in simple geometries

Fall 2024: APPH E6101
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
APPH 6101 001/13988 M W 1:10pm - 2:25pm
233 Seeley W. Mudd Building
Gerald Navratil 3.00 14/35

APPH E6102 PLASMA PHYSICS II. 3.00 points.

Lect: 3.

Prerequisites: (APPH E6101) APPH E6101
Magnetic coordinates. Equilibrium, stability, and transport of torodial plasmas. Ballooning and tearing instabilities. Kinetic theory, including Vlasov equation, Fokker-Planck equation, Landau damping, kinetic transport theory. Drift instabilities

Spring 2025: APPH E6102
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
APPH 6102 001/14674 M W 1:10pm - 2:25pm
327 Seeley W. Mudd Building
Carlos Paz Soldan 3.00 15/35


Lect: 3.

Prerequisites: (APPH E4010) APPH E4010; or equivalent.
Introduction to the instrumentation and physics used in clinical nuclear medicine and PET with an emphasis on detector systems, tomography and quality control. Problem sets, papers and term project

Spring 2025: APPH E6319
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
APPH 6319 001/15011 T 5:30pm - 8:00pm
406 Hamilton Hall
Pat Zanzonico 3.00 9/10


Lect: 3.

Prerequisites: (APPH E4600) APPH E4600
Physics of medical imaging. Imaging techniques: radiography, fluoroscopy, computed tomography, mammography, ultrasound, magnetic resonance. Includes conceptual, mathematical/theoretical, and practical clinical physics aspects

Spring 2025: APPH E6330
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
APPH 6330 001/15014 W 5:30pm - 8:30pm
612 Martin Luther King Building
Boyu Peng 3.00 9/10


Prerequisites: APPH E6335; Grade of B+ or better in APPH E6335 and instructor's permission.
Students spend two to four days per week studying the clinical aspects of radiation therapy physics. Projects on the application of medical physics in cancer therapy within a hospital environment are assigned; each entails one or two weeks of work and requires a laboratory report. Two areas are emphasized: 1. computer-assisted treatment planning (design of typical treatment plans for various treatment sites including prostate, breast, head and neck, lung, brain, esophagus, and cervix) and 2. clinical dosimetry and calibrations (radiation measurements for both photon and electron beams, as well as daily, monthly, and part of annual QA)

Fall 2024: APPH E6333
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
APPH 6333 001/13878  
Cheng Wuu 3.00 2/8


Lect: 3.

Prerequisites: (APPH E4600) APPH E4600; APPH E4330 recommended.
Review of X-ray production and fundamentals of nuclear physics and radioactivity. Detailed analysis of radiation absorption and interactions in biological materials as specifically related to radiation therapy and radiation therapy dosimetry. Surveys of use of teletherapy isotopes and X-ray generators in radiation therapy plus the clinical use of interstitial and intracavitary isotopes. Principles of radiation therapy treatment planning and isodose calculations. Problem sets taken from actual clinical examples are assigned

Spring 2025: APPH E6335
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
APPH 6335 001/15023 Th 5:00pm - 8:00pm
612 Martin Luther King Building
Cheng Wuu 3.00 8/10


Lect: 3.

Prerequisites: (APPH E6335) APPH E6335
Advanced technology applications in radiation therapy physics, including intensity modulated, image guided, stereotactic, and hypofractionated radiation therapy. Emphasis on advanced technological, engineering, clinical, and quality assurance issues associated with high technology radiation therapy and the special role of the medical physicist in the safe clinical application of these tools

Fall 2024: APPH E6336
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
APPH 6336 001/13886 W 2:00pm - 5:00pm
414 Schapiro Cepser
Cheng Wuu 3.00 1/10


Lab: 6.

Prerequisites: APPH6330; Grade of B+ or better in APPH E6330 and instructor's permission.
Practical applications of diagnostic radiology for various measurements and equipment assessments. Instruction and supervised practice in radiation safety procedures, image quality assessments, regulatory compliance, radiation dose evaluations and calibration of equipment. Students participate in clinical QC of the following imaging equipment: radiologic units (mobile and fixed), fluoroscopy units (mobile and fixed), angiography units, mammography units, CT scanners, MRI units and ultrasound units. The objective is familiarization in routine operation of test instrumentation and QC measurements utilized in diagnostic medical physics. Students are required to submit QC forms with data on three different types of radiology imaging equipment

Fall 2024: APPH E6340
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
APPH 6340 001/13880  
Boyu Peng 3.00 1/10


Lab: 6.

Prerequisites: APPH E6319; Grade of B+ or better in APPH E6319 and instructor's permission.
Practical applications of nuclear medicine theory and application for processing and analysis of clinical images and radiation safety and quality assurance programs. Topics may include tomography, instrumentation, and functional imaging. Reports

Fall 2024: APPH E6365
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
APPH 6365 001/13881  
Klaus Hamacher 3.00 1/3


Lab: 6.

Prerequisites: APPH E4500; Grade of B+ or better in APPH E4500 and instructor's permission.
Corequisites: APPH E4500
Radiation protection practices and procedures for clinical and biomedical research environments. Includes design, radiation safety surveys of diagnostic and therapeutic machine source facilities, the design and radiation protection protocols for facilities using unsealed sources of radioactivity – nuclear medicine suites and sealed sources – brachytherapy suites. Also includes radiation protection procedures for biomedical research facilities and the administration of programs for compliance to professional health physics standards and federal and state regulatory requirements for the possession and use of radioactive materials and machine sources of ionizing and non ionizing radiations in clinical situations. Individual topics are decided by the student and the collaborating Clinical Radiation Safety Officer

Fall 2024: APPH E6380
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
APPH 6380 001/13883  
Peter Caracappa 3.00 0/10


Sem: 3.Not offered during 2023-2024 academic year.

May be repeated for credit. Selected topics in applied physics. Topics and instructors change from year to year

Spring 2025: APPH E9143
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
APPH 9143 001/14676 T Th 2:40pm - 3:55pm
227 Seeley W. Mudd Building
Elizabeth Paul 3.00 8/35


Prerequisites: CHEE E3010 AND MSAE E3111; or equivalent.
Course is aimed at senior undergraduate and graduate students. Introduces fundamental ideas, concepts, and approaches in soft condensed matter with emphasis on biomolecular systems. Covers the broad range of molecular, nanoscale, and colloidal phenomena with revealing their mechanisms and physical foundations. The relationship between molecular architecture and interactions and macroscopic behavior are discussed for the broad range of soft and biological matter systems, from surfactants and liquid crystals to polymers, nanoparticles, and biomolecules. Modern characterization methods for soft materials, including X-ray scattering, molecular force probing, and electron microcopy are reviewed. Example problems, drawn from the recent scientific literature, link the studied materials to the actively developed research areas. Course grade based on midterm and final exams, weekly homework assignments, and final individual/team project


Lect: 3.

Prerequisites: (CHEN E3210) Elementary statistics, thermodynamics, some familiarity with Python, or instructor's permission.
Boltzmann’s entropy hypothesis and its restatement to calculate the Helmholtz and Gibbs free energies and the grand potential. Applications to interfaces, liquid crystal displays, polymeric materials, crystalline solids, heat capacity and electrical conductivity of crystalline materials, fuel cell solid electrolytes, rubbers, surfactants, molecular self assembly, ferroelectricity. Computational methods for molecular systems. Monte Carlo (MC) and molecular dynamics (MD) simulation methods. MC method applied to liquid-gas and ferromagnetic phase transitions. Deterministic MD simulations of isolated gases and liquids. Stochastic MD simulation methods

Spring 2025: CHAP E4120
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
CHAP 4120 001/15144 T 5:40pm - 8:25pm
326 Uris Hall
Ben O'Shaughnessy 3.00 22/85

PSAM UN3707 Persuasion at scale: causal inference, machine learning, and evidence-based understanding of the information environment. 3.00 points.

By employing statistical and computational methods, including randomized controlled trials, natural experiments, and machine learning techniques, students will engage directly with real-world data to uncover the intricacies of persuasion across different sectors, including but not limited to quantifying the effects of partisan media, social media, and political campaigns. The course will also delve into the historical evolution of these persuasive techniques, providing students with a rich contextual background to better understand current trends and anticipate future developments. This course fulfills the quantitative methods requirement for the Political Science major

Spring 2025: PSAM UN3707
Course Number Section/Call Number Times/Location Instructor Points Enrollment
PSAM 3707 001/17626 M W 11:40am - 12:55pm
313 Fayerweather
Chris Wiggins, Eunji Kim 3.00 63/70